HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 342, March 19, 1906.w It '•
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah
r .. ...... _...,180.
At a rgular meeting of the' Board of Couollmen holed In the Council in the CILy Hall' ` .;• �.
March the 19th, 19p0 and. upon cell old the roll the following answered to their
no-eaq MoBroomo Barnettr DSPPle,. Duval'r Hill, Kettet ohsr Kolb, Meyers, pehleah-�
lager; Venileterand WSlllnmeaa,(11).
On motion the minutes of the prevsleeting ape adopted me send end oorreatod,:'._,,..
The Mayor rend a communication from the Paducah. Traction Co, in regard to extond--)'-'.•..•. .I
inq their Street Cdr System along certain stre4ta, 1n the City, On nntlon It was II
r� a refered to the City Solicitor and Joint Ordlnencs to bring In an Ordinence in
'regard to anme. .. ._ .. . _ _'!',•>'' �' `-...
Sime reef n communication from the Board of Public Vlorks 1n regard to an all
ween�Parle Meyers 'end Clemente etreete to be dedicated to the Cit not
/ r Yr Y
On notion t1� dsoomendeLlon of tlh' ifo.erd was ooncured in
/• r Goma read tiro bids ca-�bn tow old Lana wagM to be repaired? on Moylon it woes ..j
, l
s .r refered LotMa Joint' Pira and Polios Committee Mt dpower to act, upon call of As `'i +•: '; �'
--Lira .roll Dy't,s folloMng rote, Yaee, MoBroom, Barnett, Duval, Dlppla, RSlle
Ketterjo,P4 Kolb, Meyers, .09)col�aeger Yammetar;and Williamson, (11).
Same stated that tyke roof of Lip No I. Firs Department .was in need of »pair@, an-
i I
O notion SL was refered to LI\a Joint Piro Committee witltpower to act.
Same read s communication from tip Butchers Aoeoa(astlon in reF:nrd to people eslllg
meets on LY)e Market Mt Lire Inspection of Moat Inspector, On motion it was regard
to TI•e meat Inepaotor and tIV Board of
++' 8ame read a com'nunication from*L a Srerrlll-Hu@eell lumber Co, On moySoq it wae•s' .... I4 j•
:( L,
n , I
refered to ttts Joint Ordinance 'Co',emittee and the City Solicitor. " '•" _
y Berne rend • Communication from Llp Paducah Doz and Basket Co, for exemption, 0n ^r
motion it was refered to tare Joint.Ordinanoe Committee and tVp City Sollalter
`' ^-/'Sema .read a com,;unicetion from City'Solloltor_ Campbell in regard to Ordlnem ee,
rN /y I'
On motion it wee•refared to tto City Solicitor end ,Joint Judioesyy Committee and
sport bank,
Game reed a communl cation from tto B,+erd of PuD11a Works In re Bard to laying a pip,:: -.j,- `� •(ivy
h 'f rem j1•d and Fhrrl eon
etreste 4t hand Madison ' leading to - watld tto river, On motion'',,'; "�' •"
�o .;
i Sf: was refered ,to "§'Bosrd,of Work@ wit'hpowei to act to 'Ave name fixed,' upon call':'
4 pf t A -roil py''t t6'folloMng rote, McBroum, Barnett, DSpplel, 4111, RsLterjorM 4
t4 ole, Meyers,'Oe ileo Meager and VanMoter and Williamson (11),
v _
ci+ !.. .
?i T
re Ci Engineer reported t AL Lis, deed to t h ally beck of L
he 4L h street ins f �iR h
ueLO bad never been recorded, on•motion It was rotered to t A CSL, Solicitor,
+ y t , } 1�emDer Rolb read L b silowehome •of tin Joint Finance, '9r
muantiag to $6.169.49. on
s .motion same was allowed upon call of t A roll D L A following
. , Y ng rote, Yeast YOBroom 4i
r_ a 'f/4` Biernett; Dlppla, Dural, etter,lo�bi, Kolb, .Meyers, Oe 1LGGIasger,- VanMeLer,
WS111 ameon(11 ) •: t 1- a s1 -!:. i ` _ 1}•il
notSon of Homber` Hll 1L wne. refered to to _Joint, Ordinance Committee. to matters
- C
�k Wyr .,•.!tr C�' T+lm Tar`- r� �� ., , �, — fir, K.
f "Y• }^! fr ,�`„y , P inB V4tt offset Detmaonitbrrleon'andCley, etreate -. ,t ;, 7 ,�, '; ,t, i.�, -
'.,hO6..iIw,vGaC vn...,,)n+.,....a�. r-.�;�,•n'•r•,a:.d.]4.Y:(-isY.:Y�:�1='.yays0•uum..,ruu.a:.w, -__ +.r..+.vx.A>a.a r.• Y
y �^
l.. :5 L 1 r.• rti i N
Council Proceedings City of Paducah .......1.... ...
W are Dootora Brot tors and Big kill addressed t In Council in regard to haveing t Is power to
� _appoint tis Sanitary Inspeotore by t b Board of Ibalth ion motion 1L was rejected.
! ,/ Sams read sn'Ordinanakentitled an Ordinance Exempting New Yanufactur$ng Enterprl ise Ea-' 1.
„LsDlls led In Tb City Of Psduos :j Kentucky, From Sts Payment Of. M Ad -Vel arum -Tax 'To•T is
//I¢/ City Of Paduoa q For a Period OF Five Years D title as L to rule ?ad Dee
/ , y n( suspended, On .
/ motion said Ordinanoo was glvrn its second peonage upon call of t tv roll by tto following vote
Ysae,'YoBroom, Barnett, h1pp10s IAlv1.l, Hill, Katterjotn,Ko1Ds Mayoral Ot Hnotlasgur, Varriator-
.l4 pp
1 .T `I . 'Ltttf
`..�s 1ti` � 3✓'tli r.. ,
"us. '4JJ,r"gr.�^,-z-t_I;
:: tR L
! 1'1 •
Council Proceedings City of Paducah .......1.... ...
W are Dootora Brot tors and Big kill addressed t In Council in regard to haveing t Is power to
� _appoint tis Sanitary Inspeotore by t b Board of Ibalth ion motion 1L was rejected.
! ,/ Sams read sn'Ordinanakentitled an Ordinance Exempting New Yanufactur$ng Enterprl ise Ea-' 1.
„LsDlls led In Tb City Of Psduos :j Kentucky, From Sts Payment Of. M Ad -Vel arum -Tax 'To•T is
//I¢/ City Of Paduoa q For a Period OF Five Years D title as L to rule ?ad Dee
/ , y n( suspended, On .
/ motion said Ordinanoo was glvrn its second peonage upon call of t tv roll by tto following vote
Ysae,'YoBroom, Barnett, h1pp10s IAlv1.l, Hill, Katterjotn,Ko1Ds Mayoral Ot Hnotlasgur, Varriator-
" and w1111croson(ll),
Sane read an Ordinance entitled ;.n Ordinance oontracting for fuel, forage and irro)sries, On
n•. �
/ ry' .motion ceid Ordinance wsa given its first '.I
g pnssago upon call or roll by tis fo11ow1np, .
Ysae, YaBroom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Illi, Kattsrjo Ms Kolb, Mayers, Oe Hso Hsegor
�Y_SWA8tGb and 111llieneon (11), ,
r� Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Amending„ An Ordin"oe; Entltled:mAn Ordinance .
Fixing and Regulating Dleehess on Various Linea of Business Cal .tinge, Oocu ation and Prof as
,Ck " Jona In L Is City Of Paduca fie Adopted by tto Board of Council January 16% 4 1906, Adopted by t '
Board, of Aldermen January 19t 4 1906, and approved by 0, 0, 9terk3, Mayor Pro Tem, Jcnuary ZO' I
t q 1906, and Attested By Fenry Railey City, by title se tte rule lad been suspended, On
- motion said Ordinance was given its second passage upon call of tie roll'Dy '%to following vote
Yeas, YoBroom, Barnett, DSpple, Duval, H11, Katter,lo)M, Kalb Yeyare Os Hallneger, VanNoter
and Willinmron (11), (Bums, being Section IV BS).
On motion tie Resolution In regard to Coffeu Fbuses, me elven its second or t roll 1.
fby t h Collowin;; vote, Yost. YcBroom, Barnett, DSpple, Duval, H11, Kattnr Jo M, Kolb, Yeyexn '
Jam` VanYeter and 1.1111nmson, (10), Naye, Do h 'no Melorer,(1),
9sma rend an Ord lnanco
t /11
On motion of same tie PUD110 weye Ordinance was refered beak to tis Joint Ordinance Committee!
Seine reed an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance arenting enol prvlaing for tie eels 'oY s.Franc Kee
for a privelego to operate and maintain s Steam Perry between tis City of Paduoa 4 and' 'tka I'
r 1
State of Illinois, by title an tto rule ]ad Deen suspended, On motion said Ordlnunce wee_
r van Its second passage upon call of tie roll by t b following vote, Ynae, He Rroom, Sarnatt;
DSpple, Duval, H11, Katterjo kri, Kolb, Moyers, no Hso tLaeger, VanYetar and Williamson (13 ), j
Smmq read tto Tax Levy Ordinance filing t )a Tax rate of tin City at L40 per 100,00' dollars, !
On motion said Ordinance was lost,
Del- 1
tI Same road. an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Fixing 't ie Tax Levy of its City. of Peduoa h for �
•,• tto Year of 1906, at 41.65, per 5100.00, and tis rata of t Is poll Tax wit h t Is Purposes of ( 1
/1 t to said Levy T toreunder Dermad, On moth said Ordinance wan given its first passage upon
call of t to roll by tts following, vote, Yeas, YaBromms Barnett, b1pple, Uuval, H11, Kattnr-
Jo ms, Ro10, Yeyerem Oe Keo Hasgsr, VenYeter and 111111 emaon,(11 ),
A.i�✓ ) On motion of Rome t is Raeoolrutlogin regard to tto Joint Ordlhnnoa Committee to D' pasenik
�/i✓ upon kald Committee before t k Creaentatlon to tto general Council 'of t he City, was given its
second passage upon sell of t to roll by t Is following vote, Yeas, Ya Broom, Iiarnett, DSpple '.
l 'Duval, fill, Ketter,Johr, Kolb, Yeyere, Be HealLaegers VUWnter and Williamson,(11), �.. i
On motion of name t h1 PaducahTraction Co resolution In reRerd to: ttuir:.troub)slwagon going',!-
I • •
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah...: . .:.:..
over tleI speed limiter On notion said »solution was gi veu Its .second pane age
upon sell of t b, roll Dy tin. f0110w1ng voter Yeser M0 room, Bsmatt, Diople JL'. •�'
Duval,' H11,Katterjo hf, Kolb, Meyers Be dao Heeger, Venilater and Williamson (11),, •'i �t :;
Member Nilllemeon rend request from property owners to lave t he Nater Cop *to �e:''�
Lend t heir wateY mains on Bout h It h street 500.d9(feet, On mot Ion t to water Co as '
instructed to extend t lair mains.
Same read a aommunloatlon from t te Board ,of Under -writers in regard to to appoint,_,?'•;:_
�mmtoof an AeeleLmt.Elestrlcel Inapeator, On motion it was reiercd to t be. Jo
�.Piro Committee and report back t bir recomendations. _
Member Meyer@ read tie deeds to lots in Oak Grove Cemetery to w.M.YaKewin' and - - --•••- "�_t:' "'
Pd Martin'v'hrira' On motion said deeds wore ratlfyed.
�NI1 r n,
Y On motion of Same the action of Lie Board of Alderman was concaved -ins in regard._::] '-''"' (/•�
y/ ` to the request of Mre Y.D.Kelly for lot in Oak grove Cemetery. J
(� On motion of Member Vanmeter it was adopted ,t)at tis City Clerk preuent •all Ord -
AUL OtlaVltt_YICb _
Samoa■ fe.91i• after any paCesge�ot trio board to t.ls Board of Aldermen. `• .
On motion of Member Duval It was refered to t to Board of Public RorkO to look
after, tto matter of • pond in bad condition between 6t h 7t h lirris and`Boyd'Sts,
;On motion it was refered :to the Joint,Ordinance Committee to bring in,an Ordinanos�____,
• Adopting an Ordlnanoe.,o tinging t h. Automobile. tag plate.. - - __• .I �•
e1 G On motion L to action of t to Council was censured in, - in regard to an ally on.
- t h east Olde of south 3r`d, street, between Beebmd and Caldwell BLs, - -.......
• /JV• ' --'--'------- __--- On Motion -Tie Board -Adjourned
OUT Clark
to ,, Yruidenetlovd n(. CoasaSrerwa l'` `'
A-% ��°®ceedm yes
' �;,'•- At 'a called meeting of•t"ls Board of Councilmen leld in t b Council C hmber 1n the _
r`r City, loll Marc h t to' 19t h, 1906, at* 10. 30, 0 clock, p.m. and upon call of ,the roll
r :L L .following answer*
d*to:t islr names meBroom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, fill, Kat—
�'y .l J, l•; LerJObl,. Kolb, Meyer@, Oeliso Y•soger, VsnYeter"and willimson,(11).
li •` H,
T h ,mayor read reason for oPll, To -wits Gentlemen I lave celled you to -got ter for L•M
)a F„ i•r \'., iia purpose 'of giving second passage tot 1p'Tax rate :Ordlnrnoo -
' D. A.YLeeee
mayor. i �.
.rfe M1 y .
iHillr;eadraanOrdolnanoPLsnDitiadomoOt`dtnae000 tglxing ^the the Tax iwty
' ;br Rate in the Cit of Paavosh-for the year of 1
y Ye 906 at .a1�.4 per =1V0.00r by title
(y i.
,,i, 1` 4.b� a the rule had Dwn'auependadrOn notion said Ordinance was given iLs@esond pass " r
If 1A.a
13 �sge upon Call of th,i roll b the;followi vote Taas me Broom Barnett Di le
I Y i l
':buvalr H111,_Kstterjohn, Meyers, Oehlechliager, Kolb r VanNoter and NS111meM(11)
Lion The Board Adjourned. * -
lost ��
J a +yt S• .r" r'� r ' �` 19 V"— l' -I.- 118 —'7• 4.' I. i .. .
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