HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 428, February 4, 1907Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,_
,•`.�- ^, R11cied upon call ofthe roll b9 the following vote Veae (10).
r -t" .. �mbsr VanMeter readan.Ordinancs entitled an ordinance, to mend an ordinance En-
n titled an ordinance relating to Hawkers and Hucksters and regulatingthe Duain•as
r, ...th•rs-of,.Adapt•d pp the Common Council of the
City of Paducah, December, 21st"-
and approved by James M.Lang Yayor, D6osmbar,.22td, 1H99, On motion cid
{ ,� •�rdlnano• se given Its fiL peso age upon call of the roll by the following vote 7
i rl1"71.1 4 J •aa.:Ci4)-it notion Lh•!ven its
rule was suspended, end said Ordinance wan gi
1r i ur r Yjt - F}t+
4P�t,, r { 11 '1seond r•id3nG upon 0611 of th•.roll Dy Lh• following vote, Yean,.(�)j7ays, Duvall
y.i gm• .sed An Ordinance entitled an ordln6nc•,_".a ding an,ordinande entitled an e},'
/ordinance re oMeting the office of dolinquenp Tax Colles Lor and proHding•tor the
t :, v ",� y,•
.n..urw-rar •ola. Ww.i.w..rwgu-.ht:1aca .�:.o.n. d Endmen.xn�awtwl.on,
ILN.J action of Liesmo, and fixi1Aopted �bY Lm gen•ralnDL1v
bd 41 ♦ t;
1 ''4
11 Proce
At a reemlar meeting 'or the Board of Councilmen, heldln the Council Chamber in a s•�i:.•.:_ �
City Hall, Fekuary, 4th, 1907, and upon call of the roll the following answered to
,: '1i3"•'
their names , Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy. Pormrnr Waken Me erer VanMstq;�-
Williamson, Wilson, .1101,
On action the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ae.read.fT
On motion the comunlo6tlom, from Electrician Ho Pherson, in regard to Web.and
bloom, and and the .building occupied by Prank Wagner an south, 2nd, street, was re-•:j�!>Vr.
rp /
tared to the City Solicitor.
•'.' `�
On notion It was refered to Joint Ordlnatioe. Committe to bring In an ordinance ora-
sting the o:fio• of building Inepeotor,
EO motion the repprt of the Milk and Meet Inepeotor was received And filed, .
On notion the-reoueet of, John Lightly, to with-drsw his regeset,'for a Coffee Ho Its"
license, in, hittlevills, wed granted,. and upon motlon his money paid to the City
.. _. - -.. ..
�';.�; •; •,•
Treasurer, was ordered refunded..'
POn'motlon the rermeet of Oscar Denkar, to with -draw, his request for • Coffee Hwn
license at 1044, Droadway,was granted and upon motion his money paid t0 the CSLy
was ordered refunded.
` ;1
on motion th a request of Hummel Rra a In regard to Insurance Co, woe.»ford to er,,-
Yinana Committee.
On Notion 1t vac refered to the Ordinance and Street COMIttee to bring in an Ord-
nonce to grade a street In 6lttkes Addition:
-� ` •' = :
On motion SL was '
refered to the Street Committee to bring In an Ordinance to ilr
prove sidewalks, in !Tont of the River -side Hospital.
ember Crandall. Toad a rsannetranoe against a saloon in Little Addition,, On .mention, : ;.:,':•..,'.
.�L oaroceiva-d Olid filed.
Mombor Lackey read the report of the Trraeurer
and Auditor for the month ending,
.. ... _
,..Jams arYr 31st, 1907,' shoeing sYuh balance an hand to be W.634.86, On motion it
..a.. .._....
;: •,.'.
Sao resolved MCI filed.
�iJim 0 Mad the allowanas of the Joint Finance Committee, for the month of Jatuary,
- is rN
a `907, for alariu, Mlle -and ate;� amounting to $9647.50, nn notion a=• vac
,,, •.
,•`.�- ^, R11cied upon call ofthe roll b9 the following vote Veae (10).
r -t" .. �mbsr VanMeter readan.Ordinancs entitled an ordinance, to mend an ordinance En-
n titled an ordinance relating to Hawkers and Hucksters and regulatingthe Duain•as
r, ...th•rs-of,.Adapt•d pp the Common Council of the
City of Paducah, December, 21st"-
and approved by James M.Lang Yayor, D6osmbar,.22td, 1H99, On motion cid
{ ,� •�rdlnano• se given Its fiL peso age upon call of the roll by the following vote 7
i rl1"71.1 4 J •aa.:Ci4)-it notion Lh•!ven its
rule was suspended, end said Ordinance wan gi
1r i ur r Yjt - F}t+
4P�t,, r { 11 '1seond r•id3nG upon 0611 of th•.roll Dy Lh• following vote, Yean,.(�)j7ays, Duvall
y.i gm• .sed An Ordinance entitled an ordln6nc•,_".a ding an,ordinande entitled an e},'
/ordinance re oMeting the office of dolinquenp Tax Colles Lor and proHding•tor the
t :, v ",� y,•
.n..urw-rar •ola. Ww.i.w..rwgu-.ht:1aca .�:.o.n. d Endmen.xn�awtwl.on,
ILN.J action of Liesmo, and fixi1Aopted �bY Lm gen•ralnDL1v
bd 41 ♦ t;
1 ''4
1 ^ 1)t�ll—�� ."`Z.If�r.w.4 -.,IiF MSM) YMI(j'4'ilir .�'K..�.(n A: 't -r•).. {)�:, �.Y y jYr�C[^;
Council Proceedings, CI ,m)
g City of Paducah. __:._ _.._..:...... .........190. ' `':.:.. � •:..
•;,, ,,.• .,"�
council of the city of Paduaah,gestucky, and approved, Jan, 31st, 1903, by D,A,Ylenr, Mayor i
On motion said Ordinance was given Sts first paesege upon call ar.tt:e following vote, Yese, I
110): .. ...
Member Meyers rad the report of. the Chaff of Pollee for the m o nth ending Jan, 31111t, 1907
•' "
.On motion It was received and 'filed,- ..�
On motion the requeat of*ths S:.Sppers and Merchants In regard to the City andn the eget
( I
sif.e of first at root for better aot;sas to the. river, was on motion rafared to the Street 1
''Member Crandall read an eppllesyion frog J,Y Whittaker, .for aeoffee hones lea -nee and �
.. _
tneiofteredrap his bond the I111no1s Surety Cos of Chicago, also O,A.Chnadl'ers James Ward, Winfr
Patterson, John Ward, Dreyfus and wall and Cc (quart licence), Tom Thompson, J,11,81marrill
,Ia.man Bross, bond 11, R.Parpar and 'like Iseman, O,R•WSllow, bond Adolph and Lee M'eili. Frank Wagner`
bond, Joseph L. Friedman, and John,W, KSeler, C,P,Sahrader, Joseph L, Frlednam, and,-' .•I
john,W, Kleler, Ilenry Kamlleter, bond, L.Kolb and C. Stienhauer, S, R. Gott, bona Jolmn •.1 !
'; • ,'t
Sinnott and J.G. RSnklaft, G.T,A,011be"-to, bond, P1de11ty Lnd Dapoalt Cos* of Meryldnd, St',. •'i
Dye 'Intl Stsvart, bond, PSdetty :and Depoelt Co, of ;laryland, rAumaine and Jones, hand, Adolph
and Lee Well, nleAnrwan nlstillory Cos Mond n,J,Prienter and Henry nindermans Jim Rnlgers
ISS Ptd allty and Deposit Cc of Maryland, Chr to Rerger, bonds C,Serger and Sets I,:r4yy,
`Hugh noyle, bond, Jahn Sinnott and J,O.Rlnkleft, EiC,Eaker and Cos bond, Jsaes Eake P. and Vo IM
�Wobles Y. Livingston and Cc, (gallon and quart) bond Jams Wallin and Ren. Ws111�s..J 1H,^'Nell'. �
land Bons(gallon and quart), bond , J.O, Rinklsft and I. Nu,hlams A, S•Ter-11(F•allon.and'quart) -
A� I
bond J. n, Terall star E, C,Terells Englert and Rryants(gallon an -1 quart), JIM. Rugl.art and
1J,A,Younger,Sam Starke, bond Illinois Surety Co. of Ch1 ago, Stith and Vincent boar I111ne14. l
1ljSurety Co, of CIA age, Prard: Levin, fond Illinois Susety, Cos of Chi age, J,W Moore, band
Illinois Surety Co, of Chlaago, Pall and Simon, bond Illinois Surety Co, of Chioago, Pried-.
mans Kleler and Cos(gallon and quart), blind, Illinois SImsb, II m and,;
{ Surety Cos of Chicago, .
.CO. (gallon and quart), bond 1111•:ola Surety Co, of Chi agog J,D.Dverstrest bond Illinois %ro
._-:i..... ,•qty
Cos. of Chi ago, Ed', Pearson, Domd I11.1nois Surety Cos of Chloagos Murray and Wathan,band
' -
-Illinois Surety Cc , of Chlengo,
'J,J.Psed, bond, Illino 1s Suruty Co, of Chlcafos Oeor a Sohulttes D:nd, Il Ito nia Surety Co
' •-
of Chloagos C,W, Rodfus, bond T111nols Surety Cos of Chicago, L.R,Ragan, bond, Illinois fit I,
Surety Cc of Chicago, *Iwo S. Robertw,n, bond, Illinois Surety Cos of Cie cagos R.L. Percher,
and Co, bond I111noie nu rety Cos of Chiohgo, Potter and Alexanders bond, Illinois Surety Co I.
of ChlasFos Palmer, Hotel Cos bonds Illinois Surety Co of Chlaago, A, Pnrk Sne, Dond Illlnole,
Surety Cc of Chicago, J.L.Potter, bard, Illinoln Siroty Cc of Chioago, 'Henry Hest, ::bond
Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago, vi,C, Standford and Co, bond :11 lnole Surety On or'Chle, go,.
_•• "'!
S,?.n1111ngely, DondIllinol■ Surety Cc of Chicago, H,T,Vogel, bond Illinois Surety Cc of,Chl.;
Kase, Nichols and Deboebond, Illinois Surety Ce of 'Chicago, L.T.Clark, bond Illinois Suroty
_r .�,
Cc of Chlaago, Goo Danker Adolph and Les Wells J.W.Whiselaw bond, Illinois Surety Co of
Ch1C.90, L,I„Nelson, bond, J,W,Orr and J.E. 14organ, .W,M.Uitaholl, bona 'r Illnol■ Surety Co or
Chleago, R,E.L.Moshell and Co, bond, Illinois, Surety Cc of C hl Cago, J.R,Morrla and Cos bond ]
Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, Abe MarCofsky, bond Illinois Suety Cc of ChlCago, JN= .':
,••i. '
J. J.MCaughensIllinels Suretyca of shiaego, Tuck Lo 46I1110nois Surety OO,of ChicaOo, J.J '
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . ..... ..... ..:.........:.........:.:......::......:........:..... 190
.�L•lly, bood1111no1s Surety Co, of Chicago, James Loftin, bond Illinois Surety ee of
.Chicago, S.J.Lenhan, bond, I111noin Surety Co, of Chicago, J.Y.geu, bond Illlnols . '•r
y Surety 'Co, of ChlCago, J.T.Jenklno, Bond Illinois Surety Co of Cnleago, W.E.Ham,
- -bond, Adolp h and Lee Well, Lee Hite, bond I111nors Surety Cc cef ChlCago, Dan i•:
"."Galvin, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, Chas T. Graham, bond, I111no1e Surety a
�L7 .. Oat of ChlCago, W,C,Gray bond Illinois Surety Co, Galla her.and Soyle, bond Illlnols
�I 'S+irsty Co, of ChiC•Fo, t,OrSffln and Wilson, bond, I1 linole Surety Co, of,ChlCago, ••
��„•, ,„-” Gray and Gray, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chica
,, ji- Y go, J.P. Fowler, bond I111no Is Surety-
•,..,,, i r
' Co of -Chicago, G.W.Ed ward., bond Illinois Surety Co. of Chicago, EBerly, Barden and.
,•-% 1
Co, DonA, Illinois Surety Qo of Chlaa�o, A. Danker Jr,,bond, Illinois Sure ty Co ofI-
+ -,: •'l hiCego, Chia ;i Denker, bond Illlno is Surety Cc of Chleago, J.W.Dicke Dont Illinois ;
'•^ Surety go of Chl Cago,' P.E.Cartwrig ht, bond, Illinois Surety CO of Chi Cago, T.A. .;j.
Clark,.bond, Illinois Surety Co, of Chidar;c, G.A.ChaodUr, bond, Illlnols Surety Co t
'V•- if Ch1Cago, J..Dradley,Illinois Suety
- E MCo., of Chi Ca go, A, A,Adklno,I111nn1 FVrety00 '•..
Of ChlCngo, D.M.Allon, bond,Illlnols Suroty Co, of Chl Cago, Ooo,Hs And»Cty bond,
1: 1
I111noI@ Surety Co, of ChlCago, C.E.Aladknall, gond I111 nolo Surety Co, Chlce.go, {.
J`•V, As Sacker, bonds Illinois Surety Co, -of Chicago, A.V.Dower, bond Illinois Cc 1•
.� o+f Chlasgo, John, Eldor, bona Illinois Surety Co, of ChiCa90, 006•H. Goodman plod Ce
` •' �llSnot a Surety Cs of Chi Cago,
:Smme: nad an application fr on the Paduvah D1ste1 rise Cc for s gallon and Quart
`Y a� PSasnae, On motion It was re,)loyed -.pen call of the roll By.tha .; following rote, 7can
;- J It t.• none, Hays, (10),Ir '
+ ='T� Some read an application from, Dryfus Well rnd•Cc for a gall n and quart dealers lloo
Done Illimons
Surety Co at ChiCago
rn motion said license
granted upon call of the roll by the following tote Taos,
t4 (10), Hrys, none
s.9.Same reed an apphcatlon from, A, Aosenthel, for a Coffee House den» at 43tn, s0
•er. z
fT{1'1_ treet and Clay, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chloago, On motion said lleen+e Framed
•}f op r, Dond accepted .upon sell of the roll by the following,vots, Tess, LSndeey, CianAall,--•�^'•�?.:
:^'i,'^"'rN-,;•— oreman, tiacky, 1leyara. and Wilson, (6), Hays, Duvall, Plournoy, VAmloter 4" W11
t�4,ro :.'•-f '8! • rred an app;Sgatlon,' from D,Padgett and Co, for a Coffee • house license at
11jth, and Clay, thay.•offered as their Dond The Illinois Surety Cc of ChlCaga, 00
vf1a J )_ Motion slid license was granted, and Bond accepted upon Ball of Rbc roll 0 the fol
t .
lowing rote,,Yese, Llndesy, Crandell, Foreman, La sky Meyers, .and Wilson (6), Hays •'
":;.,.: :�•,{Be all,Flournoy, VaMeter and WSlllsson,(4). ,- :Ji•; Ta--•
�.., uSane read an app;loatlon from, J.D. Overstreet for a softs. T.ouse at Sth and Aoyd
i:' '' r
i!1 ,.,5^. L` :••, •tre!t, he offers A as his bond The Illlnols Subety 00, of ChlCafo, On notion•eaid
, ,1 •
Y7 } s t ).lie •*no? was granted and bond accepted upon call; of the by the following vote, _
A it ,,f _Y� a, Crandall, Flourno ,-Foramen, Laey, Meyers, Vansoter, .tilllemson and Wilson, ($)..
Hays, Idndsey and nuVell,. (2)•' i a.i•r•; ... -
� tL
>r Y, r
Seaaa.reed•►pp;loations from, T:Psters,•••H.H.EVano,.On notion the'-llloense Ias'roject 77-
... -
end non plyordsree refunded.,'' .: ..r5"•
r .,
SS adopted that Jos..Gourleua be reftuWed Yonsy paid Into the City he'
Cf .iLt ,A'r I� C 4 a
"aYy'+wwtas.li.r+ O f. ",uiYrr ' ��v.11J.il�:,i . r . rl>Ll .lY •...•.aiwJi,.,/. ti...nl
t t
( 1
J / •
' R4� ?"•il;l(hv D', ,�JYti�W"1r.�r V'l -wJ'�-,,«�y. •, '
•w K. li ll.. �1 .�, '[ i:n i�.I�:rt•,� MtM"i ,!aj.V t.{, 6Y1: "'A�: ?�•:LY. e�br•x�
+I Y .y J•I '. I r i T uy.Y enol • �,
-, Y ,,�u t� .t t ua1<: i �� iyiSK y.;^Y .`-' ..r 1 ..1 C; JJ :.�+ r �..el.:w.... ,. .. d. ... s •.
Council Proceedings, Cit of P 180 �;►�'
Y aducah, __.. .._-_..:�
-=-•3-•-- .-
died eerora action Gould lbe talken his license, .....'. -� '
On ■otlon SL was reteasd to t he Board of Publio works the matter' of thj sakplaint
.. .;..__..
19th,etreat, ... .. •, , r .
,• `�AA'
On notion it gone refered the Board •of Health ashes ever the dump on .,'Monroe St. • `
On notion the City Solicitor was lnstnict ed .to ,file ,n experts, 'to Nst ;he Vali�•1 ty cot I
t1 the 0 Sty. of oaduoah, appointing'nore than 18 non an the Police forgo,
On motion 1% was adopted that She abstract Ca, furniel5, recorded deeds and ups, dor Sewer.
$ 2, and tho.prlce not to exceed, S 200.00, upon call of the •oll by the following vote,
. -•
Yana, (10)..
Motion The Board Adjourned,Qfi0.'D3:T0.�1��➢6D�f1aC7i7�'1:b1�'�9
I' I0I90
D rs 19
City Went. :-.:.,+; w• :,., •.,
li i .. .
s �
1 tl 1
1 g
1 d
l y 1 I IR F
� I t!•
+I Y .y J•I '. I r i T uy.Y enol • �,
-, Y ,,�u t� .t t ua1<: i �� iyiSK y.;^Y .`-' ..r 1 ..1 C; JJ :.�+ r �..el.:w.... ,. .. d. ... s •.