HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 351, April 17, 1906N
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah
C®uncil Pr®ceedfls
' At s called meed
ng'og the Council hold In the Couo11 Chamber In the Olty Hall April
17th, 19049 with President YcBroom presiding and upon call of the roll the following
ansh4red to. their names, MOBrom, Bennett, Duval, Herzog, :till Kattorjohn, Kolb, Meyers,
' Oehleahlaeger VaNleter and wi111mssu, (11 ),
...._ -. �'j'IfS�yFiT-gF-wGbg'SLARt5=r3,Tif=res-efi=the=e„�i '.
\� The Mayor read reason for call,
Member Hill read an Ordlnanoe ontltled an Ordlnenoe Providing for the sale of 'a Pranohlse
and privileges for the purpose of orecting and maintaining an Elootrle (>trost Railway
In the City of P^Aucah, Kentucky, by title as the rule had been suspended, On motion amid
OrAlnanea was given Ste'eeeonA peonage upon cell of the roll by the toll:owing veto, Yaae
a r�� Negroes, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, KatterjOhn,KOlb, Mayers, Oshlchlsequr, and 111111sm
son,(1O), Hays, Vanlleter,(.1), .
Basis read the resolution authorising and dlracting tie Mayor to employ Licuroa Rios as
Cc vPollce with Police po4re at a salary at x`75,00 per month, for three month or longer,
On motion said resolution wee given its second adoption upon call of the roll by the fnl-
lowirW. vote, Yean,Me Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill,Katter John, F.olb, Mayors,
n�l' I Oehlsohlergcr, VSNteter and nillimeor., (11),
On Hotton The Board Ad jounned. ____ __
Ado ted Mny the 21st, 1.906,
r City Clark r•... d...r ta.crd n/rhunailnlge: "I•
, r_r
�AI'e caled meeting of the Board of Cuonoilmen hold in the Council Chamber in the City Hall
!April the 24th, with President Mo HT , e 1 ng a upon 11 of the roll the, follogS
answered to their nemss YeBiYeR '
tThe Mayor read reason for call
, d�%I�-f0f'�.`���.L�~/
'` 4:.a,.e•� ,On motlun it w#n adopted ths:; the Mayor Da Snrtructr•, to denA �SQO, CO to the euffors In Bao- -I
yPraro loco, and saae to be ohnr,6ed to the iontingent fund, upon call of the llby the follow1r4
V/0 vote yeas. Lom
'eRee, 7�a.(. +.�i]/-LL. /r7c.++. •r. >✓.,(,C�..----.!�•s�.-.. .!-.��.w6-..�tl.
J 'On Motion the following Resolution was adopted, to -wit:- Nherean it is not thourRhly arida" ;•41.
/ stood by the general Council Be to the rights grr.ntod to the Carnlvnl Co7,anlen with rcCnril 1111
n `to lleeneeprlvelog.,e eonnocting with dle„penoing intoxlcatlnr llgoure upon on Carnival
�,!grounde, therefore Dc It Peel vett, That :he prlvoleges heretofore granted to nnid Carnival
Companies, do not carry with them the riFht to dicpennn intoxicating 1lgours upon thn Csmlval
L ;
grounds, *during the operation or any Carnival to whom further privelegas have been granted, On
�l :motion said Hegolutlon was given its first punsn,e upon call of tiro roll by the follow4ng vote'
�;'•i �On motion the rule was suapendeA and said ronolution was given Ste :waond paaeapo upon Dell
j •', " nf: the roll by !the following vote, Yen@, • �h
�On�motion It w e adopted that no charge for salaries should be charged to the 'City for amid
�ameting, .Ori totlou The Board Adjourned,— -I'n
j Adopted, May 21st, 1906,
- �y'•,1.r,� City Clerk. �=-__.._
a r,awa: rc..ar.�r moi.
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