HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 425, January 21, 1907L r a� J v f A���� twdlwr.,/ rNl�,..•�.ir` n.+� f%'+,�:....,--�. rear ru ti:w r ,A .. r rs ')t ': Ji s -'..{ d � i , r, �'?°t' ♦ ,h f'..hj u h ,., M�?tf s�r-.-.....�r•r-r yyl .h.,: 1. 7 ::1 .J. i. .'q ,♦ ,,' it t ( �; .'..1 Council Proceedings,' City of Peduceh, : 190-. f Proceedings Counci i. b Att-a regrllor.nft of the board et COUnollman • C n held in th 1 •. nsetlo nc 1lChasDar,I 1: the City Hall '._..;a Janus ., ry, 218t, 1 90ry and upon Ball of the rel, the following answered to thler names, ' Lindsay � Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Foramens Herzog, Lackey, Moyers, Shelton,- Vamleter, Williamson h Wilson, 112). On motion the minutes of the previous aetinps were adopted as read with the exception of . the Saloon litensa. .r President Lindsay, reported that he had appointnd the following Committers -Streets, Foreman, Ysyrs, Herzog, -Light and water, Flournoy, Foreman atlf @1111 amsan, Public ImprovAm• nt, Duvall, Crandall and Porpman; Piro aM Pollee, Mayor$, Flournoy and Foreman,- Lloena,. Crandl dell Wilson aryl Duvall, - r Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone, - e'i loon, f<syars and Vattilater, Hospital, Sewer and Sanitary,- Herzog, Wilson, PoDeean,- Relief- Shelton, Williamson and + Crandall,- Cemetery,Williamson, Wilson and Shelton, - Printing, Mayors, !lerzog sad Willem,! Enrollment Duvall, Meyers r:nd Shelton- Judiciary, Flournoy, tuvall and Willi msor, On notion. .. _ It was raolsved and filed, , On notion the communication from Acreen, In In regard to Louie Green was rnfered to the Flnanas Committee, On motion the Coiwnloation of the Board of Public Works, In regard to the b11.1 of the Gar:; F.latrla Cos was referad to the rPlnanos Committee, �71A' On motion the request of A,S.Tsrr•ll, wa referad ,co the License aM Ordinance Com'altta, '- On motion the request of property owners and residants.of south 6th, street, in regard to the /, street oars not running on time was refired to the Rail -road rnd Telegraph,' Committee, On motion the request of the Charity Clubs 1n regard to the City nnrnlshing them, �2G0,00 1 rr a mounth, for charity purposdsles, was refired to the P1nmo• CommlttanA report back.Yambnr'Lackey, -sad the report of the Auditor and Treamrrar, for Urs month ending, 120w, 1901l ahowinp, c ash balance on hand to tli, t25.55,9-70, nn atlon It vrjs ascii vnd ,nd f1U.iJ Me•fen-mami-waw-•Hewed-t4en-aalA-e:-ah•-roll-by-the-Cell-sw}nz-voter-Y•aer{l?;v_______________ Saa•_a noaaat•d_ihs_intare_t-0t_Tho-Axis ri CAR- tirman-Bamlt_of_CSuoIone LL1r�=in_to_'TW9,HQv_ 'Member Vanmetsr road an ordlnamos entitled an ordinance providing for the original •anstruo-! 1 ' Son Of the aldwwalka, Including granitold curbs and gutters, on both Side@ of South fourth Street, from Norton street to -lusbands street, In the City of Padmosh, kentuoky, the'sldi O.Iks to be six :'•et wide and the curb and gutter to be a what Is commonly known' an combined i curb and gutter' and all to be of granitold oonatruatlon, On motion Said nrdlnnnce wits tivnn f Its first passage upon cell of the roll by the Yellowing vet,' �Aa12), On motion the rule was Suspends,and said ordinance was fYven Its second paSsmat``JJaAipon call dot 0: • roll by'P following vote, Yeas, (12), Bass read an Ordinance entitled an ordlnanos to wend an ordinance,1]rLlEled ! M prdinanon relating is Hawkers and duikstas and regulating the business there -of" adopted by the Com -.I non Oounell of the City of Pad•nnahs Ihosnber, 21st, 11999 and apprnveA by Jasae V,Lang ' ) Mayor, December 22nd, 1199, On'motllon Said Ordinance was given its firot pas@ago neon call of theby the following vote, Yea, Lindsey. Crandall. Flmrrnnv' !•nrenwn. Nwrd..w.r.arr: a..- u...:-. r , -� ./: :. .. ...... i9�. '. . Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,,, .................:.............._.......:..:_... Shelton, VaelMeter Williamson and Milson, (11); Nay@ Duvall, (1);{� IAember 1!1111 ameonread s deed to a lot in Oak crave Oemats ^' 1 ry,Lot �1 1, in ►look tY /! Y fi �44, On motion sold mead-wa ■ ratified..- - • �••' ell,,d' (y t. (Same presented a dead of conesyanoe from Louis Masa and Vary Noaa,• &lies !levy Brent IW^AY Lo Aline D,, Nanae, loL.# 29,, Sn !look # B4On notion @aid dead w'(ratlfie& IOn motion the reeueet of S. P. Jounaan,wes refs»d to the bsesor and Audllor, n motion Lk a request or residents on Trimble street :in regard to water standing t' �. �.; n -ri:e .gutters we, »lerad Le the: Board of-Pub11e Rorke. On Motion The Board Adjourned. •i° ' ry - IV r _ - APF?OIola C , r ll • 11 -t t liltY aldfif, '-.Yrc,i, w n,o d oj.[k Y. 1 ' 1 f L I � • J If l 1 1 % 4 r "ISLE f1rY�' �•l11 1 i7 , .. J. 1.... ...._ .. 1.' i r - 1 ... ' KI k (� r µ 1 nir 1♦� .,%4 •�wlv Z. i til �. v i .. .-. ._.. _.. _ _ _ .a. 1��_� I .(. zeV. t r T o� N sl 1 A 1 1 � 1 r �' J r !'t'L''•j 1 11 ('a J -e � a I 1 r 1 1 i f •J�)1 C( j'"17y 4 61 77 G`rt `�l1 i'� {w 1'ta lel l 10 111 aSAv �f(li(S(ti2r YY.�fY 4A ��i 4t'i.l �ti , }f'•� (i .Y 1.. -K A. .Y..•(.. H:1:.„^: (1 d, li, �..I1 ( 4•' ) '.5 1t' 1 is ` ...{a � s.... v.• .• - + Ira ,i -1, S "J h . 14 rij •` <�. ., r:. 1.7.