HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 104, May 1, 1911e IF
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...Ata rogular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chambers In
}A the dity Hall,.in the City of Paducah, Kentuoky: May LSA•.. 1911 Upon osll of the tell
r ,the following answered to their names;—Foreman, Barnes, Breadfeotg Duvall, Farley HannS
Hartong Kreutzer', Lally, Leigh, Mayor awl Roof. (12).
;.. On motion the minutes of. the previous meeting wee adopted as read.
On motion by member Hannin, the monthly report of the Treasurer and the Additer-''; ;....
' was . at000Wed and filed:'
On motion by the above, the finance allowance for salaries oto., was allowed and
jthe Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on.the Treasdrer for the respective aaiounts,',.,:-.�
upon .oall of the roll by the following vote; Yens Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot Duvall
!Paisley, I1 nning Harton, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by the .above, the sale of-the Delinquent Tax Bills for the year 1910";
.1 by the Treasurer and Auditor, was .received and filed.
On motion by the'above the Payment of
"' r-c' • . I :• r Pc3'e► ,76•]'7.66 wee ordered made to A.J.Miller do
3eng`with'a Treasurorge warrent,.for estimates furnished by the City Engineers Upon call
of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman,, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvallg Farley's. n
:•..Hanain•, Hartong Kroutzerg Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)'
On motion by the above, the Mayor was authorized to bowrow $13,000.00 for the
021`'rQuw% expenses of the City for the months of May and June '1911, payable out of the collections:
s , .,• made oh the Taxes in June, same. charged -to ]Bills Payable Account, until paids Upon oall i
of the roll by the following .voto;-Yeas .Foreman, Darnea, Broadfoot s Duvall, Farley,.
t Hanning Hatton, Kreutzor, Lally, Leigh, Moyer and Roof. (12)
} On motion by the above, the request.from the Fire Chief.to purchase Wire enough
�to extend the Signal fire' alarm service 5 miles, recomended .by the Finance Committees 1�1
Isame was oonoured—in, Upon oall .of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes,-
Broa1foot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin,.Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof.. (12)
On motion by the above, the notion of the Finance Committee, in regard to the
Purchasing of t nE 3,dozen new badges for the officers •f .the Police department, including
badge for.the electrical Inspector,.to be paid-for at the expe.nas of the City, a m•;
ohrried. tti
�r en,.;
}On motion by the above, the Finance ooamittes*were given power to mot in regard'
�yLo•,the.changes at the Peat House, Upon ball of .the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Fera.
I "1
man,. Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall 1. Farley, Hannini Hartong Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Meyer
VA, l'. � . .. ... -
3 and Roof. (12)
On motion by.tho above, the Sale of a Franchise to operate street cera ever,
certain Streets in the City of Paducah, was ratified and coneursd—in
, Upon call of the ,
roll•by the following vete; Yens Foreman, Barnes,, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hanning
Hayton, Kreutzer, Lallyg Leigh, Idayer and Roof. ('12)
On motion by the above, Mr. Ell 6. Boone Park Commissioner, was authorized. to
r; obtainr deeds. from Mrs 'Matilda Sutherland for $450.00 and .Patrick MoOarrigal for OU0.00'
or property to open South 10th,. street for, a Boulivnrd, Upon call of, the roll by the
following vote;. Yeaa Foreuman,'Barnes jlBroadfoot, Duva11� .Parleys Running Hatton, Krait
� 1
a .
zero Lally, Leigh,:Mayer and
Pa :rL Y1VIYlpf l�fl ti Ly 7 ' '1 ' .}I }Yii +1•'i 1* ,1 �i1�I li �']l fti
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On action by the above the monthly report of the Cit
,. � Y y Weigher was received ^and'
filed. �!
t ` On motion qy the above, A, RESOLUTION RP••VOKING AILD REPr!.' Ir 10. WHAT NPa RIGHT OR Ij
L t
passage, upon call of the roll by the following•vote;-Yeas Per ennnI'Barnes , Broadfoot,
Duvall,.Farley, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and Roof. (12) '
On motion by the above, the rules ware suspended on the,above, Resolution, Upon
+:=:{'call of the roll by the followingvote;-Yeas Foreman Darnel Droadfoot Duval :
, , , , 1, Parley,
' ;;•. �Hannin, Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
• ! On notion by the above, the above Resolution, was given its seoond and final pass
14ge, by,this Board, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman,-:larnes, Dred
foot, Duvall, Farley, Harty Horton, Kreutzer, Lally, Lel&, ltayer and Roof. (12)
On motion by member Lally, an estimate warrent was ordered drawn by the Treasurer
ayable to G.W.Katterjolm for ,0,1832.67 on w-irk done in.Mechanioeburg, Upon call. of the roll
(q a LGA r.
j:.:: ;
by the following vote;-Yens Foreman, Barnes, Droadfoot, Duvall, Farley, 1.1ruu1in, Horton, �
Kreutzer, Lally,'Leigh, Mayer euul Roof. (12) �.
On notion by the above, a conunication iron Mrs Bettie Thomas presented by her
!;attorney E.W.Bsgby in regard to improvenonts made on her property on North 13th. street,
same was referred to the City Solicitor and Street Committee, with power to sot, Upon,oell
`I..of the roll b the
y follwi nP; vote;-Teas Foreman, Barnes, Broo,edfoot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin,
..,Hartong Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (12)
!I On motion by the above, a dged to g lot of ground from Chas K. Wheeler and Wife.
! ro �is the City of Paducah, ah OuthrierAve, was referred to the Rtreot Conunittes, City Engineer,j'.
{and City Solicitor.
On notion by the-above, the action of .then Street Comnitteo 4n regard to the !.'•,. {. .
�Dedicatien.of a piece of ground to the City from the I.C.R.R;Company, •for street purPosee,
. t6 l/y''7a,�,,,,: bl>l* ;cation of the Street. Committee was oonured-in, Upgn call of the roll by the following
eeL t• i ',vote;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Duvall, Farley, Hannin, Ilc:rton, Lally, Leigh and Roof. (9)llays :'• .
'� }
' ,Broadfeot, Kreutzer and Meyer. (3)
r1 On motion by member Barnes, the above was reconsidered, in regard to the I.C. I i'
R.R.Compahy dedicating the above land to the City, Upon call of the roll by the fellowiny,
vete;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Farley, l(rnnin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally,, iff j'
r� i,Leigh, Mayer arul Roof. (l2)
' On motion by the• above, that the above Dedication be accepted, same wae killed,., z:
I '•sj;�
'Upon call of the roll,by the following vete;-Yeas None, Nays Fireman, Barnes, Droadfoot, j
iDuvall, Farley, .ftannin, Herten, Kreutzer Lally, LeiP,h,. Mayer arul Roof. (12)
On motion by member Kreutzer, a petition for the removal of a Street Light from 1,•' ,I
a�t►u s r Fidoebel Ave. and tennessee street to about 75 or 100 feet where Guthrie A4e Jntaraoote k..:i,, i
l.hTennessee street, same was referred to the Board.of Publio Works.'.
On notion by member Roof, a petition for Water from residents anrl'.property:,ovmers
' ®GY.ttit►�en Clay street between 19th. & 21st. streets was referred to the Peulucah Water Co.'
, •'r rpt a _ ,.
r , ,
{' `••:" ',i• to .. ,. .- _ ,- ,Rr.- �
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Onmotion b y somber Mayers the monthly report of the Chief of Police, was reoeivid'
awl filed.
�jj^'�Q _f On motion by member Hanning the appllost ion of.Ed. Mathera for a Retail Coffoen:-;~
-; ' RouaoLioonse 'at 7 104. Washin �'
'.. Washington lftreot was referred to the License Committee.
• •.',.;=.:
• On motion by member Leigh,•the Chief of the Fire Department and Police and Fire
. Qf •
0012mitteetget up on'ordinance regulating buildings *to., together with a Contraotert not•.
to+exosod $25.00 same carried..
(.�G�(+i+++�• �-•. i 'On motion by member Lally, an—ordinance—regulating Automobiles, 'waa referred to
the Ordinance Committee.
and City Solicitor.
On motion by the abovei.the Chief of Police was instructed to etrickly Wbroe'
the ordinance probhibiting riding Dyciclea on the side,walka:'•.
t, On motion by member Hanning the City Clark and City Solicitor were in*
atrvoted to
y. 9_-•I k .`
the, proper transfer as requested, to a Lot in Oak (trove Cemetery to 1Ir: Chas 1:66ri .
On motion -by the,abovo,,a'Resolution repealing the Resolution passed by the
' General Council April lath. 1910 for the sale of Lets in Oak Grove Cemetery and aAdditl*n
wae'given first passage, Upon call of the -roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foreman,.
Bornesi Droadfoot, Duvall, Parlay, Hanning Hartong Kreutzer,'Lallyp'.Leigh, Mayer anis,
!, Roof. (12)
On motion the rules were suspended on the above Resolutions Upon call of the
roll b the follow
Y ing vote,;—Yeas Foremen Darnea� Broadfoot� Duvall, Hanning Farley]
;t;+ '• +``' Hart on, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh 1.1 or and Roof: (12)..
On motion by the'above, the above Resolution was. given second and final `.,.
' Won dell of the roll by the following vote;—Yeas Foremen, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duva11�..
( Farkey' Hanning Hartong Kreutzer Lall Yr Leigh, Mayor and Roof. 12)
' On motion'by the above, that a Tont-be placed at, Oak Grove Cemetery and Addition;...
q for the benifit of the Public during bad weather, same wae'tablod.
-'. On motion. by the 'above, a petition from resident.a and property owners Toro
•, ���' on 24th. street from •Washington'to .Clark atreets, .waa referred to the Strbet Committee:
On motion by the above, the Committee Clerk was authorized to get bide for the
lettering of the doore'ancd numbering also for a directory at the entrance of the
•� Elevator.
,. ,:.L;'' On motion by the above, the notion of the Upper Board. in regard to
g a Bridge.
George Street bei �
• g ng oonatruotod�
' '
same was referred to the Auditory to see -if their is
enough funds fpr-aame:
On motion b
3t•'.., • •', �J y member Duvall, a Resolution for the -improvement of laorth 10th.street ...
between Clay.and Trimble atroetap,with Sidewalks Curbs and Guttorap all of the above to
be done under. Ton Year plan d7as vee first paean a
�. s given g p.Upon call of the roll by the.';
following vote; Yeas' Foreman, 'Barnesq Brondfgot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin,' Hartong Rrevt
zer,,,Lally,Leigh, liver and.Roof. (12)
On motion the rules. were suspended on: the '&bevel' Upon "call of the roll by the
,• ?>.t;:, following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes'Broadfoot, Duvallf Farley, Hannin�'Hort.on� Krout-.,
'zerj-Lally, Leigh, Uo$rer and Roof.'
the aboves -the above Resolution Was given second and final aesa -
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. ,_, ;COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY ,QF ADUCAH- .' _ ,1911,• v �7.
_ - ;.
_ ��,t'.; ,upon call of the roll by. the following votes -yeas Foreman�.11arnes� Broadfaot� nuvall.I 'a 7:
', # I, >t
� ? '1?' , � Farley, Hanning 11arton, Kroutzer� Lally, Lei0v ldeyeb and Root. (12) `, ', I t,, �`
.. . �,.
,c On motion by member Farley,the Chief of Polios was instruotod.to notify his'
I.,L men te, etrickly enforce the 1lumaine Lnwa.I.,
,I j . -On motion by member Duvall�-the City Solicitor was instructed to.biing in an,
' .
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C� ,,.fk% ,, , -s, ,Ordinance rogulating and probhibiting skating on the Sidewalks. ; .' � a
...,!° otia� 1.On motion by membor Hanning the matter,of-obtaining bids keeping the City i
. .. � Vii' .1 g
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Hall clock and the Baptist Church Clock in repairs seuso was roforrod to the Finanoa ComniE;," i.
, - I ----- ----On motion the Board Adjourned-------------=--------- ------ ;':
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