HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 439, April 1, 1907;'' t t.'. M + '•r Y{ i ..� , ^".,y�rc ,.l,.,y'7,„• ✓ to S ,IS. ;yen � 1139 Council Proceedings; City of Paducah ...:... 190 ={ Is M AL a regular meeting of the board of Councilmen held In the Council ChdmD9sr in the City dell. April', let', 1907, and upon call of the roll the following 'answered to their names, Orendell,' Duvall, P1ooYnoy, Foremen, LAokey, Meyers, Tuttle, Vanmeter, Williamson and Wilson, (10), I • _ On motion Member Lackey #e *looted an president protem, urbnmaunley, , On motion the minutes of the previous msestl P ng were a0opted�4vvr�Yad. .�On motion It was refered to U!s Joint Police and Fire, with,to sit to purchase •two horse for the fire dep,..rtment. n motion It was adopted that A.O,Oilbert, be refunds, °50.00, paid in far a coffee, house ([�'.`l comae at N MO Broad street, to the proper party, to resolve same, . (1k, � J• - lj On motion the matter of Hwwell Brots, for insurance on the electric llgnt plant, was refered'ti V i s board of Public Worcs, 1 , Q jBoard On moteon the request of the Globe Bank and Trust Co, for over aeseement was refered to. the I" a0of Supervisors, CCC On motion SL wan referrd to the point Sanitary and SOwel.Committes to Lake up the matter.of letting a contract to operating a garbage 'clump aNd rtport book. �Member Van Yater read the ellowanoe of the Joint Pinnas Committee for t a.he.sr montn.of March l 1907, amounLln LO t 6,z.7, 00, on motion same was allowed upon call of the roll by Lhe Pollan Ing vote, Yese, (10). On motion the report of the Treasurer and Auditor for the month ending March, 31et,15,0 7, .. .... reeeived and filed. Same read read an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the oonstruotlon or teals Street by� grading aNd graveling from s point where same Sntereeote Husbands street to a point where Dj Same Intersects Eltaebeth street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by title AN the rule had • been suspended, On motion amid ordinance was given its second pnaaage upon call of th-roll �by the following vote, Yeas, (10). _ t, , .. On motion it "a Adopted that the Mayor be instruoted to borro F Z3.59g.50, for improvements of ,,,,AAA 11F i fthe ellstrif light plant, Won *ell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, (10). '•,/r�L,'7"/'J,'/_+'/ Member VenMeter reed an ordinance entitled an ordlnenc* providing for the oonstruotion of II• V t south 5th, street, by grading and Pe•eve]ing from a point facer* same Intersects Elizabeth *treeee yto s point where same intersects Broad street , in the City ofPaduoeh, Kentucky, :by.L1tlo ne- the rule had been suspended, On motion said ordlnanoe was given its second passage upon call of the toll by t •following vets, Ysas, 110), . ' k I' 1 S, read an ordinance enpitled an ordlnenon emending an ordinance, entitled an ordinance fixing the Alery of the City Engineer, of the City of Paduoeh, Kentuolky, And 'Also fixing hia ' 1J III bond, adopted by the board of Councilmen, October the 9th, 1902, and adopted byfie board 'of (jj('•,yt Aldermen, November the 6th, 1902, and Approved by D,A,Yiunor, Mayer, November, 10th, 1902,,. On motion said ordinance was given its first passage upon cell of the roll by the following Tot*. Yess,,Crandsll1LOttvall, Flournoy, Poreman, Lackey, Meyers, Tuttle, Williamson and Wilson, Nays, VenYeur, (1). Member Meyers read the report of the PhisP oP Polies, For the month ending March, 31st, 1907 - on motion it was received and filed.. On motion. the 1laerse of E.W,Be-ry for 16 onrfse license as refered rook to the license onnmit-� '-LLR �' f - , ••*yid ,':. _ Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . .... ... :............................ :...::..: +............ 190 s .. ' nn motion the request of Jim Bulger in regard to over &easement. on 994 property as_H-_.-; T.,:.... . - fared to the Auditor and bsassor. On motion it We& adopted •that the City Qerk give s new deed to a lot Dry J.T.Ogp . VM' lOn motion the*lark was ordered to dre to warrent upon iLe Treasurer. for $5..06, to'"':: i refund Mr, T. Bennitt,•for pvtlis grounds. - - L AOn motion s Aged to a lot in Oak Grove Vemetory to Virgil Hart lot 4(' 61 in bloak, .A. , we,e ratified On motion it was adopted that loo �/ 44, in block, N 3, from Baughn, toBsnneLt, be at On motion the matter of opening the alley between ,7th and HUan and9tb, and Boc)r Sal redsrsd to the Board or Public Works. . 1On motion 1t was refered to the Board of Health the matter of .6 ditch on Burnett &L Door of the Home of the Priendlgss."ti+ •• j SAL ' �N( �Me 1 gen motion or Member Crnnde11 the action of the Ooun it was "considered in (regard to r L Y✓ crefereng the license of E;W.Berry, back to tis license Committee. '•.�r RQy'Y /=~ 1 Member Crandall pr9eented an applic ation from E. W, Berry for a eofteehaves license at - 2CB, Eentucky, Avenue, he offered es his bond the Illinois Surety Co, of C.11eego, On motion said lid t nee was granted and bond voted' `J upon and accented upon call of the /^ 'ylt • following vote, Veae,. Crandall, Foreman, Lockey, Meyers, Tuttle, VanUetnr,(6), k , Bays, Duvall, Flournoy, bi111aeson and Wile oty (4). 1 -•�'° ' ,� Y _ - — On_Notion The Board Adjourned. - `,�n ILI t r •.cy Old ? _ .. _ Pn,W,nl iRwoc Wenn l/ 1 rt f f �li its»p H-^„yri. t)4 7$r• fr 'f' ` `ro tt' �'` f. :• .__- l rA � A, ,f . t J WO, 4 l CYN b SN S . ` e F' i ' F X � -' i .� F tl,•? � .. r + C r F I) I).,C- �}1 bf I r t , I t f Y: `:�vsti t9. f((• �Fr•i�, ,! 1 3 l* ,+, rl vt�/t'�f -+'i lfi f ;t 4 ' r - ,