HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 590, September 21, 1908Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . ........ .... ........ . . . ............... ......... .. . ............... 190
Coun.oll Py",IQ
At a regular meeting or The Board of Counallmeno hold In the Council Chamber, in
the City Hollp,in the City of Paducah, Ky, September 21st, 19ce. on fail of the roll
the following answered to their namee;-Bowers, Duvall, Cornallison, Fares=, Fordo ft*;r�r' �/I ,
utzerg Lackey; M&yerp UnMeter, and Wilson, (10)
Member Lindsay, being absent; Ur,jafkoy, was placed In nomination with -out oppo-
altion, and was declared Elected, on call or the roll the Following;- announced Lackey
oflion their nonce were e&U, Bowers, Duvall, Com*lliaon, Foreman, Fordo Kratitter, Mayor
Vardleter, and Wilson. (9)
On motion the mlnut of, of the previous mating.w&s adopted as read.
On notion by member Vi%nMter, the saml-monthly &lloworao for calories a. ate.. "a
J411owodp and the Clark ordered to draw warrant on the Treasure for come, upon call of
It he roll by the following vote ;-Ysaa Lackey, Beavers, Duvall, Cornallison, Foreman, Porl A
Xroutter, Mayor, VanUster, and Wilson, (10)
On motion by the above, & onmunio&tion from the Mayor, In regard to the bnlen6 Ic
left in the Treemure for lmprovvd Streets, woo refolved and filed.
On motion by the &boys, & request from A.S.Elljott for a settlement for sewerage,
It 9th, and Ohio Streeta, was refferr*d to the Finance Committee.
MAR, On motion by I member Foreman, An Ordinartat for the Storage of oil in the city of
adue&hp Ky, was referred to the Ordinmoo Committee, for further fInventigation,
On motion by member VanMetor, Tarvis was ordered put an IOU. Street between Kan
oky Ave. and Rrosdwa
Y, On 4011 Of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas lackey, Bower'.
all. Cornalliaon. Foreman* Fordo Kreutzer, Mayert VanMeter and Wilson. (Io)
IJ u Du On motion by member, Foreman, the Mayor was autho.rIzed to SIEP a petition to open
road extending. from Boamell ROM on.th, South to the Hinkleville ROM, on the North
ilial"L loans was acnoured in.
On motion by the *boys, the above,
the Mayor waa-euthorized to asourd night -of -
Jackson Street from 2let. Street 10 C.K.Whooler's Line
JG- Ry of 'A runrUng South, upon coal of the roll Dy the followlkg vote; -yea
@key, Bower, Duv&lo CorntIllaon, Foreman, Pord, Kroutzer, Mayorp V&nM@t*r mid Wile
Off"' .
1,-7 -On motion.by member Cornalliaon, that & 00=110st6on from the Paducah ft
ter Co.
%OIL L. be r*ioived and f1ladt in regard to come laying water main on Broadway from 23[st. to
Ajef V
Uth.. Streets, received and flied, and Fire Plug" put an the rental list,
On Notion by the above, soosunitation from the Paducah Water Co, tbAt they had
completed laying their maina on Guthrie Ave. 19.rth. street, Kentucky Ave,, and 20th. St. -.0
was resolved and filed, and the Fire Plugs ordered put on the rental Ilat,
on motion by member COrnollls,n, that. a. copy of all Ordinances be mailed to each
of the Oanerst.Council THREE Do a before the regular mefotinge Of asset "a ratifledf,
Upon fell of the roll by the folhOwing vote; -Yeas laskey, Bower. Duvallo.gornolllsono
ft"man, Fordo Xroutzor,*Msyor. VanUetor and Wil
On mOtIOnbY member Kreutzer,'& request from w.R.Moors, that.t'har City piece a
7r!', Lrough for horses, at Ifth. and Tennoasss Street, -w,,
rererrod'to the Water Committei.r-%',
notion by member Kroutter, the Rubber 'brip Tool Randle Co. was granted oxomp-
fro)artmea.. ., 114 4
... .... 41
Council Proceedings. City ofPaduceh,......__,:_.::. .:_.................. '.............. :. 190+
aX+- _. On motion by meatier Milson, a request Piet Mouse Keeper M,M,wheelis thsy he be furnished)
• Telephone at the Pest Mouse, was referred to the Railroad Telegraph and Telepdons Committee.
On notion by member Mayor, a eaauniostion from d,M,dllbert•for over osaseemont, was refer
' � .•, "N"/ ed to the Board of Supervisors.
On motion by member Foremen, the action of the Street Committee was oonoured-in in regard)
grading and graveling Barley Plane. .� .
On notion by member Cornellison, a petition toramater, from Faye Ave. on Powell to Ashoraft
' 0 0.AJ mrd an Ashoraft to Sowell, was referred to the water Company.
On motin by membur Duvall, the City Engineer was inetruoted to furnleh number of test re-
^`r quired by Ordinance and notify. the Proper authorities. -
----- _--- _On motion the Board Adjourned-----
ourned— OCT `i Igoe, nayRovxwACT 5.. 1908 1
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