HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 573, June 18, 1908I 1 j
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Council Proceedings. City of Paducah,.._... 190
Council ercc..-..-
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At a called weting of the Board of Council he in the Coune11 Chamber, In the City'
Ball, in the 'City of Paducah, Ky. June.I8th. 1908 at 9.30 p,Y, On wall of the toll the tollowt
Sag answered to their names; -Lind sy, Bower, Duvsll, Cornelllson, Poreaan, Pord, Krsutter,Lwk-'
Vadleter, Wilson and Young.
TO the Board of Councilmen,
...._' -
Paducah, Ky..
. .'
I have called you together in special session for the '
second passage to osrtsln taendments of Liu License Ordinance %elating tofthe nsale
looting and nonintoticating Liquor and Loan agents; 6150 to vote on Ordinancesubmlting to the
vote the People the Question of Insuring 3150,000, Bonds of the City, and the lssuring.of I e
1t250,000. noiAa of the,City for Street and Side -Walk Improvements,
Respectfully .'.
• -
James P. Smith.
On motion by member VenUster, an Ordinance Increasing the Retail Coffee Nouse license
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375.00 seal -annually to 6emi-6nnually, 'the
v250,000, was given second passage on call or
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roll by the following vote;-YeasLinda&y, Bower, Duvall, Cornsllison, Foremen, Pord,Kreutter,'
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key, VanYetel, Nilson and Young. (II)
On motion by member VenYeter, an Ordinance for Wholessle.2% Liquor License or nonintotLi
ting and Loan Dealers, on call of the roll by the following rote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall
'COm011ism, Foremsn,.Pord, Kreutsei, Lackey, Vangoter, Wilson and Young, (II)
On motion by member VenYetel, an Ordbrrnce for f250,000. Bonds for Rpreet and
Improvweents, to be voted by the people, waa ven second given passage on or,the roll i
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tjby the following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvsil, Cornelllnon, Porman, Pord, Kreutter,'Lackeyt,
lVanYster, Wilson and Young, (II)
On motion by member VenYster, an ordinance for 3150,000. Bonds for Street and
nide-Walk. Improvements, to be votedon by the people, was given second paseaEyi 'on,oall of the rl
;roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lndmsy, Bower, Duvall, Cornellleon, Foremen, Po rd, Kreutter
VenYeter, Wilson and Young. (II)
-------------------On motion the Board MJourned-------------------------- '
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