HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 501, December 2, 1907r
tl01 ' ) ,
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L Council Proceedings.'CityofPeduca,6'-",)",'-"'..
11" !12 ` (/ -0
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1- r,. <�`_'+1a uwpy� sNttsR••t���,.hiNV\'•A�imr•tatl•w'1••ld.•sn til w•onesa�'�eah•r1wJ1•.otty9a1,1
,dill' Dees ox~ p+t J907, ,ww!OoT, sa31 PFA t tau 9, jµltw}ns M!.ML's,; f� •tb sit quos, LSM"y,
.. ,,.; .orwd�}}., ?P. .,4hFq•"rvT''!+kghi�+�r..e h�,><.Fv }.p.f.,!}14 an an, P",,
.Ill l•t,tl!ttr C::f IILNm ,!1::7�! ,sow iP,JI'•' ,b1 n•i ,n7n'.''.)
I) !A C 11 •a Notion ys.pips t•s of Ire Pr'n1•ue pet Ing, wsro Melted as reed . .
'••\1•.;:.pr; -., .tr: W.V::p, n.:f.'..p i:•!t.t.•... .,.t.da=. .:,LiIT{.1'•i, ..: ..
IhO. Wjvr road TAO rr4.src Or to • Milk• •sol Most Tpepeetor, f9r. %.9 mor%.. •ZteveP/er, an notion
1., {}1• 1"'
.1 t way resolved, .filed, and ordered nidus N, • { . ,,. .
re a report from Blectrisal Inepsoter Meelh Orson to regard to It • wireing of Ir o'
.. ' ,�� Carnegie Library building, On notion mase T.. @At$ Its joint 1,1&t Oommittso to investigate and
�f ( report lack.
�Un swtlon .I) • "tion of. A • Aldermen was coneured-1n. In regard to, Its, r•gltnst of O.O.Dut Ould.
regard to firs 01tyboldlns a 11An upon his property,
!'On motion It a "Lien of ft e Aldermen os aoncurNrin, it. reBOrd to donating t50.0Q to In e .
C,liver Assooiation., I.
/ ^p� , On matte tie "tion of 1h Alder en one sensured In, in rose rd to vat Irying the doldt. a letl.;
•• .,; in Ott Grew* onmetery to Mrs Iso•.l.8ales, said let being. let d 21 in hook d 43. .�
_I,y"�Q,,p. Op sotlon to s_ "tion, of It! Alderrt.9t1• Ives eonoured-1n, In regard to .th a ordinance. soml ttee to
�sriny in a resolution to eggspt th a f,sak, V. lle I On q ft ci
.....r. ..P. rem : ate 0a..:•..
)n motlen $•, anti eq,yf,Ito Aldermenran oanottred-in, 1n regard, to.0e, ordinmso oesvitso to
tr}r,s in pn,,erd4nxnae, 1hangin.t V a, timQ, Of. •],panni 1h e. �ttlerintendant ,ot %,; ,P.l9atrlo L1SI t
,... .: •.`.: .::: .... ..... .. i :." r. ;... .. .... i v ":0 "1;,!
In motion the "tion of ih • Aldermen was •oneured=ln ,in regard is the prayer or ulna Jne vest,
ter. ssssssnant tear, h 1.
1MVJr 1 �f, 1'geeA 1h0tio,#}A*4nK, motion; �7117h at .tp S, 414i514d1oSacy.,Po®1st•. appal !• 'I..
)ssissi•n of low sirouit seutt, In It s, es,so, or. ib s.,Olty, again" l UM Boyle and hest t • aid
'mitt" h sow Is • ono th •'s duty it 18 to tsto Up ILO same at ones, tq on call or A • roll by
ha, foii,gwing. ttote,l Ye as, 4ndsorr Cl'vrQsl}•:,pury}} FpTomsn,,ftaobl!, WYsr;ta, lyr., vtutttater,
al 11
i aaaoa,en�111}!o7��1I30).J ^... }; •,,t., (.I:, .,c::n.ov:: •. •i , ...... ,1 „1,
.'ib'r.•l t:•': , :h pun pT :n :;:::\ .f ;:! .1.,C� Y•L,nMJe `a
tour, L"kyy .rOaj jpJ. repPrt, of ,1k o., ror. It s• nsnll oi�ding November 30th
!907 6owins ,0 sa0_ .balwtoe •nhand to be, f22.S49.1!6 .On motion lt.was reesivsd and filed: .�.
00 read, Ile ►llowsnoao of. In Joint NSnnl os 0O.Mitt" for salaries bills and oto amounting to
.4,790,45 On notion aam•,w" alloved upon oa" of the roll by me tQlowinr vote, Yees, i.1na_l
�7, Crandall, Duvall, Forenex, Wakey,-Meyers, Ford, vansot•r, I1111alneon aM 1lilnor4(10), ;,'I:
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ........... ........ ............ ....... ... ....... ........
.. - ;, • i, rues presentee %• following motion'- Upon roeooMotiea.st, th o.. joint
mitt••, 1• Mayor Se roqueeLod ens 840 drlsd to renew the city's mot• top 01006.66
'I r 7, en}.nwnA ierRew�i,ltnow mays rMaallRiRlt4•pWs:FaOleAsindW(t,f tint upeS• 15w •�•Ae at
I\ n' en S 1-: 1 pI �1'1r� -:
_ bor.}L,.i''i:.ta new agslnat She i{!'cy it. �siAlsaA', 'on �1'otiii'iysi :.� KRt•� "npoif'asll t.
Ir ,. rr •. s,y '
f 1' me tellowl�'�iti�Tg'sef� t`3Asdjr'i'�iYi12�"�ii..I�i°�•reln(,s �.:ikgs._._yt�..
Meyrs, Ford,, Vold GtOrp Willlemosa,and wileen,(10).
0pw reaeponaetlm of the Joint Finsm• e0u1ttee and w. motion of amber La•key,
r,r •"�Y'rfis:i: an cell
/uron 9uriey ons: 61 owed th'0 suit of:
Z100.1)D on s•eounti of .�ll�iujjvp1
of ih • roll by m e following tote, Yeses Llndes4', Crm1do11�' Wo11 �' Potamsri, Laokay,
rMayoras Verdi Vankstor, 11111,mnen and wilson,(l0). �"..
oo pr.ientid'tti �' Pellowl , p - • . 't .. '' "
' •., ns motion: -0 on roe iah''or ms Joint Finance CorMlt-
tes, Rte Mayer Is autherited one requested to !sous the city Is
note for elrty days,
it, ti:4 rivals _ '
p _ se"or •aenaiea,'rerE199o.00;,�iA r.vor of J. L.Xelh, r.p 4�s"tilt•: Q �'
yf 1 �er710e, push need for A a Out% boons foduelb- 'tie C1ty t: pony the into on the note
e th'i'nots'ts'bs'iesuee'y�n mi. ._ t lJ
t!bet• e» dsllieei fo th d'oSLy, On m0tiin toe
41I �ee adopted upon gall of Ute roll by tie rollewing vnf..e, Yaso, L1Neuy; Cr:n•dl,
Duval, poremon, Leeksy, Mayers, Pore, VanMeL•r, x1111anson en/ xileen, (10).
''S f i,e6),: �:ft.;:l7nq n,[ !: , 1,; ,RL—M+, Wren ..:- -nr'. ni: l:• n ', Ito.
' • ii
In motion of ssiae the sbov merlon was tesen,ldsred %pen Gail of 'tb s boli by'ti: Tela
.. ,; e , ..lowing vet•, TIae, Lindsey, .Crantioll, Duvoll, Poressn, Lekey, Moyers, Ford, To at*?
willioson one Rileen,(10),• inf me following. notion eubetl%uted so-wlt;r Upon,
p, :_•i•een•nestlw of Its Joint F1nwe semolttoe, 1 e Mayor ie wID•rSsN one requested
1y1 is Sssuo.IDa city's nose fop sixty days, w ,..�.. .�. I.
_L: t 11k ie prlvilads d extension, for
" • '`lVo.00, in`Yavor.or J.L.xe11►' r,
or silver mart, iu
, }ur! osN !er th • ban boot
'' r- '1►►auot, 10• city is pay th • interest
on TAO no", Open •all or ae »ll by hai
-,-�. tell*" vete. Tees, Lindon CPendoll G1vo11 . Foremon Leeks Moyers*
7. . . . yr. hMe Van.,_'
*; Motor, Williamson and Wil•ay,(10). 3. :YT
r,, r11
:UN pneenLN do renewing motion:- thN tks Finmsi espistte• reeemonl: 91st an
, V ." ordinsgs•
to dram laeremoing salary of ik• City golSdtor from =1.000.00 N ' t
h200.00'por''almui and iias'be proNntod '
ginnYl` Of u all' bs first mo•tlag
i7''1905, On>timsiwv'.sai'ti�:
' qn w,(n' Ot Al A! '•::r. n n r +P' n r r; i :•:.: -r, .., v-•
.,.e �abep Vs9tLLte`»id�ie"iidltofWo'ontltld'in erlSaomo
gwtir .
P gr®tLig mo poNsri'orn ,1
'p6 �glestre Fall pad coupsay, Sts smeseseers and asslgw cin e'trlmt ti osneslniet aad ' �'t.', `
aln tela a ralred %rook of siead&rd gusgo to' Ike city or Pdmem , Kentul1w, sad to
ip•raa'Clottble''far&' ay
a J •;..' � $oro t:"�retis' pais` ed etrina' irl»t >a i»ou' fl:asi � Vaal _ .
D n taa 'ei%y limits'nesi Twonil+rlfil '.tai` iimesses `t"trejti:; ik auit ner�'•a%'1twLp!� ...';
,:,pug• •. itth street t•9orriun street;. to woe along g arrison street outwardly to. law .
. • _ .T.s ?t VVV ,�k , pp�ter mark In tie 0710 Hdrer of the 'foot 0} g &rr1•w street wnd froo' fio' lriurs"seslon
Orf Morrieen street. Nld Pourth street_ south wsrdly e71 i'o�11'0 jtr:aL te'`07i Saterdeetln n 1••y
^-_ i '> ' Of Madlion street A'enes `asstwsrdli on Madison Street to geoond street;, A wee
r _ .
itr,r 503
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah...... . /gp
.._..... _
.. '� aOut,wardly OR Boaend street' to t,e latGrsostlon of. Bossing street and Erosdmay,_ LopQor.,-
wit, t,0 ria s and privilepm at deeating polass. stringing wires and doing all et, or oarrtruoti
nowasary to Roatlau -at an R■isria railroad aims eng said rlas at ways Om' mstUa cell''
,, ,L oNlmoEas e,ae glvein its:rivat passage upsm *all or t,e roll by be following vote, Teas,
,. .... I'
• �'� LIMNW9 Cra$dells Duvall,' pavement Lackeys 'Nayersi psmjj..yamYaton WSlliausen and Wilson (Ids
On notion Ole rule was suspended and said ordinonse was given Its aseond an4•final passage I..
upon sell of lie rell.by.t,s fallowing votos'Yeas, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, ForemanLackeys'
Meyers, Pard, VanNater, Williamson and Wlleen,(101 ..
_. .r
;.�Nenfsr Poromen reported t,st ?As water Cc proposed to Ostend t, *ir water main# 'n nort,
r r1...
.elalt otvoet bgtwsanSarrLon end Olay otrseta.
1 YgNr Meyers »ad t, e #apart of tie (bier of Police fer Via wont, of, Fovecber, On motion It was
reoelvN and filed, •'
J�p - Member Crandall read an ap}lloaticn from Sam 0. OmSlt for a coffeehouse 11 conso at 0 1,9 'I -
j / lu insult saaami strut, h a offered ash is boil Ik a i111ne1e Surety 6 an P Y of (b isa• go, On metiers
' lNdd llsense wee granted and 1A Land voted upon end aoaaptod upon *all or WIa roll ey lte. -
following vete, Ynus Lindsay$ Crandall, nuvall, Poreams Leekey, Meyers, Pord, VanV*trr, P111
11, 1lemsen and Wilson, (10). t
On motiom of member. Wll'liamsap St was adopted 'IL at lt e Board of Public Works h eve m s k Ole i'q
gutter a#1 Oar►al .Memto ropsln'. and .to rnan'.WI a Hla* afulout of raid arisen.
. / ...- • OA Notion 1a,.Beard ddjsur,Ad.
+I:. `' ,..."v.c 1.� 1907
V7D1D j t
'J1 i' ErY a r. .• ., e
. 't• � {�O/_.lam
'City ClorX,
' � �..; �n^Ui .•... r .: n .dE• 1 a,n. .d.IJ,i':n •. t. r7 t:l-I .d::. i ,rrtnrf ••�.} '
!t1 E ( � �^ `q I I trps ,r r Inn, s L •t r
_ � - Y { ., �- ° •^ r.! i' : C`•r r r I FrC- I ..�','. r 't r: r I .7 t E ar
` r. rf.i
1 •'i i' Y d r, M1G r, n , r i� rt ,'1
' '(' • " n7 5nly tr n n h r ia•r nL -' hi hr : ,n , "n I. r„jgrrf , y jr n r f >n � r ” Y .
- o In rn T]`s'n t,leflY R •I. ei nn a •p y In -.Ln-i tt 1, -,. n [ lr ••..i.41 , c ,. r.,, 5,;
( r.• ,ti ,
' C.,(I.. n1 r.. ^14i nEf•n' i, f•,n ' I Id ,',•• t I.t'E L.'jl F 1 : ,y,1 ,'>'• , It'1E it t ,
FF 1
r , rs•� yr r n j j v..i r -rr + .:r t tr L IsI s'E..
,�� ru �r� 4 /, f .l j r )_l r ! r rl.� ( ♦ I I,., 1 t t � � 1 r 'it i r �I { � r
F •+�l ,J ,tt, �, J/... Y.. "' tl 4 4� V��'.. r r.':lli I y.�{�Y,: r i � ai+..i ";( t•�'I t I{!.. ,i'�'� SL,
I� j t •may . 5 _
it IS i lr •t � t 1 .. ' .