HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 10, February 21, 1910t 7. At -a regular meeting of the.Board.of Councilmen, held In the council Chamber, In •City -tkg Hall, in the City.0f. Podussho Kentucky.,, February 21at, igio.. vpoa coal or the i o.0 roll• the following answered to their Budd*, Duvall, Hernia, Eortq Ont-Kroutzer,lially, Leign, Meyer, lilCAartny, %*-VjiBono (12) I. tit" Oa.ftot% A,by member Lhight that the minutes Of the orevioua meeting resonsider I. -be N;' In regard to. the action taken on H.Well & Sons Distillery being ox*uptbdg same earro led; Upon sell of the roll by the following voto;7%Y can } Norman, Bower, Budd*, Duvall, Cr ,r Hannin, Horton, Kreutzer, 1^11Y, I,OIFJ)t.Mayf?g McCarthy and Wilson (12) �0 On motion by member Bower, the minutes of the previous meeting, was adopted with the above roo,,naideration. On II motion by member U . uvall, a petition from the Paduoah,; Cooperage Co.,rbr over Isis'e'aaments was referred to the Finance committee.. On notion by )Rmb*r Hapnin,. the. Semi-monthly allowance 69;the Fln once Committee; "I for'SLI&rl Go & GtO., was allowed and the Clark.ordered to dray; a warrant on the Trossur-` or for -the arc . spostivejamounte. Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -rite Foreman Flower, Budder Duvall# Hannin, Hartong ireutter, Lally, Leigh, May*r, MoCarthyp rand Wilson. (12) On notion by the, stove, a bill from James Segenfelter for drugs date) Silit. 17tk. 1908-t.waa referred to the Finance Committee. On NiOtiOn.bY the abovet a charge was oreolerd shmaged from Coat Sluto to the 04) ContinNuent Fund, witereby the City Solicitor and Alderman Laskeyta expenses had been charged On going thoPrankfort Ky, , In sonsuring in the Upper Board, On Notion by the above, that the Will of William Borneman for a Chairty Tmrd.st River Bid e-Hoapital by the City ratifying the action of the Hospital Boardh, In sesepting the devIse.or $2500,00 from Ws.Born eman for the maintenance of a Chairty Ward In the City Hospital, and that the City accept the proposition of the Hospital Board act, out in the Copy of the record of the Hospital Board, Which Se hereby --ordered spread an the Journal. That the Auditor be Instructed to charge the City an hie books Rash year, be- ginning with the ensuing year, the sun of 11125.00 for the maintenance of a Chairty Ward In the City Hospital for a period of 50 years, and to be. carried &a a ap4*6 I anport, lonment charge or tI25.00 each yqar for the purpose or maintaining a ChaIrty Ward In' the Clty*Hoapital. (see minutes of Hospital Board Spread on ME.'JOMAL OF THE PROCEED-' INGS OF THE ALDMEH, PAGE 9 YEAR 1910.) After being duly second same carried, Upon call or the roll by the following vote;-Yoaa Foreman, Bower Budd@, Duvall, Hannan, Horton, YToutzer, Lally, Laighp Mayor, McCarthy aNd ftln"n. (12) On motion by the aboyst t he Mayor "a authorized to sign & Contrast with the Paducah 098 & Electric Co.,st,the roto of C15.00 not per month fo# power to run the In the City Hall, Upon call Of the roll by. the fnllowlng vote; -YooLaPoremen, h�, Bower, Budd@, Duvall, Hanning Horton, Kreutzer, LaIlYj lAighp bleyarg McCarth*y, end Wilson. (12) On notion by member Bower, the Bide & ate,, for new -City Jail" oelis'ln the i, 'referred to the.palliaImprovem ant C '1ttGO9 with POWOrAO &Ott Upon call of the roll, by the 'following vote; -rite poigoan 'rYBw*r,'Sutddqi Duvall, Horatio. Hartong. Kroutt*r, Lq lgk,. Mey or, McCarthy and Yll�on. , , t 7. d 1 tf 'II i5�. SSL f�S� �,�'3,y`t �'fyfi,Yj r.. S'L�Ny,�s'l ,- lRNv�-.t:•,. ~.l""tt, i1 '� u� M�� -r4 s4 ht -:.'1"r C't it :�41 _ICHrt„�, �i1 L1y4 ,Kc ,s. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CrrY OF PADUCAH: [( (910' ,, tt L ••- On Notion by, member Lally, _AN OFI)INANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE, 'F7ITITLEI) • AN • y f ORDINANCE FIXING' THE 8A[.ARY OF THE CITY CLFib(':OR THF: CITY .OP �PADUUAH, KENTUCKY, • APPRLN® I, r' I BY D,A,YFISER, MAYOR, JUNE 6th, 1903.+was P.Sren first .passage, upon sell ofthe roll by l -�• - :'," the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Dower,'Budde, Duvall, Mann1n, Harlon, Kreutzer, tial ly, •i .. �. . , Neigh, Mayor, McCarthy and -Wilson, (I2) u Vdr - On Notion by the above, All. ORDINANCF..FIXINO THE SALARY OP.TdE I'OT,ICI-" AND PINE:y. MEN OF THE CITY'OF PADUCAd, KENTUCKY, was glvon first PaeeaFe, unit osll.of the roll by tithe following vote;=Ysea Foreman, Bower, Budds, Huultn, Norton,Krsutser, Kreutzer, Ially,,f i Leigh, Mayer, Ys Carthy and W11eun, (II) Nays Duvall, (I) On Nutloa by the. above, AN ORDINANCE: AUTHORIZING THF,YATOR OF THE CITY OF PAD 1• ,Cj„or Lam"✓ "'� UCNI TO R PLOY' ASIAN TO OPF.FATF THE. ELEVATOR.. IN THF,.CITY HALL IN THE CITY OPIPADUCAH,-KY,;I•, was glven flrey passage, Upon call of tits roll by the following vote;-Yese Foreman, Rower i 1, . �,$Jilt�.t• �. L e Budde" DuvallL HanninMartonL Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Maer, UoCnrthY and Wilson. (I2) On motion byLthe above, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE,).ENTITL.E D, " AN i ORDINANCE. AUF'NDIIIG ORDINANCE N0, 917, ENTITE,ED, ." AN ORDINANCE. FSTABISSEIINO TIIF OFFICE p �A bL OF EUPEPINTENDEHT OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AND PRF.9CFIDINO THE: DUTIES THFAF:OF AND • I •��I j Id ALSO PROVTBINO FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ENOINERR, FIREMAN AILD LAMP TRIWI.F.N OF SAID ELECTRIC - ! GIO;R WANT, •ADOPTED BY TIIF OFNF.PAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY ON PADUCAIi OCTO➢F:R 7thJ90 ' i I ' AND APPPOVED BY JA'/.F.li,M, LAZIO MAYOR OCTOBER 7th. I I, was Svn flint t . 7 9O g Poneegs, upon erll�- ,' I. � of the roll by the following vote;-Yese Foreman, Bower, Budde, Duvnll, Hannan, II'arton, I - Kreutzer, Tally, Leigh, Mayer, MsCmthy and Wilson, (12) 11 n yl On motion by the above, the rules were suspends on i; ; AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING AN •', U �. ORDINANCE., FNTITI,FD AN ORDINANCE, FIXING THE SALAPY OF THE CITY CLEE•K OF THE: CITY OF IF f' PADUCAH KENTUCKY, • APPITOVkD BY D,A,YEISF.R, MAYOR, .JUNE 6th, 1903,Upon oull of Lha roll by I, the following, vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bower, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Hartonj Kreuttnr, Lally, l'ieigh, Mayor, Me Cartyh, and Wilson, (I2) 1 ! • f. On •otlon by the above, the above, Ordlbaneo,.wae given neoond f,nd final paeast, e f 7 l by LSZle, Upon call of the roll by the fallowing vote; -Yens Foreman, Rower,. Budde, Duvelli1 Hannln, dbrton, Krsutter, Tally, hal gh, Mayer, McCarthy, and NSloen, (I2). On .lotion -by member Horatio, the f-ollowing 4,13000,00 tBongs now in the joo is eelon • I W � 1 C1tyrPro&iurer::oeo,W;W►ltere;-e'ers ordered burned before the Board Of Alderten at their i•'. I, •" k Neating February ',let, 1910; -Street Improvement Banda 4% due August Tat, 1904; #56-53- g3 34-29-27 k 25'- Also One 4,Q Hae ital Bond for 4500 00 d A t I t I Ad A - P . us uNs a 934, .Snell I. I 1 August Int, 1904 4novn as #15; Also PWuesn 6 Mayfield Gruval Rod Bonds # Iv2-?A 4 4% 1 I' Donde Smmted.Juns IOth, IM(.), due July Iat. 1909, .• On motlom by muter EUrtah, Tkat tke Probident appoint a eouittes to employ rvi 4 as Areketict and sssure plus and .,posifsetiona for Contagloue Ward of Riverside Hospital, 1 - F -same use referred to the Hospital Senor e, Sanitary Committee, - On motion.by member Hanmis, a Deed was Ranted Mrs P,S,Jordom to Lot, /(65 nlosk 1 1 A.A. In Oma Grove Cemetery, _j On motion by the above, a Contrast ratified by the plaanne Committee w1tY the I pl y ,lBneloy Marble 6 Bruits-OG.Of Padusm, Ky., mama was usrpted, wkersby tks City. 1s Lo *?laNFw3-f{ pay =26,71 for Markers or Oraveatonss to be made of Bowling arses atoms, -seek 2-0[t n„v�m ' 0-3 with oral top and seek done to have a Number but lon'it, whish will be named iy tho :1�"' 14 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH' z� `� 1910 '� „ ` •. S$etson of Oak Grove Cemetery, of Pa*usah, Ry„ said I03 stones ars to le 11.0.11. Oak • '�jl+ •.' c.. (pFF Grove Cemetery.is 'Paducah, Ry.91L 3d dgread that all or part of thee• 103::saous may lie• '- delivered at one. time; Tne notion of tks ,Fie"Ro Committee, was .soacured-la, Upom 0411 4 =� of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowery Budd*, Duvall, dw1m,.Hartom,� Kreutzer, Lally, Giti, Mayor, YOCartlp said 1111eon, (I2) :'•� On motion by ■caber Lally, AN ORDINANCE AMFVDING AN ORDINANCE, PRTITLED, *AN ONDR r �INANCE AYFNDTNO AN ORDINANCE. NO, 917, ENTITf.FD, ' AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 0MC6 ' •.i .'' lop SUPPRINTEHDENT.OP THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AND PRESCRIBING, THE DUTIES THP.RF:CP AND ALSO. PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ENGINEER, FIREMEN AND LAMP TRIMMER OR SAID ELFC" RIC LIGHT PLANT,• ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF PADUCAA OCTOPER 7th. 1902, and APPROVED BY JAS.M.LANO, MAYOR, OCTOBER 7th., 190I, the rules were maps nod F. i... cm the above, OrdlnanN, Upon oall,of the roll by the following"vote; -Yeas Moreau,_ Bower, Budde, Duvall, Hou1m, Hartong Kreutter,.Lally, Leigh, Moyer, M*Cortby dad (, �• .. i a.. -Wilson. (I2) i On notion by the above, the above Ordinana* was gives seeoad and final oasease,..�,: 1 is i •• by Its title.. Upon sell of the roll by the follnvdmg vote; -Yeas Poremo, Bower, pudde, ' Duvall, Hoopla, dartomg Kr*uteer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, M*Carthy, sad wilson.(I2) •�'"' ' o0-G�rtF�"""•' OR Notion by the above, AN ORDINANCE RISING THE SALARY OF THE POLICEMEN AND PIRE.'',•,'' MEN OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KPRTUCKY,Ths rules were suspended on the above Ordisanlre Upon fall, of the roll by the following vote;-Yoaa Foreman, Bower, Duvall, Ramming '1d' Hartong. Kreutter, Lolly,tL*igk, Mayor, M*Cartjy and Wilson. (12);. i + OR Notion by tks above, the above Ordlasnos, was gives seemed and final passage >by Its titles Upon fall of the roll by the Hollowing rot*; -Toss Foreman, Bower, Budde, >pp .'• ,' �8uval1, Haulm, Hart EDN; KrsuLserg Lally, ),sigh, Mayer, Y*Carthy and Wilson. (22)' ' �) Q t' 1 it, Y A�^` 04 motion by member Bower, That the Cblef of the City Rare Department be allowed .! ' Ot Y/' to have u Piet Tennessee T*160000. put IN. the New Piro Station andthe saneto be :nalmtaleed at his eapbmse.was granted, Upon fall of the roll Joy the follows at tote;- ! Yeas Bower, Budd*, Kreutr.*r, Lally,'Lsighg Ygerg M*Carthy and Wilson. (a) Reds Pon- - ■u, Duvall, Hammie, Horton, (4) On motion by mesh" Duvall; amomunimatlon from D.Y,Plournoy In regaled to on I' r� sal Over oharg* on a Hors* and Bu ggy, same was referred to the Plnsno* Committed, .� On motion by member Horton, that a check meds payable tonImaelf through an i nerror, bs.turned Into the General Fund, outs was grated, .. NY1 On motion by member Mayer, that the Street Commlttu get estimates on the pro- '�,, nNY1nNY1nNY1f �. . 'orty needed to open the Street ' . s South of HuabaMe Street from 6th, to IOth. BLrests, "E .1 r lame was referred to the Street Committee, I&e On Notion by member Krsutesr, that Wednesday 1'011owing the First and Thud Moo- •• + * deyeNlghts of each Month bdo ed �•. :,: ;'.(� e adopted as PW d Ws for.the City, sue ems adopted. •t' ! v""•'"�"-''0� On motion by member pally, the Fountains that.was ordered planed same time ago, .n„;• '.- 'planed by 8emar Inap$oL or Pranfc*, same was grated. ( •P 1F{!; 6 -IE pts,' On motion by member Krsutser, &.Trouph was ordered placed st the Hey Yaruet, for ' • . he oonviaaos of the public's stook• aams carried Upon call of the roll by the tollof ' tots;-Y*ss POr$ma, Bowers Hudd$, Duvall, Humin, Barton, Xroutser, tally, Mayers' w i ir�t { wd �•1 art by and 111 son (I2) i yL�v r,,1 *nrti T. • r :e tt• f. r:q,. W '�:<'Y';3l+r to ro lY. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; C" OF PADUCAH 2/ .. 13 191 (;.. On nation .by eunBer Boyer, the Clark vaa. ordered to purohaeePour Copies of :• i.f ((. •I [Robert's Books of Rllu of Order; to. Be, planed One, on *ask of the Praald ants'. dad[ a of �'. )� ,r each Board and one on soak'deek ol.the Clerk at eeoh Board, On notion by the above, the Pub11a Improvement Committee wafl,eutborlaod to blevii •' ': eufflent Lights planed In LM Counall Oheather. . _..�....... ________--On motion the. Board Adjpurned— ---- -- d 7`7` PTSD M 7 11010 = i0 MAR 7 IB10 ' ' • } - City 0 ,.r . •{ , a BwJa.+i a t/'tteaoltww," ^t F 3 ,• 114 J;1 rkkk' . q. ,_r 1 . -r:r: -f e d .n i..".a , v. .l. •� , . - L.... - nlo-ft id -In" ettj Z•:r. lyv I�,.j :;7 S >+f\ ca• r � 7 rn i � -1 T•: Ju 5 f '4' r, s ri''f II +i u{ r If( 4"t' 1'1 , /['•:,. 1 r, ,JI ,j iJ a F v>it ;OP Y. +.: b ( ,(-rf • I ,SG r , . f -. rJ 1J f ..t: x [ qlI n.f• 0 pl I r .I L'e 9. � , a � .. f ' c lr •, r ar A. 1 -,f r'\ I 1 a •r : it .TIAoT q.� +. I♦ r r r• I .•Teti ql,tYief 'P.>+,7 1. .Ani ,)an r l' l(Ic In k ♦ 1 { I( �;-, . 1 � t (P.' ❑ ,.h.nP c. J .�J i {l), ,.n i 5•w -1 �n 11 r• ?T) L't. +'/r .:o .�1 ♦:. , .j •Ilr„�. ) t. + I I jr .A. .Si •�.1 r ,l•r:�Y1..Ill 1J!..`JIn 11 S•'JSr. .n JJrC•:'l,•,f•n �..rs., ,t � {�., 1'fw:-'If. ,"' ( ♦ ' 4.n 1 I . S I;%;w,rI lit : I�1 c ,' , vfC j'\.• _ f J t J i. f P � IJ; !ie a., r J f(: J I T J( I - � f ^ r , `. I n•i, l i f '♦ S."t b 1,6 ?k V4:I4..N i,t' ♦, ♦ alp' •. klf rl J f 1 I:JIl r A I I .. 1 li ( - `J�? 1 1 K + .4 ,r 1 Y t t.a�i. F I I ' 4 ..r G � ♦ r '; 7� is L. ., 1.: i Jj"•' i { •, • S; :I,r ,7 rrJ.c t - d r1, •i. rJ''9 n r . �. •r .5 ' J l R P 8 r � I i .,,•,'� Sp: +;L,; k• J i .1 J�r,e a, Fly. y;_... ♦ ♦,', f. 'AA :l „i'Nrr.: t �i. %. r � !r ( � n , + t l"c •: %fl Yt: •�, tr r.: I ur :Cirt'.y Z .i , "rlyf.r ! • ., ec tI t;y rtl , . 41r 1 :..:<;'w\arru;:•...LY.r.+ .,.,.qu:., ;r:,J rJv: J.,. .w x.. i':.;... 1: ...,as r..ar,.