HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 557, April 20, 1908T
Coiuncil Proceedings, City Of'Paducsh,,_.. _ 190
Council Proceed;Afl f fll s
At • regular meeting of the O and Of Ceunellmen, Hold to the Counsll Chambers in the Oitiy
Hall, in the City Of.'ladus",Oh Gall of the roll the Following answered to their•nous;-
e.. vnlc:
Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Carnellison, Foreman, Pori, Kreutzer, Lekoy, Mayer,A Wlleon� and Young.
On motion the minutes of the previous meetings, were adapted as read,`
On motion •petition Eton Sherrill -King Mill and GUUr Ca, for exemption tram 4aies, and
money refunded, for sass, was referred to the FinaneG Committees
On motion the City Solicitor, and Ce-Counall, wan requested to push the eulL against Thi
�Esat Tennessee Telephone Co. Yp hhalf of the City. On call of the roll by the fellowing tete;-
Yoos Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornelliaon, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayers VaNgtor,
'Wilson, and Young. (I2) .
On nation by seeder Lackey, the semi -Monthly report of the last halt or April 1908 for
�aalarlen h Eta. wss allowed on sell of the gall by the following vete;-YaaaLlndaa flower, Duval
�.�. Z -.a I Yr i
6 Cornellizens Poreman, Port, Aroutzer, Lackeys Mayer, VanNotsr, Wilson, and Young. (I2)
O y of the Hack 0rdinanos,
to notion Section 8 on pap 5e was Puy up for awawdment'and was lost on sc11 at thac P&U
►y the fellewing vote; -Yeo, lower, .(S') Nays ldndasy, Duvall, Cornsllisorls Foreman, pard„gfaljpsn
.:. _. LNksy, M.v:r, vaNpter, Wilson and.Yaung. (II) to
:- by member Bawer, '
.. O1k.mGtI",1n amamd ant to the Hack Ordinanao Boundry, was granted on sell of the roil ►y
.Ethe following vete;- Yeo Bower, Duvall, Foremen, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayor, and Wilson, (7) Nays
- Lindsay, Carnollisan, Ford, Venllatar, and Young. (S)
—”- On motion by umber lAcksy there wen ineartad in the Hack Ordinance, ua.1 In line 5
.. actor the word Street, the following to wit;-,
akd or South Side of Jeff. Between 3rd, and nth
On motion %hero was striken from the Hack Ordinance, in See. 4.page 3line7 bglnn.t after
the word minutos,•with the word abuta In line 7 that part of line17-8-9-IO-II-13-I3-I4 and Iii
.,` ending with the ward dismissed. Also line 16 the following words mars stricken out; -'than one'l
.0„`.' stop exceeding* beginning after the wort Ezonoding, with the following;-aflftoeY miuutes. iso
t consumed including all stops; was added, and the wordsaflfton minutes lain line 16 the nexti.
•``!•`. ward 'mad** was striken out. In line IS after the word•haura starting with the wiria►ut end'"'.
ending with tho.word stated• in line 19•
On notion b umber VasMeter the
y gadk Ordinanos was gluon first passage on stall of thal t•
re Ll by the fallowing vote; -Yeo Lindsey, Bawer, Cornelliun, Foreman, Ford, Kroutzer, Lackey,
.J7In';z• Mayors VonMoter, W11ssn, and Young. (II) Nays Duvall.
In notion the rules were suspended on the above Irdlnanse an call of tko roll Is y* the
r°;r' .,followimg vote; -Yeas LindsaFr Bowerr Duvalls Foramens Fordo KroutZorr, LacksYr Mayers Vadletar
WSlsan and Yaun (I2
On notion by mentor VWloter, the above Ordlnonea was given second and final passage by
title on, call of the roll by the follwing vote; -Yeas Lindday, Bower, Derne1118e11, Porenan, Pard
troutZer, Lackeys Mayor, Var,Wter, Wilson, and Young. (II) Nays Duv►l.l. (I)
- ----en motion the Roads Adjourned to meet Apr11.2Ist, 1908v0Y% ----------'------
- _`: •s: May 4 1908
oINV= y� 1908