HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 411, December 3, 1906p
CouncH.Proceedings, CitY of Paducah._'
. .. . ..... . .... . ..............::::..•'.....:...19
COU'ancil Proceedin
I'- tt a rii.mlar meeting or --iia Board of Counoilm9n, hold in the Counas I chamber In the qilty)iall
December, 3rd, 1906, bad upon call or the roll the following
answered to Lheir ruct on Monrooms
.' !'Barnett, Crandall, Hill, KatterJOhn, Kolb, Duvall, Mayers, Oehlachlfteear,.�Vsi%Ystar and William-
On Motion the m I inubse of Ithe.previous meetings were adopted an read.
0 1 il motion the action of'the MAyor was ratified in regard to the Mayor and the jol . nt
N1nW as
C t orml . ties. borrowing the sum,, of µS006,66, to pay off tha Olhin of Cornelia Johnson for liar ,
claim against the City, and came to be counted as A floating duct for naxt,y#Ar
The M&Yor road the report Of the Milk and meet Inspector for the mon$rh of november, 1906, On
NO)iOn It was received and filed.
IJVY,N*0' on moll on it was ratered to the joint Police and Piro Committee, to, bring in their iecomindation
In regard to the Policemen and Firemens, bond.
On motion It was &dopt,:d that the matter of the dome of the PrIandleas, being allowed money in
1. if d t
gar a fiviiarity, be be halrl lip . untIll the now board comes, In, 'January 1966.
&.motion it was adopted that the HOMS of tie Prjandles, be n1luwad ftOOjOQ rur%tits mnnLh OF;
December, 1906t Upon 0411 of tile I . .. I .
roll by tl.o following, voto, Yuan, MaDroom# narnatt, 'urintlill.
j;Hill, Duval, X&tterjohlt, Kolb, Meyers, Oehl lluhl-rtogerl van!lstAr and Willialinion,(11).
01n notion the Mayor was instructed to appeal tila sl:its or Cruthfiald, T.,indars, and Robertmon 1'
:. algine*
and Oardner
0 against the City for damages, 611d: the Mayor •inatruetild 144 appAslillifiond .iii b0,'• i
half of the City,
l a.- Y8Aaq Mobron. It rnat�,�,Qran
upon 14.,js roll by thii.fbilow ng.vote,
.. I - I I I .. : -,,. 1� I . I I
LAIT&1, 11111, KattarJohnKolb, 4fty1ra,, 08!11achlaaear,
UnUet"r and Williamson,(11).
On notion the communication from John Copeland, In regard to Telephone charges Was recivod'"i,
0 'an the! streets
On moti. n it was adopted that the Board of Public Works hAVI all bill boards
iremoved back their heights, from the pavo&qnta. 2
Milm')sr Kolb read the allowance of"the Joint Finance aicitmittes for 0a month a 1! 1 Reveal) or 1903,
&mounting to t2l.0407.03, On Motion came was allownd upon call of the roll by the fbIllwIng
.Tote, Yurs, ilonroom, UrhatLi CrLndell.. Duvall, Hill, Kattorjohn, Kolb, Mayers, 0ehlsahlr Berl
Va"star " WiIIiAUuonjIl);.
iiamn read the report of the City Treamarer, for the month ending, Novcn%)or, 30, 1906p Ohniting a a
cash balance on hand to be 6+1.559.30, On notion It Was received and. filed.
I ..
On motion
it wes leferld b. Ik to the City Solicit . or to bring in an Ordinance in regard to. N-
roctirlas stores., having III connection. ballOSIA,
.`Member 11111, read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, providinif'
.,for the construction •ot side- t
walks on 17th,streat by grading and paving to-getruir With combined curb and gutter,.rrom a point
are name intersects Jefferson street, to a point where came Interliects Rrn&dv,,y, etrnet, Sn .Lha
City of Paducah, Xsntuak;!, On motinn said Ordinance was given Stn first p"s&go upon a All'of,
the roll by the follovAng vote, Yeas, UoDr owti, Barnett*$ Crandall, Duvall, Aill, Katturjohn,
Kolt., Mayers, Oehlachlal:qsr,
V&Te!GtOr and Willluxl-ion,(Il),0
read un Ordinanos entitled an Ordinance for the construction of aidnwalka on Mtn, stras t, "q
. i �/ Vj gyadine and paving, to -gather with combined euro and Putters from a point where, come intar:,sat W
Washington street to A point wliere name Intersect, Clark atrse6, In the City of Paducah, Ksr%tucky,,
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ..................................:...............: ..... 190
,._,,�_.. . On'mr,tion it was refered back to the Ordinance Comnittee, to bring In ran Ordinance •:1-, _
Ato. exten d sold Smprovsnnts to Tonneanes street.
Y '•'.- Sams recd an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing Cor the re-oonstruction of
Jeffer.lon Street., from a point where same Intersects, 9th, .street, to fie west
�.,.7 property lies ofllth, street, and for the re-Sonetruatlon of Braadws¢ from s point ._
:where ems'interaeete 9tit, street, to a point where saw intersects 11th, street, In - (%
/-� - the. City of Paducah, Kentuoky,Oft notion said Ordinance was given Its first pas enge •'ri}`
-• upon *all f the roll D the follows -
. Q ,y ng voN,Yeas, Mc Broon, Barnett, Crandall, Duvall '., •,
Hill, Ketter John, Kolb, Meyers, OehlachleeFer, VaWleter and W1111anson,(11). On '
-' .motion the rule was suspended nnA said Ordinance Fns given Its second pnoaage by tit&6,
,upon *all of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Na Broom,' Barnett t, Cron do Duvall
H111, Ketter Jolm, Kolb, Mayers, Oehl achlrF. ger, Vanileter and Willkmaon, (11). -
Base rend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing, Cor the pays ant of Pole nntalg <'-...
of Telegraph, Postal Telegraph, or Telephone poles ereotnd, acoupying the atre"ted
alleys, or Publla grounds of the City or Paducah, Kentucky, On motion amid Ordlnanw._..�T.
V v.as'given its first paaeagn upon Sell of the roll by the following votep Ysas
M*BrOOm, Barnett, ,Crandall, Duvmll, :1111, Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlachl eager,
VanMatar and Williamson, (11). On notion the rule was suspended and said Ordinacoe ,-�-
-. -.. we a, given its eec6nd passage by title upon Sall of the roll by the following, vote,- c•,�•�-- ..
.. ..I_ Yese,.M*BTOom, Sarnntt,-Crandell, nuvnll,-H111, Ketter Jo'In; Kolb, Meyera, Oehlach- 7'�^"'
••' laeger, VanNetar and'Willimenn, (11):
Same read an (pddinnnae entitled an OrAlnanos Creating the Office of Stock Catcher ',+1:�, ,
.I {`'• and provldine for hie salary and Leri, of office, On swLlon said ordinance was given •''
its. first' passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, 4c Bronm, Pnr-•`'^
• I nett, Cra.vlall, Duvall, H111, Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehleahleaear, Var_Leter and fC
tf 'Williamson, (11)..On motion the rule was suspended and the nail ordinance was given
'•, . - +;
Its second. passage by tltln upon Ball of the roll by, the following vote., Yeae, 140-
room, Barnett, Crundell, Duvall, H1ll,-,Kattn•,)o11n, Kolb, Meyers, Onhlschlr, ger, ' r
` ,I angetar and Williamson, _
I�,�`� (�•� �me rend an OrdlneN ce entitled an Ordinance Pepraling an Ordinance entitled:- "M
rdlnance fixing the offlos hours of the Mayor of the City, and defining the amount 1.1'
I t r % f hie ■celery. Adopted by Lhe Common Cmmail of the City of Paducah,
October 7th,
Y.., 901,:.,aod approved by Jaren Lang Mayor, Ootobrr 1v;r'
9th, 1901, 'On motion enid ordlnanoe
i 1 �A 6• as given Ste first pueage upon call of the roll by thhefollowing vote Yeae Mc-
room r -Barnett, Crandell, Duvall, f Hill, Katter John, Kolb, Mayers, Oehlschlas r sJ'` '-
> J � V , ardleter and WS 1 �
' 1 l
+,q'6y p n "tion the report of t.e •Chief of Police wan received aM filed.
} r 7 1 G I1 n motion it was adopted tlut the -
Fir* Co7mit.ee most and allow bids for dry tm+eos rYc.l
C I subs, Crandall readan application from Stitch and Vincent for a Coffee House 11*aw illi Yl 1
t 41933.' south 3rd, etr@at,••they offered ae their bond, The Illinois Surety Cot of
hl Sagol On motion enid license was granted and voted upon aM ,secepted, upon call-
W e roll Dy the following vote
,- Yeae,_Ma Broom,.Barnett Crandall Duvall, Hill,
c K1
yera,�,0ahlechlaegrat"Johnr Kolb, Me,Va"oter mad Willi ®sour(11) '
+C �
1 ijy ..;1'-''e, r'f^ l y. •>'. .•\ fR a .:1.7 117. :'!} .,Glp.+ils :�/.• 1 1.ai-k.l t-
11011 j1
Council Proceedings. City of Paducah.,..:...:::.....:..:.:....':.....:-.....:...::.'..:_...:. 190.
(V/[I, f ember Moyers. read requests frou Urs Howie, J, Rmey and John Keithly., in regard to over:
raaseoement on their property, refered to the [bard of Siperrleors, ..
�(in motion It was r^.feted the Ord ionone Committee to br1,g 1n an Ordinanoe extending the. f6re
. � limits, to 7th, atrgct,
-_____________________________Onlotlon The Ooald Adjourned- -
.... '
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