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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 580, July 20, 1908Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,,,,::..,..,.,,,_...._:_.._.:............__.'190
Council er®ceedin s
At • regular meeting of the Bawd of Counollmon, held in the Ccunoll,hombor,'^_,
. In the City Ball, In the City of Paducah, Ky, July 20th, 1908. On call of the roll the
-"' following answered to their name@; -Bawer, Duvall, Cornelllson, Pereman, Porde Lackey,
yer, YaoMator-bpd; Will son, (9) .. _ If6t ..
Chairman Lindsey being absont at this meeting, the first thing in ardor,was
to +oloot:a Chairman Pro Tem, Camber Lackey was placed in nomination without opposition •; '
On call of the roll the following announced Lackey, when their names were called,
Bawer, Duvall, Cornslllaon, Foreman, Pord, Mayer, VanMeboe, and Milson, (8) /
On motion the Contract from the Southern BSLulithlo Co.'for the Improvement
Of 10th. Street, from Broadway to Kentucky Ave, was killed, on call of the roll by the
following vote; -Nays Lackey, Bower, Duvall, Cornellioon, Portman, Pord, Mayor, VanMetay
- I Q.:
j' eM Wilson. (9) Kreutzer come In; Young come in. ..
On motion by member VanMeter, the point Finance Committee's semi-monthly al -
and clork ordered to drawGame
(�,.Iew6noe for solarles,h oto. on call of LM roll o 1
^ Y owing vote; Teas Lackey,
r, Duvall, Corna111oon, Poreman, Pard, Kreutzer, Mayer, VaoMOtOr, Wilson 6mdYoung.40.
On motion by member VanMster, an Ordlnanoo providing for the oaestruatlon I
Q�ncQ. •P the Alley, running between Tem{onso h Jones Streets and IIth. 8 I2th. Streets, In -
Y� the City of Paducah, Ky. by grading and graveling of same, was given first pasaage,on
ef l:I1} 0611 of the roll b the following Tate;- -
Y g Yetis lackey, Bower, Duvall, Cornellison, fore•=
■an, Pord, Kreutzer, Mayer, V6nMeter, Milson and Young. (II)
On notion the rules'.wase suepehded on the above Ordinance, on call of the,
roll by the ftllowing vote;-Yeaa Lacksy,l•Bower, Dugll, Cornellioon, Poreman, Ford,
Kraut Mayor, VanMeter, Milson egd Young,
( ® On motion by the above, the above Ordinance, was given second .,and final tee. C j.
11Pase690 by title, on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas HAcksy, Bower,Duvall'.`�': '• ti�
..��,p_r"!�'• v�r/ `Cornellisan, Paremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, VanMoter, Milson and Young, (II)
r/OEs 9 On motion by member VanMster, an Ordinance providing for the Construction or
•' '
.J„•it he Allroy running g Detwsan Tennessee 6 Jones Streets 9th, SIOEh. Straato,„,•,,;in the
F -'i0 ity of Paducah, Ky, D grading and g. given passa ..
-, t ;.I ., Y 8r B graveling, was Ten first passage, an pall of the .. ..}
yoll by the fallowing veto; -Yoga L►Gkty, 'Bower, Duvall, Carnelllson, Poreman, Ford,'{
Kreutzer, Mayor, Yanketer, Mlleon and You”. (II)
/� +t motion Lh
On s rules wars suopended, on the above Ordinance, on call of the r
_ I .
,mar,,,. •:.s, .
all by the following qts; -Yeas Lackey, Bower, Duvall, Cornelllson, Paraman, Pord,
- r �{•:,'
�.r Rreu%zsr, Mayor,.VanMeter, Milson and Young,
On motion by the above, tlia above Ordinance we given second and final pasat,LT,
,�►go by title, on Goll of the roll by the following vete;-yeas Lackey, Bawer., Y ;..
;, r•i., ,..:'' i ornslllson, Foreman,' Pard, Kreutzer, Mayer,, V6n14ter, Wilson End Young,
114 a• _-,. On motion by.nomber VanMotor, on Ordlnanos requiring persons to brVasolnstod.•�•'
killed on its first passage an 0611 of. the roll by the following veto;-Ysom.O oi�':•:: ".'^ r
nolllson and V k
WLoter.i (2) Aays Lackey, Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Pord, RrouLaer, Mayer,
*118on and Young. (9) t 1 , ), al { r 1
4 _
., rl. r tl
J. 1.
f` A �,i f.i�' �1. •. �i.^CZ M'(,Ti!„'-e`Yr „TT, %�.. "e...3 ,n r � ' 1,..
Council Proceealings, City of Paducah, i....,:,'.,:.:.:..:-.:
._ `'.......-190
On motion by memebor Duvall, an application from Phil Stephone for Retail Coffee
abHouse License at 204 South 9th, St. was killed, on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas
Lackey, Duvall, Corne111son, Poremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, Voter, Wilson and Young, (IO)
Nays Bower, (I) in con*uring in the action of the Lloanse Committees
On motion by'member Duvall, Thos Boyle's application for Retail Coffee House LlcenlIas
at 900 North 8th. St. was killed, on call or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas L.ackey,Boar,
B i
Duvall, Cornellison, Portman, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayor, VanNeter, mison and Young:,(II) In con
• 1
curing in the action of'the License Committee. j
•�, On motion by umber Duvall, the application of J,L,Potter, for Retail Coffee House
,Lfa® Boons* at 637 Campbell St, was killed, an call of t4a roll by the following vote;-Ysae Lackey,
7 �il. Bower, Auvoll, Cornellleon, Foreman, Ford, Krtutzer, Mayer, VW(eter, Wilson and Young, (II)
In oonouring Sn',ths action of the License Conmlttee.
' 31a On motion by member Duvall, the money of the applicants Phil Stsphono, Thos Boyle
arto i
-., and J,L,Potter, was ordered regunded, on *all of the roll by the following vopo;-Ysae Lackey,)
p /�
�l�,Ica/t(xa. Bawer, Duvall, Cerne111een, Porem►n, Fordo Krsuttor, MaW
Mayer, Vanter, Wilson.and Young.,(II) '
u i'
On motion by member Mayer, a petttion from L.P,Dilk for over e-naasement was referred
'' ""�" �'. `•� W the Board of Supervisors.
On meta on Dy member Mayer, a petition from Sherrill Russell Lumber Co, was rei'erred
to the Board of Supervisors, - -
On motion by member Ford, D,T.Strest, D.N.Strest and NW,Coulson, was granted•',
dead to lot I5 Block 44 in Oak Grave gametsry. -
/� : •- =- —
'' n
On notion by umber VmMeter, a resolution In regard to the sale of lets. in Oak
Breve Conotery,Addltlon, was given s000nd end final passage by title, la this Board, an coal .
of the roll by the following vete;wYeas Lookey, Bear, Duvall, Corrurlllson; Foreman, Ford,.
Kr4n1tnor, Mayer, VmMoWr, Wilson and Young, (II)
On motion by umber Portman, a petition from Thoe Torrian In regard to dedlcating
his property at the toot of Kentucky Ave, for Street purposes, was referred to the Oity Sol -
loiter ter Investigation, in oorouring in the action of the Upper Board,
On notion by umber Foreman, a petition from the Board of Public Werke, in regard to
ISth, street, was received and flied. I.
On motion by member Poremen, the Board of Public Works was instructed to advertise)
�5 W �4.fw
for Contracts under the ordinance authorising the Improvements of ISph. Street Water',. Streetj
-1-� )O � f u�'UC ,
Broadway 6 Ky. two. in censuring In the action of the Upper Board, � I
Q+•a, ..
On motion by nonber Foremen. s, motion to have the Board of Public Works have Grove,,i
at the end or North 4th, Strut, drained, Was referred to the City Engineer.
On motion by umber Duvall; Tuck Lowe use granted a transfer of his Retail Coffee
"House License, from I047 Washington Street, to '.825 Washington Street, en call of the roll by.
the following vote; -Yeas Wokey, Bower, Duvall, Corn*lllson, Portman, Ford, Kroutter, Mayor,
VanNster, Wilson and Young. (lI)
On motion by manber Duvall, Will Word was granted a transfer of hie'Rstall Caffes
r•GC A
House Ltoenas, from I20 Ky. Ave, to I00 Breedway, on call of theroll by the following vote;-*
Yeas Lackey, Bower, Dlvall$ Cornelllcon, Foremen, Ford, Kroutter, Nayerot"eter, Wilson and
On motion by memebor Duvall, an application from Phil Stephone for Retail Coffee
abHouse License at 204 South 9th, St. was killed, on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas
Lackey, Duvall, Corne111son, Poremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, Voter, Wilson and Young, (IO)
Nays Bower, (I) in con*uring in the action of the Lloanse Committees
On motion by'member Duvall, Thos Boyle's application for Retail Coffee House LlcenlIas
at 900 North 8th. St. was killed, on call or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas L.ackey,Boar,
B i
Duvall, Cornellison, Portman, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayor, VanNeter, mison and Young:,(II) In con
• 1
curing in the action of'the License Committee. j
•�, On motion by umber Duvall, the application of J,L,Potter, for Retail Coffee House
,Lfa® Boons* at 637 Campbell St, was killed, an call of t4a roll by the following vote;-Ysae Lackey,
7 �il. Bower, Auvoll, Cornellleon, Foreman, Ford, Krtutzer, Mayer, VW(eter, Wilson and Young, (II)
In oonouring Sn',ths action of the License Conmlttee.
' 31a On motion by member Duvall, the money of the applicants Phil Stsphono, Thos Boyle
arto i
-., and J,L,Potter, was ordered regunded, on *all of the roll by the following vopo;-Ysae Lackey,)
p /�
�l�,Ica/t(xa. Bawer, Duvall, Cerne111een, Porem►n, Fordo Krsuttor, MaW
Mayer, Vanter, Wilson.and Young.,(II) '
u i'
On motion by member Mayer, a petttion from L.P,Dilk for over e-naasement was referred
'' ""�" �'. `•� W the Board of Supervisors.
On meta on Dy member Mayer, a petition from Sherrill Russell Lumber Co, was rei'erred
to the Board of Supervisors, - -
On motion by member Ford, D,T.Strest, D.N.Strest and NW,Coulson, was granted•',
dead to lot I5 Block 44 in Oak Grave gametsry. -
/� : •- =- —
'' n
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,...190
__... ' .. .' .
On motion by member,Pord, the Cemetery Csmlttes was authorized to have
build • wire Penoa, around Oak Grove Addition, in o►auring. in the action of the Upper •'
(p.pC. ��.w.` On motion by member Duvall, a complaint from g,R.Pleros, was referred to Liu•^,:
Park Commiselonsors.
On motion,by member Young, this Hospital Committee, wag authorized with power .I'•"
to act, the arlasahility of building a Coal House and Laundry at River gids Hospital,'
�In�oonouring in the notion of the Upper Board.
On motion by member Young, thereportof that Yrs, gtopbone had
•.Sven him a ohook of ,a-IOO.00 with the intent of bribery, was referred to the City gol—,!%`'
ititor and Mayor, ,i. ..
On motion by member VarMoter, the Ordinanos Committee, was ordered to bring ! .,1�'•
an Ordinanoo, probhibiting Ice wayono ussing Belle Gongs or other Nisy instruments.
'On motion by member Young, the Ordinanos Commlttse, was ordered to bring in
an ,Ordinanos, ;ylismingalho. Palmer and Yrs. •lnfrgy, improving their property:
....,. , ' '--On motion the Board Adjourns 1.
AUG 3 1908 • .. AUG 3 1908 .
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