HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 453, June 3, 1907'< �5a Proceedings.CityofPaducah . L ,; ._3...:..:_.:.,.` /90, Council �rocecdings �_• At a regular meeting of the It of Coumallmen held In the Council Chamber in'the City Hall _. -- •. Jun, 3rd, 1907,, and upon cell of the roll the following ane #rad to their names, i.lndsay, Cra1Ws11, Duvall, Plnremty Flournoy, Herzogg, Meyers, Tuttle, VanMster, Williamson and•Nil- 1' ..:,• son, ' On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted an read, On motion the.Mayor was aphorized to sign the contract , to reolnd the contract of Thoe ,rl / Bridges and Son for laterals connection, in Saver dietriot N Z,upon call or the roll by the 1, .7 ... Yellowing vote, Yeast Lindsay, Crmdoll, Duvall, Flournoy, Poreman, derzogg, .Meyere,Tuttls, ' I VarAstor, Williamson and Wilson, (11). . / On motion the Vsquert of J.P.Smlth to rotund him the ,4,300,00 fo••lot in Oak Orove Cemetery Wei refered to the -Joint Cemetery end report back. 4A " On motion the Matter of the alley between 9th, loth and Bookman and husband■ streets was raft V fared to the Jiont street committee. On motion It was adopts p_that the papers filed Dy J,C,Duguid attorney of W.11. Parham, In rs�srd the o1sSm agAlnsPnt.�Lor small pox damages, was ordered Returned to him, V / On motion It was refered to the ordinance oolwlttes to bring In an ordinance In regard to : surface closets, - J/ On motion the Mayor was authorized to call a Joins committee meeting of the Whole to take up the matter of the East Tennessee Telephone Co, In regard to their franchise, / 1 On motion of Member Williamson the action o1' the Aldermen was oonoured-In, In regard to the t City selling Lite old City to J,W,Nolmes for 03.5)0.00, upon 'call of the roll by th•i followinga vote, Yeast Lindsey, Orandell, DUvsll, Flournoy, Foremen, Ilartogg, Mayoral Tuttle, Ven-ster,i Williamson and Wilson, (11)• On motion It v.960 refered to the boetd, ot•:Supervieora the request of Alonzo' Meridith, In regard to over assessment on his property. ••I Member Flournoy road t a allowances of the Joint Finance a,mittas, for the month ending My .fit 31st 1 o mounting to 10.112, , 9 7, 8 0 97, Onmotion some was allowed upon call of the roll by they following vote, Yeas, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Poreman, Merzogg, Mayoral Tuttle, Van.Yeter, Williamson and Wlleon, Same read the following recomendatlon of the Joint finance, W.J.MaPharscn Sncreans pW�pay to 0100.00 per month, effective June 16th, 1907, payable 4,12.50 aeml-monthly, lnoreaee oh'AVA ble to Fire Dep)rtment, :leo D.A.Cross 1•.97.50 Typo writer for Pollee Judge% office :ooaunL j Polios Dep;rtment City Court upon o:ll of the roll by the following vote, Ye;s, i.lndasy, �4 Cr:ndell, Duv;ll, Plournoy, Foreman, Ilerzogg, Meyers, Tuttle, VArnotor ;nd Wilson, (10), MAye Williamson, (1). On motion the following r000mandDtions of the Pin:noe committee Wks Adopted, That the Connell ,/f order All depArtment heads of the City of PAduoaly to file with the Auditor , An inventory of ,T`v�Ilr, S11 City property in their peeoeaion, or In their depArtmente pod offices, And certify eAme in •',{"'.,/ detail. BAme AeAd the reportof the TraAsuesr End Aud ltor for the month ondin` BOY 31st, showing A r.o -'•••••: 'CAsh bA1Mce on hand to be ;.19.671.19, On motion It WAS rooeived Andefiled, ,i . .. On moLlon'Lhe Yvyor was vuthourlsed'to borrowiif n•ceeeQryAt-10.000.00, for the purpo•j'--;,'-':' ��•... .. •, o�f meeting the currant expenses in the month of June 1907, unt111 such W time of the `'.; +,=`rqi;'-..• I �, I' 1907 tax oolleatlonsAre mAda, to be charged to bills pgygbl•, upon call of the roll ' by the following vote Yeoe Lindsay, Crondall Duvall Plaumo Poromunt Herzo �. Moyer•, Tuttle, VVhMeter 111111%son.vnd Wilson, (11). " .IIember Vvnxeter read in ordinance entitled an ordinAnce providing for the construct- tion onstrue=LSon of gr vnlLold side-wAlk•, 'clhrb And gutters -on Doth siders or 4th street, from A t h p�olnt where sAms'SntaruoW OlAy atresL, to A point cubs» *Ams Intersects Trimble' /1 street, In the City of Pvduovh, Kentucky, On motion sAid ordinAnce Wks given Its- fires ) p'vesvge upon oAll of tH•'roll by the following vote, YeAs, Lindsey, CrAndell, DuTIM1 Plourno Poremvn Herzo �,._. ._. y, , gg, Meyers, Tl,ttleg' Vgtlfeter, w1111 Ammon and Milson, (11). �' [:. motion the rule wAs 'suspended And sAid ordinAnc'e •wus given its second pAssAge up- on CAll of the roll by the following vote, YeAs, Llnddeey, Crvndell, DuvAll, rout, - �•—r-• '� . ,..+: no Poreman Hetso Y r , . - , -� :-..• IMS r 8K,'Ys ersv Thttl• 'VvnMetar, w'1111Amnon And Filson (110. `I J. Barns reAd ordlnAnoe entitled An ordinAnce g &ATM I••� ��.;, r ;/� r. proVldln for the construction of "lltold aid*-wAlk•,' together with combined curb and gutter, on Jefferson stria%, both - / I silo•, from A point where nAme Intersects the want property line of ninth street, to �— f /. ♦..'A1 point whine sAm• Snterseote the eA•L curb line of eleventh street, whir It enters `Jiffersoh street from thenorth side thereof, And both sides of BroAdwvy street 7_ from, the west property .line of ninth street to ,the •Ant curb line of eleventh street, Ii the City of PAduoAh, Kentucky, On motion*eAld ordinAnce wAs given its first pAssAgL ' �V( upon oAll of the roll by the following vote, You Lindsay, CrAndell, DuvAll, Plourw. nby, Poremvn, Herzogg, Mayor•, Tuttle\-VvnYeter, 111111Ameon And WSUon, (11). •:'... I: •. On motion the ordinAnce to Improve Powellstreet was refired buck to the street coo- mitt•*. r .�• i MG mbar Poreman rood the rollosing. motion, I move thAt the board of Public Works be f 61� , Instructed to open the ditch biggining At tha N. W. corner of the Cemetery,, running r ? 1 on A straighAlong e nor t line Althe side of Mildred street and extending to A point .. ' _.'...yam..._ ' at the want. end ,there the'wAter.will hAve A nAturvl PAIlp and ThAt Su � 1d niton e• op- eh•d to mush A depth An,the.Clty Engineer M" tnstruebtwlll properly drAln the Abut- V- but -`C., ..N tng property, On motion game was Adopted upon call of the roll by the following v T - .t),�l}. y • -To to, YeAsr Crvndell, DuvAll, Flournoy, PuremAnr HerzoBBr Meyers Tuttle, VvnYnt•r, .�. q: p wi111Amson And Filson (10),,( President Linds• .did not vote 'hr "On motion it wAs r•f•red to the ordinAnce oommltte• to bring in An ordinAto _.... nce •' Ade,And 'grAvel HArrle street between 7th and ath, r On motion, the reaomamdation of the Joint street committee to change the plena on lot, c/ c AjJ' street between Kentucky Avenue and Broodwey, so ss to make two steps from'sidwralka J r1 - i: /'-'•• of first ntreat to •Sdewelk•.at Kentucky Avenue "dJkckednnvorrer, and that Jackson „. :'• !y` 'pay the expense of the change in front of his property, there being no extra expense n �t,!',1 �.'• in the chub of, the,Lan staff y, . t:a g propert aM the City Fh or authorised to make �' +-iy r•J'v..•, these changes and the board of Public works notified oE. eetione; The contractor 1 r r being present and agreeing, to the changes being made, signed, Dy C.H.Chamb•r11n, Harry R •�Isnk,A M. Foremen ].John Herzog, and Pesnk, Mayer. 1 Iv Council Proceedings. City. of Paducah .__.._.. .......... ....... 190 . .. On moLlon'Lhe Yvyor was vuthourlsed'to borrowiif n•ceeeQryAt-10.000.00, for the purpo•j'--;,'-':' ��•... .. •, o�f meeting the currant expenses in the month of June 1907, unt111 such W time of the `'.; +,=`rqi;'-..• I �, I' 1907 tax oolleatlonsAre mAda, to be charged to bills pgygbl•, upon call of the roll ' by the following vote Yeoe Lindsay, Crondall Duvall Plaumo Poromunt Herzo �. Moyer•, Tuttle, VVhMeter 111111%son.vnd Wilson, (11). " .IIember Vvnxeter read in ordinance entitled an ordinAnce providing for the construct- tion onstrue=LSon of gr vnlLold side-wAlk•, 'clhrb And gutters -on Doth siders or 4th street, from A t h p�olnt where sAms'SntaruoW OlAy atresL, to A point cubs» *Ams Intersects Trimble' /1 street, In the City of Pvduovh, Kentucky, On motion sAid ordinAnce Wks given Its- fires ) p'vesvge upon oAll of tH•'roll by the following vote, YeAs, Lindsey, CrAndell, DuTIM1 Plourno Poremvn Herzo �,._. ._. y, , gg, Meyers, Tl,ttleg' Vgtlfeter, w1111 Ammon and Milson, (11). �' [:. motion the rule wAs 'suspended And sAid ordinAnc'e •wus given its second pAssAge up- on CAll of the roll by the following vote, YeAs, Llnddeey, Crvndell, DuvAll, rout, - �•—r-• '� . ,..+: no Poreman Hetso Y r , . - , -� :-..• IMS r 8K,'Ys ersv Thttl• 'VvnMetar, w'1111Amnon And Filson (110. `I J. Barns reAd ordlnAnoe entitled An ordinAnce g &ATM I••� ��.;, r ;/� r. proVldln for the construction of "lltold aid*-wAlk•,' together with combined curb and gutter, on Jefferson stria%, both - / I silo•, from A point where nAme Intersects the want property line of ninth street, to �— f /. ♦..'A1 point whine sAm• Snterseote the eA•L curb line of eleventh street, whir It enters `Jiffersoh street from thenorth side thereof, And both sides of BroAdwvy street 7_ from, the west property .line of ninth street to ,the •Ant curb line of eleventh street, Ii the City of PAduoAh, Kentucky, On motion*eAld ordinAnce wAs given its first pAssAgL ' �V( upon oAll of the roll by the following vote, You Lindsay, CrAndell, DuvAll, Plourw. nby, Poremvn, Herzogg, Mayor•, Tuttle\-VvnYeter, 111111Ameon And WSUon, (11). •:'... I: •. On motion the ordinAnce to Improve Powellstreet was refired buck to the street coo- mitt•*. r .�• i MG mbar Poreman rood the rollosing. motion, I move thAt the board of Public Works be f 61� , Instructed to open the ditch biggining At tha N. W. corner of the Cemetery,, running r ? 1 on A straighAlong e nor t line Althe side of Mildred street and extending to A point .. ' _.'...yam..._ ' at the want. end ,there the'wAter.will hAve A nAturvl PAIlp and ThAt Su � 1d niton e• op- eh•d to mush A depth An,the.Clty Engineer M" tnstruebtwlll properly drAln the Abut- V- but -`C., ..N tng property, On motion game was Adopted upon call of the roll by the following v T - .t),�l}. y • -To to, YeAsr Crvndell, DuvAll, Flournoy, PuremAnr HerzoBBr Meyers Tuttle, VvnYnt•r, .�. q: p wi111Amson And Filson (10),,( President Linds• .did not vote 'hr "On motion it wAs r•f•red to the ordinAnce oommltte• to bring in An ordinAto _.... nce •' Ade,And 'grAvel HArrle street between 7th and ath, r On motion, the reaomamdation of the Joint street committee to change the plena on lot, c/ c AjJ' street between Kentucky Avenue and Broodwey, so ss to make two steps from'sidwralka J r1 - i: /'-'•• of first ntreat to •Sdewelk•.at Kentucky Avenue "dJkckednnvorrer, and that Jackson „. :'• !y` 'pay the expense of the change in front of his property, there being no extra expense n �t,!',1 �.'• in the chub of, the,Lan staff y, . t:a g propert aM the City Fh or authorised to make �' +-iy r•J'v..•, these changes and the board of Public works notified oE. eetione; The contractor 1 r r being present and agreeing, to the changes being made, signed, Dy C.H.Chamb•r11n, Harry R •�Isnk,A M. Foremen ].John Herzog, and Pesnk, Mayer. • it i f'v}+ r. �,y. a i � +n+' r � rrs ' • rf (77 Co n it Proceedings, City of Paducah.''.:..::: _:.:.:.::. ..__..:.. :.........190 ' : JIMember Duvall offered the following motion:, That the Board of Public Works grsds.and gravel 20 {'',ml�(Iy^• ^ treat between Husbands street and hollow from 6th, and 7th, street, alter assuring full right / / 1 of way, On motion Baas was adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote,, Yeae, i,indeey,l � Frandell, Duvall, -Flournoy, Foreman, Ilersog, Meyer@, Tuttle, VwMeter, Williamson and Wilnon• � i I Member Foremen offered the following motion:- that the City buy lot 11 4 block 10, from Chas K,1 Wheeler, to extend Jackson street, where same intersects Outhris Avenue, for =300,00, and the /(. mayor be instructed to execute the note of the City for said amount payable at a certain to lY be agreed upon bp the !ioyor and Mr, Wheeler, On motion same n•ae adopted upon call or the roll by ; / ethn follownR voter Yeasr Uneasy, Crandallr Flournoy, Foremanr ilerzog, Ma erar Tuttle, Vnn- I Meter, Williamson and Wilson, (10), Nays, Duvall, (1), i I :On motion stn racomendation.of the Joint Street eommlttne,'toAt the City Mneineer be in rtruo-' • 'i. / bted to follow the original plat of Mary Smedley to City April 21$t, 1870, for the improvemnni. 1. p bf south loth street and that the City Solicitor be instructed tr+ notdfy Willard Do to move II / his house out of the street which 1a 1n the said street about.10 feet, was oonoured-1n,: �on motion the request of the Coal Dealers to have the alleys in the City graded and graveled byI Ithe City was rojeated, t s / �A{/y�• Member Meyers read the report of the Chief of Police an motion it was received and filed,':. •r' '.i IS=* stated that the Joint Pollee and Firs committee rscomended that the contract to Fowler, F W4 and Co t\o repair the roof at the 10th end Clay street , fire depnrtmant and. also the r lY Econtraot go Lear down the old hose tour at fire :'d,ation ft, On motion. their racomendation wee oncured-Sn, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yean, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, �/• 'iFlournoy, Foreman, inrzoe, Meyers, Tuttle, Van'/,eter, 11"llams•.n i,M j t Member Crandell rowl a raqu not from A.A. Adkins to transfer his coffee gaunt license from 825 r outh 3rd etseet, to #702 Tennessee street, On motion his request was fronted. IIIIfff Same read en application from J,M,Rlokm n for a coffee house license at #925 suoth '3rd streeti he offered as hie bondsmen, J, O, Rinkleff,end John Sinnott, On motion said lioenne was granted and the bondsmen voted upon end accepted aeperste and collective, upon call of the roll by they 4• Ness, Lindsey, Crandgll, . Duvall, Flournoy, Foreman, Jerzog, Neyere, Voltmeter m d v'1►tldlxon, o � r( !(9), Nays, Tuttle and nll,non�2), 1. On motion the remonstrmoe against a saloon at or neer 1814 ❑ridge etreet.wns received and t'filed I, ( d On motion the report of the Milk and Meet inspector was received and filed, i 'i fOn motion the request of the property owners on ,letfnroon street from 13th street to 16th St, j / �I jto have Sanitary extended along said street, was refnred to the prdlnmce Commlttoa to bring TY �in an ordinance, savoringan no, 'I �V i v l n motion of Member V14liameon it ♦s adopted that Mrs Hine Oe ref\inds 44,00, for money paid " nn/-Yn" for public ,!rounds in Oak Grove, I (�,� ,am* read • request from James Ademe to'trnnaier his lot in Oak Grove Cemetery to W,T,Bowling Glot # 7 in block $ 107, On motion his request was granted, 1 18ama reed a request from Miss Rebeace, Allen to @eve George Allen/s lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, i lot # 171 in block # ll, trmsfered to her on motion her request "a isranted, I !On motion the request of R,L.Relaon in regard to voter on 3rd did Clark street, was referod to ;Street Committee. Council Proceedings.* City of Paducah, c f T t ti -:0 1 4 t!z 2 .5 7, 1" 7 . .... . 7 , 7" V� % .... .. ...... . Motion The. Board..Adjournedt JUN 17 17190i' 'JUN 7' r :77 ' ... ... . ... ...... . .......... L.., . . .. . . . c f T t ti -:0 1 4 t!z 2 .5 7, 1" 7 . .... . 7 , 7" V� % .... .. ...... . :77 ... . ... ...... . .......... L.., . . .. . . . c f T t ti -:0 1 4 t!z 2 .5 7, 1" 7 . .... . 7 , 7" V� % .... .. ...... . :77 c f T t ti -:0 1 4 t!z 2 .5 7, 1" 7 . .... . 7 , 7" V� %