HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 414, December 17, 1906Nr
�L.• �)
U1.N 7 1906
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.- .:."190
®UnCj� r®ceedins :
At a regular meeting o! the board or Countilmnn.held in the Cc= 11, Chamber, in that
ICSty'Hall, Deoembor,. 17th, 1906 and upor, .call of the roll the following answered to
their names,. NOBroom, Barnett, Crandall, Duvall Harno Hall' •
Duvall, Qr , K Iter John, Kolbr,
Weyers, Oohlsohlae ger, VanNeter std willivMaon,(12),
n motlon the minutes of the previouu meeting was adopted as reed. �'"°•
�n motion the.Nayor won Snaiructod to in force the low, In regard to where
.[fesperehkasre-Lally+,andr.Baulr,,was oonrieted 1n LheCircuit Court, for violation of.--�.i�+
Qr I Cthe City law,
On motion the report of Supt, Meebler, in regard to the coat of expense in regard to '
the D111 of the (t aero?."Electric n re and to the ,Cit bel to the e
' Co,+ g Y ng expanse of - -Fi
36.75, on account of the delay in s)•ipment of mnchinsry, as on motion`ot Nembor
Pllli&Inanl It was adopted, that the Board of Public Works be instructed to hold u
! p
all payments on 11g ht eontraote untLll'oorplats, and report for what should be taken
-O'ut for,sald City. D
'• id motion the -request of Mien Oertha Leming,-in regard to raising her salary qs it
,lefored to the lnaombing boards,
On motion the oomaolnlcatlon from Bradley Bros, in regard to Ore City Weigher, was
re _
fared to bis re lief Comnittea.
V 11!
Nfeaber�Kolb rand the allowanoe of the'JolntPinaN co Cotwlttes, amounting. to ;21,2201,{{7 _
On motion same was allowed on call of th,�
upon roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ne-
rroon, BaPnett, Crmdell, 1)uvallr Herzog, Hillr Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlachlss 7,(i>!w�
er, Vankoter and Willlamacn, (12), -
0, motiontbr NembeorJ(ol'b r.theH03ty Treasurer was instruotod,to hold up tha Dillof
e Jovrnal of f.nDor untill, said Cm,:pnny, paid ti:eir. CSLy lUanee..
ember 4111 rand nn nrdlnnNae rtltitled an Ordinwnoo providing for the construction
f.sldewalke, on 17th, street D•
S grading"and pavefng and to-gather with nombir.ndiurb and gutter, froc a Point where mune intersects Jefferson street, to a point wC 'era enmo Intersects Droe.dwwy .street, In the City of Peduow!r, Kentucky, by title "as --
the rule had boon sue ands on motion said Or•l
P r Saar oe well given It second paneare
! Ion call of the roll by the fo.tlowing vote, Yeas, 14oAroom, Barnett, Crondall,
1 .0 �.
Duvall i' Ilerrog,' Hill, KattarJchn, Kolb; Neysra� Oah leehlweger, UnUator and W'.Uiam- reit
ams read an 'Ordinance entitled an Ordinance repealing an Ordinance entltlad;dn
i/i' 'P An ordlnanoa rohibiti
p trgrthn 11ann.e of Duaket Shops by the City of Paduonh, and
lsalaring the operaatan, mnnngemnnt and 'ownerahlp of same 1n tr.0 Ity Of Paducah,
�o be unlawful; and providing • v i
yf r P Q penality for LBa violation of thereof Adopted by 1+:
the Board of Aldermen November, BLT, 1906, Adopted by LheBoard of Coun..11man, Oct,
!L,1906r Approved Dy D. A.Yslear Ypor,..NovemDer 21st, 1906, and Attested Dy 'r.enry
C3'Ly'Clerk, On notion .soldOrdinanoe wee giveits first passage upon call ,f.hs ;TolDy:Lhe'follc•ing vote,:. Darnett !uvallr(attnrJnhnlSsyaveneh' r � �VanOoter.&nd Willlmaon,(7)jiNayaa Nobroom,. Crandsill Horaog, !�Kolb,(), '� !
lon'J eatC,0edlnnnce woe. gl ven'Sta' aacond%panoage by tltta as�iths,ruls had,
v 4.
- - - - _-.'—�—�••-..+.......mow.... �.,. ...aww..rw ..........r.�.a.w. w... -
. .......
N 6 ry e• 1 v1•�(W
},- I illy,
been suspended upon call of the roll by,the following vote, Yeas, Barnett, Duvall, Katte•-John
Meyers, Oehlsohlaeger, VanMeter atnl Williamson, (7), Hayes YOBroom,. Crandall, 'larzog, imms
and Kolb,). _
Same read& an ordinance entitled an 0-dlnanes flxinK end :regulating license, and the manner
of grnntirq r.nd iasuaing name on various lines. of business, oro linRs, occupations &!;d pro-
feeeionm In tho City of Paducah, Kentucky, arsl providing the penalties for the notl-paymant
there -of, On moticn said.•Ordlnanca lwoe�.Rle,nndtec.fdreb'tpasnege- upon! call, of thecrdlhby.:tuoy
followingr vote) geatl�JlOBliootn', Bernabt!" CrandelTy!,Nuvall, .Iarzog, 11111, KAtterjohn ,Kolb,
Yeyers,Van4step, (10), Nays,eehlachlaeger and Williamson. (2). On mtoin It was adopted that,
the said Ordinance be given its second passage,. as the rule had bion suspended, or. pole 'of 'hl
vote cast said OrdinrNes was lost upas call of the roll by u'.e following vote, Yrau, (S), Nay.
(7). i..
On motion of Member Duvall It was refered to the Board of Health to drain 1[�
On motion the antlon of the Board of Aldermen was ooncured-in, in regard to appointing
Joe Mattison Sexton of Oak 'prove Cemetery for one yarr „•�^�'� G'a" J� �'^ JL.
On motion the action of the Aldermen as conaured-in in regard to .14r5 Dally Young triknefor-
Ing -the half of her lot in Oak drove Cemetory to Ooorga Jacobs
Lycurcus Piss offered as his bnnd as. Cow Unther Th United Se►tae, Fidelity and Oaurenty, 0o
On motion said Bond was accepted upon call or the roll by the following vote, Yeas., '(12),
C.E. Bell offered me his bond The Ignited States, Pi0slity and Guaranty, Co, On mntlon.
said bond was acoepted'upoil call of the roll by the following vote, Yoas, (12)',
George lwhnhard offered,as his bond as License Inepeotor Tun American Surety Co, of Nnw
York, On motion said bond was accepted, upon, call of the roll by the following votu, Yeue$
12 )
1 ! V.fnk I
l b'fank Imnn tforad as in bond as City Woigiwr, The United tater, P deli ty nal-l/nu�renty
On motion said bond wr.s P. eepted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, (12), iJ
J,N.tioller offered as hie bond he, Sanitary Innpsetor, Louis Kolb and !onry Kolb, On motio
'// On notion anid bond was accepted upon call of c.e roll by the following vote, Yeaa,(12),
Y P.P.Rarnett offarod as him bond as. sanitary Inspector, A,Parklns and H.Oraft, On matin erid
bond was accepted upon call of th« rill by the following vote, 'fear, (12), ...
.� Dr, Harry Williamson offered as hie bond an City Phyeionin The United Staten, Pidellty C o"
On motion said bond was woceptcd, upon cell of theroll by Lila following vote, :Yane;(12),
—On Motion' The Board Ad.lourned,_— --------- —____r______________.
1i2f0 �"% 7 r AP �/j�IJy,0VM
Olry Olefxl
I' 4Ji '.I
Council Proceedings; City of Paducah,:.._!:.. '..;:.::._.._ : " ...
190 .
been suspended upon call of the roll by,the following vote, Yeas, Barnett, Duvall, Katte•-John
Meyers, Oehlsohlaeger, VanMeter atnl Williamson, (7), Hayes YOBroom,. Crandall, 'larzog, imms
and Kolb,). _
Same read& an ordinance entitled an 0-dlnanes flxinK end :regulating license, and the manner
of grnntirq r.nd iasuaing name on various lines. of business, oro linRs, occupations &!;d pro-
feeeionm In tho City of Paducah, Kentucky, arsl providing the penalties for the notl-paymant
there -of, On moticn said.•Ordlnanca lwoe�.Rle,nndtec.fdreb'tpasnege- upon! call, of thecrdlhby.:tuoy
followingr vote) geatl�JlOBliootn', Bernabt!" CrandelTy!,Nuvall, .Iarzog, 11111, KAtterjohn ,Kolb,
Yeyers,Van4step, (10), Nays,eehlachlaeger and Williamson. (2). On mtoin It was adopted that,
the said Ordinance be given its second passage,. as the rule had bion suspended, or. pole 'of 'hl
vote cast said OrdinrNes was lost upas call of the roll by u'.e following vote, Yrau, (S), Nay.
(7). i..
On motion of Member Duvall It was refered to the Board of Health to drain 1[�
On motion the antlon of the Board of Aldermen was ooncured-in, in regard to appointing
Joe Mattison Sexton of Oak 'prove Cemetery for one yarr „•�^�'� G'a" J� �'^ JL.
On motion the action of the Aldermen as conaured-in in regard to .14r5 Dally Young triknefor-
Ing -the half of her lot in Oak drove Cemetory to Ooorga Jacobs
Lycurcus Piss offered as his bnnd as. Cow Unther Th United Se►tae, Fidelity and Oaurenty, 0o
On motion said Bond was accepted upon call or the roll by the following vote, Yeas., '(12),
C.E. Bell offered me his bond The Ignited States, Pi0slity and Guaranty, Co, On mntlon.
said bond was acoepted'upoil call of the roll by the following vote, Yoas, (12)',
George lwhnhard offered,as his bond as License Inepeotor Tun American Surety Co, of Nnw
York, On motion said bond was accepted, upon, call of the roll by the following votu, Yeue$
12 )
1 ! V.fnk I
l b'fank Imnn tforad as in bond as City Woigiwr, The United tater, P deli ty nal-l/nu�renty
On motion said bond wr.s P. eepted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, (12), iJ
J,N.tioller offered as hie bond he, Sanitary Innpsetor, Louis Kolb and !onry Kolb, On motio
'// On notion anid bond was accepted upon call of c.e roll by the following vote, Yeaa,(12),
Y P.P.Rarnett offarod as him bond as. sanitary Inspector, A,Parklns and H.Oraft, On matin erid
bond was accepted upon call of th« rill by the following vote, 'fear, (12), ...
.� Dr, Harry Williamson offered as hie bond an City Phyeionin The United Staten, Pidellty C o"
On motion said bond was woceptcd, upon cell of theroll by Lila following vote, :Yane;(12),
—On Motion' The Board Ad.lourned,_— --------- —____r______________.
1i2f0 �"% 7 r AP �/j�IJy,0VM
Olry Olefxl