HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 364, June 18, 19061 I r
Councll Proceedings, City of Paducah,..... :.............`.:.:..;..:......._._....., 190 cr .
\• AL a regular meeting of the Board of Counellmen hold in the Council Chamber is the
City Hall June, lath, 19D6, and upon call of the rail the following anegrsd to
heir m►mee MO Barnett Duval Hill Letter ohn Ye _r' `I •
.�. r • v • • rl • yen, 09hlaohlacg+r, Van-.--'.�•`,�i '�'.
{ ,
Motor and Williaaeon� (9),
I ' ,r
On motion the minutes of 'the ratious meet! p1 ..p ng were ado ted N r+ad N corrected,p 10n motion the action of the Board of Alderman ,•}eoonouredwin, 1n regard to ratifying -
ILh9 contract Dstwtea the OSLy and the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service W sl �.
:take care of the Sick and disabled season -
, upon call of the roll by the follo".5ing roL�
Yeas, Yo Broom, Barnott, Dural r Hill, Xattor,)ohm, Mayers, O9hleahl ager, V&DU%are G
".lead w1111smeear(9). ' -
11 \
On notion the Communlostlon from the Board of public Works in regard to Mater mains
en north 12th, street is resolved and flied,
(',:•) / WD, Sasa read the report of Water Co, wherein they @tate that they have placed one fire
} r� plug on Jonas Gfiott, from 16th, to 17th, and Elizabeth str+at 6th, Lo 7th, one tiro
. plug, On motion it via r68aYnd and tiled and ordered charged to rental lint.
t / The oommunloation from the Holcomb, Loeb ?!e Co. was Pored to the Mayor, Finance -A--
,1 CommlLtrq,and City 8o11e12or.
U Q4
`[ / On notion the request of.S,E.Allen requeating refund of money paid to the City, On
F �a�
lotion It rMe Petered to to the Joint C===*o Coaittu. -i
�Y On motion the request of the Mayor to
,Jr ) yo !apron the sidewalk@ on.Hroadway from where -
the present Smpromente 094268 to 25th,otrest, on motion is was rere"d to the at
rut '! {
ialtte9, City Engineer and City Solicitor.
k I`/ On -*6notion the request to have Ovgn woolfork released from poll tea •s "farad to .,.. 7,�r
s Relief Com ittee.
imotion St ,r adopt*& to extend the tine for the improvi ants of Soyll at To
f Ashcroft, and Hayes Avoi to BOwa11 at, upon sell of the roll by the follow4ng vote .•���-'
Yeas r, YoBrooa, Barnett, Duval, Hill, EatterJohn, Mayor@, Oehleahlaeger, V"ter-
f i >
`- Umber Oehloohlaeger read the e11ow11210e of the Joint Finance for the half month or
JIn • amounting to $7.744.21, On motion. ease was allowed upon call of the roll by the
flllowing'voto, Yew, MoBroom, Barnatt, Duval, Hillj E*ttor
,I Ohty layers, 0 @ehlNgs r.
VaaYeter, and Ai111ame0n,(9).'
V I.
, ;/?�• roquext fres the WholesaleMerchants on Washington street to have She @ldeweIke
1/1� •�J1
ashington4 fres' flrxt to•:3rd pael with brick so as to 00n9et 14ah brisk @tract •✓ ''
1 won refered to Joint Ordlmsneo, Street Coalttee and
Bnglne@r. �.
'G! /,• Lar' Hill read an Ordinaaa9 entitled as Ordinance for the Original oonstruotion
^� 1
x:11/: ,� �/ t �. :. � .. • -.. ::.._ :. .. ,: ' -
tttJJ7�,r oldewalke oa, Washingtoa at, from lstr'Lo 3rdSt, on motion said Ordi mance was ".
LapOn; &Wor, %he roll ,by' the- folloaing,tots,;r.Ye"r,, ,Y@Broon,• Barnett,��i
�. � ,a�w t�•){ J 1�-.5 t � L ..'i I L. �^ n- `♦ r. w � w: _ "� �! { ,
g Y can...... _:...:._�.:.:..... _..................
Council Proceedings, Cit of Paducah f .....�..._�::,..
.. ...
Nys, Daral,.RIll, Kattorjohn, Meyers, Oehlsehleager, YanNeter and Williamson, (0(7) ','',�,
read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinanas Contrasting for Fuel, Forage and Oroosrisa,'On .
"• ;�•'
vote, Yeaa, Negroes, Barnett, Duval, Hill, Mayers, Dahlsehlseger, VanYeter and Willmeon,(B),
Kays, Katterjchn,(1). _ .. ..
road an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Creaying the office of Engineer of the 'Fire,
Department of the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, On notion said Ordinance woss given its first_
passage upon call of re roll by the following vote, Yeas, NoBroom, Barnett, Duval, Hill ;.
Katterjohn, Moyers Oehlaohlesgor, VanNoter and wllliuson,(9).
game read an Ordinance entitled an Ordiaanoa providing for the original construotlon`of the
'�,M��.:.'w l,ry .�r .�.I„•Y'YI�r�FIY �11�..'YC'`+t,+'r'�L"'`'••R..\Y!frt)wY!'ri4/.l�
Norton street to Husbands street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the sidewalks to; bo.Gik.-.I'
.�1'. .Y
•:,r .. �� v..rY.a.._«�«tf�«
feet wide, and the curbs and gutters to be what Is oomonly known asbombined Curb and Outtere
and all to be of granitold construction, On notion said Ordinance wpo given its second pas-
sags upon call of the roll by the follo jng vote, Yeas, Negroes, Barnett,,Duval, 11111, Katter-
- - -
Jahn, Mayoras Oeblschlaeger, Van4eter and NSllimson,(9). -,
gams read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original conotruotion of the•
Sidewalks, including granitold curbs and gutters on both sides of Jonse 'street, from 9tA to,
v" Y
10th, streets and fromlOth: to 11th, street, 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the sidewalks, to
g Y can...... _:...:._�.:.:..... _..................
Council Proceedings, Cit of Paducah f .....�..._�::,..
.. ...
Nys, Daral,.RIll, Kattorjohn, Meyers, Oehlsehleager, YanNeter and Williamson, (0(7) ','',�,
read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinanas Contrasting for Fuel, Forage and Oroosrisa,'On .
motion said Ordina aJ a0 given its first passage upon call of the roll by Lhe following.” ,
"• ;�•'
vote, Yeaa, Negroes, Barnett, Duval, Hill, Mayers, Dahlsehlseger, VanYeter and Willmeon,(B),
Kays, Katterjchn,(1). _ .. ..
road an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Creaying the office of Engineer of the 'Fire,
Department of the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, On notion said Ordinance woss given its first_
passage upon call of re roll by the following vote, Yeas, NoBroom, Barnett, Duval, Hill ;.
Katterjohn, Moyers Oehlaohlesgor, VanNoter and wllliuson,(9).
game read an Ordinance entitled an Ordiaanoa providing for the original construotlon`of the
Sidemalke, including gramitold curbs and gutters on Doth sides of south 4th, street, from.
� � f
Norton street to Husbands street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the sidewalks to; bo.Gik.-.I'
feet wide, and the curbs and gutters to be what Is oomonly known asbombined Curb and Outtere
and all to be of granitold construction, On notion said Ordinance wpo given its second pas-
sags upon call of the roll by the follo jng vote, Yeas, Negroes, Barnett,,Duval, 11111, Katter-
- - -
Jahn, Mayoras Oeblschlaeger, Van4eter and NSllimson,(9). -,
gams read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original conotruotion of the•
Sidewalks, including granitold curbs and gutters on both sides of Jonse 'street, from 9tA to,
v" Y
10th, streets and fromlOth: to 11th, street, 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the sidewalks, to
be six feet wide, and the curb and guttsra'.to be what is commonly known ase Combined Curb �..
and (#nttsre •, and ell to be of granitold constructions On Notion said Ordinance Was gluon its
first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, HOBroom,.Barnstt, Duval,
Hill, Katterjohn, Mayers, Oehlaahlasger, VaNHeter and Nlllimeon,(9).�,
Bus rend an Ordinance satltlsd an Ordlnanas providing for the original construction. -of the:•''
(J " �
Sidewalks, Including granitold curbs and gutters on both aides of Fountain Avenue, from the
north side of Jefferson street, to the south ouzo of Monroe street In the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, the sidewalks to be six feet wide, and there In to be 13-1A between the curb
and the property line, end the curb and gutter to be what to oomaonly known eseCombined Curb
and,Outtere, and all to be of granitold construction, On motion said Ordlnen oe Was givon Sts!
first passage upon call of the roll by the following Vote, Tess, NoBroom, Barnstt, Duval,
Hill, Katterjohn, Mayers, Oahlachlseger, Voter and Nilliamson,(9), .'
game read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Repealing the Huckster Ordinance On,motion said
drdlnalloe was rejeotod upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, NOBroom, Hill, (2)ll
V%\p r
Mayas Bernstt Duval Katter,lohn,&0ehlaohlasger, Vaaeter and Williamson, (7),
On notion the action. of tiye Board of Aldermen In regard to sending the Chairman of the Street
CosaltNe of each DOYrd^11Fe received and tllsd.
On action the report of the Board of Public Works 1n regard to the extension of water mains
eA, north 12th street wee esaelved filed and conoured-In. �. •' ,"
On notion the reQoest of the Police and Piro Comisalonere to Increase the Polios force to
3o men os refered to the Fire Committee.
OA motion the request of J.H2011bort for over asaeadment on his property moss reforsd to the Ir
Re11ef Committee. ,-7t �l
On action the reQuset of P.H. Blohon to transfer to Mrs Marlon Beryy the half of his 104
Oak Crow Cemetery Ips ratlfysd.
i Council Proceedings, City'of Paducah ...:.............'......_'. _....-........,'.'190
on motion the bill of Hendricks, Miller and Marable nos refored to the OSty„BoilelLor t
4.to softie Roos a upoa Rall e! Lhs roll by the following rets. Teas, YOHroom' Barnett
D{msal, 11111, Iattarlohn, Mayers, Oeitlsohleager VemMeter And Rilliaas 1 i
On action the resolution of Member Duval ■ to district the Saloons we lost
upon @all
of the ro 1
F by the following role, 7su, McBr00a, Barnett, Dural, Rad H1110(4),
gatterJehn, Mayors, Oehleohlugsr, VenMater and Williasson"),
the action of President YoBrooa to hors Harrison street 1„f { Det gen SU sad 14th, ad �4
r, 11th, street from Monroe to Madison, wps lost
.motion of VanMeLer SL qa adopted that the joint Lloanse committee Rost before the
fir” o! July to hear coaplaints F6 against saloons. -" l
f On aoL3oa of MsmDer Swett it nos adopte6 that the Joint Public _�� � r'
.. ZeprormenL committee
the Hoard of Public Works, uet next gond
I RRRJ!! ) ay eftet-ncon and decide as is tetat i} �r
kind o! bridge E.Q I dge. to build cross Island creek, .1
( - — OnXO%10n She.... ' .
r Ad ._ .. .. Boats Adjourned,
opts _ - •',x
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