HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 594, October 19, 19081
Council Proceedings, City. of Paducah,.,
.....-._._...:. 190
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At a, regular meeting of the Board of Couneilmon, held In the Counell CMmDe;, in �•.`. ,'
,..:....�,. -. .,
jl the Clty,Hall, In the City of Paducah, Ky. October 19th. 1908, On gall of the roll the
rrF following mewered to their names; -Bower, Duvall, Cornellsaon, Foreman, Pord, Krcuttsr '
(. Lackey, Vamneter, Wilson and Young, ((IO)
Chairman T,ind ssy, being absent member Twakey, woe plated in nomination with -out _
._opposition, and was declared Elected, upon sell of the roll by the rollowing,ennounetrt
Laskey when their namee were called;- Bower, Duvall '
, �9wtrideco, Postman; Fgrd,Krell-"
i tzar, Mayer, V"ter, Wilson and Young•(9) Cornellieon came in.
On motion by member Porsman, the previous notion of A, B, F.11iotE� in regard to him""
paying to the City of Paducah
{ , SI2O.00 for improvements at 9th. and Ohio Streets, osi" '
resone3dered. - � � '� 1. '
On motion by member VmMstor, A.S.Elliott'e propoelLion.to pay to the City of Ped-'•
Q.�• .
ucah, '4120.00 for improvements, was referred to the Finance Committee,'for reconsider-�.^ 1
On motion LM previous minutes were adopted ea corrected.
On motion by memberVanileter, the esmi-monthly allowance for salaries 6 eto. for ;•''�
G Q '
t .W,Oo/4,ttc.. the first half of October was allowed and the Clerk ordered Lo draw warrent ad the (
- Treasure for cams, uopn call of the 'roll -Dy the following voM;-Yeas Laskey, Rower,
- Duvall, CornellieonPord
, Poremen, , Kreutzer, Mayor, VanNeter, WL1eon and Y
f, "^ on motion by thP. above, .& oomunlostion from the Board of Public Works and Mayor
/IS --In regard to apportionments for Street purposes, was received and filed,' I'
nn .... On motion by the above, a comuniostion from the Indiana Refinning Co. was reoeiv-
/ `Yd and filed.41
• I On motidn by member Young, 'An Ordinance Regulating the Storage Of OIL In the City
/8� f Paw
dah, was referred to thr Ordimnse Committee,' upon call of ,the roll by
thr fol-
(JW� /A� flowing vote; -Yeas Lackey, Bower( Cornelia son, Portman, Pord, Kreutzer, Yr.yer, V"Gto=;!:' '.i'
Wilson and Young. .(10) Nays Duvall. (I)
i' 04 ,� On motion by member Cornellieon, M Ordinance for the purchase of the Weser Works
T '
Of the City Of Paducah, was referred Lo the Ordinance and Light and Water Commltteea.
!1� •�.. � On mo Ll on by member Flower, a oomunication from W,N.Carren tM.t he.bs Formatted to
,14U aomeot with the Sewerage on I4th. Street,wae referred to the Hospital Sewer and Bon -'rte,..,,
r'. ::•• -
..' 'IStary Committee. -
y - ' •r� On motion by member Cornellieon,' a-rctuest from W.N.Leven Jr. and Wan N•rwvSr. •:•,�
lEhat they be permitted to operate %.Perry at the foot of Elizabeth Street'. was reterrd;"
Lo the Street Commit tse.
+1 On motion by member Rower, the'following action of•the*Hospital.8ewgr:h Sanitary
Committee, was oonoured-in;- We, your Joint Hospital Sower 6 Sanitary Committee,'recom-
mend the repaira.to Sewer pipe •on Washington Street h First Street, as reoommended ,by •"•^^: I .'"
• z'.5ut. LM �City'Enginser.
On .motion by nemDer�Bowar, 'LMSfollowing aQtion of the Hospital Bawer & 8anitary,•,yI
I o
.'+1 x Committee Jointly,, Was oonoured in Rslocmmend'thet Boor Bar hard' a'prapgrty on or
Iii rif Int !4rF r rl ♦ r r Ba
(, Yfk' � 9 _'� , � : Y'• LI,. Air i� I ,^tyrY f Irl}15rI I, i. i I `�I ` .. �3..'-,
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1 • J
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.J 11 •Y, :. T :.:n¢ 1 H h Y^rJ:ei. 1. 'p+..,.,Y4tCa�n-..__- -, : '
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah
,, ... 190'
near 13th,. Street be assessed aacording,to estimate submltt.ed by the City Englnaere Committee-.�:.
►oke further Lima in which to report action on the George Bombard property near I,C,Shopd; a1-
..'.''`' _••
�S0 roeoemend that the oontract for grading and graveling of 13th,, Street, made with Gardner h
• i
IIIYHlederman, be fulfilled h she estimate Submitted by the CSL Engineer a 1 e
Y B Ea n t their property'
�etend, also reeomnund that the City Solicitor be Instructed to have George Bernhard to move
Ihmass off of 13th.Street, On motion same wan conoured-in.
gipped P.II, 3tewnrt.
• .: «::...
'. H.V.Sherrlll. -
. i
.. ... C.C.Duvall.
R.J.Bileon. -.
On motion by member Ford, • Beed was granted Prad Hendon to Lot 30 Block 42
in Oak Orovs
On motion by member Rower, the City Solicitor was in etmated to'notify A.S. Elleott to
move h1e house oft of the'olde-walk located at or near 9th, h Oh lo Streets, wan oonourad-Sn,
'i', 0./
On motion by the above, a'rezuest from the women's Club that the be axnmpted from Taxen
at their building near 6th, h Kentucky Ave. was referred to the Supervisors,.
- •-
On motion by member Duvall, a comunlcation to the Mayor from C.K.1Bueler, in regard to
nnII -opening
Jackson Strent, the Mayor's motive wits to have the some reconsidered no he AeemoA Lha
seat to groat for the present, and therefore naked the reoonslAsretlon, Sams was loot,
upon sell
of the roll by the following vote}-Ysas'Duvall, Comallienn, Ford, and Mayor, '(4) Nay$ fine kay,l�
Foramens Kreutzer, VanMeter, tfileon and Young. (6)
On motion by member VanMoter, An Ordinance amending Right of way Granted Us Paducah Sout)
am Eleo.rlo Railroad Company, was referred to the Ordinance Committee.
------On motion the Board Ad,corned-----_--�;..—__________
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