HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 466, July 15, 1907Council Proceedings; City of Paducah ..... ...... .._:.................... nen .1-1roceedineps -.At.a re912.1' Voting of the Council' hold in the Council Chalmter at tTli City Hall, --y iiy; .r,`,• - IJuly i fhl9o7, and upon the -ea11 of the roil the folloWing ane Wit»d their namee, :11Cranda1111�Poreman, Laskey, Meyers, Tuttle, VWbtery Williamson, Wllsoni (�)-.OeorG6. Lehnhard"Woe ask to act e* OLerk 1n the &been@* of the. regular alsrk.90re stated the Ookt 'thing 1n order• Would .be the election of 'a President In the apunae of 1r;L1nd— '.11:1 �r - , soy, lr:'11&oby Nas Elected, &W and took .his coat, Y � 6n motion the minutes of'thaprevlous meeting Were adopted as rand, _� ( / ly) member D0Va11 come in and took his pat, !• YIY1 • The mayor read a aomunlcation from Barry ylannaberger also one from Bradley Bre:n ft I 'setarding the deu:re &nae in i P ell ghta at the City BeBealel, WhiaY.��re rafored to the PoD• (�AJ,'J✓, 1/ 110 Lmprovment Committee With pafq• to act'. 44 VVV On motion the oomunication from the Home telephone Was referad �to the Joint Pln&ncoC r � Lo - V �n motion the petition for a drinKing fountsr*fornd to the Joint light and .1 p Water Committee,. l�Ypl /r( n ,motion The eomunicatio as referad to the ,joint R&Slroad,T*Ugreph,ErteSephono somit'" Y1'lttee. then tfy era ready to r*port to do to to a Committee of %a Th ole, �On notion tie Joint ordinance Committee 'Vere In*trueted to bring in an ordinance -' `prdriblting Club Room* up Over Saloon's, 1 I. g( YYYYMember VanUster of pre'Joint Pinnae Committee read % a-agulor h elf monpr@ paytroll, :I /1 f „ onding July 15%, amounting Lata al*.891.061 1h 1m Tae allowed and 1h a slerk Was or / }J dared to dr&W .Warrents on ma Treasurer 1br 1ha rosp*ative *mounts ,upon ms 10l m f Vta roll by m e.folloW1ng vote,T*&s,Lapkey,Crandall,Dmv&11,Poranan,Syors, 7t1*, VanMite! W1llla1Z*on,W1lson,(9) ~I`• .�. ) (game road an ordlnsnoo!-r.AMEHDINO-AN ORDINANCE E:NTI77 D 11'11®ICIES• AND CONTAINED IN EA VOLUME OF TIE REVISED QI ARTE1i AND OMIHANCBS OF ME CETT OF PADOCM RT90P YARYEH 11904:Sald ordinance WA@ read by its Tito m e rules h &Ting been, auspendod,sald (�1 .�ordlnurea Was lost upon 1h deal of Ore roll by 1h a folldWyrg vote, TeasRCrandall -1a 1 .;. �Por*man..Laekay,VanllaHrand WSlliam@on,(5) Ny's Duvall Meyers Tuttle And Wilson ( - B&me read an ordlnntrac_ providing for me Construction of Hsarls StreetHy GTADI11G AND - e..LTE I6RAVELIN6 FROM A POINT Al ERE SAME. INTERSECTS SEVEHI4 STREET TO A POINT WI ERE SAME MOTS F.10% 6TREEf,1N 21E WITY OF PADCCM j KENTUCKT.Said Ordinance M'We given ts' second passage by Its Tital M m • rule@ h ad bean *uspended, Tes✓sCrandall, DuvP11e' POTsmsn,Laskey,Mby*rs,TUttls, VanMeter,Williemaon, and Wilson, (9). ".. �-.. Gams read AnOrdin&nse Declaring T1E ERECTION OF SURFACE, CLOSTES NRAPER THAN TEN .t .I ' �q : is ' : •: l I - I _ ..LL. 3 0 'E E LINE OF ANY PUBLIC ALLEYISTRF:ET OR WAY IN 'E E CITY OF PADUCA,HUI3ANCt1NL •'" ' V.SS ALL OPENINGS LEADING INTO SAID CLOSETS ARE OBSTRUCTED PROM VIEW FROM ANY STREET, EY OR PUBLIC WAY, BY.WDODFM BOARDS, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR ANYVIOLATION ...:�"•. s• -EREOP. *a1DOrdlnanes Was gluon Its. passage Von me'coal of 04s.roll by m*._..,,....... / w 1o11oW1ng Tota,• yeas rGackeyl Orandall DUv&11, Poreman, meyare TuttlsOVanM*tsr r r it 4t e, 1111am*on,end 1Ul son,(9). ...-•'- _ r •/-.._i `d, lr - On motion m * rules lyra suspended '1*?.t)11 said ' Osdinrvfoa res glean its 'second passage r Y/_ llrEon • call of e roll by • folIov3Dg To e iimm,Yo@, key,Orandall,lbraman,Wysry I' ttle, Vanlleter, Willismso" andWllron, (9) it< yy b tom. ,q•."a� , ni�r tl �r , '' t • t, '•ic.-y.. r1 ..' Q , :, •, I , � ,rG7 Councll.Proceedings; City of Paducah, _........... ....... 190 i. � �///�y�.a ;.. .. ))) 9r 8ome read et, ordinance Providing for CLe improvement of parley P1we,wlt h combined. Curb cutter �I✓d �On boelder Q, are of, From a point kere ee91 .melntereeote e weal side of. Yeyere Street to, Qra NorA Curb Line of Clemente Strut.In 91e City of Padueh Rentuoky,Sald ordinanee,noa given' • V1:a second peerage Dt rte tital ea 41e rule was cusp mdad,upon aallOf 41 e.. roll by the,followlnjl ots,Yeae,Laekey, Crandall, Duvall Poremen,Neyers, Tuttle, VwWoter, Williamson .011 son,.(9) Same read er0 tdlnanoa, AMFJ7III N0 AN OR bINANCL)ENTITLFU)e AN ORDINANCE P'dOVIDI4O F'OP' E ESTABT,ISI.UFN •OY'JEWRR DISTRICT NUMBER TWQjAND IDR TIE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS TIEREIN, IN TIE CITY OF PADUCM. /�V✓�/1 KF77TUCRY';ADOPTF3) BY TLE BOARD OF ALDEFW31,A000ST241h, 1906,ndoptedBY TIE BOARD OF COUNCIflh'N, F71BE SAPS N9 Bfi , 1906, APPROVED IlY D, A.YEIBER MAYOR SEPTI74lER Otr ,I4M6rAN0 ATTESTED.BY g F17RY ,{,►" BAILEY CITY CLERK, AND PROVIDIIJO R EREIN PDR TI E, CONSTRUCTION OF H OUSE BRANQI PS,EXTTNDINO FROM / ,IX F. PROPERTY LINE TO % F: STRELT SEWER,IN SEWER DISTRICT NUMB3;R TWO, IN TIE CITY OF PAWCAI, KNTUCKY, SAME WAS plven Its First passage ,upon call of the roll by br a following vote; ,Yo►n •o L"KeY, er"all,BYvall. Foremen,'keys re, Tuttle,. YWteter, Williamson, to Wilson,(9). On motion 41e comunlcatlon from fie Board of public Works ,regarding Combined Curbs Mutters was refered to Joint Street Committee, '1J Same read an Ordinaries providing for the Construetlon of BROADWAY STLP.ETBYnARADINO AND -yi QBAVMi%02 from n point Vlore same intersects eeventsentn Street To a Point ter are same intnrau t. • i /I ,� , �� ninstsonth Street, Inch a City of PAWCM tKFNTUCKY, said ordlnmos was given Its flirt passage upo IhV / call of the toll by th'e following VOte,Yus,TAokey,Crmd►11 DuVa3l,Poremm,Ucyerc, TuttU,' iI� VWWet9r,W1111amson,6 wllson,(9) , Same road M Ordlne.nee Prd11b1ting in sale or use OF TOY PI3TCLSj CANNON CRACKERS, TOPEDOE9 TAND ax ER 'B I01 EXPLOSIVES IN TTE CITY Op PADUCAI, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOfdTION 'N F.RPAp, SAME WAS pI V'?7 ITS PART Pa mago,upon call of tie roll 6y V, a following vote, Looks y,Lrmdall,Duvall, Foremansiuyers,Tuttle,VsNLter,Wilgperon,6 W11con,(�Zlu �a )'+fa4, v motion xx1d a= th a.mlas ware NspaMbd,and said ordinenos was glvenits'ssomid passage Ipm17. *all of tie roll by ins f011owjng vote,Yue,Laakey,Crandall,Mvall,poremm,Meyors,Nttl:e, 'VanYetor,6 WSlsOn,(B) Nay4,W1lllaa3on,(1), y Same r-od,: mm ordinance entll.led an or-tlnnnoo amending an ordlnnnoa <ntltled'An Ordinance ,providing for The construction of granitoid aide elks, togeth or with oomb3nod Curb and WtterP' �on Doth sides of Broadway, from Qhs old City Limits, bstwa,n 1521 and 1601 ■traote, to 251h 1! !,reef, In. tLo City of PMuaot, KanVmky,' Adopted by p a board of Cour Slmm,,tl►y 23rd, 190j,1 I I `7u(I / A land Adopted by p • board of Aldermen, June 74, 19(1% Approved by D,A,Y'Saer, Mayor, June Rin , 190], and Atl.estad by Henry Ra11ay, City Clerk, Jima R%, 1907, and providing h eraln for.trrc' r1) eonatruafSan and laying of Storm Water Sowers , on norfi side of Broadway, frory 1SQI :.vie ' 'steeat, in connection wim' %* construction of said nidnulk, On motion sat ordinance r:►■ :given Stn first passage upon call of 410 roll by Ina following vote, Yaas, CraMr1l,.Dttvall, �poremm, Lackey, Mayers, Tuttle, VaN[atsr; w1111amnon and Wilson, (9). - V Same read an ordinance entitled M ordin.nee, providing for my constmetinn :•t 1541 street byI V ,I7 M Lrading and graveling, from a point Rt ere same Snteructe Broadway, to a point WI are.. samo inter I eeate Kentucky Avenue,, in fie City of PMuaet, Kentucky, On motion said ordinm ee was givenits /I I Ifirst passage upon snll of ID e roll by in a following ruts, Yess, Crandall, Duv►11, Poruan, , 1 i],►ekey, Moyers, VwWater, Tuttle and Wllson,(9), Nays, WikII amson,(l), A�'•' `. - 1 :On motion Ora matter i of bad drainage on second street, wan refered %0 410 Board of �PublSd�i'.'ial, r 'i.. :.'Works and City Engineer: ,L"' u 4G8 Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,.__... ....:..........................._.._...._.-. 190 On motion the, request from 1i residents on south 71h street, for an are lip L, me. 1 •fared to L e Board of Public Works. +: �in motion It was rcfer■d to Sh • Ordinanes AD=Itt:e to bring in an ordinance fo a. i •it ra it'aar frnnd� iia- in Y.dianiuebdrr.'- er-t ;,•r�R•-o;, :j r: b ••' '''� do"motion do mino`of lmprovin6 W■et Jaok■on rtreet'iru-r•efbriE Lo 2, 'SLi•siE'Cim p .: CI ,'tllttu /... �• o''..:;. .a ,n ,. .:. •: . s'v;: •.. ,- .. "v .- ,-- �� • member trNidelli reed en npplSod{fdn from tt.}„Pud or meed for "hoffoe st h ouliceneb 7 Lt'19103 soiiih 7boond ikrut,'Ai'off•red° al in $nnd%'e"I113rfo1% :iArety 7Col, n"Qi Y'bb'bo; On. motl'on u1d 11oinii 'wse'Ei•erM& nnlq„vtlsld upoh`bneactnptsd igion oil of ' "• ' b'(r r'.•rol l'bjr In e''to'11ow1n`�'ote; Yiis, Creeitiil�• OuiA; Pordmaw, taok•Y,'Yey:ri� TUt- . a ) UhMoLhy'MilliWaSh lnE'ti11■on�(91: ,..• a`�.'':•`:.. :•-• •'"': . '' `• �' ' 'c'Hat(+"'rcuY ih ipplivalldh'fbnm Orif fin" and Wlir-Od foe a uo{fi'Ili biro#' 1laehse &'ti ?l its p1 Arosdwiy,: 21*' of'r'96e S: fi;ir: bond 91 i I111nofe blrr:ty -Co,o-ef —(k SYa'go" On mrit'Son i•Sa`1lattia'Ma1 }{igTtat':Af'L6nd'iofbA'upon u;, 6-0-0 ;t;4- hYl,of IDs toll t1y a,.t,i �' 1e following veto# Yus, Crandgll,'Nvral,' Porsnan,•i.io%iy,'4ia, Veagoter, :r' }:^41 • •. a .,e.t. ,... <lti::p :w. t^,: •',r... ..e,t. i�V.e:. s'-. ir..tY .i�::: .. Mi 11Y'lmton iib WSlion','•(9'):' _ ';�� ° sr!'H)►'mi riih' an° i�i(11ii�tilon ^fioia' iti i Aieditmin` h1 rit3111nQ' Cfb� 'foir'i orffif'F. ou�i 11b•nu -- j e I •, ,k F,e •.''.t e'nd ti 3.-115 ►M-117�'i#u9t •'�td''itraeE, n�iy nf4•b'r•d' ai b eii•'bdhdcmahsilonry Alidiiniin \� . �B•J.Prlestar, -6h'MOt1dn'se.id`liaenie'•`pe `rahted`snd DOfd�Voted' gon'and hoaiptsd '• ” I lyv r " •-"+upon gill of h :`r61Y bjr•�t �. following vbto, Ydas, CriMal�`Auvall� Aor#min-i,wokey, t TiLt1n .VanYeter, Wllltsii■bn ifld\MSlcon" �9) • -. '. • ... ` • .•• _ . ,, , yt� e'rivl":ii`ap{511aitian' from L.L: Nelio}i oi••i soffia houu'llcanes at #'4O7 -south 3rd ntrest, be offered •Shia bondsman, J:W,Orr and J.E. YorgUi,'t)n'motlon'eald'a a'lii#niS wdi'�rai}iid'.:;nd'bod'(•f ootid npori'.M ieoepteAtigion 'oval of roll by tho'�-'•,,;-•',-' .� ', I, • tollowlrij iot#�'YiFS( C7•-a(irih�-faiv�il� Porimiri� litikey, 'Yeyera, '_1LLLla, VsmMcter, ''tt• { ( 1 ..r...:: 'I. :r�•tlill•1 WOE"Rd.Wi?.edn!'(9): e'• • \e .t !r4{on •,. .bn ,.• e"41 / B' a recd an ►pQllastloA`'�rtliA Iion(6'n'Binri� •w$'fi`' : 3 . S . l 1a c27 south 2nd trod, j they offered •,'_.: •a""� '•''>+a1 th ett•Bondnilen; Y; L#`fmUS i.nl`II?p, Parker, �h motion said lldenu'jraiQi•intid -and ' �• , r'te1iD�onA ootid upon•i}Id'"io ddptdd'+ipon 4,fl,0t Q1j roll'by' 4' foiloirine wbtb, rYui, .,Candell, Duvall, Poromas, Hankey, Yeyero, 1}ittle, VaNleter' Williamson and Wilson, ' , $maid in'Yor lio•n■e ! 14..�•' k''1''i '•mosidn Tft, int' sdoPt:d: ti"Wr; i-YO62 A:bfiok'f 5 bn Lro.riSfe rod•to Jonilll,'Yattier I 1 fASrtU`�.i'N': ei Sr=••.--0n4nr•,v .;�. tf :L�pd ;�u •.a �..: rr- - • r. tt't+.:•... c :w (i •nS..-, ++'Js./.1°� nO '•O� mtrtl�ri istoptaQ 1h it "m iVo'iA%i-i nommltitii, w19} Powii tie �a•1:*•Eov t f -• lrv■ E • 'ei'to•i'r■ al a$ed and'wlctend A w " r ' it lw#ter mains In Oak Qfove C•mit:rY- + 3u On MAT6rrli i''114Xd,4fod rued.'-:- yr • fir i• rya - ♦/ au+,. . ■ 1 f7 ..,r.nr•p a :j•!rr ixa is".-x_r.,, .t—.t .nC _ .1'. 0. ! n L,) Z..— /'AUG '�Tiz6 .. . r .ill t AUG5- Y. 1. l..0 r( lr. rL' r}M. %'r �x �Jj It Mia , T t .i � • '4+• "}��. / 1 V ' r1 (�. era S r r .t' t .• AY' � It ( ip ' '}`,t;•l1." < 4 ; ti rt 61/1 5i� r s} S 1) , � t a, L 'r .. }if{...-:. ort ln:a. } - .•y?„ r .v {-• - �✓._ '.! r Yi„