HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 374, July 16, 1906JUL 161906 `
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.:.190
�ountcfl Proceed1ns
At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held in the Coun it Chamber In thr..__:?s=i.::.
- -
City Hell, July, 16th, 1906, and upon call of. the ;ell yhe glowing answered to
( ( their namem, M*Br00m, Barnett; Duval,. Herzog,. Hill, Katter,lohn, Kolb, Wyere,•Bohl +"3
mohlaegar, VanMoter and Williamson, (11), ""�•`"'-�
On motion tis minutee of the previous meetings were adopted ma read and oorreoLed The Mayor read a request from the Board of Public Works, where -in they request he
General Council to have an Ordinance brought In ordering Bids walk* an upt Brow Yr
way, from 15th Street to Fountain Avow and that the CSL Solicitor bring
Zj . y ang ooademnatg
6 Son proceeding to scours the right of way wherever mane Is aaomasarry, On motion
1 their request was aonwred-in, •• _ ..; • , -
i jaljIr
!On motion the request of,Jone* Bro's and S.R.Simmons to refund than money paid% -4L:.,: :
for Milk Dealers license , was refered to the Plnenoo Committee, : - _-
t{ 1
BOn motion the request of lira M. E.Ircgrm to refund her poll,tax was rafared to theelf
Onditor to refund mans it found to be correct.
On motion the Contract of Thee, Bridges* Son, to build a Culvert -on Caldwell atimet` ,;'-�' `I"` r
near the Union Depot, was ratified upon call of the roll Dy the following vote, F..{'
Yeas, M*Broomi'Bsrnett', Duval, Herzog, Hill, K*LLerjohn,Kolb, Meyere, Oohlrahlaa-
�^ Par VenYetor affi'Rill4Lmmon,(11).
' rOn motion it was refered to the Ordinance Committee to bring In an Ordinance to +
d Place a Plagman at night$ at the crossings. of the I.C.H.R at Broadway
ws streets, .. and Terme*-
A On Nott on the matter of the Street Car Coy charging children full fare ,was refar*d
to City Solicitor and Joint Railroad Committee, to take the matter up,
On taotlon the bill of E,0.Tsrrell was filed with She Finance Committee.,
I ,
On motion the action of the Mayor In regard to selling to W,C.ODrym the old paste
'r cues property, wam ratified, upon oall'of the roll by the following Yet*,Team _
oBroo, 8arn6tL,-Duva1, Rartog, Hill, KatLerjoIIn,Kolb, Wyers,'pahlachlaeger,
e I
((1'" vWlat.r and Williamson, (11)..
Ip `On Notion the action of theAldermen was ooncursd-in,'in regard to the Mayor adver-
Liming for bide to mall the City's old gravel pit.);
,On motion L ematlon of the Aldermen was coaourad-in, in regard to refunding the � +
'money, Messrs Rickman q�
Luse license:., _ ..
Lembor Kolb read the allowances of -%rho Joint Pinatas Committee, mounting to `��' f•
< m I �`i •. 53.963.60, On motion same was allowed upon call of the roll by the follow" vote,
�... sae, Mc Broom,_Harnett,.-i/uvQ, Herzog, Hills Katterjohn,vKo1D, Mnlnrs, Oshl*ohlae.
ger, VanMeter.and Willimeon,(ll)... Ce
�� C -.Sme reported the bill* ot-E.O+Terrell for rJ�yie""
$496.o5r tort/ judgement affi iatermat,^
'` 11 . i
nd J,Gould-6month Huckster"lioense i $12.50, "d A Lady per Mayor!m orders $2 50 0
'Tor Milk,Dealer liasnea, `On motion ams was allowed ip.an mall ot'. LLs roll Dy the
J. �i� l0110w1ng vote,'.Teasj Ma Brom; Barnett; Duvai:-Herzog, Rill, Katterjohn, Kolbe
j; dd J • WW 0.J
syors,,'OshleohlaeHer r.,YanYstar and Willimson l,(11)
ILYr h 11'' , .} rF,. Fttrx�jA.
I j
!Kosher Hill road the Contract of the Olennmood Reality Co, g,D.Thunan Lnd signed by H,R,
Lindsey, President of 8614 Company where -in they state that they obligate themselves ,jointly
-• and soverally,*to the city of Paduoah, Kentucky, that they will pay to City of Paducah, for the
y- - said assesments that will be made for tho said proposed improvements inthe event the said asl
1 - - A !(comments or amount due shall be Questioned or refused to be paid, On motion same was received
land filed.
�d r•ElSame road an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the construction of 23rd street by
.i )grading and graveling from a point where same interasota Trimble street, as extended to a
,yolnt where same Intersects south aide Mildred street In tle City of Paducah, Kentucky, and
y Vry� 4
' 3 ibeing in Olennwood addition, formerly Thurman and Lindsey additeon to the City oQ Paducah, rs-i'
�/• foordod In the MoCra ker. County Court Clerk■ Office, On motion said Ordinance was given its flrst
!passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yaee, McBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill
IKatter,)ohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oahloohleeger, Vsnlleter and Williamson, (11). .
D Same read an .Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, providing for the construction of 22nd, -:,at rest �
vJJ'� !from s point .'jtere same Intersects triable streetas extended, to a point where nnas Interaeoto
��/ i✓ �✓Y the south property line of Mildred atreet, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be and tie same; is
,hereby ordered to be constructed, of good aerahantebIs gravel, suitable in all respects for
such construction, all to be done In strlat ascordinance with the plane }grades, opeoiflostlona,
jwldtM andprofllee of the C 1ty Engineer, made and provided by him for much pprposs, all of
`whiah an adopted as part of this Ordlnalao, as fully aeif embraced herein of attached there-
to and made • part hereof and are lurked 'Ae for more specific identlfloetion, on motion Said
(Ordinance was given Its first paousgs upon cell of the roll by bhe following vote, Yeae, Mo
`Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyer@, Oehlschlaeger,. VarJltor mrd Willie
. / can,
D ,Esme read an Ordinance entitled an Ordin nos providing for the rsomatruotlon of and, street,'
/Y^J_vy `by grading and pavaing with vitrlfla4; paveing blook, together with the neoseesry storm Water
< ISeweres, Manholes and Intakes, from the north property line of Washingtom etroet to th a'mouth .
property lino of Kentucky-Avenusi In the City of Paduash, Kentucky, by title as the mIIs had
been suspended, On motion said Ordinance was given Ito eeaond peonage Won mall of the. roll.by
the following vote, Yeas, HVBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter john, Ko1D, Meyers,
yOohlnohlaager, VanMeter and Wlllienson,(11).
L mems read an Ordinance sntiyled an Ordinance providing for the Re-canetruotlon of DSdewelks an
Doth olden of accord street, room the north property line of Washington street to Cho.eouth
._„�,�II •' propertyllneof Kentucky Avenues in the City of Paduoah, Kenturky,Cn motion said Ordinance was
given•Sts second passage upon wall of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, MaBr00m, Barnett,
i 'Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolbi Meyers, Oahlsahlaager, V=Wtar and Williamson, (11)',
Soso read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance” An Ordinance regulating Lie heighth of Awnings in
y '• a/ the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Onnotionamid Ordlna as was given Its second psosage, upon calls
Ce Of the roll'by the following votes Yeas, MOBroom,Bernatt, Duval, Herzog, H111, Katter,)ohn, Kolb,
/Mayers, Oshlashlaswer, Vaullster s Nd Williamson,(11),
War read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original oonstructi,�n eFBswsi:! -
(J ( by grading and graveling of Sowell street from Qle Sntereactlon of Hnyse Avenut' extended, to Lhe
seat property lino of Ashorsft Avenel 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said Oidinans
was given its first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote,.Yaks. Ma Rroam- nar eiL
�l/`I.M..+IY..ti i\-••'.:�"�d". }/'i;. ��In :•Nf .,:."C�Yiwn+-
Council Proceedings. City Paducah
lu (
of ...J.UL
!Kosher Hill road the Contract of the Olennmood Reality Co, g,D.Thunan Lnd signed by H,R,
Lindsey, President of 8614 Company where -in they state that they obligate themselves ,jointly
-• and soverally,*to the city of Paduoah, Kentucky, that they will pay to City of Paducah, for the
y- - said assesments that will be made for tho said proposed improvements inthe event the said asl
1 - - A !(comments or amount due shall be Questioned or refused to be paid, On motion same was received
land filed.
�d r•ElSame road an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the construction of 23rd street by
.i )grading and graveling from a point where same interasota Trimble street, as extended to a
,yolnt where same Intersects south aide Mildred street In tle City of Paducah, Kentucky, and
y Vry� 4
' 3 ibeing in Olennwood addition, formerly Thurman and Lindsey additeon to the City oQ Paducah, rs-i'
�/• foordod In the MoCra ker. County Court Clerk■ Office, On motion said Ordinance was given its flrst
!passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yaee, McBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill
IKatter,)ohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oahloohleeger, Vsnlleter and Williamson, (11). .
D Same read an .Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, providing for the construction of 22nd, -:,at rest �
vJJ'� !from s point .'jtere same Intersects triable streetas extended, to a point where nnas Interaeoto
��/ i✓ �✓Y the south property line of Mildred atreet, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be and tie same; is
,hereby ordered to be constructed, of good aerahantebIs gravel, suitable in all respects for
such construction, all to be done In strlat ascordinance with the plane }grades, opeoiflostlona,
jwldtM andprofllee of the C 1ty Engineer, made and provided by him for much pprposs, all of
`whiah an adopted as part of this Ordlnalao, as fully aeif embraced herein of attached there-
to and made • part hereof and are lurked 'Ae for more specific identlfloetion, on motion Said
(Ordinance was given Its first paousgs upon cell of the roll by bhe following vote, Yeae, Mo
`Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyer@, Oehlschlaeger,. VarJltor mrd Willie
. / can,
D ,Esme read an Ordinance entitled an Ordin nos providing for the rsomatruotlon of and, street,'
/Y^J_vy `by grading and pavaing with vitrlfla4; paveing blook, together with the neoseesry storm Water
< ISeweres, Manholes and Intakes, from the north property line of Washingtom etroet to th a'mouth .
property lino of Kentucky-Avenusi In the City of Paduash, Kentucky, by title as the mIIs had
been suspended, On motion said Ordinance was given Ito eeaond peonage Won mall of the. roll.by
the following vote, Yeas, HVBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter john, Ko1D, Meyers,
yOohlnohlaager, VanMeter and Wlllienson,(11).
L mems read an Ordinance sntiyled an Ordinance providing for the Re-canetruotlon of DSdewelks an
Doth olden of accord street, room the north property line of Washington street to Cho.eouth
._„�,�II •' propertyllneof Kentucky Avenues in the City of Paduoah, Kenturky,Cn motion said Ordinance was
given•Sts second passage upon wall of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, MaBr00m, Barnett,
i 'Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolbi Meyers, Oahlsahlaager, V=Wtar and Williamson, (11)',
Soso read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance” An Ordinance regulating Lie heighth of Awnings in
y '• a/ the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Onnotionamid Ordlna as was given Its second psosage, upon calls
Ce Of the roll'by the following votes Yeas, MOBroom,Bernatt, Duval, Herzog, H111, Katter,)ohn, Kolb,
/Mayers, Oshlashlaswer, Vaullster s Nd Williamson,(11),
War read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original oonstructi,�n eFBswsi:! -
(J ( by grading and graveling of Sowell street from Qle Sntereactlon of Hnyse Avenut' extended, to Lhe
seat property lino of Ashorsft Avenel 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said Oidinans
was given its first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote,.Yaks. Ma Rroam- nar eiL
Council Proceedings, City ofPaducah,...i.................. .__....... _.......... -__........... •'190
Dural, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohm, Kolb, Meyers ,0ehloohlaager, VanYatsr and Willi
mson i s,,F` ? "
Brame reed an Ordinance entitled anOrdinance, providing for the 'original construotlen
Dy the grading and graveling of Sewall street, from a point where 1t intersects Aeh
((✓( A/ Droak Avenue to the ♦vet line of the eLreeL known as Hayes Avenue, 1j the OSLy of PW ._iEc, �
�I uoahr Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance was given its first passage upon call of the
roll by the following vote, Yeas, McBroom, Barnett, Dural, Herzog, Hill, Kayterjohn,
Kolb, Yeyere, Oehlsohlaeger, YanMeter and Willlsmaon,(11).
D Sue read an Ordinance entitled an Ordimmnoe providing for the original construction
gmFs "•""
^, y the grading and graveling of Heyes Aextended, where same intersects Sowell • -:`•?"•� ^n '/ �,rr....., 40
atrset, to Bridge street or LM Old Benton road in LM City of Paducah, Kentucky.,
- On action said Ordinnnco was Sipa its first passage upon call of the roll by the Loi
. .l( owing voter.Yeae_. McBrooar Barnottp Duvalr Herzo8r Hill, Katterjohng Kolbp Meyers, �'` /•
... '''. ..
•, .Oshlashlaa
gar, VenYater a7a1 Willimaon (11).
Sm� read an Ordimzmoe entitled an Ordinance providing for the ro-oonstrvation of
'' 1t Lhe sidewalks on both sides of Washington atraet. from LM east property line of 3rd,o
._.. vim"
1, treat to the woat curb line of 2{d, street, 1n the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, aids-- -�
f�"U, I
•1 imIke to be 11: 1/2 foot wide, as per plane of the city Engineer, and nada m party ------ �!, '
A` - hen hereof, all tFo be of granitoid can*truation,Oti---
i . 1 n moon amid Ordinance was given
its first pseeags: upon cell of the roll DY the following /.
ng rots, Yoga, MOBroom, 14rnetj ..-. �. :��
Duval, Herzog, Hill, Ketterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlschlrtrger, VanYotor and Williamson r
Sana read an Ordinance entitled nn Ordinance providing for the re-oonstructlon of
Ysldewalka on both sides of first eLreeL, from the north property line of WsahIngt on
street to the south curb dine of Broadway, in �iha City of Pmduoai.,�Rentucky, On '.gar; •. h1
notion said Ordinance waa given It e, first passage upon call of the roll by the fol- 'A
'I lowing vote, Yeaa, YuBroom, Barnott, Duval, Heriog, Hill, yatterJorn, Kolb, Moyers,
a, fl .,Oahl'eohlaeger, VahMater and Willlmaon,(11).'
Same read an Ordinance antitlod�m Ordinance providing for the re -construction of fes`
first street by grading and paveing with vitrified paveing block, together with the _
;soseaary Storm- Water Severs, Manholes and Intakes, from the north property line of -;--i:
Tahingtoa street, to the north property lies of Bsoec(wey, in LM City of Paducah,
L Kentu
cky, On notion said Ordinance was given ite'passaget3reL passage upon *all of the roll""r(;;'"."
2bly.ths following To Yeae, 1[aBraom,BemeLt, Duval Herzo HS11 Eatfer o
9 gr , a hn, Kolb,'
11 yers, Osh loohlseger,' VanUeter'and Williamson,
�,`• On ave tin it cps adopted that the Garbage Resolution be rafered back and a nowvreer
.:ll an De brought
-i_ presented the Jarrett atree0 lmprovemeno Ordinanoer as their was no plans and sp
-s�pse3fioatlons drevei the President declared the Ordinance cut of order. '
•''r_1 On notion the Pranshise Ordinance for Electric Street Rellwpy on Broadway, 19th,_
�wtrest aM OULhrie AT* was'rafrred back yo,yM Joint, Ordinance:Committges,,,,_..
mbar. Barnett .reported that the Committee had advertlaed for Dida on Ielamd Croak �
bridge �Y
Mombor-read a;roquoeti frc%;property;ownora',on Yedleon treat
bot 17th amd.l9th,_}
- 1
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P' ;Jul'. 5c. i - ea
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11 Council Proceedings. City of Paducah,,.........:
.._._.. _. __ .._ harm the WaterhdO to eitend their malum, On motioh.it was refered back to them Le got more
l ---- Member Barnett read an ap1loation from Y.Priedman and B.Padgett h Co for a Gallon and Quart,
coffee House license respectfully, On motion they ware held up for the Alaormen to pass ,
= Member Mayers read a request from Jno H.Va.nCulin and Yrs Y,A,Do," In regard to over aeeemsenti
./' on motion same was rsfered to the Board. of 'ypervlsoro
, ��j i}sms presented the treasurers receipt to Yrs D,L.Sanders, for a lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, for ,
I{$123.00 and an the lot did not suit ,'it was adopted that the money be refunded to her"aa
@son as the body is removed from said lot.
p' :.
e presented the treasurers rooeipt to L.M.Brooks for lot #36 1n blook#42, on motion Iha
a�Clark was ordered to draw deed, and same was ratified.
Same read a request from Jamee'Utterback to transfer his lot in Oak Grove cquest was granted
emetery,. lot #46
;in block #41 to James Eden On motion his re r
4 On motion iiia City Clark was ordered to turn the Oak Grove Cemetery register the t is in his
/ o%aeon over to the Seaton of Oak Grove Cemetery to copy from,
;On motion Judge E.H.Puryear was aurthorited to purchase a ns,Code book, a new Statutes booka now order book for City Court and the latest mote of the Legislature.
IOn motion 1t Was rafared to the public Improvement Committee the matter ofputting a Vault in
7., W the city Engineer's office and report bask.
V On motion of Member 1t was rafared to the Board of Public Works Yo have pavamant repaired at
/ lthe intersection of Trimble and Boyd street@,
JIOn action of Member Williamson the Ordinance Committee me instructed to bring in an 0rdlnanoe '
v" �to regulate Dry Walls in the City, if none exists,
'j On Motion The Board MJourned."�"y
�,nc�-� - ..
our �R I
`\;'�� 1 t -,i" , Iij ' i !� -. I—� ': kT`ut i ',f\J 1 1 +r`•- ;sit '°'Y jj �F c,' I .
i 'I r'rn 3
.t<iAt;t.' w':.
:1. a .fr •.1 At,..t.�•i.a al5\i5J^{'bn?if�r S.a'_vmw.r{.:rwr..,r... ._._ .�.... .., ..- ' .w..r u.,..... . .. q ... _ ......- . .