HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 393, September 17, 1906Cotincii Proceedings, City of Paducah'.........;,......E 1906,
®uncia Proceedings.
._ .. At • regular meeting of the Board.ofObunollaen field in the Couneil Chamber in the City HAll'•
••_,',_;Y September, 17th, 1906. and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nal.;aoi MOBTaa1,
..-_ Barnett, Crandoll, Ouval, Hill, Kolb, Meyers, Oshlnchlaegar, Vaniletar and Bllliamson,(10)..
_ On motion the minutes of the previous meeting$ weeasdopted an rend end corroated,
On motion the Board took a recess for a few minutes to take ,up the matter of the Contr&A6 In
regard to Sewer.diatrict 2.
^Ir� �6 on motlom the request of the Ohio Valley ImproVement for The City to donate $200.30, to pay
///VVVRRp•�„MMM jIIIYYY the expense, of the dellgstae� was raferad to the Joint PSnaNcs Commi
41. ties. ••
On motion the action of the Aldermen was concurad-Ino In regard to the Mayor and a member of
the Board of Public aorta, to attend the convention at Chicago, or American Menucipalltles,
upon call of the roll by the following vote, YSAs, Ye Broom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill
1 / Kolb, Meyers, Oehlschlaeger, VanYstar and Williamson
The Mayor presented the contract, with rhos Bridges I Son, for oonstruotion of. Sewers In Bawer
q� district number two, noaording to plane and speolflaetlone�,a,g7,550.24, On motion said oontract
was ratified aid the Mayor was Sdetruoted to sign said contract upon call of the roll by the
following vote, Ye..e, YaRroom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Kolb, Meyare, Oehlechlaager,
VadleLer aM wllllnmaon, (10).
/ Same presented the sontraot wlt2i Thos Adages I Son to oonstruot House branches from Houau
/Vbranch in,)unotlons as showm on plane In Rawer dlatrlot number two, to property lines of the:
.�various lots along the lino of newers,'for forty ei= cents per lineal foot when requested sod
, by property holders reepsotfwsly, OG'aotion said contract was retitled And the Mayor
lnstrudted to sign said contract upon oall.ot the roll by the folowing sots, Yeas, go Rroo';IB Im
Nnett, Crandall, Duval, H111, Kolb, Meyers Oehleohleeger, VanMeter and RS111nmson,(10).
tams reporbrd that'.Menro Rankin, Laurie and Patterson, of the City, has their fences any where
iteem • toot to • foot and a half over their property line, On motion the City Engineer was
.. Ilnstructe'd to remove said fences.
. ,jOn motion the request of J.Y.Kess to refund him 612.50, for Coffee Houae license at '# 1025
/ arhin&ton. Street, vas 'rsfered:.to•:theoPinaoss Co"ittee.
{On motion the motion of the Board of Aldermen wee conoured-in, In regerdto the transfer of onel .
�•� Ithlyd Internet of a lot In Oak Grove Cemetery from PStzhugh to C.C.rlalker.
Kolb (Member Kolread the Allowimoes of the
t1t1 ,. Joint PSnenoe Oocnittse for the half month: at September
�mmounting to $7.003.58, On motion am* woe allowed upon call of, the roll, by the Sollow3ng vote
(Yum, Me Broom, Barnett, Crandell, Hill. Kolb, Meyers, OShlsohlaeger, VwWater and VS111smson,
iber.Hlll read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Authorizing and providing Ing for tie 1ua1,I'
One Hundred Thousand Dollars of Rands, of the City of Padwah, Knntucky,_for Lha purpose off,
ing,-maintaining and improving Parks, and submitting same to the voters of Paducah. Kentucky,
motion said Ordinance woe given its first passage upon call of the roll, by the following vote
S, Ya Broom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Kaeeev4eDm, Kolb, Msyerry Oehlnchlaegor, Va"11ter
Williamson, (10).
bar Duval was excused. .. �. .
a read an Ordinanoe entitled an Ordinance prgviding for.tbe conitruetion ot.Cley $treat.
Council Proceedings, City ofPaducah.......... .... ........ ..... ......... ..... ...:..:.......... ...... 190
by grading and graveling from' a point where cane enterseets 17th, street.. Lo a point •I �: _..
where sue enNrseots 19LII, street, In the City of PedueaD, Kantueky, On motion said
0 dinalloe was given its first passage upon call of the roll by the following, vote, :,•,'�:-�'�. .
Yue, YoBroopl Barnett, Crandall, Hill, Kolb, Meyers Oehlsohleager, Van11e6sr and W111r;-..�.-•:-; .
/ 4+ v'
Same read an Ordinance entitled.an OrdineNce providing for the construction of Boyd
I /(11 street b
V Y grading and graveling from •point where same intersects sixth stra*t, to a; .i�•+,i
point where same int*rseventhLs seventh street, in 1H • City of Paducah, Kentucky, On . •• �„";, ;
motion paid Ord3naNae wes given Sts V rat passage upon calf of Lhe roll Dy She Fol- ,`1Y,
low in •vote You ka8rooa Bar nett Crandall Hill Kolb Ye ors Oehlochl.ae er, and
` Williamson, (8), pays, VanMeter,(I)
i Baa* read on Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the construction of Side- ,
walks on Doth aides of south sixth streets with combined ourD and gutter of granitoid "+"•�
from •point where am* intersects Tennessee strest,. Lo,applataere wane SnLerseeLs
Norton street, In, the City of Psdu: eh, Kentu ky, On motion ■aid Ordinance was given
,• its first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yue, MoRr00m, Barnet, '�-
Crandall, Hill, kolb, Meyers Oohl■ehla*ger and Williamson, (a), Rays, VnnYster,(1).
,•, I, ' • • •i��J' ..
On mitlon of somber Williamson the action of the Board of Aldernen was oonoured-In, I•
� vJr1 1n regard to the report of the Aeard of PuD13a Yorks, I regard to having the City `•y��`•
Eleetrie Llgl+t Plant ready for the new maahlner•y-
+ - Member Crandall read an application from E.C.Eaker for s Coffee HOuse,,,On motion aCta ,
�J .- motion on ease we@ defered,
f CIr�`` '• 8ama read an application from H,H,Evans for a Coffee House at //62S, north'l2th,strest z�
he offered as his bAnd the Illinois Sdrety Co, of'Chicago, On notion said lima
nee was
ti ; �:.� • • granted and bond voted upon and accepted, upon sall 'of the doll by the followlr,a )l'
S.A f•_; votes, Yeam,Crand*ll, Kolb, Meyers, 0*hleahlaeger,and VanM*tor, Nays,Ya Broom, Barnes
Hill, and Willianeon,(4).
Some read an appllontion from John W. Oounts for a Coffee House License at 1r 103..._ '•" .
*cute, 2nd strut, khey of as their bond the Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago, On
! +!'"._�".,; ;.�•: notion said lleenae was granted and bond voted upon and accepted, 'upon:Oall of the
roll by the following'vate, Ysasp WBroom, Barnett, Crande7.19•X311, Ko1D,Wyers, 06-.1 1
+hleehluger, VWGter and W111ism*on,(9).
eaberbHoyers precoNted a deed to a lot In Oak Grove Cemetery, lot # 6,'in -block $
I • V! 41, to A. J. Dnoker, On soLsoa said dead was ratified, •'~�'' ;;"�:?�'
Same presented a deed to a lot in Oak Orave Cemetery, lot 15, In block // 41 to Yr*
J.C.Boap, On notion said dead "a ratified..
1 ase presented a dead to a lot in Oak Grove Cemetery to John Sanders.lot $ 14 in
L' Dlook /i 41, On motion said dead was ratified.
me presented .ead to a_ lot in Oak Grove Ceneta to He '
•.'drye mry Counts and Robert
8pores,lot /i 119,1n bleak $ 419 On motion said deed wast, ratified.
y1- +: r o• f On motion:. of mbar VanMeter'ths'Board of Pablia'Works were lnstrpeted to out down +�
ry. � c� Lna ezpenses of the BLteet 'Department.. ,. -:.. ,___. ; _.. �,. .,, _.. j•
OnmoLiom adaed Lo •-lot in 04Oroq'0*metary.from d,B;BmooH Lo Ohms J,�.•71 In block'# 44 was rewlflod ��• t' +i•-J•1,i ,(, SE r•1 j �'
r - �
+ f t
Council.Proceedings,C4Yol.P•aducah,,_.._.... _._.._.................. ', e..._:..19D
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I eitl 1 I
�Dmotion 1% was refered to the Joint`Strest matter of epeniag as Ally an Parlay place
^•� . etwaen Clemente AM Mayers streste, and •ally between, 4th, 5th, and 'Adsso mNd JackeoN, andl
^- (ally between 12th, 13th and Jefferson and Monroe streets, and ascertain the cost of ease And ,I
;report back,
On motion of Member Hill the Mayor was Instructed to have the nude pictures removed from the .I
7/J'(6111 boards In the City(
Y The Mayor presented the report of the Rofttd � public Works for the grading and graveling.of V
following streets, streets, Sowell street from Aka&D6fe Avenue to Hayes Avanua,SOwall street from Ashbr
fftO H&yes Avenue, Mayon Avenue from SO"Il to Bridge etr••ot and Jarrett street from Sowell to A
1Bridge etreat, Submitted by eontrautore, Td Husbands and J. E. Jonse, where -in, they stats that
� sold contractors ulds ware to high and asked for instructions from the geheral Council, On
.Motion of member B&Mstt, It was adopted that the Board of Public Works be Instructed to award
the sontraot to We Huabande, ao his bid was the lowestand beet bid upon call of tLe roll by Lha
following vote, Yeas= Mc Broom, Barnett, Crandall, Hill, Kolb, Mayern, OahlsChlasgar,VaNlnter
and Wllliamaon,(9)r
On motion the action of the Board of publlo Rorke In aaoepting the bid of Thos Bridges' ;ion
for the construction of sidewalks and somblNd curb and gutter, on Pourth Stant, Jones streetl
and Fountain Avenue, was ratified upon call of the roll by tits following vote, Vass, Mo Broom,
Barnett, Crandall, Hill, Kolb, Mayoral 0el,lechlaugar, Vankater and Willlamsun,(9), _
� _ �....—__— --- —---- -On Motion The Board Adjourned - ---- ---_—------------- _____________
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council Proceed, i to , S
•�" �' AL a Called meeting of the Board of CounCilman, hnld In the Coun-Il Chamber in Phe City hall,
'�'•' r''
September 20thp 106 mid upon till of the roll the following &$lowered to their names Monroom
Barnett, Crandall, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayoral Onhlechlaegsr, VanHsbar,(9),
ti -- Mayor read rea,•.on for sell, to -wit:-
TO The CounCil of the City of PaduCah,Kyr
I have called you together for the purpose of inatmcting Mr A1vo1d
to draw plans and specifications for an additl.onal Sewer System. ' ;�. •.�'•.,
Member Katter Jol.n offered the following motion, That City Engineer Washington be'Snctrugtad•. tl
w write Mr J.W.Alvold of. Chlsago directing him to Complete plans ops and ate, of•plane#2,;
district # 3, an par eontraot mads with him, On motion same wan adopted upon Ball of tho ro11JI'
f � 'Dy the following vote, Yaas, WBro gym, Barratt, Hill, Kattarjol,n, Kolb, Mayoral Oshlsahlm ger,
Crundell and VanMetur,(9).
_— o io Board Adjourned,
Our okaj / f , ✓ l "IYAvrri ��
.. .. some$" i..+,I