HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 367, July 2, 1906a
c„ 11M� �.',F•."'r.� i :'3�; i��;yr : �;'f�',.a7':-�?NS�i;.9M,R7-:-..,.o,.,.,n
11-11 �15177
Councll Proceedings, City of Paducah,
..............: " ..... 180
Qouncil Proceedings .�
At a regulat-asdting of the board of Counotlmon,hold In the Council
Chamber is Che 03Ly 1411
.. JiO.y ?+ri, 1906, and upon call of the roil yhe following answetydto their mseH, MaBroom,
Barnett;: Duval, H*rsog, Hills K*tterJohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oehlsohlaeg*r, VanYater and 1111lat .
/1 On motion the minuted bif the previous meeting yrs adopted so read,. -
She Mayor presented the Polios Ordinanam giving Police power/ to the Milk and "at Inspector,'
1 Market Master, License Inspector and oto; Member Katter John moved that said Ordinance be I.
placed upon its third passage the Mayors veto not with standing and upon pole of the votes,'
(y� oast sold motion was lost upon call eY the roll by the 101Ap9 vote , Yu ,
Yue, Katter�ohn, Kolbi
Mayers and Oehlaehlaeger, (4), Nays, YOBroom, Herzogs Hill, Va"eter,and Williamson, (5). the
President deo)ared the veto sustalned,(Duval out and did not vote).;
Member Miller read the report of the Treasurer and Auditor for the month ending June 30th
1906, showing a cash balance on hand to be$112.393.78, On motion It wok received and fiisa.
Same read the allowance of the Joint Pines Committee for the month of June, counting to
$39.737.34, also the bill of H. D, cooper 6 8anly mouting to $173.00, On notion said bills wani
allowed. upon dell of the roll by the $clawing vote, Yeae, Y*Broom, Barnett, Davol, HerzogH11141, H111
Katter,)ohng Meyera, Oohloahl"gor, VeaMeter and Willlmson,(11), : ..
Member Ksttor,(ohn presented the following resoluteon;
Whereas that portion of the mended Charter
�w relating to tie senstruetlon bf sewers In the Cities of the second class require that the
Y necessity for such sewer$ construction be established by an offlredtive vote of not lose than
two thirds of the members elect to the general Council;
Therefore be it Resolved that a crying neoeseltj
*list for. an extension of the Sawar}ge System •ithln the follo dreg deooribeo districts, that
portion of the City not no provided ,p ',tWt sewers lying between Norton street, and Trimble eLrer
and between 13th street and the Ohio River and more particularly set fourth upon Mapof said!.I
district now in the posession of the City Engineer, On action said resolution was glven its
first passage upon call of to roll by the following vote,Yeas, YaBroam, Barnett, Duval, Her g,
r= '4'. Hills gatter,)ohm, Kolb, Yeyern, Oeblsohlaeger, Veaketer and wllllmoon,(11). On motion the
-• •�?;•',? rule was suspended end -Bold resolution was given Its second and final passage upon call of the
?: roll by the following vote, Yeas, McBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter,)ohn, Meyers, •0
'.'"�; ;-"• oehleshlseger, VanMster and willlmson,(11). -
On motion the action of this Board was reconsidered In regard to defeating, the .Huckster Ord -i
inane* on Juno 18th, 19069 upon sell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas.: McBroom,.gImenOVe,�
1110st, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayer@, Oohlsahl.neger and VarMeter,(8), Hays, Barnett,
Duval and Willimson.(3)
Member Hill read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Repealing theHucksters Ord inane*,+On motl
said Ordinance was given its esooM passage upon call of the roll by the following •vote, yeas'
McBroom, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Myers, Kolb, Oshlechleeger and VanYeters(8), Noyes Barnett,
Duval and t11111mson,(3). .
some read an Ordinance entitled'�an Ordinanee regulating the heighth of-Asm!"Ws imningr In thI
City of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion Bald Ordinanor waB_giien I.e f rat yusaRe tp r•
the roll by the following vote, Yens, MOBroom, Barnett, Dural, Harzog,.Hill, xsttsr� =1�.
' John, Meyers, Oehlaohlaeger, VmMster and W1111anson,(11).
' game read an. Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the : a
i so&G* L re-oonstruo-
tion of sidewalk* on Doth sides of let, •treat, from the North property Situ of Wash--•°�-<•'-
-• 1ngton street to the'South Curb line of Broad y aV•r;Y •� � '- ',`
1/vwJ/VY11/ °+7r in dra CSL of Paducah, Kentucky,
II On motlos said Ordinance was given Its !Stat passage upon call of the loll by ths,fol- "i�`•"'
_ ".; �-. lowing vote, -Yess, YoBrom, Harnett, Duval, Hlrzog, Hill, xaLtsrjohn, Meyers, li•lb, Oi;��C
`.'(�,• Oshlsohlaager, V"Gter and Willianson,(11).. :rr;
Sane read an Ordinanos entitled an Ordinance providing for the re-oonstruotion of d
Street, by grad
Ing and parsing wyLh vitrified paving block, together,with the neoaasy •, • f
Storm Water Sewers, Manholes and Intakes, from the North property line of Washl ngton
Y n,� �.. street, to the South property line of
Kentucky Avenue,
In 9t• City of Paducah, KenLuc
,. / / k
y,'. On motion said Ordinance was given Its !Stet passage upon call of the 1011 by the -
t. 'following vote, Yess, MOSr00m, Barnett, Dural, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn,Kolb, meysrs 1r I
/,. , • IOahlsohlasgor, VanMater ardWSlllanaon,(11). ..i
Baine read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the reveanstruotion, of e1As `• i l�
G'✓ -,,v
!walks on Doth sides of second street, from the North proprty line of,Wsshll an street •:
e to the South property line of Kentucky Avenue, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On
,. motion said Ordlmsiwa Y(pei given its first passage upon sell of the roll bF the fol-
-� •. low" vote, Yeas, Mo Broom,;;Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Moyers, Rjpi
• �/
y Oeh eohlneger•%V7+1 r epi Wil Sor
amson 1)4se•./w.ry s(y�r�
� e 0 oroln �ont�it_led an dinance� ~cusp!, ng the Of oa f �_00't the .
re Department of the City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said ordinance was given
VSDs .e_seord Passage upon Beall, of the roll by the following vote, Teas, McBr00m,Bamatt, _ 4?
/r�rf Duval, Hill, Herzog, Katter,)ohn, Kolb,, Meyers, Oahlschlaeger, VsnMeter and Williamson, -
V fi Bans. read an Ordinanoo entitled m Ordinance providing X44
P ung for the original construct ',;1; .,
'f .the Sldepalks, Including granitold curbs and gutters on both sides of Fountain Ano-
14ue., from the North s1.10 of Jeffereonitrest to the Horth curb line of MonroeOA
t t
sreein t
! 1
the City of Paduoab, Knntuoky, the sidewalks to be six Ptm wide, and there Is to be
13m1/2 Pt, en ,curb and property line, and the curb and gutterto be what is ooammi1�.��. •�
7 between i
} ly knowh as'Combined Curb e,nd putter% and all to be of granlLoid oanoLruotionp* On _
,Motion said Ordinance was given Its Fannie tpon call of the roll by the foUoew �`' ~
"'": •' iagvote, Ysan,. NoSroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, KAtterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, 0ah1
slahlaeger, VanVotar and Willlameon,(11). ".b�•
'' Same read.an Ordinenoe entitled an Ordinance contracting for Puol, Forage and Oroosrls '.
l •On motion uid Ordinance was given Its second passe
gs upon Dell of the roll N7the toi
t. lowing Voto,_,Ysos, Mo Broom, Bamett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kattor�ohn, Kolb, Meyrs - ,•''� ..I
.,-O hloohlaeger,. VanHator and Williuson,(11).
Sem• read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing.for the original somatlpnLlOA
,t jC,y{Ia' of the sida,plks,.lncluding granitold curbs and gutter on both aides of Jones .strwt
9th to 10L1i'- street and from 10th, to llth,;str•eti in the City of Paducah, Kentu '
1* t "eky,-•th# sidowalko to,'be.six;feet wids,rand the •Dory andcommonly, '
�;. gutter Lc Da what Ss
jr.�nl IL. SI' 1 •,ramtfi rad A b 1. e, /
:and• arl+Ln.Aw. af.+m.wM4 1a_1nor+—.
H — i f1!—`
trl;Y a
rr •.. .'
� �
7 177
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.... .. .. .......
.......... .. '190
the roll by the following vote, Yens, MOBroom, Barnett, Dural, Harzog,.Hill, xsttsr� =1�.
' John, Meyers, Oehlaohlaeger, VmMster and W1111anson,(11).
' game read an. Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the : a
i so&G* L re-oonstruo-
tion of sidewalk* on Doth sides of let, •treat, from the North property Situ of Wash--•°�-<•'-
-• 1ngton street to the'South Curb line of Broad y aV•r;Y •� � '- ',`
1/vwJ/VY11/ °+7r in dra CSL of Paducah, Kentucky,
II On motlos said Ordinance was given Its !Stat passage upon call of the loll by ths,fol- "i�`•"'
_ ".; �-. lowing vote, -Yess, YoBrom, Harnett, Duval, Hlrzog, Hill, xaLtsrjohn, Meyers, li•lb, Oi;��C
`.'(�,• Oshlsohlaager, V"Gter and Willianson,(11).. :rr;
Sane read an Ordinanos entitled an Ordinance providing for the re-oonstruotion of d
Street, by grad
Ing and parsing wyLh vitrified paving block, together,with the neoaasy •, • f
Storm Water Sewers, Manholes and Intakes, from the North property line of Washl ngton
Y n,� �.. street, to the South property line of
Kentucky Avenue,
In 9t• City of Paducah, KenLuc
,. / / k
y,'. On motion said Ordinance was given Its !Stet passage upon call of the 1011 by the -
t. 'following vote, Yess, MOSr00m, Barnett, Dural, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn,Kolb, meysrs 1r I
/,. , • IOahlsohlasgor, VanMater ardWSlllanaon,(11). ..i
Baine read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the reveanstruotion, of e1As `• i l�
G'✓ -,,v
!walks on Doth sides of second street, from the North proprty line of,Wsshll an street •:
e to the South property line of Kentucky Avenue, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On
,. motion said Ordlmsiwa Y(pei given its first passage upon sell of the roll bF the fol-
-� •. low" vote, Yeas, Mo Broom,;;Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Moyers, Rjpi
• �/
y Oeh eohlneger•%V7+1 r epi Wil Sor
amson 1)4se•./w.ry s(y�r�
� e 0 oroln �ont�it_led an dinance� ~cusp!, ng the Of oa f �_00't the .
re Department of the City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said ordinance was given
VSDs .e_seord Passage upon Beall, of the roll by the following vote, Teas, McBr00m,Bamatt, _ 4?
/r�rf Duval, Hill, Herzog, Katter,)ohn, Kolb,, Meyers, Oahlschlaeger, VsnMeter and Williamson, -
V fi Bans. read an Ordinanoo entitled m Ordinance providing X44
P ung for the original construct ',;1; .,
'f .the Sldepalks, Including granitold curbs and gutters on both sides of Fountain Ano-
14ue., from the North s1.10 of Jeffereonitrest to the Horth curb line of MonroeOA
t t
sreein t
! 1
the City of Paduoab, Knntuoky, the sidewalks to be six Ptm wide, and there Is to be
13m1/2 Pt, en ,curb and property line, and the curb and gutterto be what is ooammi1�.��. •�
7 between i
} ly knowh as'Combined Curb e,nd putter% and all to be of granlLoid oanoLruotionp* On _
,Motion said Ordinance was given Its Fannie tpon call of the roll by the foUoew �`' ~
"'": •' iagvote, Ysan,. NoSroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, KAtterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, 0ah1
slahlaeger, VanVotar and Willlameon,(11). ".b�•
'' Same read.an Ordinenoe entitled an Ordinance contracting for Puol, Forage and Oroosrls '.
l •On motion uid Ordinance was given Its second passe
gs upon Dell of the roll N7the toi
t. lowing Voto,_,Ysos, Mo Broom, Bamett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kattor�ohn, Kolb, Meyrs - ,•''� ..I
.,-O hloohlaeger,. VanHator and Williuson,(11).
Sem• read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing.for the original somatlpnLlOA
,t jC,y{Ia' of the sida,plks,.lncluding granitold curbs and gutter on both aides of Jones .strwt
9th to 10L1i'- street and from 10th, to llth,;str•eti in the City of Paducah, Kentu '
1* t "eky,-•th# sidowalko to,'be.six;feet wids,rand the •Dory andcommonly, '
�;. gutter Lc Da what Ss
jr.�nl IL. SI' 1 •,ramtfi rad A b 1. e, /
:and• arl+Ln.Aw. af.+m.wM4 1a_1nor+—.
H — i f1!—`
Council Proceedings; City of Paducah.
,:.::..:_ ''190
-. [soldOrdinance was given Its second pseeage upon call of the roll by the Ye
.M1 tl
Yo Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayoras Oehlsehlasger, VanNoter and
1rA On Action the resolution from'the Olenttwood addition was refered to the Ordinance Coomittee..'
L' �.to bring In an Ordinance,On _ -
' - motion the Communication from W.C.Obrlen in regard to dedicating ground In Obrien addition
v#s received and filed. .
On motion it os refered to the Ordlnmoe Committee to bring In an Ordlmnos•to improv/eMeyers ,
- !street from Island Crook to Parley Place and from Parlay Place to Clemente ntreet Pyre sidewalks
trend gutter. -
• F/ On motion file report of the Chair of Police was received and faked.
'On.motion the reoomendatlon of License committee in regard to the lloense of A. Danker was con-
.. Lured -in. .
IOn.motlon fie license of WO Estes was held up untill the number of the house -was put of Cts ap-
plloatlor6 - -
on. motlon.the r000mendatlon of the license Committee was not oonoured-In 1 rd
, n raga to the Moon
• _
!r a of Jamew Hickman.,
of Chicago, <....: ,
,,' • .
!On motion the reeomendation of the license Committee wan oonoured-Irvin regard -to refusing
Council Proceedings; City of Paducah.
,:.::..:_ ''190
-. [soldOrdinance was given Its second pseeage upon call of the roll by the Ye
.M1 tl
Yo Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayoras Oehlsehlasger, VanNoter and
1rA On Action the resolution from'the Olenttwood addition was refered to the Ordinance Coomittee..'
L' �.to bring In an Ordinance,On _ -
' - motion the Communication from W.C.Obrlen in regard to dedicating ground In Obrien addition
v#s received and filed. .
On motion it os refered to the Ordlnmoe Committee to bring In an Ordlmnos•to improv/eMeyers ,
- !street from Island Crook to Parley Place and from Parlay Place to Clemente ntreet Pyre sidewalks
trend gutter. -
• F/ On motion file report of the Chair of Police was received and faked.
'On.motion the reoomendatlon of License committee in regard to the lloense of A. Danker was con-
.. Lured -in. .
IOn.motlon fie license of WO Estes was held up untill the number of the house -was put of Cts ap-
plloatlor6 - -
on. motlon.the r000mendatlon of the license Committee was not oonoured-In 1 rd
, n raga to the Moon
• _
!r a of Jamew Hickman.,
of Chicago, <....: ,
!On motion the reeomendation of the license Committee wan oonoured-Irvin regard -to refusing
fThomae Lindsay a
Cotfoe House license at # M 918 south 8th, street,
OnmoLl on the follaµng Saloon licenses
were presented,
:Harry S. Allen
110 south 3rd,
street, bond, Illinois Surety Oo of Chicago
`B,Y, Allen
105 B -way •
Illinois Surety Co, of Chioago. ,' '
Illinois Surety Co,
of Chicago..'"•""''--
204 So 9th,
• Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago..,.
Edwards 6 Adkins
114 Ky, Avenue
• Illinois Surety Co, of.Chioago.
}Biederman Distillery Co, 115 So 2nd,
B,J.Prieeter A Henry Biederman•
IChrio Berger 6 Bro, 701 SO -7th, street, Adolph Wail h Lee Well. .,
737 No 8Lh,
P.J.Bergdoll 6 Jno Hinkleff-
�Oeo, A. Beaker
• 833 Caldwell
Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago. -
ttt�A,V.Bauer -
900 Washington
- TChrls Llebal h San Llobol. -•-
�Oso, A. Chandler
106 So 3rd
I111noia Surety Co, of.Chloago, '
Oeo, A. ChaMler
702 Tenneesse
,� - Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago.'
1028 Ky, Ave,
Illinois Surety Co, of. Chicago,
(!Oce W. Collier 6
00, 1749 Meyere
Illinois Surety Co, of Chioago. " ,?•7 •'
200 Ky, Ave,
Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago.. '�•
E.C,Qarter -
301 So.7th,
r Jno Sinnott A Jno linkleff. ',-
Chas Danker. _.-;
_ ;'' 901 Washingtaa
_ .y Illinois Surety Cc of Chloego.
nye &.Stew&jt
1501 So 3rd,
:_,?_�.?'_:PSdelity & Deposit Cc of Maryland, •.'•;
A.Denker Jr, ,.
..,..434 No 11th,
;��`; ,Y ,_,• Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago.
Hardin 8
Co • -- 105 So 2nd
nolo Surety Co,
of Chicago, <....: ,
!John Elrod . -.
125 So 2nd --
Illinois Surety Co,
of 'Chloego. -.
117 So 3rd,"
__ .:_�_
Illinois Surety Co,
of Chicago..'"•""''--
Edwards 6 Adkins
9'25 So 3rd,•
Illinois Surety Co,
of Chicago..
109 No 4th,
Illinois Surety Cc of
Chloego t' "+•.�
370 .. .. : -,, _.•, _ .
Council Proceedings, Cit��gf Paducah
". _.:.._._:_ 190 . -
_ 7
Ohre T. '.Or&haa - --- 133 Bo 9th$..__-•—,- Illinois Surety Cc, of:Chioage
_.. . �.__.,. Oso H.600daan, Oe, .�� 106!,108 H' 2::,. _ .Illinois Surety as, of .Ohloago ±R.
-: -'--•--••-
.A. GS1Derte -L.. _
116 116 Be 4th.-'$'•-.-..•..:'.
_..—I131no1■ Bmrety,0or or Chicago.
`( . .
m •• •+
W.0 •.- r--.�--
107 So 4th _.J -Illinois Surety Oo, og Chicago;
M-1201 M 6 w.R.Parker,' e�•
:Oriffin 6 wilen', .�.='_
125 B -Re "'-
' Illinois Surety cc, of Chicago,
J.T'Jantlns 4:
B.B. Gott .`
119 B • 4th
Illinois,�. s
Henry Kaeelleter,._ �..
934 So 5th, :"
'" Illinois Surety Ca of Chlaago,
ti ;+
■ .fi. Hao °.936
N• Loth.
Mol h.A 3 AIwo •.oil'
+ n
80 4th, �,, -Illinois::
r '-
- surety Do o! Chicago.
�} _
-Henry Haat300
So 3rd,
'Illinois Surety Co of Ohlc�go
`( . .
1100 So 11th. -------
Iessen Bra .`-
_ 227 So 2nd, _
M-1201 M 6 w.R.Parker,' e�•
I..... --
J.T'Jantlns 4:
126 So 2W,"
Illinois Surety Co of Chloago
.Illinois Surety Cc, of Chicago
Henry Kaeelleter,._ �..
441 so 3rd _ ' _.;
'Louis Kolb 8 ChPls'Stienhauer,
Tusk Lows ' ;..1047
Wash$ ._ .. ,.
Illinois Surety Oar of Chlugo...
+ n
l o•.
80 4th, �,, -Illinois::
r '-
- surety Do o! Chicago.
dam Lofton -..'
1730 Ye rs.
Ye r'• ..
Adolph 1pi1 h Iws !foil.
-` Jno Sinnott s, Jno Rlnklerf,
Prank Levin .....1001
Jos L.Prisdman 8 Jog 1f,R1eUr.
J2113aoi■ surety Cc, of
4.Y.YStshell _°
• -
1000 H 10th$
Illinois Surety Cop of Chicago,•
I '
A.gareafteky '-"'
134 So 2nd,
Illinois Surety Cor of 0(aoago
Y te_
J.R.Yoors -•..704
Jos L.Priedman R Jno f.Rieler.
-� _.�
Murray b tathea-
115 S• 4th, ,.
Illinois Surety 00, of OhSesge,
' 2
R:E.L.Yoshell 6 as,
.201 B -Ray -. , 4
Illinois shrety Cos of Chicago
Jag YeAughaA y'12th,
At Jones
-Illinois Surety Co. of Chleago
i IJ
f �' ✓ .
Dusaine.6 Ce $
1037 Burnett
Adolph U11 h Iwo Well.;
825 hash
Illinois surety Co, of Chicago..
yY,. ` . (•
Nelson A Sears 933.Soe ,3rd. ..
Surety Cor of Chicago.
�.• '
i c•r-
L,L.Nelson r c.
407 So 3rd, ._ 1
J.R.Orr h Ed Morgan
A.Parkine, ii';i ,;1733.Yayerar
Sinnott 8 Jno Rinkleft.
'�. `+••.- �.-u
Pill Since ,..
6 r-. ..-,-x(•.:.700
Trimble,.._. _ _ ...-c,..
Illinois Sursty`Co, of Chloagc.•.--_—.___.'.
,ltVx.•.w.ry. w.
:J.H.Perkins b Sro--x--'1201
So 8th -`•
Illinois Surety Cc,, or chi *ago.
.w `�
... ..
R.L.Peaoher ... C.;:�. _,_1�.' ....
r'. -"'<
Illinois Surety Ce, ofChicago.-
- .
-',� t
'Ed Pearson -`.701
Trimble" :.
Illinois Surety Cor of Chicago
y J.
Palmer Hotel Oe- -'. F•.
5th B-weL
•- *-
�} _
$ y . Y &Jeff
J. L,Prladman 6 J. C.CttarDsak.
`( . .
1100 So 11th. -------
Illinois Surety Cc,
'tir7rjd' ,1,n'
�johs"AarQ + 1 An
of Chicago
y . r
:. Jr ii G _/ 7'L .'vf, n:. s,
L B, Regen 111 So 3rd,
.Illinois Surety Cc, of Chicago
( x Q,h';Z• c
PraA Rooann,'. 1533 Broad, .:..r__
+ n
l o•.
J.L.Priodmamn 6 J.W. Kleler,•;.
J R Shorrall, 10 •
7 R
Illinois surety Co, of Chicago,
Schulte k RSokmam 701 Jaokaon, _
-` Jno Sinnott s, Jno Rlnklerf,
-Thompson ...:120 Ry..Ave. - t„-. ,.+,_-� �.;
J2113aoi■ surety Cc, of
' a..
Prank. Wagner'
_.110.. So. 2nd,.
_.._ ,._. ..a...J,L.
Priadman 6 J.w,Kieler,-
+T:•.,- f`
wlatray PatHrsoni -',-I?4 Ky Ave,
,6' ;--Illinois
Surety Co. of Chicago
"t c'212 --
4 Me, ..:Adolph' well Q
1100 So 11th. -------
„:Illinois surety Co,' -of Chicago,.
'tir7rjd' ,1,n'
�johs"AarQ + 1 An
nr_4 ,::InS.Y.�+r.Wl'/l'/�'•..:,..
y . r
:. Jr ii G _/ 7'L .'vf, n:. s,
llinais o!'Chic�ga •s
i _ A
- '4"-
..cam _ °:e.:✓ -.;y... :'P
( x Q,h';Z• c
4 w.
+ n
l o•.
council Proceedings, City. -of Paducah','....-' 1�90.
On motion the
230 Ky'
7 A.
rd A0jo,irnej* to meat I
JUL "161906
ofty War&
Ull =I* Surat a of Ohiae
)UL 16'1006
BW,d of
Ir'y .- l ". Proceedings...
a Adjourned meeting of the Board Of Councilmen hold in the Council 6hambor In the City Hall
Uly 6th, 1906# SZW upon call of the roll the following answered to their nausee, MoBroom,
'lBarmatt Duvalt Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyero, Oahlachloop-,or,'UnMeter and Willi"a
C. amber Barnett road an Application from J.T.(Jusplos, for a Coffee House License at I.C. Depot,
:he offered as his bond, J.L.Priadmn & J.W.Klolori On -action said
d 1108naO wad granted and
(and voted upon and accepted separate and collective upon call of the roll by the following
vote, Yeasp Yo Broom, Barnett, DUT019 Herzog, 111111 Katterjohn, Kolb, Begum, Oehloohlaegap,
UnMator and Williamson, (11).
:same road an application from S.Starks, for a Coffee House license at L20 So 2nd, street, he .
larfored as his bond, The Illinois Surety Ca, of Chicago, On motion said license was grax . ited
bond accepted upon call of the roll'by the folio ing vot6p Yana? Bo Broom, B . arnatt, Duval,
Hergag, Hill, Katterjohng Kolb, Mayors, Oohlaohlaegart VanMoter and Williamson, (11).
11• Issue read an application for a Coffee House license from L.T.Clark, at 1035 No 12th . aties.,
loffered an his bond, The Illinois Surety Co, of Chloagol On motion said license was granted and'
bond &adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote,
Yeas, MaBroomo Barnett, Duval, nor-,,
SOS. HLkI,• Katterjohn, Kolb$ May*ra, Oshlachlaegerp V&nMet*r and Willi"oon,(11).
Saudo read an &plio&tlon from Jam Bulger for & Coffee House license at 1615 So 4th, he offered
.&a hie bond The Pidellty and Deposit Co. of M&rylmd, On notion said license wen granted end
bond &W'
4631tsd Upon call of the roll by the following voto?Yoasg McBroo*OB&rnatt, Duval, Herzog,,
H1119 K&ttorjohno Kolb, Mayers, Oahloohlaegoro VanNstor and Williessoon,(11).
Sam read an applicalrion from Theo Peter for & Coffee House license at 1040 B-mayg On motion si,
chid ll#onso "a rejected upon call of the roll by the rolloulng vote, Yeas,
Mayors and Oahl-
schla,egar,(2). Hays MeBroam, Boirnettv.Duval, Herzog, 111110 Katterjohns Kolb, %�wWator and Wil-
iY Bonds read an application from In Estes at 1033 B -way, On motion said license was rejected upon
well of the roll by the following vote, Y6&4, nano, Bays, Ba Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill
&tterjohn, Kolbp Msyors,Gshlachlasgsr, VanHater and W121lainan.)II),
Same read an application from Oscar Danker for a Coffee House license at 1044 Bwday, On
Iffia'a 'icons* was rejected upon gall of tho roll by the following vote# Yeass Oohlaohlaeger
VanMator,(2), Hays, McBrooms Barnotts Duvalp Herzog, Hill, Katterjolm, Kolb, Mayors and
-WIlliamsen, (9).
Sam read an applioa%im from J.M.Riak-, for a Coffee House license at 1814
-1 Bridge street h:me offered as hie bond Jno Sinnott and Jno Hinkle ff, On notion said Iioenee Was
it-" ra�ntod and bond voted upon and accepted upon call of the roll by the following vote