HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 569, June 15, 1908y, -rr:Mi.'.2'(i. S.-� YY. •q•sc': L, rn:T. _irrt,r'..y.,._•; - Council Proceedings; City of Paducah, ...... ....... , 190 uouncai From', J; At a regular meeting of the Board of, Councilmen, hold in the Council Chamber, in the Qlby Rall, in the City of Paduoah,.Ky. June IBth. 1908. 0f1 call of the ro1lLtie.following an. Vwered to their names; -Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Wokey, Mayers VanMefer,• 1 Wilson aM Young. (II) . On mot 1011, 0. oomanl0ation from the Mayor, In regard to the available amount of money _..... for Droved Strestep, was received abd filed, in conouring 1n the action of thi Aldermen. �t1 On motion a. petition from Residents of ParleY Place egalnet tho Con,truotlon of thel �Itreec known as Parley Street, was reWeived and filed. On mntlon a petition in behalf of the Construotnon of Palley Street, in Farley pl" .. • from residents and property owners, was received and filed. - On motion a request from w,C,0Brion for a release from property sold him by the City, V Q/•ch+.••-was . oonaured In. - On motion by member Lackey, the ■sml-monthly allowance, for salsrles S eto.tor =7,882, 42 was allowed and the Clerk ordered to drew warrent for same, on call of too roll by the follow; ,. in g vote; -Yoga LWasye Bower, Duvall, Poreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Laskey, Mayer, VW/eters Wilson •!iid . _. ..... Young. (p) .. On motion by member VanWter, M Ordinance amending an Ordinance, entitUA , M Ordi- ��• '3l9nee fixing and regulating the License and the mamrr and form of granting and Issuing same on ""ma`"""'r arious linea of bulonees, was glum first passage on call of the roll by the.following vaN;-i i ., Tess Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Foremen, fords VwMoter and Young. (7) Rays Kreutzer Lackey, Mayer, - - and Wilson. (4) (�.�. ^/� .' -"�� On motion by member Vanketers on Ordinanm Entitled Disorderly Conduct, was given i first pmuaga, On call of the rail by LM follewing write; -Yoga LSnduj, Bower, Duvall, Foreman; Ford, Kr, utzer, Mayers rinMeter, and Young,I. (9) Lackey passed. Nay Wilson. (I) � r • ( On motion the rules were suspended onthe above Ordinance, on call of the roll by the 'following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Fords Kreutter, Lackeys Mayer, VanMetir, . Wilson ant Young. (II) On motion by member VmMeter, An Ordlnenoe Intitled Disorderly Coniuot, was glum `-, ���•�,- eeaond and final passage by Title, On 0911 of the roll by the following vote; -rias LSndsay,Bower, ) r _ Duvall, Poreman, Ford, Kreutter, Lackey, Mayer, VanMeter, Milson and Young* (II) J On motion by meatier VenWbr, M Ordlnanoe creating the Roapltal Board of LM City of '. �'^p�•�•a %aeduosh, Ky..arW Aeflning the dut!oa of such Board and the tome of Office of the members thereof was given first passage on call of LM roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, .foreman, Fords Kreutter, Lackey, Mayer, Ve.Nfsters Wilson and Young, (11) ' ' ! On motion the rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, on wall of the roll by the following vote;- Yeas Llndasy, Bowers Davall, Foreman, Ford, Kreutter, Lackey, Mayer, Voometer, i Wilson and Young. (I1) I' '•''3'1• ii[tc. On notion DY member VamUstort M Ordinance creating the Boupital Board of Lhe.Ci 1 yy of K Paducah , y..9nd defining the duties of such Board and the terms of Office of the membore thereof • ,. wog given second and final passage by title, on call of Lhe roll by the following vote;-Yead,ind- say Bowers Duvall Foreman. ForA Kreutzu Luke May* rVandletero Wilson and Young. (11) •{ Over .� J; c'n I n}Y it�dlC t wW�f 57Q •' I Council Proceedings, City of Paducah..__ ........:....................._..-_....:.._.... 190:. On notion by member. Vanlletsr, An Ordinance creating the•Office. of Live -Stock ._ lost and Milk Inspector, for the.Clty of Paducah, Ry, won given fleet passage, on call �f the roll by the follo-ging vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Fereman,Ford, Krwiteer,' Lackey ,•.tn f+r'� M► err VanMsterr Wilson " Young, :(II) lF ,_"'+, f , ,,;,I , •Onnotion thr rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, on call of the rk.. ',• ( roll •�{.,' by the following rote;-YeeshindesA,,Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Ford, KreuLter, Lackey . .•. '�; r Mayor, VanMeter, Wileon and Young. (11) ' - i°- '• On motion by member VanMsteri An Ordinance creating the Office of Llve-Stock i^-•'• 4`•` Most andMilk Inspector, For the City Of Paducah,' Ky. was given second and final passage '; ) by title, on call of the roll by the fallowing,vote;-Yeas Lindsay, Boweri Duvall, Foran"-%.� dan,.Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, VanMstar, .Wilson and Young. (II)' .On notion Dy. member VaNdeter, An ORdlrrnce-Aspeal3ng an Ordinance providing odor the construction of a: __�:_:._-:_____..__.Doth aides of Tenth Street from •'J. •, Broadway to Ky. Ave. was given first passage on call of the roll D7 the following votq -y'.:• . Yeas LindenYr BowerrDuvallr Foremanr Ford, Kreutzer, i,ackeYr Ma arr VenNoterr Wilson and Young. (II) ,. On motion the rules were sea emended on the above OrEinanoe,On 411 of the � —r roll by the following vote;-Yaaa Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Poreaan, Ford, Rreutzer,Laokey Mayer, VanMeter, Wilson and Young. III) J 7 On motion by menber VaaMeter, an Ordinance Repealing an Ordlnanoe providing �- or the construction of ..--Doth sides of ^enth Street, Eton .. .. �•;'{•'`i- Biroadwa , to Y• Ave.was Y Jr put up for second and final passage, and was loot, On cell of � � '4"': � , ,the roll by Lhe following vols; -Yeas None Nays Lindsay, Bower, Duv►11,-Foremon, Ford, - I '. Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, Vw Meter, Wilson and Young. (II) • ( " On motion by member VwMeter, an Ordinance Repealing an Ordinance provlding. for the oonstruotdon of ({tkAtold'Side-%lhs'6'st6.;Dotb.sides of Tenth Street from '^ Broadway to Ky. Ave. was lost on first passage, an call of ths.roll by the following �. :•.. 'ate; -Yeas None Nays Lindsay, Bower, Duvsll, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Leokey, Meyer, . Wilson and Young, (1I).: �anMeter, ,On motion by amber 'VanMeter, the Ordinance Committee was ordered to report • l.eN./.(cen the Jim Crow Law, in, ooncuring 1n the action of the Aldermen, On notion by nembet VWteter, the Ordinance Committee wag requested to Dr1ng ' in an Ordinance requesting all Slde=Wallen on Ry. Ave.to Jefferson eM from 2nd, to -' ; •..... Sth. Street 0 De improved with Oranitoid where Oranitold'le not in use. -in ooncuring •, Sn the action of the Aldermen. "' ,•�,. - I r- „4 On motion D Member VanMeter, • Y , petition 1m�regard to an Alley between Tenn. } ! and Jones and.IIth. I2th. Streets,was referred to the Ordinance Committee, in ooncur-' k' :,�+`•: ,: I.'V.•ing in the motion of the Aldermen. .' ... - -� ! 'Om motion by member VerMeter, An Ordinance prohibiting the use of Wells ands " iLe'terns.,, ter, drinking water purposes. was, killed on the Second passage, on call of -' - -.'�.�:.: •r,,r +.� She roll D the f olln Yr r . 7r. i lmg vote; -leas Linea Bohr Fore Lsoko wad VmU------- . �, :•.��. `(:. ,BoyaDuvall, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, Wilson and 7 hr „On motion Dy meaber Duvall, B.J.Jones was granted Retail Cottee Mouse Licena, i 5, Y <...) •,,,•end Bond'aooeptsd at 109 North North, 4th.• Street. On oall tot thr roll by the fallowing 'ti'Ml`41A:Y7•jQ'!61i.�:.uMSYi::lf,:u1"-5:ti,t+L,iw»wean:a.y;,;,,yyl�.-,i�t,:'i:..•Ifdyi:tiJ4S iiwxw.:},;y^ti ,L. . • .. . ' �++4:ILll'IA.t1'��{�r: .4Y.A.syrl,j., /.a'.. ; ti ! •t<4L .3h;•,..\ .il^r, Ft':. tlfA'VV C. mR^?9M1C:wPr. r �t. Coun cil.Proceedings, City of Paducah, ;_ 190 vote; -Yeas Wmdsay Bower, Duvall, Po»mea, Word, KrePtcsr, Lackey, Wyer, VemWter, Wilson and `r;•, Young. (II) '-• " On motion by member Duvall, Robert Stith wen granted a Mail Caftse House License and 1 Bond woepted'a' I25 Broadway, On call of the roll by tM following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, ... ... .Duvall, Poreman, Ford, Kreutser, Laskey, Wyer,. VanMster, Wilson' and Young. (II) t On motion by member Bower, a cominloatlan from the Paduoah Home Telephone Co, was room, .ed and filed. On motion by member Ford L,P.Harrrriin was granted a DEED to Lot 29 Block'43 in Oak Orove Cemetery, .4.,. � O.sr-� — PAP- Xa 112110 %�1+.,+-� riXn'T��j'--a/e-.z..tz....:::/ ov On motion a'petition from Msrohants on 2, and 3rd,Strsst* also Broadway and Jefferson 3,.A and . Streets, in regard to an Alley between said Street*, was referred to the Board of Health. ft On motion by member Kreutzer, the Public Improvement Committee, was authorised to have ,,necessary repair* to the Roof of the City Hall, and given power to eat. On call of the roll by., VRB� the following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Myer, VmMete� Wilson " Young, On motion by member Lackey, the Board of Public Works, was authorized to Secure bids Aloud, -"�I for the Construction of IOth. Street from Broadway to Ky. Ave.On cell of the roll by the follow- I-f� a ing vote; -Yeas Bower, Duvall, Poreuan Pord Lacks and Young. 1 � . Y, 6. (6) Nay* Lindsay, Kreutzer, Mayor VanMeter, and Young. (5) - ( construction of 1 On motion by ®nber Foreman, that the^IOth, Street, between' Broadway and Ky, AV*, be; 1 ; r000nsldered, was loot on Collor the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Vanmeter, (I) Bay@ Lindsay Bower, / Ber, Duvall, Pornman, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, Wilson and Young, (I0). t (fl'•( ------- On motion the Board Adjourned ----------- «- --------- ,� )) JUL u 1908 gy�pp. 107 01ty Q" 1UL 6 1908 tiPP�./�RO/�./�P(IDpDo i A ' 1 1 Mt. ' y 1 AA .' � MI•+i•4i�1. L'.t/tlLl\.1 l )�. i1N"Yf..n..Mwa'wA4��.a•.n.� S�Wa. a..a:r���.lh1 �I.. Y'� v'J.1��.n ...� � { ' i