HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 549, March 16, 1908,ir rt {i Fa TA, {,
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Council Proceedings" City of Paducah,'.:.......::....:...:.:. 190'
council- Proc'edH n 5
i} At • r . y .
' � - •-0 regular mating et the Beard or Otunetls hold in the Ceuruil Climber,Sm the O1LBlsl
in the city or Padu*ah, Ky. marsh 16th, 1908. On sell of the roll the fallowing answered to th*1
t -- ]Race;-Dewer, Duvall, Pereun, Ford, Krentser, Lokey, Mayor, VW4Lcrs and t11een. (9) I,
} ir, President Lindsay being absent the first thing in order was to &loot a Preeldant Pro Teel
member Laskey was placed 1n nominatien with-out •
. pposltlon, and the Following announced Lackey,
J-. @.hen their noes were salted;-Bew�r,Dlvalls Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayor, VenYoter, and tilii
h. on action the. estion of the Aldermen was eeneurod in in regard to Oppgrators of moving
�OPieturo,3hewss M examined by the City Eleetrielan. Young came In. .
vwaw+. On notion the action of the Uper. Board was censured 1n, giving the Joint Cenitary and
Improvement Committee, power to eat, in'building a waiting room, at Oak Greve Cemetery, On call
1 (•
or the roll by the following vote; -Yos Lackey, Rower, Duvall, Forenan,Pod, Kroutier� Mayer,
VsnWter,a nd Young. (9.) .
On motion the Hospltaj Bawer, mid' Sanitary Cemlttce, was authorised to put up Fire E.seope
�" �•� on the River Hide Hospital, at ofaes on call of the roll by the follawing vote; YossLukoy,'I
■ower, Dpvall, Foreman Ford Krwutzer W r VanKstor, Wilson and Yo '
. � . Yo • . � ung. (Ie)
j am '. On motion R.B.Hloka was appointed Committee Clark, at f25.00,por menth, an call of the,
. roll by the renwoing vote;-Yeas Lackey , Bower, Peremans Ford, Kreutzer, Mayor, VanWtor;, and.
silsen. (e) Nays Duvall, and Young. (2)
^n _ on motion the S7retoments:to the Clerk's aul Was referred bask to the Mille Lgrcvesent'Cem-
sittes. on isll of the roll by the following vote;-You Duvall, Fireman, Fords Kroutzer, Wyar,
Wilson, and Young.(7) nays Lackey Raver, and VanWter, (3) 1
On motion the action of the Aderman, was •ensured In, that the Street Committee, @coupe
a rightti-wayi by dedication or condemnation, tors @treat from where Broad St, should areas
Crest Crooktc the Mayfield RoW,
On motion by member Venkoter, the report of the Joint Pinanoe Comitteas was rooelvod and
tae Clark ordered to draw warrant for ,*,5,87C.90 for the first half of marsh 2901% On call of
the roll by the renewing tote;- Yeas Lakey, Rower, Duvall, Forman, Ford, Kreutzer, mayeri
• 1 1
_ Vanmeters WIlser. and Ypun4 (I0)
i On motion by member Vanmeter, An Ordinanac prevlding'fer the constructing of Oranitoid
■ld*walks togather with combined curb and gutter, on jefforsen Street, both aides, fres the .�
- point whore enm* intoreeete,the west property lino of Ninth Street, to a point where @m►-1ntb
oasts the Bast Bae► line of Eleventh Streets Where It'ontoro
Jefferson St, from the NcrtA .I
side there of , and both sided@ of Broadway, from the most property I" -of Eleventh Streit,,
short It entords Jefferson Street frpm the test property lint of ninth street to the east east
;.' line of Eleventh Street, In the City or Paducah, Ky. vee referred to.the City Salledten and.
Ordinance Committees.. -
On motion by umber VWleters the Tax Levy Ordinance for 1908. was given first pseeage
on *all of the roll by the fallowing oto;-Yeas Lackey, Bower, Duvall, Ferman, Ford, Kroutzer,
Bayer, VanWLer.'W11son, and Young. (I0)
On action by sober Foreman, the City Sollelter, wee authorized to furnish a copy of the
I wharf rndlneaco, to each of the agenittees. .
On notion • requo st from Property Owners, an Olay Street between I4Lh, a,ud ISth, Btraote.
for water main; was referred to the Light and tater, Committee. j
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ..... ........ ...... ... ....... c.::__._:::......... _:.: 190
on nation by member Kreutzer„the PuYlis Improvement Comlttee wee ins true.
@tad to buy linoleum to ►e used In the eftiess of the City Hal1.On nil of the rej`
..;... iJ. ,r; by the following vete ;-Yoga Laokey, Dower, Duvall, Foromm,' Pard,. Kreutzer, Mayor .'•.k :., ;' .."! .
.. r....: ..
VonMeter, Wilson, end Young. (IO) .�•;:''' .
iFsJtr iG,,,•On motaen by member 'mayor, the ,Burd of Pollee and Pira Commissianiere, ro,�,
Quest to have#3 fire station senneated with the Unitary Sewerage was granted
•;r r.,,. r,l loll of the roll by the following veto; Yeas Leokey, Bower, DUVall, Poreman, Pard -
�'!'j•' Kr6utz9r, Mayer, 'VanMetor., Wilson, and Young. (IO)
+.t „ On motion by member DUall, nr@ionetrenoe from residents on Berth 6th.
7th. Streets, to sell Liqu6r at 6th, and Pinley or 7I8 or 720North 6th, Streets
1 ,was resolved and filed.
®�•�'r � i.
{+ On motion by member Duvall, Pet LaMeere was
I granted •retell Coffee House, 1•), ..
LSaanea sL 93� th 3rd. St, On cell of the roll by the fellewlnr( vote,-YnaeLaakey
lower, Duvall, Poreman,'pord, Kreutzer, Mayer, V"etor, Wilson, and Young. (I0) ,
0- t, ~
On motion 1y member Duvall, P. E„Cartwright, was granted •retell Cotfso
;louse Linens a at 119 Broadway, On sell of the Doll by the following vote;-Yoga
"key *.Dower, Duvall, Poremw,,Pard, Kroutzer, Mayor,
VanNster, Wilson end Y I
Gung.QQ1 ,
0. On motion b Member Duvall Rine and Jenkins, was granted a retell Caftso
"r�';:•:••"x.71:—�Y� Y
House LSeeneehet 74I Herrlo Strut,'On Geller the roll by the following vote;-Tees ;�,+--•:
Lsekay, Bower, Duvall, Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayor, Vm Meter,.Wilson end Young.
i on Ration by member Duvall, O.E.Pottor'G Request for retell Coffee House
1 G6v..- Lleenee at 737Narth 8th. Street. was refOrrod to the Lisenee Committee.
On motion by member Bower, an emondmont was ordered to the Tuboroulor or-
ld1lnon s, that the Most eW Milk Inspeoter ozemine and Cherge.50ots, per head In h9d
-ids of IO or more. On soil of the roll by the following qte;=Tees Leekoy,Bawer�'�~.
DuvslIr POrement Pordt Kroutzerp W er VanM*tor Wilson and Yo=
On nation by member Foreman, s prtition .from Morohents of the City in re-
gard to reduoing the Lloones of.Installmont Dealers, 'me referred .to'-the Lloenee I,r•;•'•:•I .
ad.aII , On motion W.E.Wertord was I .
1•:; - gramted.e transfer If his retail Coffee Nwso
'! ' LSamao from 74I F4rrIn Street, to II32 South IOth. Street. on mall of the rail by,,
Iho following -Yoga Laoko
. , y, Dear, Duvall, Perenm, Perd, Kreutzer, Mayor, VM
' �V'i� •,�d instar, Wilonn, end Young. (1I0)
�' • - �•"�-'�----- -----On motion the board adjeurnedxp-9Uft---
�`' i ti API 6 1908 a P 6 1908
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