HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 601, December 7, 1908V.
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, ............... ............._.__............. ,............. _.. 190'
At a regular meeting at the Board of Councilmen, hold 1n the Council Chamber, In the'
City Hall , in the City of Paducah, Ky. December 7th, 1908. upon c►11 of the tell the following
' answered to their 1190160; -Dower, Duvall, ,Cornellieon, Poremme Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer,
VanM6yer. Filson and Young., III)
On motion the resignation of member Lindsay, waa a*6apted, and member Lackey was placed
in nomination, without opposition, to fill out the unexpired term of President Lindsay, re -11t
sigped. upon call of the roll.the following amiounced Lackey, when their names -were called;-
, Bower, Duvall, Cornnllleon, Foreman, Pord, Kreutr,er, Mayer„ VaMleter, Nilson and Young. (IO)
On motion this minutes of the previous meeting, was adopted as read. Ij
On motion by member Vanlleter, a oomunla►tion from Col. Roasell, U.S.A. In regard to
dumping dead Animals A F:to, In to the River, was referred to the Flnanca Commlttse, with'power
to act. ;'pan call of the roll by the following Vote;-Yaae Lackeys Howerss Duvall,. Corn6111eon1l•
• Foreman, Fordo Kreutter, Mayor, V"Oter, Filson and Young. (II)
On no the following motion of member nurrott, of the Board of Aldermon,,wIas ratified.
pQ � in soneurine in the action of the Aldermen;- That the School Roard of the City of Paduesh, Ky({
dO.cWe�( •(1rn. �, be authorized to love the Lee. and Lincoln Buildings, connected with the sanitary Bower, Dlde
f �wf.l,t to be taken, and turned over to the Finance Committee for their approval; amid work t -s be
paid by the City, out of the 1909 funda,was granted upon call of .the roll by the following vote,
Yoga Lackey, nowers, Duvall, Cornellieon, Bosman, Fords P•reutzer, Gayer, VmUatar, Wilson and
. "• Young. (II) .I
On motion a oomuniustion from the Doard of Ile.lths in regard to the re pointment of
•1.L.Gaither and L.D,Aarnett, as sanitary Inspectors for the Year of 1909, was received wl f11a
On, motion by member VanMeter, the allowance of the J6bit PLunes Comittee, for ealarlie
.Drl h Ete, for the 1►at half of November 7908. was allowed and the Clerk ordered to draw warrent
an the Treasurer for same, upon call of the roll. by the following vnte;-Yiian !Oockey, Rawness,
Duvall, Cornellieon, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Mt,yar, VaMloter, Filson and Young, (I7)
On motion by the above, the Monthly report of the City Treasurer and Auditors was re
D MAv1 solved and filed.
,. On motion by the above, the City Solicitor was requested to report or, the statue of I.
(� ep . Back Poll Tax Collections; and if nothing, can be dors towarAe prompt collections, to have him
" Jt return ell tax bills to the City, for other arrangements for collection to bo made hy,th6
Omeral Councll.adopted, upon call of the roll,by :he fallowing vote; -Yeas L.askeys Rowere, '•�
Duvalls.Cornellison, Porsman, Fordo Kreutzer, Mayer, VmMater, Filson and Young, (II)
I i
t /1L�• n TION HEREOP,thara',being• blank, spaces Vor fines for violating the above Ordinance', on.motion
that•:thc fine was to be hot Less than 65,00 nor more than 625,00 for seek 'Offence. was lost
upon *all of`the roll by the following vote; -Yoga Bowers end .Vanlloter. (2) Nays Lackey Duvall
s Cornellieon, Foreman, Pard, Kreutzer, Mayar, Nilson and Young, (9)
On notion by the above, the above Ordinance, w,.s tabled, .upon *all or the 'r6'.l by the fol
lowing vote;-Yaae Lackey, Duvall, Cornellison, Poreman, Fred, Kreutter, Mayer, Vaableter, FSlal n,
and Young, (IO) Nays Aaware. (I)
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,.....: ...................
.... 190
On motion by member VaNleter, a oomuniostion from H.Well A Son, was referred to.
• the Ordinance Committee. '
.' On motion D member'Poteman a re -('
-' Y r request from residents and property owners, near--..
3rd. and lAsAleon Streets, for an Eleeteiet Light, at Game corner, r;ie referred to the,.'+;,= "
CLight and Pater Committee.
On motion by the above, a request from Mrs. Bettis R. Thomas If North 13th: Stt'o*b
was referree. to tha Mryor end City Solicitor, with power to set, upon call -of the roll'
D the following vote'- '
Y S , Yaas Lakey, Bowers, Duvall, Cornelllaon, Poreman, Pord, Kraut-
, ser, Mayer, VanUster, Wilson and Youngs- i t
On motion by member Mayer, the monthly report of the Chief for the Month of Nov.,, 1
1908. was received and filed.
hl 3l7• DIS" On. ration by the above, a report on the condition of two Buildings *031,j Is ff31s !' .
!b (p4'I• Broadway, was received and filed. '
N�Ir,- -1, WAWA. On motion Dy the above, a complaint from W.P.Bradshaw Sr. was referred to the
(. Board of Supervisors. .! .
On motion by member Pord, a request from Jacob Oehleehlaeger for a transfer of a
0 ;.A- Q..; Lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, vine referred to the City Solicitor.
- On motion by the above, a Deed wee granted A.J.Grelr to iota 171-2-3-6-7-h 8 in
' .• Sleek 46 In Oak Grove Cemetery.
S i�••'� On motion by the above, a request from Mies Cherrie Morton that she permitted to
'.'@ell ,so 4seetor, property of Miss Rebecca Allen, in Oak Grove Cemetery, was grahted. ' ..
I• On motion by member, Bowers, a request from Mr. Gus Hank to connect with the sen-,
::.. .-
.' Lary Sewer, was referred to the Ito epital'*Sewer and Senitery Committee.
On'mollon'by the above, the,cation of the S00768,99 Committee, was ooneureA-in, 1n e, -
.-^;`':r'.' 'regard to 'hops in Residents. I'
� r
On motion by'the above, a reoommenAation from Dr. H.P.Sights as Health Officer,in
I ry,
Y''0' regard to -the City owning Sts own Scavenger wagons h Ete. was ].Oat, upon call of the
E Q1
` ol1 by thefollowing.rote;-Yeas Bower
as Duvall, Milson and Young. (4) NL a Lackeys
t,^fir-•••� T�•bornellison, Poremang Pord, Kreutser, Mayer, and VanMeter: (7) "
r On motion by member Van1[eNr, An Ordinance for the eatenLlon of tia'of the PaA- '
! IA Zdsh, Northern Railroad Nicrany, was �referrad to the Ordinance -Committee. '
fa O On motion the 'Board Adjourned-
J �
o�rx-0n ...9� (.11 1908 M a" .,SPP o - Bit, 21 1908.'_.
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