HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 656, October 4, 1909',,'j :•4Y.\?:NIR.: .� ,`h' i s 190 Council Pro of Paducah..:........ ".......: ... t „ m �r4 it rs rr < Pel /(�`} �q /�r� "�!� � PF1 � ^� QL a ��,u �°�s..�. Fgitp^c...�+"� ts+ At s regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, hold In the Council Chamber Y in the City Holl, in the City of Paducfk;Ky. October 4th. 1909, Upon call of Lhe roll.. !4 f(l . the following answered, to their names;-Poremsn Bowers *Duvall Hannln' Kreutzer I/11't 1 - 6 r� r r . r Y= �;rr •�•�• Mayor, McCarthy, VanYeter, Aanner, Wilcon'and Young. .(12) On motion the. minutes of the previous meetingi wwa adopted as read,' "On motion a. petition " p eg;►Snet the Improvement of Yeyere Street from Broad to Farley. Place, for pavemhnta, was received "'filed. On motion a petition' from Residents b etc„ -for the grading wed graveling t: i/f - h f Brown Street of Chusblin#;4urray and Obrion Addition, and Two Electric Lights placed ��J, on tame. was raterred.to the Stroet.Committee. On motion by member Lally, the Finance al:owsnce for as ori es r•eLe„wee allowed and the Clerk ordered to draw's warrant on'the Trio more, for the ro speotive ++ w, amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yese Foreman,' Bower, Duvall, Hannin,.Kreutzer, Lally, Sayer, McCartly,.VanMeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (12) -•----- On motion by the sbovs,. the:monthly' report of the Treasurer and Auditor,' was received and filed.- Onsmotlon by the'abovet that all books for the collection of Back Texts be i turned-over'*.to; B. M. Phil ley Beck Tax Collector.,was granted, ( .'.On motion by the above, that the claim from Dr, N, R. Sights Hulth Officer,, /C✓!Y` ± 4 'for X8,50 olelmed dun* for vaccinating during the Small Pox epidemic, De allowed, wsa ..,�, / -?i4`'' : granted, upon cell of the roll by ,the following vote; -Yeas Bower,, Hannln, Krautzer, . �Cr Lail ys Yayer, Ma Carthy, VanMeter, Wilson and Young, (9) Naya-Foreman, Duvall, and f ' 1'• ' On motion by member VanMeter� An Ordinance Requiring owners, Qocupents or 'aC i. j eessea of Rer1 Estate in the Cit Of Psduoah' K to, keep their property clown and ? !1 u, Y r Yr P P P Y s y rescrlbing the. penalty 'for vlolation.hersof, was given. first passage, upon call of the .. x f oll by the following vote;-Yese-Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hannin, Kbeutzer, Lally, Mayen, rt 1106arthyr VenUster, Wanner, Wilann and Young, '(I2 r � On motion by the above, the rales were suspended on the above ordinance, •, p-, A •I n call of the roll by the following' vote,'-Yese Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hannln,KrauLzrS- 4 ally, Mayor, McCarthy, VanYeter, Wenner, Wllaon and Young.' (N) On motion by the above, the above' Ordinance. was given second• and. final Dan”' ^•ago by title, upon call of t e roll-hy the following vote;-Yaae Foreman, Rowers,.Duall � rl O'llannln ' Kreutzerr LallYr Mayer, McCarthy,.'VanYeterr Warns rr Wilson and Ywn .•(.I2) `I ) �n �f „Cie �-' .' On merlon by the.eboret An Ordinance providing for Lhe. aonetruotLon of an Allay extending r'rom.Yeyere Street to Parlay Place, between Arley Place and Clements Street; by grading end graveling thereof from a point where same YnNresats the West A' property line of Meyers Street to a point where same Intersooto the Fast property IIne of. Parley Place., In the Clty.pf.Paducah,,Ky,owes givem-first passage, upon call of the fl: sh�� roll by LM followlnk' vote;-Yaae Noremar.,, Bowera, Duvall,Hannin, Krfutzer, Lally, Yeyep,� oCerthy, ,Vanier er, Panner, Wilson and Young - r-� ;. $rA._f,.. t:, r c v. . ..4.u, ... �d...N •"w 4a.✓:f ( ..t . 1 it , i a.� , a j, T; _.....: r......., a ...+... .... .. .. ! w..CG:::,:'.n'.+.�•Sir:; •cm-t:C.^iw v+. ",,.'.iLT•,' ^:�.,n:v.r«.yr,..••. ...:.+..M ..,..t•�" •r: .-.�.s.:-. j Council Proceedings, City -of Paducah, ...._.._ Onmotion by the above, the rules were depended, on Use above Drdinanoe, upon coal of the by the following -vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowers,•Duvall, 11annin, Kreutzer, La11y, '.. •I'•`,:••1 Meyer, McCarthy, VanNeter, Wenner, Wilson and Young, (I2) On motion by the above, the ubov Ordinance, nn given t.eonnd and final pagasgs-,by' title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yoga Foromanj Bowera,' Duvall, d&nnln, Krsutn ser, Lally, Myer, McCarthy, Vanmeter, Wanner, Wllonn and Youngs (I2) on -motion by t e above, An Ordinance for the construction of aid a-walko & sto.( on ' 0th. + SVrest from Clay to Trimble Streets, came was tabled. h .On motion by %do above, in Ordinance providing for the Construction of Conarste /ll'^m-11Y (k eldetweaka and gutters, together vlth F.ruilt• curbing, on the noutn end• of Trimble ;;treat t4 from sixteenth street to seventeenth street, together with the neaceseary manholes, Intake*' catch begins and aawera therefor, 1n the City or Paducah, Ky„was given first psaa►ge, upon 0611 of the roll by the following vote; -Mess Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hannln, Kreutz or, Lolly!” Mayer, McCarthy, VanNeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (I2) j On motion by the above; the rules were mlepended on the above Ordinance, upon call l _ Of the roll by the following yoto;-Yeas Foreman, Dowera, Duvall, Rennin, Kr•utt•r, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, VanNeter, Wi-nner, Nihon and Young, (I2) On mntlon by the above, the above Ordinance Wee given second and final passage Ey . ,.. -title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rowers, Du vall, Hannln,. Krsutter, Lally,..M►yer, MaClrthy, "a -Meter, Wanner, Wilson and Young. (12) On motion by the Above, An Ordinance providing for the annetructlon of concrete /2�„ (/)L side-walka and tutt•rs, together %ith granite curbing, and the neooeeeayy manholes, intak•g, . 40 y,el,,evaI -Oath be elns, and sewers, on ,both sides of Twelfth street from Trimble street to Solon Avenue, (�jlV WNIn the City of Paducah, Ky „ was given first passage, upon call or the roll by the following t vote ;-YseeForeman, Bowers, Duvall, Hannln, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, VanNeter, rlannerl J4( ..a-.• Wilson and Young, (I2) On motion by the above, yh• sulea wars suspended on the Ibove Ordinance, upon call of the roll by the followinp vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowern, Duvall, Hannln', Kreutzer, Lolly, ..:�I�•" Mayer, •ZcCarthy, VanNeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (12) •'`� n=- On motion by the above the above Ordinance was given asednd and final peacAge by!' '•,Irtitle, upon call of the roll by the following, vote -,-Yeas Foreman, Bowers, Duvc;l, Hannnln, '•'e •4!�.`.� - Kreutzer, Lally, !layer, KcCr.rthy, UnM•ter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, '(1:2) / On motion by the *bows, An Ordinance for the improvement of I4th, Street tnom.nurnott p`N• t,e, l+arr111 street by gruiing and graveling, was referred to the Ordlnanoe Committee, ! On motion by the above, An Ordinance govarning, and regulating burials, and the disint er•ment, and reinterment of bodies, in Oak Grove Cemetery, and Addition, or Additions thereto, and fixing the chargee, or pries for sum•, vas given first -passage, upon call of the .�` roll by the following vote;-Yaaa Foreman, Bowere, Duvall, Hennln, Kreutzer, idly, Mayer, Mc Curtly, VwWaterm Wanner, Wilson and Young, (I2) On motion by the Above, themiss were auapended on the above Ordinance, upon call .: .. oI. f.the roll' by the following vole;-Yese Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, .iannin, Kr•utzar, l,blly, Msyer, McCarthy, Vanmeter, liLnn•r, Wilson and Young, (12) - " 1 .•'1.F. On motion by the above, the above Ordimtanee,wt•e FSvan second and final pasa►ge'byl.. y 1. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah .................. 190 1 '.. ` itle, upon call of the roll by Lhe following, vote', -Yeas Forman, Rowers, Duvall,, Hon-, j; nano Kreutzer, Lally, Myer, McCarthy, VMMster, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (I2) �� ���. ..q���'��•�.. - .On motion by member VanVot-er, M Ordinance relating to Pira Protection in Cs.H.C(�lo�CccCcerpu blia b0ldinge, Hotels, Factories, Tenement; • Houseq School Bu11dings,.Offias Build 1 ... 1`Inge, Theaters, Thtere, Sn the City. of Paduo•h, Ky. ,givenRlrfirst passage, upon call of t+� - . 1 ^ Lhe roll by the following vote -,-Yeas Forman, Bowers, Duvall, d arming Kreutzer, Lally,•^'• Mayer, MGC, rthy, VaNiateri Panner, W11am and Young, (I2) On motion by Lhe atlove, the rules were siepended on the above Ordinance, upn, i gall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas PoremM; Bowers, Duvall, Humin( Kroutzer, jl�jl / ...I g`Lally, Mayor, Yo Certhy, Vsn4eter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (12) , ' I, On motion by the above;'the above Ordinance, was given second and final passagei by titl0, upon.oall-of theroll by the following vote; -Yeas. Foreman,, Rowers, /. '.Duvall, Mannino Kreutzer', Lally, Mayor,, McCort), vazNeter, Wenner, Wilson and Young(12) ' On motion by the above, M .Ordinance for the protection of Oak Orovs Comet % fiTid�.a ��ia bL or Additions thereto, was given first p.esege, upon call of the roll y Lhe following vet � be;-Ysae PoremM, Bowers, Duvall, Hannan, Kreutzer, ia1ly,Ye++r,, .!i. i M arthy, VmMotar, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (12) ( '' - '.''.. • I ^'!•'' On motion by the above, the mules were suspended on the above Ordinance up=,'—," .f. : on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yoga Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Uranin, Kreuter } ' [or, Lally,.4ayer, McCarthy, VaNieter, W� mer, Wilson and Young, (12) On motion by the above, the above Ordinanas wee given second and final passes -'•.. age, by title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forman, powers, Dusvl amino Kroutzar,.Lelly, Mayer, McCarthy, VerUster, Wanner,. Wilson- and Ypung, '(I2) Ot r On -motion by .the.above, An Ordinenos fixing the'salary, and bond of the Bomb ' on, or Keeper of Oak- Grove Cemetery, and any Addition, or Additions thereto, and i rr. Oefining his duties, and qu alif1.cstlono. was given first passage, upon call of Lha roll.,'.,.,. .. i y'the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Dowers, Duvall, Hennln, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, .., " oCarthy, Wanner, Wilson and Young,. (I2) w,.., On motion by'the above, the rules war* eu spend ed on the above, Ordinance, ( •.-- .!-..• ,. upon call of the roll by the.following vote; -Yeas VormM, Rowers, Duvall, Ham1n, � ~, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, -VortMeter, WMner, Wilson and -Young. (12) On motion 'by the above, the above Ordinance was given second and final pass- '•� I�•'�' age by title, upon call. of the roll by the following.vote;-Yeas Foreman, Rowers, Duval'-' j 11•nn3n, Kreutzer, Lally, M►yer,,McCarthyo VUGdeLer, Wennar,,'W11eM and Young, (I2) ,On motion Dy,tht e.bnva, An Ordinance providing for -the control and 4M►ge- , "•^ mend of Oak Grove Cemetery, and up. Addition, or Additions thereto, azul the'apointing fef a Sexton, or Kasper .thereof, was given first paseagej"upon .call of ths.roll by the '•' following vote;-Ysae. Forman,'IiOwerq Duvall,. Hom1n, Kreutzer, Iallyo,4ayr,'MOCarthy Vammoter, Wenner, Wilson and Young.. (I2)-. On motion by the above, the rulsn sero map and ed,; on the above Ordinance up-'.. _ '.!.i•� �(/it:,.:.,. ..; :�_, on call of the roll by the.following vote; -Yeas Porman, Bowers, Duvall,, Hamin, Kreutr , - ,e .,t: ­ zero. Lally, Mayer, -McCarthy, Vamet,er, Waryler, Wilson and Youngs (I2) motionDy the abova, LDe above Ordinance was given second and final Rasr 1 i } f f Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.,___1. } 1901 ... r .,�. ( G, • - �; . .. '+�- age by title, upon 061; of the roll by tkpe following vote-Yeaayoreman, Bowere, Duvall, H►n- ` n1n, Kreutzer, . Lally,. M Myer, N@6rtkp%; Venkater, Wenner, Nilson and Young, (I2) - f; .. 1 On' motion by metbat Mayer, the.monthly report of chief or Police Jae Collins was rreceived aid filed, _ .. On motion by member Wermer, the monthly.reportof the Meat and Milk Inspectors n•t;. . 1 received and filed. ,On motl on by member Hannin, a Deed %as granted.Mra, 111a.VanDeHale to lot 22 in - block 47 in Oak Orove Cemetery, hn motion by the above, a Tramefer• was .granted to a Ilot in Oak Orove Cemetery from lipP,L,Soett to Urn. O,Nhevler Lot i'450 block. 31, 1�l k, �a AL On motion by the above, a treneffr-r:m..e granted to a lot in Oak grove Comets ry, !roma Dr, .N; A, dI CKS to 61a'►td Roos H1ocK . Jr, known as Lot � Ijq, y, � --- — ---- _-------------- —On motion the Board Adjourned_____________ [FII /rIrl or:su .. N:."k.}tRl QmCLt m� tbaM�lbr#w. - 1 t } - i' i t :,,ter ;. r• , rf 1:rAl iI.. r # L i 4 i l fl V1 1 1 {m 1 ( 1 j J ..Y .. 1 S .. - •.L art-. 1. 1 -ca , + L yl A J. ... 1 r t ' r _•i' ,rf�� �' � i i. I ,:r s ¢{fir: i S t ''1( . rr_ ...i ..>...^-YI. .Mn. AT.w .,.. .. z. •,.,p.. .. r -ter ..a-. .._ .n .._ .w Y. w. ...- .-..