HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 620, March 18, 1909.fir a.LM�R... �?^h.-'�'s "ra 4�..y"r j�c i,'��'anf ,y. �df 7c.^"'ti."'J.t t- ^rc4 ,Y,t.. L •I":
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' Coiincii,Proceedings'City of Paducah,'. i :,..:..:....,J:..:v:._...'....::.::..::..1.190
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.-.'...- _ On notion by member Kannlm, s Tran$fer to s Lot In Ooh Greve Cemetery, was granted i
tt' 4A* Al--4tfb`06e. earths Husbands,
On notion by member BOWSP, s esaunluitian from R,T,Llghtreot, IN regard to the opening j
.l CrT1iJJ'�'.•:f�- G!•eStreet, a$tion was deterred ON san$, until LM OemltLee vete, • ..,!
On motion Lby member Young, the Public Improvement ComltLee and C1ty.Fn inner wee Sn-
•trusted to set estimates on a putter near Oat Grove Cemetery, _
`. On notion by the above, that two Feuntsins of the Daughters .or the Amerism. Revolutie
be planed, was referred to the Publi$ Improvement Commltts�, with power to set, UPON sell of
athe roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Bower, Duvall, Hamin, Kr$iitter, folly, Uayor,
WCGrthy, VanXeter, Wenner, Wilson and Young, (I2)
On NOTion by member Hsmin, the Improvement of the City Jailer's realdents, vias rare
.�ntc red to the Publis Improvement CorAittee.
.,� City ::olieitor Jos, Campbell Jr, reported some intakes that were dsngerious In the
Cdty, that needed attention, for the softy of the City, on motion sane was referred to the
City Eheinear. .
On motion by member.Young, the complaint In regard to the white mirsu, nursing Colord
Ir 'patients, vise referred to the Hospital Donrd, in soneuring in the setlon of the Upper Rosrd,
---- ----On notion the Board
no., A?,'• MQ!!y APP�j�VF tli
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•..: ,�:.�,�: At Is Goll meeting of the Board Of Cour.cilmsn, held in the CdLnell Chamber, In Lhe
City Hall,;in the City Or Padueah, Ky.', Harsh IRth. 1909. upon Gall of the roll the fo11nw1ng
' -'-��r ^,' answered to their nemea;-Foreman, Rower, Duvall, Rennin, Krouteeri Lally, Ysyer, 4a Carthy,' I
:` 'r VamHeter,Wanner, Wilson and Youne. (12) .,
OR motion by nemher VwMeter, The Ta- Iwvy Ordinmee, Oar the year 1909„ was given
AQ• G '-$sand and final pnuneo, upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas For Dower,
Duvall, . Hsnnin, Krsutmor, Heyer, N$Cortpy, Va Xstsr, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (12)
motion the Board Adjourned ------------ —----- ._
• . � ^ • AFFa-4.c cr-4:;:�, Pr P .5 19091.
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Council Proceedings; City. of Paducah ......:.... ..........:...:....... :::...:......` 190
_ -
Council ,Pr®ceedi-1 ..
At s regular meeting of the Board of Counsilmen, hold in the City Hill, in the
'City of Pnduseh, Ry. ,April BLh, 1909, upon Bell of the roll the following snewsred to. r.
their nMes;•-PoremM, Bowers, Duvall, Ronnln, La11y, Heyer, McCarthy, YsnW4er, Fenner
Wilson an Young. III) '. ��:`•. .
"•' - On motlen ties minutes of the previous meetings, were adopted as read.,....V-'
..On notion by member' Tally, the monthly report of the City Treasurer and Auditor i''', •` '/%
was rase -iced end f11••d. _ 1
.� .
On motion by the above, the Pinnnes ellowems for salaries Mte., for the lest
half of marsh 1909. was allowed and the Clerk ordered to draw a warrent on the T?oas ✓�
urer'for snore, upon sell of the roll bythe following vote; -Yeas Foreman Plasmas, casual `
' Rammlw Lally, Mayerg M/Carthe VmMetir Wenner Wilt Ln and Your (II)
- , .las .. .
On motion by the �sbave, the report of soots of iateimatlon In the City, of the
WPhysldMs and Mount of their /heraser for tens,, by Dr, H: P. B1ghLe Health Offiury oust I
fF not allowed, upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas iailyg.Md VeNUter,.
.' isys Porman, Rowers, Duvall, Hannin, Mayor, UtCarthy,'WaMar, 5"i).son end. Young: (q)
03t: motion by.membnr Vw&otsr, the OrdinMse for the harbouring of visiout dogs In
In the City of Paducah, Hy., was referred to the Ordinrmse Committee, + 1
,On motion by the above, An Ordinance In regard to Lisenne oa dogs in they
Cit IQ
was' referred to the Ordinaries Committee,
9yt T.�, _ ,On motion by Lhe above, a. Resolution In. regard to the Lissome Inspector, was
L(p/,�,'f►I,r �t.s- erred to the Ordlmnmu Comm ittoo.
(�•C� On motion by the above,. a Puolution I regard to whits m)rsee nursing colored
`'711wt� patlshLe at River BSAt lionpltsl, was Tnb1M.
L On motion` by, member Powers, 'a request from the West End Improvement Company, that':;':
they be permitted to grads Md gravel Street treet tram Rieklevlllt Road to the Ilayfit
uQ _
�Id Reel,wes granted and the City Nginter was SasLrusLsA to furnish profile and grads '
6180 ads stakes-st the _ .
6r proper tlwa, upon oalj Of the roll by the fallowing vote; -
Yeas Pornman, Bowers, Duvall,' Hennin, Le11y, Ilayor, McCarthy, ➢MMetsr, Wpnnor, Wilson
and Young. (II)
.On antis by member ibyer,the monthly report of the Chief of Polies, was resolved f_
end filed.
WOx `3tµ }}��• On notion by member Hannln, the astlon of the Public Improwmsnt Committee, was _-
I fl.'.. .
A,, „ eentursd-in, in regard to s gutter no Oak Grove Canote ry. _
On neoism by member Young, the monthly report of Health offlter Slghtt, was reo- .. _.
eived and filed.
ON motion by nsmbsr Wanner; M Ordinanse woe ordered brmrght In for the 4nprove..'-,r :.'
` I..
trsnt-of M Alley bstwean Meyers and Rarley'Pleas and Clemente and Short Streets.
+w f On moLlem :by.mambe! VsnMeter� M OrdlnMee was ordered brought In improveing an I
Alley between 12th, and 13th, Streets' from Sroadwa to Jefferson Street,
fly Q�as I>am}
bo 1`t `16• `1I Om motion by the eboev,'M ordinance was ordered brought in requiring • eopy of
ordinances is be mailed to ee.eh member of 1the ,General Couneil 3 days before meetL '
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