HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 491, October 30, 1907;4Yr.:p >::+1wa Ta....•- 1 1!n. ­f'-TI•.f'A•!•orv, J. -�.. r °its ~: lig I , Council Proceedings, City of Peduceh, _-,_....... 190 <R{fr.,■yp j{wi!w{�j/�ltj (�/� '�♦•AAA. �tp{'1ts��s�T ,(,..^.7(/���A a 1 . R- n- ^ ..� f ._. /rt • ..mew .seems ert. bN*!n,.t rc01w,R11..mh��1{;,u•Ut...w!4011 m,pt0 city Itall r October JOID , 19071 end upon aallor, . N ID elf nonce LiMno i .. tiI`I1 -•,'mit•- orf Int alt •a,r:r h r;. b+l•r'n= it a roll ti • following NUM"d •nrawntDu; n+ ytlbn-aA ao::.nt:.w :,' e•" ya cramdell, Dowell, Pleurney, Foreman, Looker,. WOers,. Tatle, VanmeLer, MSkltamsen K otmegg and I ,,!iDul ne:{ . aHlltnl t• yJ t: eT to ,70-nvnaA YJL wl +A ►M ,TouaneA 1:J f'_ n[f lD ,•, JO+tt all nerlx tea a•nunl Mto Al,.a nal Jcn nJ .7nCn4'.A,4 y: .•. U.'1 , r0,.• +n:i„ ►aro+eeA 'IDs 616rk reed Ike Mayers reason tar aell,to-wit:- r,lUvs,,t ,1l ab m-.:: ,ii•:\'t:, ,nn..l' ,►Jar bre ire llot o V re Iron aid to Ila0. nr q, yn•eq' 1 To Ila council or tie Olt of Peduae. Kentucky; .l noaltw bre• 16i0ne': ,e1JJJi ,aTaVaII ,•t•i.al , IIAAh10';',,10n100(�%..77ae16 i.' 4 Bentlsmen:- `• � .4A67T a d t• 1AJAn bre+ •atJub Sit • � I( yltait avian: b•io r.'I,ef".Jn+ nanuf: a -a rt• ba++ arv:: have sailed ' you bgeti sr s• per your request, to }so■ sum ordinanoss an you �!n- '•••, noel Unr.o': :o kirotl ori' •;/ bre, gnbA ,`;r:,. I:amt%. to vJrI orf '1n �- (.� f ID in! lest, 'also N eenaldsr and }ass Preto lea Per interurban line if you 1 I" test,. on •(d bevr, ,-1 A ,i C4': bT: 7N.eeva ,n r .�' .b^n •/ '•1 a.....,A „ sorer '.611 motion it sae resolved and riled. "rt en+rtiD..• .�... n ., ,. •.-.1•, �.., -....w n'- tl ► ... bre. r b -. .._•c ,Ia'('Y Q 'member VwXotsr reN an ordinance entitled an ardinonae, prescribing ID o salal'tt otDtRatlen O.t •osis ..►al.. r.•. ,..ry .t:, ,.., ri.n .T '/ fir^ ., '!, 'i Sae .i, .1.. p-.., :air :`.-Y s,: r+v:•, e.+ ' YJj k mens In b• Pipe Department of 1'• City of Paduoh, Kentucky, . :h:i •: :,,1y,... :: n•: ,wire...\7:' ,+.: e.J • :r.:r:r.:. .:.1'•.-:,: ,(l.v:�� ,lfphrn-0 •De It ordained by IDa General Ooitneil of it e City of Paduash t Kentucky, .�section 1, 9 at from and after Sae first day of Jmlusry, 190n, seen Station mono of ID • Fire- na (la a w .of v,Tn L1. fa. cn!r!^x••-y ,.., :.:r :.,.., ,.. b+:l!Jit. f.;ttD b.... +'+ `Do}artssnt ei 1 e City a1 Psduod, Kentucky 4611 reaalq • salary N rellows to-wltt n0: l'N: r: e.•'i•..1. •n •!, ,,i `J ..rye, . J :1: ,ro ;n:. p;:[io•• ..er:>,.r d to .: a.-lc+J•� �r i.(v'i ?Per tie rlrst elk menue or sentincus srevite after employment, W.00 per msn$, far IDs i +pl incl.' rJ �;a Jfon ori jp ICrm ::oqr, +p„u.,q Jr.n(t :JI .rev t:. r...:: eun..n:►¢a i!u r:• I:nn sseend smtinous six menti s or serviee after employment, tie sla of t 65,00 per menti,' and ,+)qqq'r '7•.'a .0::" , n::':, Iti .:iA4?]+ .,(:revs+: ,i.+l::^: .:'.....:1:.• 1,ar,.. -•- 1.::. (mare after me slm'Of M.00 per menti, said salary hall N paid in 11641-monIDly install Iments. Section 2, 'Eat IDs salary of tie station mon, new in do employee of h e nos D.grtsens, i .- i .. 'rh all to b asd upon ID a times and figures given in section one h sre*t, aeeerding t6 Ike. longID, or time may1 &es been In mentlneus service. . . •r• 1section i, All ordinances or parte of ordinances in oenrllot 11 arewllb in so far oaf isms. `senfllather"ltl ar*hersby repsoled, and IN is }rdlninse hall take *treat from and afts", 9th 1 „�'� '•-'• 4 `rlret day In Jsnu%.ry, 1909, On motion said ordinance was given its first .. _ . t a, K3 paauery Ip on sail of:ft 1 roll by ti a following Rot as Ysas, LinUsj, Crandall, Duvall, Ploumey, hpaun, Lackeys Msyery .. .•��.:'' �m ers*gg, Tinge, VoNlster and Wilson, (11). �. •'..f', �•,12a read on drdLfaON entitled of ordinance Amending an ordinance lhttitledcAn Ordinaaee tiling .�,J :,•� _ ..,. .osis. ;. •, Di a salarp or ma Auditor or me stir er padeh, K6Muakyo, Adapted by 'li a beard or 061wilmen Aprl1 n10ID •1902,LAdeptN by IDa board or. Alderman Aril 12ID, 1902, Approved by D,A,Taleef, I, 5. 1M•Ter, April Ift 1902, end Attested by 0}t ,Patterson, Clerk, On notion said erdinexas was given SN first passage upon call of tie roll by m • following vote, Yeas, D (Andeey, Crandall, in, :r:r•t r. .. . .. �. '! Duvall, Flournoy, Poreman, marsegg,, La6key, Meyers,' 71attle, .VW *tor,l rid' pllson,(11): 1 •' a gas read en erdinanae entitled en erdlenee preseribing d7 d fixing. It a Salary or m •Mayer or f - lk • City of Padu61 . Kentucky. as It Ordained By %I • General council, Of IDs City of Paduah, KenWsky.. •'''1.•',� l �Leetlen 1. 'Eat IDe Meyer or C a city or Psduse, Kentucky, dfall passive D • .ma of $2S00,001 • • �✓ , i Per a®am, payable In menID ly Installments. •. ._ (� 111Osetlen 2. s at enordinance amutlweAn ardbmoe ti:ing ID e malady et a a. MW.or of 1-0 s . it I1 or roduet y , Kentuskyo • OPFre1ed M21N, 1903, h. D.A.Tieser, MQ or, h all be, "A ,1 a' soma is h erey repealed. ....I: '. Oeatlen i. tib ordinariestall take street altd be in fares, from red after t o first mender }n 1,92 ,.. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah., . .......... . ... ... ... 180 '`,•:v January, 1906. on -notion isiC'erdinsnee vas given its ri'rit passage neon Ball or %e - I- -.I�Oli by %o rillaa}ag'votoo:yoas, Lindoey, Oradell. Da •ally H 0vse00r Flss�7r fibro- T. . 11,!'v.t1Jbr:S ,YAQIj",$ey�ilo O'Mi4Ye'fv$t�"teles"firtd'�9iYeda;�lfl.•; t� , G Tv at.:nr.:r , i tl wry. r8, C n: Nrf rnA fR• C r••r rrC '.o •f<n ,QI Ul: '(001 R II;8,9 ....,w . v rem l rel OTdiaw0 loanding on •aIOlnOneo Rntitloda An Ord6m00 tsuag h• salary la 1•t![Lr •-,• ,n :,1 ,nv n•.:: •,: ,. .:nao9 ,?n..-r. :, 'r v:;; .,c•- ,r::. ff be city Assessor, seg %O Doarty 4wo•.ero..e! us city or Padueb , [oatnokgr, ff .:.;r'Nn.rT .'t�: .-.APP 'OV" Joao 6%a: 1903 by.D.A.[ayOr,. On errfiea said •rdlnano•, sae Sian Ste. first r:. ....' S.•-r-._�,. n "rt .; yseaago seen Goll Of %G roil by tic reposing Veto, ress,. Lidooy,-crmdell,.Dp•011o . (� � Ogr.Flauraeyr. Dbraea, "toy, lioyomv, #atulea Uwater "A. 411668, l). - t' . V F O,�na "ad an• •r41a0Cao: aaLiLlod'aq: oadlnaaae fylag'h • duti�a; OSW salon Ot. n •. L.I ' �d�;er %o.rglt of TeCw6 ' Lnea ,•. , • ' . o • H d!i• , _ i< r W4r,.l4epLGd 2W. Go e! Qeunoilrlmietrt,yb•r �; `mvJeyy�` 1 19h, t903, 440"•d by %•.board K. Aldeneene, Do•csmor $fd 1903, AVP?"-.1W Ar4nTel do . •Or, ,Ae•aaD•r 3M 1903,-sod Attested N Tatter , r .. , ' .. :.� .. by �.t hAr Clotk, On satlea sPid;ndinap0 •- .. 'F tJ.A:!'l T.:.. �' e,i'II•rn, ...x y.,.rr, •.... .,. .. •rtrF^r.q' :p, ^.. - ^C I ;!:J.., ,;,r.00,'gi•aa SU.11rit passoce.Tpon sou-st-•b0-,»ll^^ y F . m• !•11 Tat•e. TOso,- eye Crs0413o Duvall, g •rseWe. Fl0luo079 Pannone Lackey, �7orso,.7bstle,• TaotlPter. &d 41L 1 t Sone mild on orlinome eotitld an osdineneo p»oeriblz•h0 salary •!e eall 'be to=o: nr,.[!u1 nn ^,-Int . ±vt won't a'tl+'oto 'hr:{.- patl m• petrolnen Of n • paGraCr. Pollee Terve, inn • Cfy or P•1a06 , [entuskye do x^L2r wlirw•1- cun::t:nof, '!I - If Me r!n .'n••I : •;C -nq �.. �tioa sell .Ordiifsnoo. coo givan lIts t1rat passage upon emu •o bo roll by ma follow~ �b.l� :'Pr 'i � .,-, � r?. ^ .. ^Cn R:R .rt.r. r ,,.., .., -'.♦ wpf9,..n �r ..,-, ;.: •, f ' Seg •K•, Tw ~Link ,.. - . •I , Wr Crmdoiie Dnatl�•rw•ag, Fleutgey, As»as'ar Lrksyr wy0», r „ ,T %Is,•Vatmotor and^ Willienson,(11)r Oaae•»Ol,en 07410anss entitled an ordinara•,.p»seribing The salary wain 4a11 be - i' pail 08,41 Petrel Wagon Driver, Of be City .of Pedusa , KMtuekr,(On motion said ,ordi 1� J��t n+s• was given Sts^first passage y,en colt to -b• toll-by it f•l1Mngvote, Tea@, -. , ,.4;"OGy, .Cr"XdOUI,-Duvall, Hareoggr lrkq, Keyeve, %%Is, UnUot•rr Flournoy, Foreman.WlRano »al an ordinomet •ntltled an'srdinano0 pooseribing ebap salary ball be paid toDtlsotivsa.a! %• City of faduo%, [mtu•ky, Cn-soLion need irdi0aasa wan gi•mitallroL psesage. upon 0611 0f:%• roll. by %e following veto, ries, Lindsey, Crandall, I Du�all, R ersass, nourney, perfume Lackey, 11"r•, Tut1e, VanWLer end Wilson, (11). ..• V ��' RA�i•^IJ t: r.^ ooCr :9 tlr.r'rt.• 7t::6n•,tt ^::borf b'rr ri '.pi: f: l^ we �:,:,l r•rn nn L...^ .'I ROne.»ad an ordinows entitled an ordinonee .. `. .. .. granting. m• PaduoC, eau%am [laKrU 1 nr .Y, -u ! ..' '•n.1'jJ 1'F ,'7.�::•A:N.: ,,q w;F To ^o'Tau.1 wff It 'Gini••, .. V Railroad OaPmy, ,lto sueo•scoroed Assign be ries Le construct and maintainla `1v Tr' .n G[.1. fi.I^ 1 , r :. •c u+:.,,c y r railr6od tre0k or standard gauge in %s city of Padua%, Kentucky, and toV•p•rato 2100- :�Q, ..-I.^', rot g.r..,.t •':r,:. y ..d r'.•:f 'ern .[9rL tt ... ..,. .f 'I nra %•»tote to *root polos and GVriag w1»o $•»en frog a point in % city ., r.':.n. ',:'7 n.i \:G :I:^ •, r., r.. ,.. ., r •. .,I .. I �. �111alt0 naar,tuoaty fifb and Tennessee dt»etp;.b once G twenty ural at»ot to Harrioa 1% ' r; v-r„st»0{, %snoe ai0ag 2 GrrisOa, etrOct osetwbrdly to low water mark in be Wo river at alli gar bG !est of RarrLan "at and frog be intersection orsarri•en st»0t ed four% ,..: t f1 �Y:`/ LIY .... .. hey. / a+ at Get swQl wr•aly. s8, fourb,et»K to ha intersection or, tau .% ad,lfadison street m 'nee �saataardly on Madloon street for ooeone .as»e ^ , , ?: t O yi mane ssu%psrdlq eat second KM' 7rU1.rn C� nr, ,�•, c Ir nv;-.-,at Lf..t ..,.,.. :; ...u.y,, , .. ^: - •^ ..•.... .. Y •� � ..: x. ..., r•; at at tO me Satersoeticn ol-second street 6d Rraodway,, %OZm%OV w1% %0.e.1%t ad ..,kJ' t; nd: nm aaT:v' ^I;Cart ^i id,.::: .r..q.• _. t �c, b,, .� i_ prviii or creating palace at InSiag criroo,ed doing Gil O%or oenstruspi® neosseary '"- v'•!y sfA 10 To V,t a anA: •l:ttrtl e•,m01h7o Mebaltl:rtw wa.•1.::a LTw u s.(.f ¢': :o•t ,� ct .ext ` LOi%0 ppa»tlon Of so 810.0tr10 rv.11»and along 061d riot of way, by title se n a rule �•� 1, °l A•ilun o d 4tr `ser' f1arT ,'to f •r,w•,L4 ,'•.Q vR ',fCpf Jnl: v,N! bnvo•Igr!n ,,f;Io::; rtn'- , ,•n1'b•9 to r a� i r woe. suap0n4ed,' On notion said ordinano• was given its.oepond 8,M final pecaage by ibis 7 t ! 1 9 4 ; : ird u Pon call or o roll b - .ti•r.,.n•••• ce- -r n I. y b• folio ung veto, Tose, Lindesy, Crmdoll, Duvall, \. �}� r`����*�� .plow mo-c[+irorisn`L6olta '8,e erg}�Tuitls �VonYaiir °8,M WS1sen'(11I. ,ii�', ki- '---••-.. wore....-' ..,.•� ...,� �„ . f �� -b i i , 5•yh1 8,S r 1 I Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.._.__,_._.............:...................'I90 .. ; IIlffedna �etloa. t s NN: N, wet: •t']t ,Orleok. Prl(,. hld•y KoVrab•r .let._. }907. ' ' .;ir7[cS'�t .T.-j0i'oeleak-►:Y( P'!e•r'NeNw1Yi`lnt�'91n`tk b'Ylirk'�••Ilid�th i'b••id •td'iid•r end upep I. .•.;,:,•:r'••11 •if If roll tie follawing,aniberid°t4 IDilr"p.L•e; C%:g dell,"Du�a11,�Ysnrin; Lackey,' lltoyoro,atwttlol-*VahWitiri"Ifllllemiia liN W1lrbta;t9)',lfi Vo•ibk•nsi of lriiiienY Tdndemy nr ' ,S•• ^ . jL••ky wee units oly'•li•tw piectdint•-pre-teii;' Is a olii•4 enkN' fir 'Ib o wtltien opinion of . ` 4 EOity`eellbitorTOampM11 Sn°tti'pr1'ti $e"iegality'et ID' -e eIsetionl or, m•'jriiidint pro -tem, . Q ...•S :.i.b ICA -,owgiio iwm rosalted •N.filw:: i:r.': .. 1*e i( ••, ... '•.i :<�•..-t :' .. 'Yembos' Vanritir•roed'•q aTeideii entitled an erdiinie.'eFe•tint'IDG'Otfiae'et d6mmittoo 01wk 0t- ID r elry.Of'P1Vbeb ,• 10atd4Tq;- a4 Vitocorieing p'Ya 'Aitido and -1ii' ai"t:-it salary to be ,`ietF2'In, a", Co insa®•t id.form or speintienl, Oartlsh said ordlnnee'wu /►i Area its !hent p•ssepagep 01LU or t.�7e11'y Ya"te11sa1m�'rit�', Team -WteT: Orendill, Duvalla . . '. /' •' -N2:i•Feromin; ttyaksi'TritUi•TedMNr,ad WSlsay (e); ways, 71111•mscn,(1):'Id �mitian'% O rue• 1 anspeadcd ed told ordimnee wed siren -Its' wdeofd'enad - final passage ufon'ee11' et toe roll '.�•r by ID61t•llowiatg vstei'Tssm, L•sky, Ovemdolly Durally ye»mea,'. Mejore; Tuttle, Ynmeter, . O .::.led talu•m,(e). s"o: W1111=e4oi;(1).. .. , i...rnn•,C . u A;- $er road an erdlnsn• entitled an o"inwe proscribing r9 emeunti or sal cry ',mle ball be . Paid to Lieease 3ns}ootovi or 1 • City or .Paduab,• Kentuakyi' on n'ot1'on tit d 'srdlnn as was given dts,flret Vans upon 'e•11 at'ge roll lag IDY lellowing'vdtr'1' Tois','•Qrdidoll, Duvall, �3 777 1 �/j✓ •'Peremsnp,.Laeky,'M•yero, 7Ltt1•j YaNtet•r, 111111•aeen and pil•eiy (9), on enation t e rule was I -;.a nlepenbdwW..Ibs sold ordinance waaairwn'its sboend and final pasaap'by title, upon Ball i tf'v or :is a well' -by -21's following ..wvep Yesep Crondall', DuvUll'. Porwsn,' Ti•koy' ,weyeee, Tuttle, ,e,Wa6lyrtN,r .Wriliansca mtWllien,(9)a urea .,,.: �.d eye.:,y r.vatt bn-. F;•:aer. '..at r s►r root aaT eTdlarmer gaait2sd det'•polryp«-prasowiebag ,ID Y umeianti it"r•lemy •� ib b all be •,I paid IDs sewer Inspector Of • • City of Paduab , Kentucky, on motion set i .0v eft '•iwe was given . ,A .+•,: ,its fermi "84000,"m t ID� r,"m 0911• e'o• roll -by.s+'toll'owims veto'!: Tow!'' Crdl doll•,' Duvall, Teremon, I �Lmokya "Pat- _VanWts4 Willieneen nd-xilsen,(9),: on motl.on'1' *'isle the suspended a�an4 It e said krdlnenao•am@ given lte'seeond 'and final passage by title, upon call of IDe roll i .. ,nbg.•IDe following vote, Yeas,' Crndell; Dlvall; PtIrameni T.wkey, Yeysrsi"Tuttle, vanveter, ril .. +'limean and rilson;(9)'. •. + �Bau. read an ordineno• entitled' an ordinance proscribing IDe amount of-aalary b lb In all be pad a ( (paid ID• city IDyl" ion of IDs City of Peduet i'Kentuaky, On motion said ordinmo• was given its 1//�U��J•/1 )ti»t'acs • on sail •f' ID •• roll 4 4 wP - by t e te11ow1nh rots, •Yeas, Crn dell, Duvall, }or•wan, �Laekq; may», Tittle. Vetal•t•r, W1111 --ween end Wilsen,(9); On -motion IDrea • le was suspend*4 i. i I' - fandL said •rdtnewwo was given Its seoond'end finsl`pesssg• ►y'ti%1/, upon doll at t a roll by 44 I. �IDs:fouowing vete,' Teas„ Crndell,, Davall,. Foreman, Twckey,'Meyers,- Tattle,• Vamtlsteri Will3as ... I [same »ed an ordinance entitled: an ONiaenie proscribing h • mount at salary ten 1a b all b0 �y/_'I ; // !paid. to sob'Captain of Pellos Vsroe eF f9 City of Peduab';' Kontuekyi'On motion said Ordinance f gv _!was given its first passage enall •t'tta roll by'ttia following' vote, YsiO, Craodell, Duvall, �Forepan, L•eky, Mayor*, Tittle, VwMater, mllllamsen'W Wilson, (9), on notion 0O na is was suspended and•@aid ardlo—se was given Ito second end final passage by title upon *all of k e • Iron by IDe. following vote, Teas, Cr�.drll, Duvall,T}o»man, Twakey, Meyra, RattlS, Vankst•r, - WI111aneen and Wilson, (9).'• 7'.'+ `y `: Council Proceedings. City of Paducah..............:..............:..............r. 190 •r+ .. V - .6�ae,lr�o4�•n• ordinance. 60tlyled:.M :otdlnano reoerll - Kid, .,, R Sng•ffie-emnnt>of sal►ty h'1a t.daall N„geld „te:eadt., Qop;alq eLt,tp •. p{»-D•partwniJ: •f-�e•city ef•rodusC14 I(entuoY aa - aempeug•tien for.h le:,gorvloe,•On motion, ugd. oMgaarbe•, was, given' ipo flret. passage 3 upon•oall of A,n, voll.ly $y(f13A1wSng votep,TeaeirCrotldell'„ Duvall t: 7oryaan;iLokq, Mr1AU, ._ V ,.Meyersr YlLtt}•�.yenl3dter(r111leuon- and,Ndloen 0(9) an On-metlealto:-MIS wasxonsponded . , ..+� �n iW�K°i4J°R4gR?'49�1o`I�°°gii•4�ite•pedead••ad.tlnal�paeeap r>yy,./ltlei •vpem,eall:of me. •r�,.•' roll ly, 1h 0. following vote, Your, Orandell°IDaAltl,arer•arn�nlroker{pllgea•et. t'lattle, i xteto-e.1411cAo4�("W1'1WlV4&RR9sa49 �l?a44.69A, e41J1Jna +eKinth',. M L•,•`• .el+law: ..Ia,C yi,' . .A eJ Swi:us48•JALRD.•9B*dlJt4ti4�r9negl�9�q�La•�Se¢delkUca.Wc�rreuns attuasytraia, tt .°1� • ei�nMM B°�4.t•Ret9eraae sasullbRO llae,peaetma to Q1bV-at.rideeQ .e¢eneAwVy, on �! :..V ,� .ruq rtA.4)tie19.44'�1e9�iAC*'P°,ggOrS�p�oYOQtl�tyt,l'+atOHlasL�etieemses°�aeOWdprtQtyVellew•,;;_.. .. - L�d. rie44gxvoNt(i4S4bagI3�1QQ1'loe�Q�•i�Pl�Ofve ei�Aa�/lLtq'°jK P1n1E e$N[a '�; .. . .VE/h/a.d,1RP.4 4 %OQUO )m Lop L"Sun-A-0sptletw" wrpcadeam 6.044 andawoso'w” g'es.n Its . ,• .I. .. 1440"0 "A-9451 Fpepa,G4 %Y iUtlos,Amo a ovA;,,otcalm ,sslY ZY,t��itl11'OISAg sysN/. Yessi.'atF�.:.' ... •.. Oremdell, Duvall, ror•aan, L••Yey, Mayers, ,TR�L�� r9�trOteta>:s _,�1YY,feuo�t ,kind' wYf�on, - ; : a I a<r 1L+:•n �., t(::�t^.:, 1•.n to :r.:':t+1n . a 3A:etneeal4 +eonthe- y, t,,;...;;: ',.(.:•qP,",'to:imt� :'��Qe•rppd�•ttordl4wiq.:aMStledmmLau':ordgrrass..pxsorglin@Q'r:woolealatyvOlap .. ... ial`S4n?t?M�.p•�d yam,-Lieute4•nt.-:VP4l,1u,rem",:.uz:b,*elty,.sf paduuma',.dtMhtneltn On �.. 7'm4Llen .sem ordilmas was. 9V"n Ste ?i�st passage qan °ell: rell• 1y ta ,e !ob 1 ' eqn Ij.o�Sng,- ts,.,Y�ur. Crandel3p,Diva I, Ye 'r Zookon. V i1•styesnfd.QiSaen..r-rffuel,� -and aol6sar6Snsss wy •l(9)4)wW%IV[,1!r,m1 dw' 4u�sGb4 Its scold od t3nea .. . ' passage ry title, uyan soli' pL UW'regi ray.+®10 tsll,esllkQnHe, , r ' n, Ilw n ¢'�19OST 1>XwPdOi1•^DOvall{'i Ak1 . LP•�?,• lb7", ahtue j i . tlatlotwrl.• Ylilisa9ai 4 ' • F_ ,(� one n•al(IIRtL�(91e+•nnlJnr,. rt0 ,'Li,b:nrot �...:v'•:'1. v,:L :nd i h r�r, ,fl„ rrresg:tae�,erASt tlttdtlri,wnpr'CaerllOUQIIs•'sels^n,el.yY:sneer..•..., r , r ., v ;•iOJn n.te� fbA llfetTlO•LIL±j >'1W1:•ceit"a�s:Ol9prsR R�O•,p.V Rentuekl�,r Odf tMtl'oa:sNd•tMlreens car , n }ass uvea IRs, ddrdt peooge apace call 'eF:9,. magic D'y tie• fell ewytg vgto To"lp OTaa- Ir.l �•�ii.'' : '' &Vll,• Duvall,.. peretaan,, Lackey, neYaasj i'uttlas VaM[eter,• Wi131assoa'ad • �... : 'on usotdea Lb• rule was on and sold OrdirLsnee was given Its weed and final . 6( '' flu- �.• •(op4seage,by'Utle.uponcall: ef,'IDe•,rellby. ®efollowing TOTO,.Yeas,Otwdell,•.DOvall,- R _ ' ,h, , ,'r ;•� dr•m•n, •leoJteYr ti°Y°rer. TLttle, VNWG%41', Rilliamsen and illeon' (9): •4•', ',l;•at,.. ,c.. , tas tcd an,erdltLanoo pMdtiaOi sa' srditImes preseri►ing to salary or f • plrenan df . �' � 1h d 63eotrle LS t •` �• .'�, _S @L rl)uut,,,ot:ms Clty,ef,raduequ: Rentuskys•.On'6etlagrsdd.'ordlnanes :ir .111. ` L'4.•„ [:'p° adWn, its fdTstf peysagw,upan',eagi or fae•'Sw11•by 0�follewilug vsts� Yeas,''Cran- r .i r wRO11 Dp►a11 r� . � .: ( r r, ;•JrsLeyl, Iio7aTen lhLtAe„ VanYetvrp IIllllscmma .ed • Aild°ni (.9 1t i ba'iretian L e rale Wom, suspended and tie said ordinance was gSreb' lte sbouW-se dI ml rJ, �J t>roimN06lipp°o•O1)W_XUI*&;uponV"*tale„ Man IW! i,eltbLlemlag:voiy>Yooae:,Orandell, ,. Y. i i 7i,f�rr ht 1 ,s D4piln Re ,,g,aok p �1 � +) pSSrnllaysrn• �ayf'1'°rt eattssoa•+ iltlldetuan,od:Odlmi(p),�t. u�( r :� ,� ' t,r,-,,{s°�: Toed, as or4.1Oon9onwat>,t1Pd�Pn.Ordyaoe rlsin�p4wDmttae andtl aL sa]ary. et m e �,r ' T.?°PpHrrOf, tli►„p}ty: sOaY'd, wf:OMi7411Mn,1 (, , i d u; Wit.,, .d+rolera.l9m,.,19o3,n AdoytN•:lyt:: oo leaedt •f-•Alderson,o Havearer:,�s-i903'Appreved by •yat.-:. Yt. ., �: A,7�UST, Y*yor.Yevpaler,..3rpr19O3 ami(Att••ted:lyR�:Fattere•sl�•-Clef,"<►yftitle e -me ruleDedi Deer euspandtl, Qn `motion setd'ordluanee was'•glvelk Its seeedr°md fY1k A—" al aeaiags'u a:osll,:ofllLeroll'.a'II.•Poll vote''Yoas'Oradell Aa "'•7�'+r h + T � �' •G: i i^1 . � Y.,P�1 r'T 9•".�, A:...,. .C. e�nbtt iia .. ..N4f/a +'.c h? •f• 1 _ (: Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, •..... .................... 190 ,. ' .i',.„` •. hreauap Wkyp-MBF•»p-'ILL4Uj'TwYsprp aafwlleeap(e), M►yp'W1111wen,(1), . 9 ^,,�• !re read •it oMLun•o-mtltl d on "'"moues preprfllng @• eelary.E f$ @all is •paid esib 1✓' ,/t r.i� • patrAl.. wagon Drives el- i+i CStyar-Paduoln, t'entuaky)•,ly' title ao-$o'rule lad leen suspend -I VVV r II ed,•• actuation sold ordinance wee given Its 6eeend and final pagsap upen call of $ e roll by .. $ a, following vote, Yee•, prandell,, Duv;,All,,, Psienan,,.LpkYsyera, Tittle, V6nNiter and Wilson,'(8). p6y,W1111►sgon,Ilj. � I Sano road an erdinanea entitled on ordinance presoribing ID e salary of Station Yen, in ID t Pipe Department of the city of Padur/, xentuaky, by title as The rule had been suspended, On .. e .:n: r .r c': :., :...: .:.• �..,., , •. :n... -: L:.:n tnr :"s o a . .notion eiad ordinance was Plvn,n its second end final passage upon 6611 of $e sell by 21* ' (following vote, Yees, Orandell,'Duvell, Foreman, Laakoy, Yayere, Tuttle, V"Wetee end Wlleen(M)', 1'I gays, llflllemson, (1), ..V 9209 read an erdinonoo entitled an Ordinance pregoribing sad tixing,l • astry .of $. Mayor 0 It ief @a city of Pduo$, Rentlaky, by title 68 @e rule had been suspended, On motion said oNi- (j �nonce was glrea Its second end final. passed* upon 0611 of $o roll by $o followl ng vote, Yeas, r ; Orudoll,Duva11', Porauan, Lackey,, Yoyrs,,'RNttlep V"Gter, and Wllson,(p), Nye'villienson,(l),I W DJ 18w »ed ea Ord entitled on ordimenes lmending', an Ordlnanse BnLltled•M Ordinance Fixing VVV a .,.tui 'r .. )@esalery of @o Auditor of @o City of Paduejh, Rentuokya e. AdepLe# ►y yo. .lo►td or Oounellmanl . , . 4April 1C$p 1902, Adopted by @O bard of Aldermen April, I2Ot, 19029 (yproved by D. A,Yeisat, j C/ 1.09• lrtysr, April 13$ 1902, and Attested ,by 1$,p&%tors6n,p1•rk,,. y tit,* as 10 rule sY ►emu•= � y' rp•nded: On, motion Bald ordinance was ,given Itssecondand !incl passed* teen •all of tie rolls ry * 'ly IN Teo!, Crandall, Duvall, Portman, l"eye Y•yerd, Trtl•, VanYster, anD N t11U•np(8)p Wepro, Wllliamaen,Ill, _.. �euo »V an erdlnan O entitled an erdinwat Anending an Ordin•ne• RntdtlodaAn Ordinates fixing i ' t@e salary Of @o City Assessor, and $e Deputy Assessor, of 1 • City or Pdua• , xontuoky, rApp»nd June 6$, 1903 by D.A,Tofeor, Mayor, On motion gold ordinates as given its first par image upon mall of $e roll b be tellewing Tot*, Tsea, Oraoe011, Duvall, Foreman, Lookgg. � 'I )Meyers, Tttlej Vu1WLer, wllsonifB4 Nay, w1111408e0,(1). On notion Ili* rrlo was ,suspended NNNN lend said •rdinome res given its second and final passage by titl•. upon sell et h e mol i. y jM a following vote, Yeas, Crandall, Duvall, Po»loan, Lackey, Yeyere, Tuttle, V6nllatar md•''' y,. tWi]San, (el, Nqs, w1111�sen,(1). , e �8we »d r.n trdLunoe entitled an erdharof proscribing ti a salary td* lm 'hall be paid In • J d rapr•Ltn of 1 • Ptdua• ,. belie• tore•, in tie pity. of reduti , xentuaky,On motivn eaid ordln .; r fecond and final period* I. .1 -ones was. given Ite_ftF tX aesad* upon Call or 1 • roll by m t following vets, Yees. Crdidell, �IDuvall, Peream, Lackey, 'layers, Tuttle, VanYeter and Wil co,(n), Nay Willlmann,a), 82we »ed an eNlnatu entitled an ordinance prescribing, bat salary hall be paid to k o Dcwoti» et 1po city of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion seta ardindlae as given Its second anal finalassn r p p open call of $ • roll by $ • te11ew1ng. vote, .Mau,., Crandall, Duval, Forenw, j n Lasky, Keys?*, ihttle, VanYetor End Wilson, (a), Nays, Willlwena(10), On Motion Ile Board Adjourned. YVV.-;it r •�.I W .. ! , , . , I•ruiJar ,L or Lb. mt)., .,,, it rat:' u.l. a .„ . . . ,, • ._ , ,. . : .+. �..