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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 622, April 5, 1909' n � 'r 6 Council Proceedings; City. of Paducah .. ....... .... :._.................. ............. 190 Council Pr®ceedia „ J'.. fr ' AL a regular muting of the Board of. 6ovndlnoa, hila in the CityHell, in the ntr E 'City of Paduesh, Ky„April 5th. '1909. upon cell of the roll the following enmrered to r• 1` '.,. their acmes;-Pe»naw, Bowcrst Duvall, Ramming Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, YenY•Ur, F"in•r Wilson and Young, (,II) On motion t`u minutes of the previona westings, were adopted on road, •.On notion by member Lally, the monthly report of the City Treasurer and Auditor was resolved end fil cl. On notion by the above, the Finance elloweni• for eelnrlcs Mte., for Lhe lest - half of marsh 1909, was allowed and the Clork ordered to draw a warrent on the Tres• -✓� h ^, urer for same, upon call of the roll'bythe following vote;-Yoss Porman� Rowes, auvel �+ .. flanMlcl, Lally, Mayer, M•Carthey, VenYeLir,.Wennor, WS1e6n and Young. (II) On motion D thee -above the re ort'of costs of vaccination ri e C • Y 1 the 1t of th PY f`�f �, Phyede lenend Mount of tholr shergae, for •ane,. by Or. H.P.Rlghte Health Officer, was z 1�u L not allowed, upon call of the roll by the following veto; -Yeas tallyll.and V•rilf.i r, �..�j .' i7sys Portman, Rowers, Livall, Hannin, Mayor, McCarthyFanner, v'ileon ene.YounE:(9) (n �Om: notion Dy.uenbor VanHster, the Ordinance for the harbouring of vicious dog” in �wv�VVVggqeep' in the City of Paducah,.Ky., wee referred to the Ordlnrnea Committee. n � On notl on by the above, An Ordinaries In regard to License oit doge in the City, weereferred to the Ordinance Committee. - 'r tW �x _On motion by the above, &.Resolution in, regard to the License Inspector, was b L1p,(,c fyt, 4..e - erred to the Ordinance Committee. On motion by the above,. a P�solntion Sn regard to white nurses mgr"Sag colored ' patients at River 81A• Hospital, was TnD1M. On motlon.by_membcrlRowers, A requcat from the Fest End Improvement Company, that',;: ' the,, be penittod'Lo grad• and gravel 28th, 3Lrsct from Hlnkloville Road to the Mayflk Id'R•aa,w•■ granted and the City S]igineor was instructed to'furnish profile and grade also grads ■Lakes 'at the proper time. upon o•13 of the roll by the fallowing vote; - Yea . a ot•;-Yens 'Poroma, Bower", Duvall, Hennln, Lally, Mayer, M•Certhy, V!v!Ustcr, Fptwor, Wilson .. and Young. (II) On notion by member tGyr,the wonthly,report of the Chief Of Pollee, was received . t On Motion D Member Hennin the nation of the PtiDlic lU0a%i. Lyric y , Improvement Committee, was censured -In, In regard to s gutter nine Oak Grove Cemetery. - '.altd[7k. QR I On motion by number Yamg� the monthly report. of Health officer Bights, was ra- fIt uD till lived and filed, ® !^'�•� On motion by member Wannert an Ordinaries wse ordered brought in for the 4mprovo- " I` AL ( ! '. went'of'an Alley between Mayors will Rarity place and Clements end Short Rtr•sts,• fOn motion. by. clamber VsnU*tsra sn nrdinan•s was ordered brought in 1■proveing •n i Alley between 12th, &rid 13Lh �BLreets from Broadway, to. Jefferson Street. /��+`7Qt 1�•e; action by the •boot, an 'ordlnanes was ordered brought in requiring a copy of � y lll ordin•n•s" to be neu•a t•_•.ch M.■Der Of tD• ah•ral Council 3 a•ys before M••u .I ... ..141 r, fir. IJ : v ia•+ � r :. � '�� lrY , [ i .Sy...`� Y .:. h- `.wt t L aa.- dw w: h I p.<-.. :,��,...�:.�,..,�. � 1 £, -.:I 1 t a Councii,Proceedings, Cityaf Paducah,_,:..,.-.:_.;. _...;.:..':....,..:.::` 190 . .� L1 OR mo)%on by member Young, the Mayor sad City Engineer, was Instrusted,to confer with C. ,t tho,Oftleisle Of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, In rotrd to puttlag s vlsdusL ►t.thelr • LLLAAA 0-.-.1y • f Greasing at Tsnrsun Strut. d On coon by member Duvall, the Street Inspector was lnstrdsted to have all. gutters - Lhat have filled up sines the heavy rains, gleaned. ' I T On motion by member Duvall, the City Jailor, was Instructed to purohau 6 cuapodors, for the Council Chamber, upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yoga. Porsman, Rowers, 1 Duvall, Hannln, Lally, IAsyer, Ma Cm,rthy, Vmniloter, WrMer, Wilson and Y,m I. (II) On motion by the above, the City Bailor was instructed to asoartdln the coat of a °j Not Of -pew shahs and a table for , the preen, for the Council Chamber, was referred to the Public Improvement Committee, 1 - i 41On nation by member Lally, the opening of a Streat from Swdors, to Murray Ave„ AT. C1H 1 �iK4 � . 'was rcterred to the Street Committee, On nation by memher Rennin, that '}0 fIr feet off of Jackson Rill Cemetery be donated . "x P�G for Street Or Road purposes, was granted, upon cell of the roll by the followini; vote; -Teas i �1 ���Porenans Rowers, Duvall, Hannln, Lally, Meyer. McCarthy, Vanileter, wanner, Wlleon and Young,(II) �. On notion by the beave, an Ordinance was orederd brought in repealing an Ordinance W�. &&"tQLynvil%+4gulsting the costs of Burial permits, f On motion by umber WwHetor, the Mayor was lnstrueted to furnish City Solicitor .�tivat( James Csmpwallgll Jr. arecM ce uu sonable count of expense money, to make a trip to l.oulsvllls,' KY.* 1 e:, upon wall of the yell by Ltellewing vdts;-YePer, Bowers, I7uv►h „i.allys Mayer, McCarty VanMeters.wa(tnar, Wilson and Young. (II) . 1 L �rYQl.11 -- ---^----------On notion the Board Adjourned ----------- an �APR 19119 . W.A.: tin.Y20% LbIW61,-0Ma. Wy ♦i - � j ... ._ . 1, Y , s 1 . 7. �•.a,S.K ^t r.�•KI ir`y„Y ai '..._ f�J��M!i, �u I it.r-.�{-L :���. .. ,�.f i.� s,.wYlf•a �.�:..JlaaJ Y.i '.-�.AYf- .x ..... - .. �Jr 1 z �.