HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 565, June 1, 1908Council. Proceedings, City of Paducah,_. _ ............ . .... 190 J lid C®u��c�-oceeY res At a regular meeting, of the Board of Councilmen, held In the Council Chamber, 1n w the City Rall in the City of Psduoah, Ky, June Ist. 1908. On call of the roll the following answered to their names; -Lindsey, Bowir, Duvall, Corrwllleon, Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, VanMetsr, Wilson and Young. (I2) On notion by member VanMeter, a request from the Board of Public Works, in regard to bringing in an Ordinance creating Sprinkling Districts, was oonoured in, R' On motion by member Vw Meter, the action of Genereld Council, was repelled, in regar • /N ^'„44—'� '''fto an Ordinance for the Constrootlon of Streets and Side -walks on'18th. from Broadway to Ky. Ave �In oonouring in the nation of the Aldermen. V On motion by member vanneter,the action of the Aldermen, was oonoured-in, in regard Ys an Ordlnaooe being brouhht In for Grading and Graveling an Alley between Tenneeeee and Jones ' Streets. In concuring in the action of the Aldermen. o On notion by member VWleter, an Ordinance POR Mechanical Instruments was referred to the Ordinance Vomnittee, In oonouring in the action of the Aldermen. ' On notion by member VarlIster, the Ordinance Committee, was Instructed to bring in n �• for voting or registering. QQAa- r a,t an Ordinance probhiting FS^e Stations or any other publio building belonging,to the City, 1n 4 oonauring In the action of the Aldermen. '/n n On notion by member Va Mster, an Ordinem as creating a City Buyer, was referred to th 0dd• Ordinance Committee, in ooncuring in the action of the Aldermen. ��'`y�^ • On notion by Member Lockey, the Mayor was authorized to borrow t4000.00.to Peet that VV yvurrent-expenses for the City, In anticipation of the Tax collections, during June,1908.0n call yy / of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornellieon, Foremen, •Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, VanMeter, Wilson, and Young. (I2) On notion by member Lackey, the Monthly statement of the Joint Finance Committee, /�M(T/ -• pp was allowed, amounting to 1I9,965.17 and the Clerk ordered to drowrwarrent for sans. on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornellison, Foramen, lord, i:reutzex r .Lackey, Mayor, VanHeter, Wilson and Young. (I2) dye /n i On notlln by member Lackey, S of the IO Deeds were allowed to Oak Grove Cemetery, f(w o H.. On notion by member Lackey, a bill from T.J,Stahl for extra Polies, was not allowed, 41n oonauring In the action of the Joint Finance Committee. (�«w, y_-QV,Q . On notion by member Leckcy, the Monthly report of the City Treaaure and Auditor, wan received and Filed. mm /% �. On notion by member VonMotor, an Ordinance Prohibitin? the use of Wells and Cisterns A.A t-,��l-ee&for the supply of Drinking Water in the City of Paducah, Ky. was put up for first passage, on i 0"'u call of the roll by the fallowing vote; -Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Cornellieon, Foremen, Kreutzer, Lackey, " VanNeter, (7) Nays Duvall, Ford, Mayer, Wilson and Young. (5) On Motion,,by the above, the rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yoke Lindsay, Bower, Cornel7.irin, Norman, Kreutzer, Lackey,and Vapmew, On motion by member VonMoter, An ordinance Prohibiting the use of Wells and Cisterns s suply of Drinking water in the City of Paducah, Ky. wan put up for second and final pass title, and was lost, as it takes a Two Third vote , on call of the roll by the following Yeas L.ndsay, Bower, Cornellieon, Foreman, Kreutzer., i.aokey, and VMMeter. (7) Nays0uva11, 5G6 Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ........ _... ... ................. _ _ .... 1,90 Ir €iFord, Mayer, Wilson and Young. (5) (�1 On motion by member VenYatsr, An Ordinance For the Construction of 81ds-Wilks q/,plth combine curb and gutter both aides of 44,13 street from Broad to Island Creek ffi A dto cf!� Bridge, and also on Both sides of Ma ra.street from Islamd Creek brill to Parley B , r• � 7 :,:;_.tic`,' ¢,,• I�ras given first passage, 'r d`aa"u.•A �'tplatle.^On call of the roll.Dy thw following vote;-rindsayr Bower, Duvell,Cormellison 1, �Pord, Rrsutesr, Lsoksy,.Yeyer, YW(eLer, Wilson and Young, (II) Bays Foreman, On noticr. the Ruled were auspended on the above Odrinance, on call of the t I' "roll by the following vote;-Ysss Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, CoiTelllson, Foreman, Ford, i( !Kreutzer, Lackey, Moyer; Voter, Wilson and Young. (19).'; I' On motion by umber vanmster, the above Ordinance was given second and.tinal " I j D1• title -• I �paeeago,A oh cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeae,Lindsay, Bower, Duva11,Corn- „ .. (ellison, Foreman, Fordo Kreutzer, Mayers VanMeter, Wilson and Young. (1I )' Bays Lackey*).„•i A On motion by member VanNoter, An OrdlnAnoe providing for the aonstruotdan of - I a I 9938ue-Walks, with combined curb and gutter, on both. aided 15th. Street, fbom Clay to ( V I �f. 11Trimble Streets. was given first passage, on oa21 of the roll by the following vote;= Yna Lindsay, Bower, Dsvall., Cornellison, Foreman, Ford, Krouteer, Lackey, Mayer, Veer Meter, lillson end Young. (I2) (�.• �c On notion the rules were suspended: on the above Ordinance, On call of the y., roll by the following vote;-Yess Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornellison, Foreman, Ford, n r . .�Krsuteer, Lackey, Mayer, .VsnMalor, Wilson and Young. (I2) � I On motion by member VanMeter, the ebovw Ordinance was given second and final passage on call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lindsey Bower, Duvall, Cornel'•-';,�.r� E fllleon, Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, VarRoter, wllson and Young. (22) -�, --j- On notion by member VahMeter, an Improvement Ordinance For Farley Place, ,'�� •c. `�"�+ , by grading and graveling, from West Prdperty line of Meyer, Street to Worth property r/�xD �!'�'^-"--i•." dine of Clements Street. Original Construction. wee given first passage, on call of I v;tj " -Ithe roll by the following vote;-Yea.a Llndeayp Bower, Duvall, Corne131son, Foreman, 'Pords Kroutser, Laakeyr Msyerr Vanileter, Wilson, and YOung: (22): ...� - '�,�-� ,�"�•j On motion the rules were suspended, on the above Ordinenoe, on call of the 6 II roll D the following , y, , , , , } � , Yp Y ng vote•-YeaeLindaa Bower Duvall Doms111eon Pareman Ford, jl Rreptser, Lackey, Mayer, VenMeter, Wilson and Young. (I2) •' �I' d/ " jt l� On notion by member VsnMaterj the above Ordinance was given second and final''' {{t' by title • t' i pasesge,^on call of the roll by.the following vote; -Yeas Idndsay, Bower, Duvall, Cor- ac•�,' hellison, Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Meyer, VaNl(eterj Wilson and Young. (12) 1 ` i On motion by member Vanlloter, An"Ordinanos Providing for the cohetruoyian ;j /�/A,•' �,�j jof Side -Walks on the East Side of First Street, from Broadway to Washington fyreeta.:_, was given first passage, On Call of the roll by the following vote;-YeaaLi,deay, Bow- } y er, Duvall, Cornell ieonr Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Wileon and Young. (I2) On notion the rules were suspended on the above,01-dinanaw, on call of the re -•' roll by tris fo11ow1ng voter -Yeas LindsaYr Sawarp Duvallr Oome111 edn, Foreman, Ford '• 'F� ,. Kreutser, Lsokey,, Yayer, VanMeter,_.Wilson and Young.,.(I2)--_- .. .. .7 �u On motion by nembar•VanYeter, the above Ordinance, was given wound and fink r al 'paesaio n call of the'rollD Ltu followin rote' Yeaa„tilde Howes! Duvd1,0: r - M _. Y 8 r syr r b -. r•i� ii. '(.� �.j,� i �. i.. fY I� � %1- f -t” , 1 r l•n,. , � �'.'1(n :: ,.. lr\p -+1 ... .«ti..- ,,. w'L•:z.•'a:+:."..u.avLTYL"-ra:rnuwrr¢..riJ.;:L'.ifi. - "•. •,�.,,,;`. _ ' It kS V, K 0 Jackson Street, was referred to the Street Comptes. On motion by member Kreutzer, s..rspuektofrsm'the Paducah Chapter Doyghters of the lAmarlown Revolutionary, that the City Install the Public Drinking Pountatn, at Sth, and Broad- way, road- way, was granted, On sall:of the roll by the following vote.-Yese Lindsay, Bower, ruva11, Cofer 'nellison, Porenm, Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Stayer, VWbter, Wilson and Young. (12) /D• _ I On notion by member Mayer, the Monthly report of Chief of Polio* James Oollins, was �Q O, received aha filed. On motion by member Mayer, the Monthly report of PSr*'ChIsf J.J.Wood, was reootved.. I lel, �,p+aL�y filed. On motion by member Mayor, a request from Pira Chief J.J.Woodj in'regord to • build- belongi.Mg to DR.W,O.Bradley of [uisvills Ky. located at I23 Broadway Paducah Ky. The Mayor) instriuotsd to notify agent or Owner, the condition of •me. ! Pipe Chief and Board of 'Police and Fire Oomisonq On motion by member Mayer, petition from property Owners in regard to the Standard Cole Plant being a detriment to Life mad property, was referred to the City Solicitor and mamas Committee. _ On notion by member Duvall, W,A.Welle k Co. was granted a Retail Coffee Souse LIoensi Bonr'accepted at I05 South 2nd. Street. On call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lind+ Bower, Duvall, Cornellisms Porsman, Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, UNMster, Wilson and ng. (I2) On motion by member Duvall, an amendment was ordered to the Liquor Lloonn, Whored License can be txsnstared from One party or parties to another or others by the GsneraIA ,Cour On oall`of the roll by the following tote; -Yeas Llndeay, Somers Cornellleon, Foreman; Pord, luteer, Lackey, Mayer, YarYetsr, end. Wilegn."(IO).MysDuvall and Yung. (2) On motion by member Pord, 1.8.00 was ofdsred refunded to W.M.Mooro for burial space) it he turns back to the City, as he has removed two Infants from Public Ground, On call of the 567 i ' ;,: Council Proceedings. City of Paducah;'..:::',.i,...... :.... _. ...... :..:...'::......:..:.... .190 - _ ......i �•, Cowe11Lon,.Poreman, Pord, Ktmutter, Lackey, Myer,. ,y"ter, Wilson and Young. (12) On motion Dy'xoxber VanM*ter, the Hack dkln noo, was given Third passage, over t, ' " the Mayofs Veto, on-call of the roll by the following vote;Ysae Lindsay, Boar, Cornellison,,-, ' Poremsn, Pord, Kroutter, Lackey, VmWeter,. Wilson and Young. (IO) Nayr`Duvall and Mayer. (2)" On notion by member Poreman, Kettlers Alley, between Parley Place and Clements that the City rnginesr, be•lnstruoted to read3ast his estimateso as to relieve Mr. Kettler of such dediostlon for Alley purposes, in oonouring in the action of the Alderman. - .I '. On motion by member Poremsn, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring oorde-I' snstlon osesdin s pr g against any property not dedicated for street putposos, ndron Broadway'to M (J hold Road, was referred to the Street Committee. I. On motion by member Porom@mi the City Engineer was instructed to embrace In tus �I . y, Q,IRw speolfloatGone for the construction of Parley Place, that sufficient @mount of the dirt, belong - /1 � to the City to make fill on the Meyors Street side -walk construction, the specifications �ing and 1lof -the Side -Walk construction on Msysr* Street, be mads to conform thereto. in wonouring In the !motion of the /.lderm*n. ..h... nn motion by member Poremsn, •petition from property ownere,�. SfL regard to an Alloy, �(/�1ynD L} "- 2nd. and 3rd. Streets, and Broadway and Jeifmroon Strsote, was rsoolvod and filed.' y„ (between ' . 9-y4*a II On motion by member Porsnan, a petition from property owners, in regard to opening) 0 Jackson Street, was referred to the Street Comptes. On motion by member Kreutzer, s..rspuektofrsm'the Paducah Chapter Doyghters of the lAmarlown Revolutionary, that the City Install the Public Drinking Pountatn, at Sth, and Broad- way, road- way, was granted, On sall:of the roll by the following vote.-Yese Lindsay, Bower, ruva11, Cofer 'nellison, Porenm, Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Stayer, VWbter, Wilson and Young. (12) /D• _ I On notion by member Mayer, the Monthly report of Chief of Polio* James Oollins, was �Q O, received aha filed. On motion by member Mayer, the Monthly report of PSr*'ChIsf J.J.Wood, was reootved.. I lel, �,p+aL�y filed. On motion by member Mayor, a request from Pira Chief J.J.Woodj in'regord to • build- belongi.Mg to DR.W,O.Bradley of [uisvills Ky. located at I23 Broadway Paducah Ky. The Mayor) instriuotsd to notify agent or Owner, the condition of •me. ! Pipe Chief and Board of 'Police and Fire Oomisonq On motion by member Mayer, petition from property Owners in regard to the Standard Cole Plant being a detriment to Life mad property, was referred to the City Solicitor and mamas Committee. _ On notion by member Duvall, W,A.Welle k Co. was granted a Retail Coffee Souse LIoensi Bonr'accepted at I05 South 2nd. Street. On call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lind+ Bower, Duvall, Cornellisms Porsman, Pord, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, UNMster, Wilson and ng. (I2) On motion by member Duvall, an amendment was ordered to the Liquor Lloonn, Whored License can be txsnstared from One party or parties to another or others by the GsneraIA ,Cour On oall`of the roll by the following tote; -Yeas Llndeay, Somers Cornellleon, Foreman; Pord, luteer, Lackey, Mayer, YarYetsr, end. Wilegn."(IO).MysDuvall and Yung. (2) On motion by member Pord, 1.8.00 was ofdsred refunded to W.M.Mooro for burial space) it he turns back to the City, as he has removed two Infants from Public Ground, On call of the 5fiB. r ; xr. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ...:...............................:.....:_.. ' :..._...... 190..` rrolP by Lhe lollowkng rote; -rias, indesy,' Bo" r, Duvall, Cornelllson, Por•a•iia Pord, [ra Atser, L•okey, Mayer,rVanM•ter, Wilson and Young. (12) •°f �I ,. . tttj on motion by member Bower, • Dead from Hike Rattler, -W" accepted* for • `}r� �1 'I cRc tr1p•Of GOm1nd off of the North Fast corner, of • lot of Ground owned by Mike gettlet -,:'.� :,, ►' .. ... ond.fronting on Parley Plics. .... r,�_.:.. ., . �'/' On motion by member Mayor, a petition from BAsIlle 6 Bons, was referred to A 4 the Board of'BupereLors, in conouring in the action of %he Aldermen. ��(r l/�IL�lu���-yw"•��0(���yyc//1 On motion by member Porenan, • petition from Residents and Property Can ere n.19Lh. and loth. streets for hater , was refered to the Rater Company. Ir` 'I ®S On notion by umber Poreasn, the Milk arA Milk Inspectors report for the it V ionth of may I9on. was received and filed. '. C7-tift On notion by member Poreasn,'• complaint from W,D.Boott was refferred to the r Board of Buporvloors. On motion Wharf Master Brownts monthly report was received and Piled.' ,J -'On motion on Ordinance for 81ds«iaiks on 51th, atreet.trem Broadway to Tommi �.�h u,.r..oees streets, was referred Lo t 8�••�CL•s, 4 'JUN 151908 JUN 151908 aovs� 4 • iii°�-- - .:-. 1 WiY 1{f� -f 1 I ,. I 4 r 1 , , rr :j ZA f T .�+ -•I J i l 1 -h I r fl .'•1 r lr r Y y. \r i .,1.. 1 71fN l° '1 1 x .3. Y'P ti i .IV " p R; i..ryy to 1 1 4 { bra 1 '•� irk• r 4, y �L A:..t „1 tf yIJ I,. al 1 'S }•^r (1y Ir(4 1 s rr r , (1 , �. Il•7R, t 1 'i t , ", )r, 1 ISI 1111 \ I{ rN i N r<., 1! I f� '.V -n••� { 1 5t r y 'It , 1 �. \? i % 1� l - ,.I P.., \"�..:aL•;+'illEL;a:uea.Jr:'.. ,, _ _ i YL _17+37�ett� .r_..': 7.• r _ ., - rc,,..