HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 628, May 17, 19096e
Council Proceedings;' City. of Paducah..... _.,... ... ......... 190 .`
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At 's regular meeting of the Board of councilmcr.', held 1n the Council Chamber ':.: ,
t 1
1nthe City gall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., May. 17th. 1909. Upon call of the roll
_ yhe following answered to their nomes;-Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, gannin, Kreutzer, Talj '•-
Mayer, moCartky, VsnMeter, Fanner, Wilson and Young. (I2) -
^^ On motion the minutes of tke previousmeeting was adopted an read,
On notion tka comunlostlon Md opinion of James Campbell Jr. City Solicitor,
In regard to Ed gubbard's selnryas license inspector
V_wse received end filed. f
On motion by member Telly,the Finance Allowance for the firsthalf of May
tLj .LI.li , 1909, for salaries 7eLo. was allowed, and the Clerk ordered to drew s warrent on the
SLeeaurer, for the respective amounts, upon call of the roll by tl.e following vote;- ..�
Yeas Foreman, Dowers, Duvall, )Tannin, Kreutzer, IAlly, Meyer, McCarthy, VwNieter, Fon.1
. nor, Wilson and young. (12)
on motion by member VanMeter, AnOrdlnance providing for the Construction,of; Y
�•• '`^^• an Al1sy. eztabding from Mayers et. to Kerley Plnoe,.between Ferxey Placa k Clemenee et /c
�.,•� '� ��
by grading At graveling, in the City of Paducah, Kyowes given eecOnd and final pa-eeog .. .
tr " Tupon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowres. Duvall, Rennin Kre
1111•- utzer, Lally, Mayer, MoCarthy, VanMeter, Fanner, Filson and Young. (12)
On motion by the above, An Ordinance 'providing fcr thea onstruction of 17th:.'`• "`�' '
1 ..
6L. ,Eton Broadway Lo"B" 'treat, by grading and gra•ie11nQ, in the City of Paducah,,Xy. C;
was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-YoseForemM,
Bowers, Duvall, goblin, Kreutzer, Imlly, Mayer, MaCarthy,.VanMeter, lnner,Wilson and
. _r,j `1
Young. (I2)
On motion by member Duvall, that the above Ordinance, be ameMedan an to ran
od, the Seotton 3, in the second line, se follewe;-"except the Culverts overBrsda)iaw
Creak," after the word drains,, also in'the same Section 1n the ninth line after the '.•`^ _
word "De,as ;follows;-" and the Culverts over;Brodehaw Creek," marked in the above Ord-
inane, was granted.
.,. On motion by member' llnnnin,.that the action of the Public Improvement Co". I .�
Q _ r
i r GLI VG4 ,'mitten, in regard to the City' Fmglnenr's Vault, be eoncured in, was canted, upon call 4
-`r ip lof the roll by the following vote;-Yeee Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, gnrmin, KreULLer, .
Lly, Mnyor, moCarthy', VanMeter, Fanner, Filsonand young. (12) -
Q1��p On motion by member Duvall, that A.goveaamp 1, Co., be granted s 1leenea to'
•.�9rK�'RrKp.. sell - -
Vu quart epituroue vinous,
at Bridge and Mill'6Lreet, was granted and Bond �.';
-• ���. •�.r �aaapteA, upon pall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foramen, Bowers, Duvall, N�." •` 'I
'• •. 4min� itreutier, 1,611Y9e11y, Mayer, McCarthy, VarRoter, and Fenner, (IO) nsya Filson and
y '
I IIAkilr]ly II On motion' by member VsnManae providing struction of��
etnr, An Ordinaries for the Construction '
_ I
I3 of `}17th.' Street., from nroodwsy to"B"..Street by grading and grevolinp•, in -the City. of Pad
i'15 y�1 pL V.
oeh •1�+ ..
w� , Ky•.ths .rulwa were suspended, oMthe"above Ordinance, upon call of the roll Dy \
Lis following vote.-Yene,Poreman, Bowree, Duvall; Hermin, Kreutzer, Le11y,Meyer, Ya i ! )
1 arthy, VonMAter, Fenner, Filson nl d.Young...(I2) I .,... ' ..
� 1 ,
r (5 -• I
motion by the bbove,,Lhe .&Dove Brdlnnna West Ivan eecnrd and•..fiml
- w;�k'w14GY.LSWwYJL1.k•.fyt.'-�1•Iu::rCi.1:._edo0..wn..M. . .n; i+. u.•�,CYL.iIY.::.v
'"'f �"l.�.I�s J.. ex:,, /.��i.. ri�S� _•Y'f:n'x'ih"A••..:L �..Y �•.T•. ,. .v.�
Council Procdedings. City of Paducah,-
::.:...................;.:........ 190
�„�.. age , by title, upon wall of the roll by the following vote, -Yeas Poroman, Boxers, Duvall,.
a. Hannin, Krautzer, Ially, Mayer, mcCerthy, VanMoter, Wanner, Nilson and Young, (I2)
CA motion by member.Kreutzar, the Clark was authorized to notify the Poduoah water
Co., in .regard to placing the Water Mains on north flth. Street from Madison to Clay Streets,
"'-71 In the City of Pwluoah.
On motion by member, Young„ A complaint for over aeeeesment from Henry Dillalunt, xa0
4... � referred to the Board of 9upervlaore. .-
On motion by member Rennin, that the Patrol louse be repaired, and ease not to'ezoaad
�. QaGu.0
,ry I50,00 Nes granted, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yana Roreman, Bowers, Oovall,i
i Harming Kreutzer, (ally, Mayer, McCarthy, VsnMeter,. 'fanner, Wilson and Young, JI2)
! i On motion by member Duvall, trot the condition oil theoervlon given the Public by the
aduonh.Tractlon ' Co„ on the Bowland Town fdne, be refplsted, by separating the white People
, GGCI p% �O✓
•,i from t'•�e Bloch, same waa referred to. the Rallroed Telegraph and Telephone Committee. I
E' On motion by member Young, a petition to open Ijth. Street, was referred .to :he
Stroot Committee and City FixgIneer.
- On motion by the above, a com nicatlon from the Board of public Works, was referred
,to the Street Committee.
On motion by the above, a petition tar a Light at the Littleville M.F..Church, was
t•--7^' referred to the Board of Public Works..
Q,� fr,fa,,n• On motion. by member Covell, a complaint tram M.F.Sandern nnd Duke Till Luse, in re- `
,gard to over assessment, was referred to the Board of Supervisors. -
On motion by menber !ally, a petition for a Street Bight at IOth. k Torrill Rtrests
.was referred to the Board of Public Works.
(s/Nlj On motion by somber VanMster, a oomunlcation in regard to oormeoting with the Bower
was rarerrod to the Ordiiumce Cormittee and City Rolioitor, to bring In an Ordinanoe.
----On motion the Board Adjourned-------------------------------
:r. g 1- TrIn JUN 7 1909 ap vn
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