HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 434, March 4, 1907Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,
....�:....__. 190
G s »Wier meeting of the Board of Councilman, held In the Council Chamber, In the
Lty Hall, March, 4th, 1907, and upon call of the roll the follawing answered to''�..••"-"
\Ser newer, Lindesy, Crandall, Duvall, Ploumoy, Poraman; Herto«, Trackey, mayors, �
Ittlo, VWleter, Williamson, and MSLoIu, (12),
I motion th6 minutes of the previous meetings were adopted re read.
I motion the oommuni o4Llon from Supt Rubler in regard to the City putting an Fn-
.ne at the pumping station at third and slay etruety was refered to the Joint Bawer':,,;:- �
msSLLee and .Board of Public Works. . ,y.^ �>.•; ' I i
I motion the Cla,•k was authorized to draws w'rrent on the OSLy Trsasuwel, for
i favor of B, A, miller. - I
.•7j-" �:'
In motion 10 was retered to the 0ldinanoe Committee, LO bring in M Ord121R10e in ie-
;ord todriging cattle over the -city atrastr,
In notion the action of the Aldernety tn'te oOMaured-in, In regard LO the, i'uDlio Imp-�
Movement aommSLLeq to purohasi 60 tool of ground on TSreL street, from the T,O:R.R
r: .I
lo, ►eek of Amours Peaking Co's '' '-•i ,; -.
n motion the communication tromI•roperty owners to have Jackson street improved to
uthrl0 AvenueCommittees•..�•�. I
, qr refei•ed to- the 6Lreot 4M Board of Public Works.
n motion 1t was refered.to the Ordinence Committee, to bring In an nrdlneNce to reg- !'j
late skating on aide -walks.
0 action taken in re
gsrd to the board of,gupervisors, report, 'ln regard to reducing
he auesmnn4 of John Rlethlay, 0300.00.
n motion the Paducah, Distlllerloo'Co was refunded M25. '
n motion it-wao refewed to the ordinance Committee to bring�'•
In an ordinmoe to imps
1Y. _
ova,'south, 10th, rLrnL between Husbands and Bo6kme7L '- .' -- -, •
:f.. r'F,..� ..'.
ember 'LeOkry'reaA the report'or the Treasurer and 'Auditor toi• the month
'•nding Peb; _=-?,•
ti �'
8th, 1907- On motion it was received and filed. ”" "'- ^•'%
n motion of'samr It was Woptad'theL Dills end. salaries, amounting to =11:49j:71, fe$,.
he'month'of Pebuary, De all owed , upon 0411 of t1:e roll by the following vote, Yeas,
Zt �r r
t r t t
........................... .....
1 ,
K r
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,
....�:....__. 190
G s »Wier meeting of the Board of Councilman, held In the Council Chamber, In the
Lty Hall, March, 4th, 1907, and upon call of the roll the follawing answered to''�..••"-"
\Ser newer, Lindesy, Crandall, Duvall, Ploumoy, Poraman; Herto«, Trackey, mayors, �
Ittlo, VWleter, Williamson, and MSLoIu, (12),
I motion th6 minutes of the previous meetings were adopted re read.
I motion the oommuni o4Llon from Supt Rubler in regard to the City putting an Fn-
.ne at the pumping station at third and slay etruety was refered to the Joint Bawer':,,;:- �
msSLLee and .Board of Public Works. . ,y.^ �>.•; ' I i
I motion the Cla,•k was authorized to draws w'rrent on the OSLy Trsasuwel, for
i favor of B, A, miller. - I
.•7j-" �:'
In motion 10 was retered to the 0ldinanoe Committee, LO bring in M Ord121R10e in ie-
;ord todriging cattle over the -city atrastr,
In notion the action of the Aldernety tn'te oOMaured-in, In regard LO the, i'uDlio Imp-�
Movement aommSLLeq to purohasi 60 tool of ground on TSreL street, from the T,O:R.R
r: .I
lo, ►eek of Amours Peaking Co's '' '-•i ,; -.
n motion the communication tromI•roperty owners to have Jackson street improved to
uthrl0 AvenueCommittees•..�•�. I
, qr refei•ed to- the 6Lreot 4M Board of Public Works.
n motion 1t was refered.to the Ordinence Committee, to bring In an nrdlneNce to reg- !'j
late skating on aide -walks.
0 action taken in re
gsrd to the board of,gupervisors, report, 'ln regard to reducing
he auesmnn4 of John Rlethlay, 0300.00.
n motion the Paducah, Distlllerloo'Co was refunded M25. '
n motion it-wao refewed to the ordinance Committee to bring�'•
In an ordinmoe to imps
1Y. _
ova,'south, 10th, rLrnL between Husbands and Bo6kme7L '- .' -- -, •
:f.. r'F,..� ..'.
ember 'LeOkry'reaA the report'or the Treasurer and 'Auditor toi• the month
'•nding Peb; _=-?,•
ti �'
8th, 1907- On motion it was received and filed. ”" "'- ^•'%
n motion of'samr It was Woptad'theL Dills end. salaries, amounting to =11:49j:71, fe$,.
he'month'of Pebuary, De all owed , upon 0411 of t1:e roll by the following vote, Yeas,
Zt �r r
t r t t
........................... .....
1 ,
i.4.,��': ? r. (iriri@:•1 (, i i) T.,-�'�{'.rIRV h'T+�'t i�N u ro.
^I :v 1 _ J' :,"tn'k•.Y n,r+.i N r d i!ti li sr .. y., t
. 31t4j C. •rr (t �.': r { 1 .ra r r -, t t ..
Council Proceedings: Cityof Paducah,,,.''._*,.....::::.-'
Member VAnMGtar read an Ordinance entitled an ,ordinance providing for the original construction
• of 19th, street, from a point where same intersects Broadway to a point where came intoreectel.
Guthrie Avenue, except one block already Improved from Kentucky, Avenue to mashington'streeti
and for the orlglnal.00nativoplon of Outhrie Avenue, from a point where same intersects, ;l9tt,,'�
' street, to a point whore name Intersects ,he Mayfield roads in the City of Faducah,. 'ti entuoky,
by title as the rule had been sutpended, On motion said ordinance wee given its second and , I.
' e final passage upon call of the roll by the fo11•ning, vote, Yaae,(12), ..
Game read an Ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the construction of 01.1swalks, on
both sides of 17th, strut, to,g••ther with Combined curb and flutta�e, from a point whore name
Intersects, Jefferson street to a point where : ma intereeats Broadway. street, in the city nf
,Pedu sh, Kentucky, by 'title as he rule had been suspended, On motion said ordinance was given
Its second and final passage upon call of the roll by the t'ollowiny vote, Yana, (12). ..i;
Same read an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing' for the original construct Ion of. I
Paxton street from the west sorb line of Little Avenue, to the west curb line of Bloom Avenel
(and for the original constnrotlon of. Bloom:.Avemrs from in south curb !ins of Paxton otrfat to.
UJ .t :
/ the City limita in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by title as the rule Rad beensunponded, onl
- r motion said ordinance was given Its seoond nd final passage, upon call of the roll by tha,fol-
1owl nit vote, Yeast (12), 1
�•" a Same read an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the construction of \;rani told side-
i walks, •dth combined curb and gutter, on both aides of Parley Plass, from t • west curb line
/'` of Moyers atreet,to,thr esat'.ourb.,llneosV.. Short street, and on both aides of Short etreat,
from the south property line of Parley Place to the north curb line of Clemente street, in Us
V City of Paducah, Kentucky, by title as the rule had been suspended, On motion said ordinance
wits given Its second and finale pasaag•s upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yssa,(12),
.�. gme.»ad an ord,)nmu entitled an ordinance sizing the levy or rate of taxation onproprty.in
the City of Paducah, for m Year of 197, and the rate of the poll tax with the purposes of the
e .
said levy thereunder defiu+d, On motion said ordlnalloe was given its first paeeace upon call oil
the roll by the following vote, Yeas, t12),
On motion the notion of the Aldermen wt.a concured-in, in regard to the City Engineer and.Street
CcoaltU0 taking up the matter of improving certain streets and sidewalks in thf Cit t
. { Member Meyers read the report of the Chief of Pollee, on motto n it vias received and filed.'-;
Member Crandall read an application from the Paducah Dist111oriyee Co for a gallon and quart
Iigo rs license, they offered as thslr bond the Illinois Surety ,Cn of Chicago, On motion a ld
.license was granted and bond votod Won and accepted upon call of the roll by 1h following yet
Yana, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Porman,Beraogg, Lackey, Mayers, Tuttle, VanV star and'811-
llameo991O), Maya, Linsey and wilao,(2). I°
_ Same read an apo llonLion from B. PedRett mr' Co for a CorreaIlova ficina
Unifies at .14th nd ';ferries
on motion raid license was re,Jse , spon call of the roll by the;
'•.W folio wing vote, Yeas, mons , msye,(12),
.. •ori .. .I
On motion the money of B,Padgett.tnd Co, on ordered refunded, -
flame read an tpplloatlon from A,O.Rullivan for a ootlee house, at 1534 Broad street, on motion
;. ;4.�:. •, :,; same was deferod. --5•.-
1 ,
CouncilProceedings, ,City of Paducah,
............................ . ........... . . .... . . . . . 190
)n motion the Communication' from Dr W.T.Gr4v0s,-In ragard to the report Of the Board
)f Health, was received and filed.
)n motion there of Zoij Xing to transfer the lielt half. or,tht south half or hors,�, li—
lot, lot #300,.In'blook # 19, to Rohart Piskens, was ratified,
)n motion or Member Williamson It was adopted that the City Clark, be instructed t0
ftfikO a dead to lot In Oak Orove Cemetery; #94, In block # 6, free of sharp to the
lome of;The Priondlona;
a aa3194 meeting of. the Board Of Councilmen hold 1n the Council Mamber In the
11tV H&11,'Marah, 4h,-1907, and:upon call or the roll the following answered to thly,
kn motion it was riferod to the ordinam 041 Committee to bring in an ordinaNce,to imp- .11
'OTS PO 011-s%rest, from Jarrett to Aahoraft streets,
In motion of Member Duvall thO Presidents of both boards or the general council. via..
most Lindsey, Crindolis'Dulvallp Plourn Gyp ForamonpHorz6gg Lackey, Mayor@, Tuttle,.
.natructed to appoint' committee Boll -
'Of three of both boards along with the City
and Wilson, (12)i
C "I
Procee di
;or to roviaw the )sloe of the general council, President Lindsey appointed, rioumay
a igs
)avail and Lackey, As aaommlttae from this board.
aducah, to the City Solicitor an additional fifteen Per cant over -the am0 'mt already
in motion or Will1waon-J& was refered to th sBoard of Public Works to have Lha L.C.,..
5)1. Cot to conform with -the grads of the street on Clay street between ath and %h".. L.
street, where sold Co, crosses eons.
n1to s000nO passage, 1 by the following irate, Yana
0. upon call of the rol 12)
On Motion The Board Adjourned. .7.f
VanlAoter "sad .n ordinance entitled an )ordinance f a
ixIng the levy or re t or
MAR 10 1Q07 MAR I
an propert In -the Cjtyof
7 Paducah'
F 0 'for the year a f 1907, and the rate for
:poll',taxv with -the purposes of 1H 0 &aid . is t herailrider dorinodi On :iotlon said
Fraide" Bmrd a/Ght�f IR:
L;ity Clark.,"
a aa3194 meeting of. the Board Of Councilmen hold 1n the Council Mamber In the
11tV H&11,'Marah, 4h,-1907, and:upon call or the roll the following answered to thly,
most Lindsey, Crindolis'Dulvallp Plourn Gyp ForamonpHorz6gg Lackey, Mayor@, Tuttle,.
and Wilson, (12)i
C "I
Procee di
Mayor road reason for call.
a igs
aducah, to the City Solicitor an additional fifteen Per cant over -the am0 'mt already
a aa3194 meeting of. the Board Of Councilmen hold 1n the Council Mamber In the
11tV H&11,'Marah, 4h,-1907, and:upon call or the roll the following answered to thly,
most Lindsey, Crindolis'Dulvallp Plourn Gyp ForamonpHorz6gg Lackey, Mayor@, Tuttle,.
and Wilson, (12)i
Mayor road reason for call.
ember Lackey -read r
-the rallowlig re providing for the payment by the City of
aducah, to the City Solicitor an additional fifteen Per cant over -the am0 'mt already
by ordi nsnOO, fory the ftak taws collected by him, On motion 161d resolution
n1to s000nO passage, 1 by the following irate, Yana
0. upon call of the rol 12)
VanlAoter "sad .n ordinance entitled an )ordinance f a
ixIng the levy or re t or
an propert In -the Cjtyof
7 Paducah'
F 0 'for the year a f 1907, and the rate for
:poll',taxv with -the purposes of 1H 0 &aid . is t herailrider dorinodi On :iotlon said
was given its'-sicand passage span�axil or 'the roll by the following, TO"
U: motion f
0 Lack!yj t". ,t?& instructed to turn over to the City Clark, the
-rate of;1&'8!6
&Z books for the year 6r,j907,.at the i or L 00.00.
On )Action' The Board Adjourned, MAP is
18 107
rtrA rEtO