HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 383, August 20, 1906�110 , 20 1906
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,_..... ... ... ........ I ... ...... . 90
an not Ion .. of Member Kolb the Joint Ordlruino6 Committee more instructed to tiring In an."_
name to grant the people of Paducah the priveloge of voting for the issuance of tiGoo00.00
bond for Park.. !'
On motion the OrdInanoe Committee "O.Inatruated to bring In an Ordinance to gave ant gut6or
So 6th, street, between, Tennessee and Norton.
On Motion The Board Adjourned. --
AVG 201908
Alit, 9n WR 8P ROV�D
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"fy 0joaftj
Council Pro'ceed"n
-AUG 20190
At A REGULAR 11,�TJNO OF THE BOARD OF COUNCITM210 hold In the Councilan a n I the Hall r h City H I*
AUSA tj 20th, 1906, and upon call of the roll the following answered to ttair . namen #,M*Broon,
Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Herzogg, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oahloohlaogtr, VariMoter and
On motion Die minutes of IDs pr:vloua meeting wore adopted as read.
On notion the request of the N&ahvJlIo, Chattanooga and St!,aviia Railway to ocinatrunt. atenzi.trac
#2 across 6th street, was refored to the Joint Railroad and Telegraph Committee to bring In
their renown ndAtions in regard to ams,'
The Mayor read a communication from the. Board of Public We rks in regard to the lotting of ooirn
treats for Street and Sidewalk improvements, On motion We Board of Public Worka,vors inatruo-
/ ted to go ahead and with the said Improvements -
On notion the requests of John Potter, L.T.011bort and W.H.Thompson to refund money an Milk
Dealores licensee were refered tothe Joint Finance Committee.
On motion the report or The City Auditor in regard to Ntldna and expenditures, wan receive
and filed.
On motion it ma%Tefer*d to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring In An.'Ordinanas to repeal
the license. granting the privilege to operate a Bucket Shop, In the City, to take,affeat on
January the lot, 1901.
On motion the contract or the Paducah. Traction Co. in regard to the building a fill &areas
Br&dshaws Creqk, wan received and filed.
'6n in regard to refunding to M.'J.Friedman
On motion the act6on of the Alderman $12.50, for 'Go l-
ion and Quart dealers Iloonseq was oonoured-I
On notion the sati an of the Alderman In re Card to rtjoating the request or J.R.Hooper and
I Hill sed Moosly to rotund them money paid for Milk Doialaro liashoal isit oonourod-in,
On notion It was rafered to the Ordinance Committee to brirg In an OrdirAnoo,creating the.'
Office of Driver of the Fire Engine.
On nation It "a refored to he Street Committee the matter of opening the Alley on 3rd, street
_-7between Husband and Caldwell.
. A . Y -', ..i I.., "
h -
Council Proceedings: City of Paducah ...:.:............... :..... ...:... ^..:..... 190
`• - Lho Cit
y/� Earn at $20.00, per Hoath, f;
I. n notion the sOtIOn of the Clark in regard to charging 50 sent, for Automiblles tf '
.. Tags, was conoursd—in. ' • • 7 •`7: j ✓:,' . '1 .
J .
1L1 motion the report of the*Clerk in regard to ordering 800 more Poll Tax books, a, !J•4. ,•
tefered to the Pin
enoo Committee. - - .'
,/'Member Kolb rend the allowance o{ the Joint Pinnas ComflLtee for salaries for the
3 L
'h'alf month of August', amounting to $4,600.87, On motion same was allowed upon call r't �•_ r, '
( Of the roll bythe following vote, Yeses MaBroon, Barnett, Crandall, DUVal, Aorsog, ' t
/IT Hill, Katter,)ohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlsohlaeger, VanMeter and William on,(12)p
_ _.On motion the bill of the United Stater• Karahail, for $7.00, was refered to'the City'. •4f•,, ,..
solicitor to bring in reoomendation for payment of sane.
I ober Hill read an Ordinance entitled rm Ordinance in roger
d to Dry Wells in the
city of Pedusah, Kentucky, By U116 as the rule had been suspended, On notion ,s10
{ Ordl"me was given its second passage upon call of the roll by the following, VO 0,
east UaBr00m, Barnett, Crendell, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers,
Oshloahlaegor, YmMetor and Williamson, (12), '
9 0i motion it was adopted that an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance creating a Franchise i;'r.
(/y�/y///��7 ^f.to sree%, maintain and opereote s aystem of Electric street railway on certain stress _ �.' • fir;
(in h* City od Paduosh, Kentucky, for the period of tgnty years and Aisatmg the gals
lwoj,On Broadway ,treat from 17th, to 19th, street, On 19thtstrest from its inter
f �
'etion of with Broadway ntroet to Its intersection with Outhrle Avenue, On Outhrie
smu, from its Intersection with 19ths street, to its Intersection to what is known �•�
f `
sailed the old Mayfield 'Rob, Dy L1tls, On notion said Ordinance was givenItsf I 1
` r
second passage upon cell of the roll by the folio•: ring vote,. Mese, HOBrooa, Barnett' ` '1
i Duval, Herzog, Hill, KatterJohnt Kolb, Meyers, Oshlsahlsegert,VaNbter and William =1 Itf'` .f
Hays, Crandoll, h).
read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the construction of Jar—
e� fel
( i /:'J'1' •', r,tt .Strset,-Dy gradeing and Graveling, from a point where aams intersects side of '
A. M t
i •,''�'Pfwell riroot to Apo1n0 where some intereeoto^ idge street in tha.Clty of Paducah, ?+
Kentucky, by title ss the rule had boon suspended, On motion said Ordinance was given .1�...,
its second ,passage upon call or the roll by the following vote, Yeast KaBsomt.Barnet �'•
i / 04'kCrsndell,. Duvsl, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb; Meyers. Oshl,ohlsager, vanYster, and -.ql'•
'utt.W111Lmon,(12). '
On motion the ComwnIQstlon from H.Wsil and Son,sp In regard 4o an alley on Bridge tLt 1:
was received and t11ed. F
1I f
��•,lY� - Mi aber.Katterjohn presented the follo':4ng oamunicationtto-wit. .'
I'� 1
i;,a/•. 1 O.H.Chamberlint ... 4.4I;v ,
11 - v _ •.
Chairman Joint Street Committee, City of Paducah.
1In'Ana orJ to your requut;, illi offer to 'eell to the Cify of Peduaah, at
DV 1/r`•'/lsoventy dollars per front fest, a!perosl of krodnd one hundred feet in width for
purpose of ,extending 10th strset'from KenLua AV
1.a1 . kY emu to Broadway. ,
'N( r hiVV� s7 � ,'This offer upon condition that all expense for grading and graveling jfq nn
h� L
f7`e lS sir rf�hsil bs, paid by7hsCityt(Signod )� Yours very -Truly. -Mrs T H.Puryear, by Ban St ? r'
1 y w(N y
Cs+y�,!''".L w� ji.•;1l�Ir + � in F� rl ` .. } C`�' ^.4 ] .,r a ,�:
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,
.. ................. ... . ....... .. ........ 190-1-,
Hubbard, On motion the mayor was authorized to sloes ths'eontraot with Mrs Puryesr for the
` Jaid one hundred feet upon. 0611 of the roll by the following rote, Yeas, MaBroom, Barnett,
i 1
. Crandell, Dural, Hormog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, oehleohlaeger, VanYetar And Williemso
' I
Member VanUater read a request from properly owners on Kincaid Ave, to gravel some, on motion
• li It was refered to City Engineer and Ordlnsnoe Coamittes to bring in an Ordinance,
game read a request from property owners and ethers &eking the City to grade. and gravel street
in Little/r Addition, On motion it was refered to Street Committee and City Engineer and
/ report back their reeomaadations,
Same read a communication from property owners where -in, they want td dedicate to the City for
a public alley , in IDs block of ground bounded by Mayers and Clements Streets and Parlay
• r.
Place, On motion it was Petered to tho Street Committoa to &$certain the cost of same, .j
On motion the Committee in regard to Bradshaw proposition to dedicate property on Broadway to.
the elty'. ae given further time, -- -
Member Williamson rend a request from property owners on Madison streetbetweon 17th and 19th,
I : street, asking the City to have the Paducah, Water Co, to axtond their water mslna 300, On
notion their request wen granted,:.
1 same read the report of the Paducah, Pater Co, stating that they had placed one fire plug an
Madison street between 16th, end 17t h, On notion it was received and filed and charged to
! - rental list,
Member CreNdell read an application from George Canker for a Coffee house license at i1/41
1 - Harris street, and also petition against same tlsoffered an his bondsmen Adolph Well and Iwe
( _
Well, On Motion Bald license was granted sndnvotled upon std accepted separate and collective
_ upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yens, YOBr00m, Barnett, Crandell, Duvn1., denog,l
H1110 Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlachlaeger, VaMater and Williamson,(12),
name read an applloation from Oscar Denker for a Coffee house license at 11 1043, Kentucky Ave,
-• -r he offered as his bond the Illinois Surety Cu, of Chicago$ On motion Bald lloense was granted
aNd LM bond voted upon and accepted upon call of th�i roll by the following vote, Ya&e,
• ':�1�„'
Yo -
Broom. Cresidells Herzog, Hills KattrrJohn, Kolbs Mayers, Oehlechlaager,
Venlleter and WS111meon
(10), Hays, Barnett and Duval,(2),
��;�:•, On motion LM requant of J,Y.Ks,�e for s Coffee hours license at /) 825, Washington arrest, was
•;�, i;�' defered.
•,i On motion the request of B,J,I,ery for a Coffee house license at 11128 south 3rd, street, was
• . .;' defered,. I
On notion of Member Katterjohn the City Engineer v.se Instructed to oonform with the uotion of
• ' 1'�u G and to the Ysubar Palmer in re
ems' g proposed route, in regard to :ewers in district # 2,
Membes Mayers pros nted a deed to a lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, lot # 35s In block 11 42,, to i
'J. P,A,Soott, On motion sated deed was ratified. I
On notion of Member Meyers the City Clerk was Inntruated to issue a deed to a lot in Oak Orovs
Cerstory, lot x/'143, in 'block #9, to lira Carrie Vorrtn Girardy, also -to Sane a deed to a lot 1 .
N a Oak Orbw Cemetery, lot (1261 In bleak fi U, from Yrs Carrie OArardy to Edith Tyler,•
On motion of Member Duval It was adopted that the Ordinance Committee bring In"an Ordinance Lo.
cel Bo street between, Lh std '`•+''
t¢' res _-- �--—74h,�Srente: ` • I ,,
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.._ _.............. ..:,_....... _ ., 190"
On.notion ofeaar the Board of PUD11e Works was instructed to put •Derrell: of lian
In- the getter' gesr.'the. darner cf'7Lh and Boyd Streets.;
,. On mat Ion of Member Williamson. it. aadopted,aAr City Jailor have a loot put ,
. / ws that _ 7:t,
' on"the Council Chamber door.
motion of Member Va NOter the. Railroad and Telegraph Committee were is struoted
V- to have the I O.H►ilroad 0 to lace coal Bare for thi C3tiY `
� aaPW P Yom first ntroet:.
On notion of Aamber Hill the Ordinance Committee wad instructed to bring In an Oro-
inanos to prohibit Owes from at large In the City.
On notion It "a adopted that a dog catcher be.appointed to eatoh unlioened dogs.. 1lI
On motion the Cit Engineer was authorized to to on Engineer 11 1
Y gi employ Lohelp him on .+
.� � 1•
the sewbT district # 2, at s salary of 4125.00,; per month, upon *an _af the roll Dy '•� -I U '
the following vote# Yeas. llaBroon, Barnet, Crandall, Auval, Herzogt H111,,Xs%tet►
john. Kolb', Mayers,.0ehlachleager, Vyilyter„end Wi111sms6n,(12). .._ ..
On Notion The Board Adjourned..
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