HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 523, January 6, 19081. 4''tllle ��ll ( r•'j i
'. Council P ' „
roceedings; City of Paducah,-.' , _w ,.. ,� . _ „�,,, 190 •
IAt a @&lied meeting outkt: board of scunellmen,"ld- In Lb seunall shemNr in the City Hall
'._r �Jamary 6%k, 1908 and upon call of oke roll Lke fellewing ansnered to their Huse, $.1Meey,
�.`''. �•��.-.�--i-,,,-,•. .Plourney, h»sun• 9orce;g, Wkoy, Pere, 7►nYsLot, Williamson and t'ilun, 1101. .
The Mayor read reason for. poll, nn MUM It was resolved. NW file&.
6n Notion the ninutse of LU previous mnotinge were adeptod es road
. ' X11' •���i4���... .� ..
Tke may presented the following, report of the Sinking Pond Commissioner. `On •notion Ii woe, it
:..1 @�•ivsd. filed and ordered spread sn the minutes
Paducah, Ky., Jany 6th, 1906.
1 , :•„ '.; . TO tbA iioa. General COunOU ..
• ,'. City of Paducah, Ky. ,
.! •.,'. ':'. '.'', To, Your Sinking land COmm411e10% beg to report the' .-. '•.�-
.fl fsllcwimg statement of Sinking Yung 4r( Osrtlfleat4e, deposited ,
-,,0 with Amerloan-Cormen rational Dank•
. .; ,i'; ... ' ~• „r., .
:any VIC? Certificate 1 3361
i'.. II9 3449 1,116.76
Aug 10 • 3094 a/e 1901 4,000.00 ,f
. •10 • .3686
... • 4;328.40
• 17 . 3630 912.60'
(� • • • 3634. 1,449.86 • '
:' ' .4 a.. - •, D7 "• 3633 4,160.00
,.: 'SOP'19 • 3676 2,249 73
. Oat 30 .. • 3677 - .. 2,33D 72
�e l r. DN 91 • 3733
_ 4,160 00
•D7 Al 6
�,� t • ql • 3734 _ 1,124 e6 f ' ..'�
.Jany 4//08'. • 3743
_ 4,326.40
,. .• • �I r - • 3744 o,/9 1907 4.000.00 l'
.. Total .. j 36,286.10 7(
DosPOOtfully Submitted•
' 1
( r �W :• .. � 4 )' , I � tl�`i .h /! �1.� ti:6:t.rr � , � F�*. ,,
JI �
same }»semtN the fellowing report in regard to real estate notes, On motion 1t was resslved
., .filed and ordered spread on the minuted:-
{ Oentbemen I beg to report the following real estate notes lssnad to we city of red uoai4 rev 1'I
tt 4 ■oi as of property y i
1 pro erL an kkieh the sit holds a lien for the defered payments.
.- X01 :ase. .;'. �'[''• , .- .. _
.. .! .
' •i
Council Proceedings, City of Padudah ]90
A/e Two LL01 on west Cly street'
� „J r•, 4 ' I `,r Sept 22nd /eS John S1=O%t.
((( i
IV- MI I ..'.,k -,...'.K- .. ..�•._ Y, !'..3f .<
9 1. -•,.
AA Old City Se Bpital,
. .. .. •. li, r � F' -
Aug 13ii7' 'John • Relass—I' -- —"4 3.006.00 ?."
' r / all' beerikg'G% Int ore at.
P / D.a 7ais0r.
'algia rianW ditlr( Myer. -
` gill _
" Mr John J, Derian,affered ".his bend.as City Treasurer,The Citlsene 8aving Dank r ,
1 of Faduoah, Lentusky, R. Rudy, F. M. ryehor, J. A. Rudy and W. F. Pa -Lea (surety), on _ _
Motion 'sail hand. Was we ted.0 n sell of Lb tell by' ski `fe11e , ,
e! N wins reed Two _.. ;
C µ:
_ - Ir1Mey, Flournoy, Peleaan, Rani", Lasky, Mayors, pard, 7enYeter, Dllllwasen
and wilem(10).
llff1 I 4
•'1'"'� Th01 Mayor prulentd the erN6ntials or L. L. SeheuC aid 4h U.S.Fidelity Company of. "7�r•�
Saltine re ud, an notion it waa,rsesived and filed and rotor" to tho.0ity Sollsiter
.• far inuetipLlen,
I D r/e 61101 Orosentodtie oredantials of J.D,Moopuot and Rallue Tell Ind The Sgdnro.
Surely Company Of Claarelond Me.*0 n nation it was resolved W filed a.d rors"d
1,�,• _ :: .
to the Oily So11o1Lo7 for inVeSti[atlen. •-
8me red his ryerton Motion It was refered to the Fkldltor to have the address
and all. departnent,reports printed In usil phavplot fora '
`.y ',,Ifwher Lanky red tke report of thi Tinanolal affairs fer the
�. ro yeir or 1907o.Oa eMwo -
"-.�.,�.. ^"`i :?�'. tlon•St was ressfivii raid tiled.' Ordered, - 7• ..'"
:::-^'.. and' R»d on the Minutes•.-
1 Pduadc, 3y., JW 4th4 ;1908 \ .
�'lx,;^,rI<�• .
to the Bon. Mayor end general Council, -I ,
.. PsOueeh, Ey.Gentleneal
� ...
„ i..8o bob to out -it our Annual Roports of the finanolal
11 t. ••
art are of tho City of Paducah for the year 3.907 together with
dotal% statCusato of the Rovonuo and Dieburoemanto, Bond Account, ' 'r
,- 1\ c.• and Ousotandina Lidbilttiao and Baleaoo Shoots showing source
p1� " Of revenue and accounts shargod.
JW '1/01 OeaE Balance on nand.-, F
to credit of the Street I oil woouat,
,I 1 1 I. r JW 1 to' _
Doe U, Oollietiano by Troaonurer, 561,974.31 '
0 1) ' ? ° including borrowed honey 23.692.50. 578,66{ O
rd LOU Dills Payable, Rooting Debt
JW 2, Borrowed Money to alone
1907 e%o ^ :13,0 .41
°.ri . 'S•e. a 6117er Berries 1 39b.00 14,414-49
k "1 •, i I •. ; � I !~
t, flk �1!^i4h' I•t I r - dV; i f. . � ,... -
t1 Total a$. 315,845.44 v
/1 .111r'�tl nrl} �1 /A .._r° 1�oDUraanant■ 1 IIA r �. " r
I J ,
�• , )�,,••��{'`pH•l�l' 1 r'. -'y 1l 1 t - ' ... .... -. ".I IRU:
qGulicy Proceedhiks;, City of R�idijcah-... : �,..
.. . ..... . ... ! 1
Z=7 17. cash Release to 1
credit Street Bond. 22,594.85
AlIMMS65 for the Unidug fund, Interest &aosomis,
Z1117SAW, 742% PUMdo•and Generea ftPasso apportionments h
av@ SIX
, :
t -4. boom made, and the floating -Debt &*count such red
used for the
YO&P passed.
080,000.00 Mousy,borrowid raw current espences dUrL8 tho
has been repaid. and $10.558.70, together with other &116;m000t
Pail on the floating Debt carried ever from 1906 eseount.
The P"PONSY San collection* have kept up to the full &TO
but the 0"03ml R&vsnue from other sOurvas fell behind the
antlelpation raw the year, ftigh, with inoreased o3p*nso In juay
"counts, has left a floating Debt 440GOnt Of 040,013.iS
for tho'now year.
The amount in the hands or the city solieltop for Settlement
Of the Best Tenn. Telephone controversy, is, .......
The Sinking fund Credit Balaxtes le, --------- -------
I ipw other details see asoompanyIng Reports)
ROSPOettully Submitted.
BUIS payable issued by -the Cit, of Padusah JrP,"M
jI and
Outstanding Liabilities
;Jany 4/07 31110 Pay t.10 1206.
Aug 1/07 Paid on above
A Johnson Judgment' 5,006.66
x9ft Ross " fire Department
8,700.00 11
&/* Meetrio Plant f
Bills Payable 3,592.50
Way Ita 'Par urrent ftnes
Aug. I Paid
Nov. 7 18,000.00Doo.31 Paid is 000.00
o Yrs. T. H. Puryeaz
x/a loth street openLnff� 7,000.00
Outstanding :%
:My 4/07 Ineri:7.04wean National Ba')%:
1906 Deficit' 10,000.00
a/4 keetria Pleat gestumem,l 3,592.50
6/0 Johnson Judgment Blood66 1,
4/8. silver Goi-vio?. 1.390.
Do;161% 1907 3J.624.41 1
Bills Payable Pro 01tyls Notog 33,013.63''
Wre. T. H. Puryear
9/0 loth Street Opening 2. -
•� - Y 0 ..
' , '+'✓
Council Proceedings; City of Paducah:........ ...........
.........'.;..........:.:_,..: 990:
.. .. '' I j• . � dD.ola.ea �, i.,
1Aoeso'ois:ea j
kr :. •� - �, 1 ', )tet D•s"mse
.c><+"�"• 1(rJw. f, W1Lk •f!•rN as his ►ens u Wf.r,.Th• UnS tell States Dll•llt� Mol I
_ Onarantl Oe, of Baltimore Yd, On notion soldbond was "opted. _..!i::
Mo ti Frank* •!tend as kid lend an Bower. lemlestor%he /noriean Bu"ty Ce or Yew -1?
. Yeti, In notion said lend "a aeel4el.
Y Freak Wan offend as hid bond City .. ... .
y The United States Rb11tY a� .{
an spent! so or BeLtimore. Md, On motion said len& was aeagted. •-;,•!, .. ' .
6.f.Wllllisasoo •➢/ered u his bond as City sisi
{ 7. RV' en. Th•Jj
United "an Fidelity °�!n�,
nal Bq►rwtY G of Baltlnore on motion said bond wa seeelbed. f,;•,.; ..
'•,y.l%✓{*.�!e'•'• . J.•.Zoeller offend a him bond as
O aWrs •f aesri. riaro n.rrt, The vus•& asaee'..�:;�i^i- -< .
dolls l
*:4,-•.:..., l omd Guaranty Of of Saltine" Md. On mesion gold bond Moes no• sod..
6glinoon etfored a his bond so City ibtingr, The United states )ldellti
�oml gWorrtB Ce of YeLtim4", Md, on notion geld seal Moa aseelt•d. .
of k.� _•. ,- .. <'t r, .
,per •'Iola [. Bell offered uho 'yii lent as Market Master, TUnited Statem hd*litf bol
=Wt Bn arm tl G of saltine" ltd. On notion maid boat Rego &@*opted,
Y. prtin offered u kin bead as City Attorney, The United states 13do13L Md
- �.•, I
1 �✓/tea. 7 l
1 <• ,
4 i; , _ ivarantr Ce of Saltla•re Ml. CA notion gyd b•nl Mone "aoittod..;'�..•,_
}t,•:i =.--ed -.inter Mourne! tende"d W tkaakm •1 the bee" to War Yelser slot h•gll•nt . • .
''` ' ' • �� lndeo Leaded
rr 1 l ler eewtNq/s •Z tkon.
I � .
On Motion The Beard Adjourned.---
djourned.— "
(jI[ 1, ! _ ,!, ._ • City•r-
i Y r is
2' 1-�•'tr � '� ti. •u' 1 c i i { ��.
•.a.. nh .. -t � i:9. ,t F,A.. t', 5-a .'�, .fP -, 1 , -1 c , .
5 16i F• •
�. f. ♦•dv 2.A''