HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 599, November 16, 1908��r
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�• - At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamber, in thi
City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky. November I6th. I908. On call of the roll the following
answered to their names; -Bowers, Duvall, Cornallteon, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Lsokey,.Mayerg '
VanMeLerand Young, (IO)
< is-
Chairman, Lindsay being absent, Member Laakey, was placed In nomination, with -out oppo•'
sitiom, and was declared Elected, upon cell of the roll the following; arnourood Lackey when
Council Proceedings, City Paducah
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and Young. (9) .
ccti.Jlil��� �Y
�• - At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamber, in thi
City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky. November I6th. I908. On call of the roll the following
answered to their names; -Bowers, Duvall, Cornallteon, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Lsokey,.Mayerg '
VanMeLerand Young, (IO)
< is-
Chairman, Lindsay being absent, Member Laakey, was placed In nomination, with -out oppo•'
sitiom, and was declared Elected, upon cell of the roll the following; arnourood Lackey when
thdr names were oalled.-Bowers, Duvall, Cornallisonr Foreman, ForAr Kreutzerr Mayor, r
and Young. (9) .
On motion.the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted an read.
On motion the resignation G.N,Walters, as Park Commissionser, was aocapted,and the apoln
ment of A,L,Gasslter, by the Mayor, to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. Walters, was ratlfU0
On motion by member VanMeter, tha allowsnos for the first half of November 1908, Por
salaries k eta, was allowed, and the Clerk ordered to draw warrent on the .Trsnsuro for same,
upon $all of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Lackey, Bowers, Duvall, Cornelllenn, Foreman,
Pord, Kreutrar, Mayer, VanNeter, and Young, (10)
On motion George W.Walters' after being camen in, presented his Bond The United Stntes
(+Sdellty�anA Guaranty Company, of Baltimore tlA,�.nd hero 'oeing no second to. the :above motion;
some was ordered recorded In the minutes, and mad$ a part of the record,;'.•i'.�.
On motion by member Foreman, the City National Bank of Paducah Ky. was offered es the
City Depository, by Treasurer Elsot George W,Waltere, and was not ratified, upon call of the'
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roll by the following vote; -Yoga Foreman, and Kreutzer. (2) Nays Lackey, Bowers, Duvall ,'Cor-
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nellison, Ford, Mayer, VanUoter, and Young. (8) -
On'motion by momher VwWe•.er, a report of the City Treasure and Auditor of closing an
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account with the American German National Bank, by transfer to the Citizens Saving Bank, was
On motion b•/ menber VanMater, a somumicatien from the Light and Water Committee..was
received and filed. -
•-On motion by member Duvall, •Transfer of The Paducah DSe LilLrlee Co. Quart, td quor
License, from 128 South 3rd. Street to I17 South 2nd, Street, wen granted, upon call of the rd:
by the following vote;-Yeae lAckey, Bowers, Duvall, Cornellison, Foremon,.:+ord, Kreutzer, Mayii
VanVotar-and Young. (10)
On notion by member Bowers, the action of the Uper Board, was oonoured-in, in regard "
to all bills for operating and malntinsnoe expenses of the River Side Iionpltalo he approved.
by the Hospital Board, before being submitted to the Finanoo Committee,
On motion by the above, a cowunication from A. Franke Sewer Inopeotur,. was referred a0
The ][capital Sawreage and Swiltary Committee.
+T•VJ H•� TOey.
On motion by member Mayer, a eomunloation from the H,Weil and funs, was received and fi'.
motion by the above, a deed was granted Mrs ai ^,Sears to tut 17 Block 41 In Oak
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Grote CemeteryOn
On motion by member Young, an Ordinance was ordered brought In regulating the running,
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of Street Care,
Council Proceedings. City of Paducah
On motion by memDer.Duri.11, the wetion of the,Uper Burd was ooneured-1n,in re-
f WlYlldudICCU.('. , gerd to the Romans Club. � '� - -� -� ' �•
motion the B_oerd Adjourned
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