HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 608, January 5, 1909r.•.
.•,. y, i.1.j..1�...cEwt[a. -.-- -- �w.wia:4:..M>,:v..a:.... -_��-
At a call metl>t/ of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council`"'Chamber, In the _
City Hall in the City of Paducah, Ky.Jenuary 5th. ,1909. On sell of the roll the,folloll ,.;
( ,.
Ing answered to their Weans; -Bowers, Duvall, Foreman, Hannan, Krcutter, allyl ,Payer, M•..
McCarthy, Vr nUater,. .-_ Wilson and Young. (II)
.Th° Clerk announced the first thing In order was the Election of a President. of. '77
_',.r •'_:;: ,__.,
thin Board, and Nominations wore In order.
on motion by member Hannin, member Poreman was placed in nocinatlon, and same,was.
duly seconded; On motion by member Young, member VenHeter, was placed In nomination for
the same, and was duly soaonded.thelr being no further nominations, same was cloeed,rnd'-�.
on call of the vote, the following announoed Poreman,.when their names were called;-
Honnln, Kreutzer, Lally, MOCartty, VanMeter, and Wilson. (6) The following announced
VanPetst;-Aowere, DuvslX, Foreman, Mayer,:and Young. (5) Wanner come 'in.i,:;,'"
Proald.ant Foreman;appointed member Duvall,, obsirren, of the LSconso Committee,
for LTIa meeting.;
`On motion, the report of the Sinking Pund Cocmissloners, was allowed, upon call;
af'the roll by thefollowingvote;-Yesn Por+man, Duvall, Humin, Krmtzer, i,ally,PaysT
McCarthy, VanUoter, Wormer, Wilson and Young. (12)
On motion by member Young, that the Retail Coffee. (louse Liceneo, be sated an sap.:..:!.:;%•'
arately and oolleatively, And all remonstrances end petitions be land °side, until
Laken up, was granted:
on notion by member Duvall, the following, were gtL.nted Retail Coffee House,
Usenne and Bonds r eeepted, subject. to the approval of the Pryor;-
- '•',,.'
O, T..A.Oilberte, - I16 South 4th. BL.. Bond PSdelltyh: Deposit -0o. of.Parylad0,�,
Oso Willow2I2 Ky. Ave, Do Adolph and Lee. Wail. City.
.� .
ChlL Burgerr - .70I South 7th. St. Do C.Burevr and MaClark. City;'
L.L.Nolson r• 407 South 3rd. St, Do J.F.Morgan and J.W,ORR City..
l'il'�:•�,,. ' +•
George Hanker, - 833 Caldwell SL. Do Pidelity h Guaranty Co.
. n....,.,, ..-.
Biederman Diet111°ry'0er I17 South 2nd. St., Do Jake F. Henry Bledermane'O.J PrainW�,
S.B.nott, .' 119 North 4th. St. Do ILLinols Surety Co. of Chicago. • C4
-+L'r` •. �'
R.R.Taylor F Co. .' II0 South 3rd, St.. Do - Do
M, H, Oalllghar : 829 Trimble SL. Do � Do
Lou Allonburg I09 South 2nd, SL, Do- _ Do
J.W,Dieko, 'IIB South 3rd, SL. a'Do Do
O.W.KQly,: I26 South 2nd. ST: Do no
Jahn Bradley, ':', II4 Ky. Ave. Do Do
Oscar Denknr, 935 North IOth. 6L. Do - - Do yr,
I50I South 4th. 6t: Do Do •,
A.ParooffeYy, ., _ 134 South 2nd. fit. Do - Do "•,r ''
John Ward, 132 Ky: Aver Do Do
H: J.Jonee, - - TO% North 4th. 6t. Do Do
:Janes Hard, II00 South IIth, Rt. Do Do
Paducah Distilleries Co. II5 ,South 2nd. St. Do
RA Penson, .-, 70I Trimble fit., Do Do
t ^• +` `�
F.F..Cartwrlght, - I04I Ky. Ave, Do ”.4. Do
1'" ',
F. E.Cnrtwrlght, I19 Broadway Do - Do „
A. FJ,.Moehell, 20I Broadway Do Do 1. •�
r ht
at LaMoore -.•933 South 3rd. St. Do >- Do ,
O. L.Brymt, I20I South Sth. SL Do Do !
P. M.Matlo4k, .•II0 .Routh 2nd. St. - Do "' DO - - (7.
1 no
t '
A. V, Bwer, 900 Washington St. Do
Oeaar Remick, 1735 Meyers St. Do Do
?. 3
P.amay k Jenklne, _ _ _I13 6outh ltd. 6L. Do _ Do
Palmer Hotel Co. 5th. h Broadway , Do - Do
I t�
' u'., ?,•-•
J.W.Eberls, -700. Trimble St. Do, Do
J.H.Deboe, 90I North 9th St.' Do Do `,
as Hit*,. .- 934 Husbands St. ' Do .. Do
R.L.Paaoher, h Co. 7 6 - ILI South 3+d. Rt. DO Do
C►ehon'h Whittaker, ? ,t --!.,X34 South 4th. St, Do Do - -�
San Starke, , cr F. �t 'j I 0 South 2td.'Ft. Do Do
Ran C Smith, '.1 r .I29 South Zrui St.'t Do.':-."... Do
('� .• ,t
George Danker, - +� F• 434 Noith I2Lh Rt t De ; D°
r .
.Murray k Aath, C 1 ti: tT1 North 4th St. 'Do ; F 1�' - D°
i 6l �: i S e
vt v
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.•,. y, i.1.j..1�...cEwt[a. -.-- -- �w.wia:4:..M>,:v..a:.... -_��-
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, 194
J -1•
John sired, _ I25 Routh 2nd, St, , Bend . ,Illinois Surety Co. (It Ohlsago.
Chaa.Danker, 90IWaehingten St. Do Do
p.•';" .� Frank Lavin, �. .I001 Burnett St.' .no - t' '.:: no '
.Walter Clark, ,i
I.,+<i_.'i.301 South 7th.. 9t., On, �., .'!.! .- no
Chas T. Graham, " -' 138 South 9th. SL, no pe
rat' �J.w Sherrill, 107 North 4th. Rt, DoDo
W,Y,Yitsholl, 1000 North IOth. St. Do I-' l: °�`.. �' ,lDo
as Balser, 16I5 Routh 4th. RL. Do ' '
. l Y.D.Csmpbell, I06 South 3rd. St. Do`,'1' Do .
• ). `J. R. Potter,- 802 North Rth. St, Do
_ 'J.Y.Rlskman, _ 025South3rd, St. Do '••''" 't .1 po
•IThoobold Peters," 1043 Ky. Ave. _ Do pe
•h. B.Aagan, III Soath 3rd, St.- no ` pe
'Also the following Quart Laquer Llesnse;--
.. ` 1H, Ne11 h Son; 132 North 2nd, St, Do I.Nauhodm h Geo Willow; C1Ly
I'•` I, ;A.Sid Terrell, 4Ij Jefferson St. Do Fd h John Terrell, - city
+ .y t•• Y.i.lvingston h Co, - I19-I2I North Int. St, Do Janne h Ren raille. City.
���• J.W,Saundare h Co,
Banton Road F. 11111e 9t, Do National Surety Co, New York.
.euply Co, IIS h I17 North 2nd, St. Do Illinois Sursty Co. of Chicago,'
'LoebOob Rloom h Co, - I27-129 North 2nd, St, Do Do I,
.. ;l+reldna.n Kellar h Co.130 Werth 2M. St, RonA Do po
7 ;.'• ;•": (separately: aad Colleitiysly; .Openssell bf �the',roll,by;'the.followiwg vote',.Yead-Forewan;"nowers�,
. Wr, Y Yr (7) Nay@ Duvall, ]Ally, VanYeter0 Wenner, .and
NaQntp "Kr@utz Wer •WC►rth and H11non,
Young. (5)
'.�,q,(,.,�~P�.,:. •1, On motion by ,member Duvall, a remonstrance and a petition, for and again at the granting �•I
���, �,—"�,•,w.e11 f a Aetail Coffee N,use Lidenne to Y•L.Riekman, at 1167 North I2th. Streets, w►e ruslved and'
.. On notion by bomber IWnin, the spplication of M.L,Riokmsn, a'as referred to tits idoenee
Csmmittee,,upon sell of the roll,by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,'( lannin, Krsutzsr, Lally,
•'-"; v- Mayor, HoCarthy, and Wilson. (7) Nsye Rowers, Alvalls VWAator, and Wanner. (5) I
On motion by member Duvsll, Roger Furey, ars granted a Rotail Coffee douse Lioenao, and ,
0 p Bond aseept4d, at I20 Ky,.Ave. Upon sell of the roll.by tlu following vote; -Yens Foreman,
�1 Bowera, U1vall, Hannin, Kreutzer, Lally, Rayer, lloCarthy, VanlAeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young.(I
On motion by the above, Joe Augnetus, was grantad a Retail Coffee Ilo'Ine' Liaense nnA Flo IA
•'-'/ iaspeptod at I50I South 3rd. Stoats, ul•on eall. of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman ,,'I
i Rowers, Duvall, Htmin, Kreutzer, (Ally, 14•yer, Yo Carthy, VonUoter, Wanner, ilsoil and Young, (1:
motion Lias Aonrd Ad Jou-nod-_______«- _
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