HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 660, October 17, 1909� 1
Council Proceedings City of'Paducah, .,QJ� �..... 1909
AT A REOULPR MEETING OF THE. Board of Slmen ^atter .the oell'of the roll and
Foreman„ Bowers, Hanninj Krsutzeri.Lelly, Mayer, McCarthy, YanMeter, Wanner, Wilson .I
+" Y
%J��, ,. .. .• and Young. (II) �
On motion by member Young, tlia Board adjourned to most in the City Court Room•1.•'';"_
for an Sndeflnent. period, Owing to the repairing of the City Hell, J+
.On motion the minutes of the previous,meeting was vlopted se read
. On motion by member Vsntleter, , the Tubercular Carnival wee glvan parmleslon to
(am@ Madison Street tram 3rd; to 5th, and .4th.. Street to Harrison Street, for Carnival fg
' ,purpoapai for one week, for the'benlfit if the Anti-Tuberanlor League,
��•�' •'L+' :'On motion by mambar VanMeter, a petition from the Board of Health in rcEerd to °
'hal sing Lhe an or ea. Of the Sanitary Offloare, was referred to the Ordinance Committee,
On motion by member Young, a .patition.from reaidenta and property owners on North
12,th Street from Madison to Harrison Streets, foz.tater, was referred to the deter Co;
.. l .,
• .� : On motion by member Lally, the Flmanoe allowance for snlwriee h ata„ was olloeed
•' �'r`
and the Clerk ordered to.drsw' a warrsny on the Treanlrer for cams; upon call of the rol
�w(htrl Lha following vat.•'
17` g e; -Yeas Foreman, Boeare,.Illvall, Henning Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer,
y' 'MOCerLRy, VanMeter, Wennor, Wilson and Young, (I2)
On motion by member Vatlm,L erg An Ordlnan#s relating to WlLacobllee'nnd othmMatoT I
ehiels4 and regulating their use and ,speed, in the City ot'Pedvaah, Ky; �, n e gluon
I�. !Stet. passage, upon sell of LM roll by the following vote;-Yeae Aoremang Powers, Dwell
larmSn, Kroutter, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy,, Varastarg Wenner, Wilton and Young.. (I2)
`•,On motion by the above, the rube vrnrn suspended on the sbove-Ordlnanaag upon
" tall of.the,roll by the following vote;-Yese Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hanning Kreutzer#
ally, Mayor, McCarthy, Vanlieter, Wanner, Wilson and Young. (I2) � ..
On motion by member Bowercj that the Mayor proceed as Sn- sbrushrd come Lire ago.
4 /I
to have Jackson. Street opened,'
1 On motion by member Hannin, Fred Roth was granted a refund of 15.00 due on aI
""'""' vl r"^.•., .burial permit. -. _ _ .'/%7i: •..
On mrtlon by the aborc� s t»nef,r xee, granted Lot $47 ".Block 39 In. Oak Orovs •- -I.
(Cemetery, from N,J,Harrle to B,S,Overstrsat;
on motion by member VanMeter, An Ordinance r,leLing'to Automobilae and other I
i j
star vehicles; and regulating their use and speed, in the City od Paducah, Ky.,va a, "
4 given second and final passage by title upon call of the rel by the.foll owing vote;- G
us Forennn,.Bowersg Divallg Henning Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, VWlatcr, Wamru i
1 ../'ps „ levan aid Young.. (I2)
On motion by ramDcr. llannlw, the Ordlnanec Com:nittee was lnetniatca bring in an♦
Otd inancc probhiblting.Ssloon Keepers cad ate,# from aniebing their. saloons
I2 0elosk Saturday might until'6 Oclook Monday morning, I '3
.. -»_ �_---On motion the Board
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