HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 560, May 4, 1908t 180..'`
Council Proceedings. City of Paducah......:................
...... ..................
y C®���cil ��ceedins
'I _
At s regular muting of the Board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chew- :fit''•:'.
:I bar, In the pity Ball, In the City of Paducah, Ky, Key 4th I908 On moll, Of LM roll
!' LM following answered to their nomas;-bindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornelllson, Pore :^ r, 'i• i /'�'-�: '' :
un, Ford, Kreutzer,.Lackey, Mayer, VanKster, Milson, and 'Young. (22) %•ti `.: •' X�
On notion the minutes of the prerlws meetings were adopted as rand.
On motion by, mesDer. Leckay, the Monthly statement, of City Treasure and City 't �-:•."
/7 ^ Aufiltor, wee received and filed:
On notion by member Leokey, thejoint Finance statement, for the lest Half
April 1909 for salaries h sto. for $IO,II6.64 allowed, and the Clerk ordered to
Vci "�- draw warrant for sane, on call of the roll by LM wing .follo.rote; Yeas Lindsey, Bow..
or,. Duvall, Oornolllson, Foreman, Pord, kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, VenYeter,
and Young. (I2)
on notion by member Lackey, the report of the Delinquent Tax sale, wa
e�s re-
`Tcelved and filed.. 1:.
On notion by member Lackey, the City Solicitor was requested to tum Intel
the City Treasure, =3$16.50 hold Duk from the East Tennessee Tal, Co,
On notion by umber VenYater, an Ordinance for Grading and Orsgllng, Clark e
Street, from IOth, to Gould Ave, was given first passage an call of the roll by the
i/tOfp following rola;-Yue Llnds/y, Bower, Duvall, Cornsllison, Poremen, Ford, Kroutzer, +
Lackey, Wysr, VenYster, Milson, and YoiI2)
wuw 1.x+5 ung,
i! On notion the rules were suspended, on the above Ordinance, an sell of the
roll by the following rate;-Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Comellison, Poreman, Porq.
Kraut&er, Lackey, paper, VenYtseiWIlson and Young. (I2) '.�.
( - On motion by VenYoter, eh Ordinance, for Oreding and Graveling Clerk, 8trd
from IOth. To Gould Ave. was given Second end final pa&esp by title, on call of
� v
... the roll by the following vote;-yeseLindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornellicon, Foremen,
Pord, Kreutzer, Lookey, Mayer, VanYeter, Milson, and Young. (12)
'rel On notion by member VanYeter, a petition fhow the board of Kea1Lh In regard'`=•,
T e' •`e 0 to. Dry Malls, was referred to the Ordinance Committee, in oonwring in Lhe motion ',7 >
of Lbw, r•..�/�� .
Opper Board.
Aj w On motion by unbar VenYeter, the Boller,6kating Ordinance was put up for
the following
O owing vote;
flret passage, and was lost on cell of the roll DY ,
Duvall, Foremen, Ford, end Young, (5) Keys Lindsay, Corn
all Kreutzer, LUP:sy, "�.r',': •i
•.. Mayer, VenYetsr, and Milson. (7)
on notion by umber Foreman, a petition from the Board of Ppblio Morks,was
G!/^,4. _ referred to the Ordinance Oommhttes. e`,"• .
On wotion.by member.Poreman, s petition from property owners in regard to
,{ ?�•+S Alloy .on Jefferson Street between 2nd, end 3rd., Streets, was retered to the Strsst
On notion by member Mayer, the Chief of Po11oe's report was received ehd filo, ,-t
%•On'mbtian by the_Above.ths report of P1"a Chief vias"received
arm tiled.
A!tA,•t.�wa..Yi': "''
riti i ,: rA,
4 1
Council Proceedings,'City of Paducah, _
... .. ..... . ..... 190
On Notion by member Bower Health Officer Gr&v44 was recolved'and filed. -
On Motion by Member Bower, s request from Ho%It
h Officer Graves, New received and
On notion by Mambo r Bower,
a petition from the Residents on.Broadway, In regard Lo
W Bill Board, was referred to the Board or Health.
On Notion by member Bower, a petition from realdenta an Broad
Street, for 81doWs 2:
raw last On call Of the roll by the following lots; -You@ Bower, Fares", Ford, And WIlson,(4)
pays Lindsay, Duvall, COrnfIllsont Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayor# VanNoteri mid Young. (a)
On motion by Member Bower, the Ordinance Committee, was' requested tobring In an
Ordlnen 0, regulating the running of Street Caro.On call of the roll by the following vote;:
-Vd"•f O&RgLmlsy, Bower, Duvall, COPn4IlIaonp ForerAnpPordlKrou%zor.LsokeytM&y*rtVwAot*r,*Ilaon add
�atjon p roosedOn Action by Member Lackey, the City Solicitor was Inatmotod not to bring oandwal-
ings against property owners, on Meyer* Street, On call of the roll by the ftilaw�-
Ing vOtf;-Yeas Lindsay, BOwqraDuvsIl*COrn4lIIaon1 ftromanpPord,Krsutz*r,"Oksy,Mayer,V&IIMoter,
1100n, and Young.. (j?)
On motion by Member Duvall, J -W -EW rid wad granted a retail Coffee House License.,
Bond a4captod, at 700TP1xbls Street. On call OP the Poll by the following vote;-Y*&sLWaay,
)towar, DUT&Ilg CornollIaOnpPor*msntPordj Kreutzer pl�ackeypUeyerpV"Woterowllaonp sndYOung,(12)
IIf On notion by member Duvall, Lee Potter, was granted a retail Coffee Roods License
and Bond &aosptodt at 100I North 6th., Street, on call or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas
41Msayo Bowerp POr4mano grouts . orpLeckoysMayersUnMeterjand Wilson,(B) Nsy4Duvoaj,,, ............
Fordo tiandYoung, (4)
On motion by mRabor Duvallp the Lioensit 1n8P4OtOP, was Instructed to strictly Inforq
so the Ordinance In regardto Milk Dealers License.
On action by *tabor Pardo W,M.Moore and Wife was granted a Deed to Lot 2a Block 3
11 Oak Grove Cemetery.
On motion by member, Pardo a Deed was granted Mrs. Joe Randle LotG12 Block 43 . in
Grove ommetavy.
On motion by member V&nM*tor, an Ordinance for the Reconstruction of First street
From Broadway to Washington Streets, was given first passage, On 0611 of the roll by
-the followInj
Vioto;-Yeas LUWasr.Bowqr, Duvall, Cornallison, Poreasno PordsKroutzo?,Lsokey,M&YOP,VUWoterWll-
I on, and Young. (12)
On Notion the les were suspended On the above Ordinanoso.on mail of the rall'b
I rules y
the following vote;-Y*s4L1itd0sy, Bower, Duvall, Cornell . loonp Portman, Pardo Kroutzo?,L&okey,
1"yoroVanMeter. Wilson, &nd.YoW,. (J2)
On motion by member VenHater, an Ordinance for Lha Rsoonatruation of Pirst Street
itrou Broadway to Washington Streets, was given second and final passage by title, on asivor thol
Iroll by the following vote -Tess Lindsay, Bower Duvall, Cornoillson, Foramen, Pardo Kroutzer, j
lAwkey-Meyer, VarAstor, Wilson, and Young. (12)
— ------- ----------On motion the Board Adjourned — -------- — -