HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 342, March 19, 1906.w It '• Council Proceedings, City of Paducah r .. ...... _...,180. At a rgular meeting of the' Board of Couollmen holed In the Council in the CILy Hall' ` .;• �. March the 19th, 19p0 and. upon cell old the roll the following answered to their _ no-eaq MoBroomo Barnettr DSPPle,. Duval'r Hill, Kettet ohsr Kolb, Meyers, pehleah-� :.rk•. ' lager; Venileterand WSlllnmeaa,(11). Y On motion the minutes of the prevsleeting ape adopted me send end oorreatod,:'._,,.. The Mayor rend a communication from the Paducah. Traction Co, in regard to extond--)'-'.•..•. .I inq their Street Cdr System along certain stre4ta, 1n the City, On nntlon It was II r� a refered to the City Solicitor and Joint Ordlnencs to bring In an Ordinence in 'regard to anme. .. ._ .. . _ _'!',•>'' �' `-... Sime reef n communication from the Board of Public Vlorks 1n regard to an all V ween�Parle Meyers 'end Clemente etreete to be dedicated to the Cit not Paducah, / r Yr Y ft On notion t1� dsoomendeLlon of tlh' ifo.erd was ooncured in /• r Goma read tiro bids ca-�bn tow old Lana wagM to be repaired? on Moylon it woes ..j , l s .r refered LotMa Joint' Pira and Polios Committee Mt dpower to act, upon call of As `'i +•: '; �' --Lira .roll Dy't,s folloMng rote, Yaee, MoBroom, Barnett, Duval, Dlppla, RSlle Ketterjo,P4 Kolb, Meyers, .09)col�aeger Yammetar;and Williamson, (11). Same stated that tyke roof of Lip No I. Firs Department .was in need of »pair@, an- i I O notion SL was refered to LI\a Joint Piro Committee witltpower to act. Same read s communication from tip Butchers Aoeoa(astlon in reF:nrd to people eslllg op meets on LY)e Market Mt Lire Inspection of Moat Inspector, On motion it was regard w to TI•e meat Inepaotor and tIV Board of Nealth ++' 8ame read a com'nunication from*L a Srerrlll-Hu@eell lumber Co, On moySoq it wae•s' .... I4 j• :( L, n , I refered to ttts Joint Ordinance 'Co',emittee and the City Solicitor. " '•" _ J.' y Berne rend • Communication from Llp Paducah Doz and Basket Co, for exemption, 0n ^r motion it was refered to tare Joint.Ordinanoe Committee and tVp City Sollalter `' ^-/'Sema .read a com,;unicetion from City'Solloltor_ Campbell in regard to Ordlnem ee, rN /y I' On motion it wee•refared to tto City Solicitor end ,Joint Judioesyy Committee and sport bank, Game reed a communl cation from tto B,+erd of PuD11a Works In re Bard to laying a pip,:: -.j,- `� •(ivy h 'f rem j1•d and Fhrrl eon etreste 4t hand Madison ' leading to - watld tto river, On motion'',,'; "�' •" �o .; i Sf: was refered ,to "§'Bosrd,of Work@ wit'hpowei to act to 'Ave name fixed,' upon call':' {{ 4 pf t A -roil py''t t6'folloMng rote, McBroum, Barnett, DSpplel, 4111, RsLterjorM 4 t4 ole, Meyers,'Oe ileo Meager and VanMoter and Williamson (11), v _ ci+ !.. . ?i T re Ci Engineer reported t AL Lis, deed to t h ally beck of L he 4L h street ins f �iR h ft, ueLO bad never been recorded, on•motion It was rotered to t A CSL, Solicitor, + y t , } 1�emDer Rolb read L b silowehome •of tin Joint Finance, '9r muantiag to $6.169.49. on ) s .motion same was allowed upon call of t A roll D L A following . , Y ng rote, Yeast YOBroom 4i r_ a 'f/4` Biernett; Dlppla, Dural, etter,lo�bi, Kolb, .Meyers, Oe 1LGGIasger,- VanMeLer, WS111 ameon(11 ) •: t 1- a s1 -!:. i ` _ 1}•il notSon of Homber` Hll 1L wne. refered to to _Joint, Ordinance Committee. to matters - C �k Wyr .,•.!tr C�' T+lm Tar`- r� �� ., , �, — fir, K. f "Y• }^! fr ,�`„y , P inB V4tt offset Detmaonitbrrleon'andCley, etreate -. ,t ;, 7 ,�, '; ,t, i.�, - '.,hO6..iIw,vGaC vn...,,)n+.,....a�. r-.�;�,•n'•r•,a:.d.]4.Y:(-isY.:Y�:�1='.yays0•uum..,ruu.a:.w, -__ +.r..+.vx.A>a.a r.• Y y �^ l.. :5 L 1 r.• rti i N \1�`. Council Proceedings City of Paducah .......1.... ... W are Dootora Brot tors and Big kill addressed t In Council in regard to haveing t Is power to 1. D��,M',/"�/.,'w/I � _appoint tis Sanitary Inspeotore by t b Board of Ibalth ion motion 1L was rejected. ! ,/ Sams read sn'Ordinanakentitled an Ordinance Exempting New Yanufactur$ng Enterprl ise Ea-' 1. •If,//s „LsDlls led In Tb City Of Psduos :j Kentucky, From Sts Payment Of. M Ad -Vel arum -Tax 'To•T is ✓/} //I¢/ City Of Paduoa q For a Period OF Five Years D title as L to rule ?ad Dee / , y n( suspended, On . / motion said Ordinanoo was glvrn its second peonage upon call of t tv roll by tto following vote Ysae,'YoBroom, Barnett, h1pp10s IAlv1.l, Hill, Katterjotn,Ko1Ds Mayoral Ot Hnotlasgur, Varriator- ' .l4 pp (s 1 .T `I . 'Ltttf `..�s 1ti` � 3✓'tli r.. , "us. '4JJ,r"gr.�^,-z-t_I; .r- ihls :: tR L ! 1'1 • \1�`. Council Proceedings City of Paducah .......1.... ... W are Dootora Brot tors and Big kill addressed t In Council in regard to haveing t Is power to 1. D��,M',/"�/.,'w/I � _appoint tis Sanitary Inspeotore by t b Board of Ibalth ion motion 1L was rejected. ! ,/ Sams read sn'Ordinanakentitled an Ordinance Exempting New Yanufactur$ng Enterprl ise Ea-' 1. •If,//s „LsDlls led In Tb City Of Psduos :j Kentucky, From Sts Payment Of. M Ad -Vel arum -Tax 'To•T is ✓/} //I¢/ City Of Paduoa q For a Period OF Five Years D title as L to rule ?ad Dee / , y n( suspended, On . / motion said Ordinanoo was glvrn its second peonage upon call of t tv roll by tto following vote Ysae,'YoBroom, Barnett, h1pp10s IAlv1.l, Hill, Katterjotn,Ko1Ds Mayoral Ot Hnotlasgur, Varriator- " and w1111croson(ll), Sane read an Ordinance entitled ;.n Ordinance oontracting for fuel, forage and irro)sries, On n•. � / ry' .motion ceid Ordinance wsa given its first '.I g pnssago upon call or roll by tis fo11ow1np, . Nota, Ysae, YaBroom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Illi, Kattsrjo Ms Kolb, Mayers, Oe Hso Hsegor �Y_SWA8tGb and 111llieneon (11), , .1 r� Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Amending„ An Ordin"oe; Entltled:mAn Ordinance . Fixing and Regulating Dleehess on Various Linea of Business Cal .tinge, Oocu ation and Prof as ,Ck " Jona In L Is City Of Paduca fie Adopted by tto Board of Council January 16% 4 1906, Adopted by t ' Board, of Aldermen January 19t 4 1906, and approved by 0, 0, 9terk3, Mayor Pro Tem, Jcnuary ZO' I t q 1906, and Attested By Fenry Railey City, by title se tte rule lad been suspended, On - motion said Ordinance was given its second passage upon call of tie roll'Dy '%to following vote ' Yeas, YoBroom, Barnett, DSpple, Duval, H11, Katter,lo)M, Kalb Yeyare Os Hallneger, VanNoter and Willinmron (11), (Bums, being Section IV BS). Dull On motion tie Resolution In regard to Coffeu Fbuses, me elven its second or t roll 1. Aupon fby t h Collowin;; vote, Yost. YcBroom, Barnett, DSpple, Duval, H11, Kattnr Jo M, Kolb, Yeyexn ' .I• Jam` VanYeter and 1.1111nmson, (10), Naye, Do h 'no Melorer,(1), 9sma rend an Ord lnanco t /11 On motion of same tie PUD110 weye Ordinance was refered beak to tis Joint Ordinance Committee! , Seine reed an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance arenting enol prvlaing for tie eels 'oY s.Franc Kee V. a for a privelego to operate and maintain s Steam Perry between tis City of Paduoa 4 and' 'tka I' r 1 State of Illinois, by title an tto rule ]ad Deen suspended, On motion said Ordlnunce wee_ IiI r van Its second passage upon call of tie roll by t b following vote, Ynae, He Rroom, Sarnatt; DSpple, Duval, H11, Katterjo kri, Kolb, Moyers, no Hso tLaeger, VanYetar and Williamson (13 ), j Smmq read tto Tax Levy Ordinance filing t )a Tax rate of tin City at L40 per 100,00' dollars, ! 1 On motion said Ordinance was lost, Del- 1 tI Same road. an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Fixing 't ie Tax Levy of its City. of Peduoa h for � •,• tto Year of 1906, at 41.65, per 5100.00, and tis rata of t Is poll Tax wit h t Is Purposes of ( 1 /1 t to said Levy T toreunder Dermad, On moth said Ordinance wan given its first passage upon call of t to roll by tts following, vote, Yeas, YaBromms Barnett, b1pple, Uuval, H11, Kattnr- Jo ms, Ro10, Yeyerem Oe Keo Hasgsr, VenYeter and 111111 emaon,(11 ), '. A.i�✓ ) On motion of Rome t is Raeoolrutlogin regard to tto Joint Ordlhnnoa Committee to D' pasenik �/i✓ upon kald Committee before t k Creaentatlon to tto general Council 'of t he City, was given its %,(� second passage upon sell of t to roll by t Is following vote, Yeas, Ya Broom, Iiarnett, DSpple '. l 'Duval, fill, Ketter,Johr, Kolb, Yeyere, Be HealLaegers VUWnter and Williamson,(11), �.. i On motion of name t h1 PaducahTraction Co resolution In reRerd to: ttuir:.troub)slwagon going',!- A/�!�'"•x I • • 3.16 Council Proceedings, City of Paducah...: . .:.:.. over tleI speed limiter On notion said »solution was gi veu Its .second pane age upon sell of t b, roll Dy tin. f0110w1ng voter Yeser M0 room, Bsmatt, Diople JL'. •�' ,:`:... Duval,' H11,Katterjo hf, Kolb, Meyers Be dao Heeger, Venilater and Williamson (11),, •'i �t :; Member Nilllemeon rend request from property owners to lave t he Nater Cop *to �e:''� Lend t heir wateY mains on Bout h It h street 500.d9(feet, On mot Ion t to water Co as ' instructed to extend t lair mains. Same read a aommunloatlon from t te Board ,of Under -writers in regard to to appoint,_,?'•;:_ C" �mmtoof an AeeleLmt.Elestrlcel Inapeator, On motion it was reiercd to t be. Jo �.Piro Committee and report back t bir recomendations. _ Member Meyer@ read tie deeds to lots in Oak Grove Cemetery to w.M.YaKewin' and - - --•••- "�_t:' "' ��� Pd Martin'v'hrira' On motion said deeds wore ratlfyed. �NI1 r n, Y On motion of Same the action of Lie Board of Alderman was concaved -ins in regard._::] '-''"' (/•� y/ ` to the request of Mre Y.D.Kelly for lot in Oak grove Cemetery. J (� On motion of Member Vanmeter it was adopted ,t)at tis City Clerk preuent •all Ord - AUL OtlaVltt_YICb _ Samoa■ fe.91i• after any paCesge�ot trio board to t.ls Board of Aldermen. `• . On motion of Member Duval It was refered to t to Board of Public RorkO to look I4 after, tto matter of • pond in bad condition between 6t h 7t h lirris and`Boyd'Sts, ;On motion it was refered :to the Joint,Ordinance Committee to bring in,an Ordinanos�____, • Adopting an Ordlnanoe.,o tinging t h. Automobile. tag plate.. - - __• .I �• e1 G On motion L to action of t to Council was censured in, - in regard to an ally on. �� - t h east Olde of south 3r`d, street, between Beebmd and Caldwell BLs, - -....... • /JV• ' --'--'------- __--- On Motion -Tie Board -Adjourned 71 OUT Clark to ,, Yruidenetlovd n(. CoasaSrerwa l'` `' A-% ��°®ceedm yes ' �;,'•- At 'a called meeting of•t"ls Board of Councilmen leld in t b Council C hmber 1n the _ r`r City, loll Marc h t to' 19t h, 1906, at* 10. 30, 0 clock, p.m. and upon call of ,the roll r :L L .following answer* d*to:t islr names meBroom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, fill, Kat— ...... ati- �'y .l J, l•; LerJObl,. Kolb, Meyer@, Oeliso Y•soger, VsnYeter"and willimson,(11). li •` H, T h ,mayor read reason for oPll, To -wits Gentlemen I lave celled you to -got ter for L•M t )a F„ i•r \'., iia purpose 'of giving second passage tot 1p'Tax rate :Ordlnrnoo - ' D. A.YLeeee mayor. i �. .rfe M1 y . iHillr;eadraanOrdolnanoPLsnDitiadomoOt`dtnae000 tglxing ^the the Tax iwty ' ;br Rate in the Cit of Paavosh-for the year of 1 y Ye 906 at .a1�.4 per =1V0.00r by title (y i. ,,i, 1` 4.b� a the rule had Dwn'auependadrOn notion said Ordinance was given iLs@esond pass " r If 1A.a 13 �sge upon Call of th,i roll b the;followi vote Taas me Broom Barnett Di le I Y i l ':buvalr H111,_Kstterjohn, Meyers, Oehlechliager, Kolb r VanNoter and NS111meM(11) Lion The Board Adjourned. * - lost �� J a +yt S• .r" r'� r ' �` 19 V"— l' -I.- 118 —'7• 4.' I. i .. . S.• > CSt7gat�7 . ,. .•.. r:. PrisWre! Ona '' ' �"dG..'.'.:•.il-1n;J�i�iy'M.Jl3J:y..r.. n . _'•`-_lt.:4cu.a+:t1`+t�rsfa,i,"r1..fly+1F+••i•:9:W.tIM�'�->sa:.w,w..r..:.�w Wdw:e..