HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 336, March 5, 1906ri,..,. Ata roglular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held On the Council -Chamber In . City Hall, March the 5th; 1906, and upon call of the .roll. the following answered ewersA •.•-=-.i.-�_ to their? mea,' McBroom,.Rsrnett,.Duvall,Heraog, HSll,. Ksttsrjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehleohleager, Vnn'Ieter and WSllimeon, (11). .. --,� �• The Mayor reed a petition from Dubois Kolb ,end nd others .. Co,. protesting against. �'•)r✓/,, IR.E.L.Mosholl being-gronteE, a Coffea,Houce it 426 Broadway, On motion it pe racals ad and filed ... ,: ., _` •'.,..;. t On motion the roqueet of the,Board of Underwriters In regard.to.Appolnting m : i'4- r tom: p •Y 0 ysletrloal Inspector and the application of. David . Breabraugher war, received .and filed d :.. 14ame raeA a 4mmuniaetlan,fron .the Bontd of-Pubi1 , 1n regard �to the .6th„oL, Ialand Y' Creek Bridge costing the City about � 600.00, to repair ams, On motlon..tha Board :����•; �, �;� <•t.., llI �4 of PUDl1o, Works .were Snetru lLed to have ams repaired .upon of the roll by .the -following vote, Yeas, NoBroom, Barnett, 11uvn1, Herzog, H3110 ReLterJbhn, Kolb, Meyer/ Oehln:.411nager and VnnVetar, (10), Nays, i1111medn, action of Las Board of regard to the re On motion LM ?. ). � quant of R. L. Teta, 1 On motion The Joint Street Committee and The Board of P4D11a Works and OSLy. Eng near :•it:; •.'I' ' were Instructed to have Bnumers'?.t°1 tepnlrad.upon all of Lhe roll by the following .s�'t �'.• .'j / rota, Yese,:M 'Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayors;,Oohl- jf,'"` r .e klsager, .VanMbter and Williamson , (11),I)r ha Mayor -stated that :he wee against Lhe'Oity 'farmSng'out75 Elva of the City's A1,rd' llghtn, to -the Peduoei, Light, nrl Pn Mr Co, stated his reseone therefor _.: .. •,. ., , .... '....t.. '` Member Kolb read the report of the Treasurer and A&.Itor for ths:month ending Paby,. ., the 25th, 1906, On motion'ebme was reesived and filed: .. .. .. .. '' • �. •-'Uma reed the lnllowanooe �of the Jo1nt.Plnmaa OomnitLea,rmounLin to. 26960.91, :.for'- '' ?`•,i .-- :• striae, D111e and at*,- for the month .of. Peby; 1906, -On motion. sera .wee allowed '•'�� ,- ¢y ::.L . . vpon osll'of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, M'Broom, Barnett, Duval,,Ren t nEr 'To^: 1i111;.Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers,"•Oohlsohlaegerj VsnMoter.md-Willimson,(11): (Y Boma read tho'raport of the Joint Finnnos recomending the tai rate of the City be A Seed at *1.65 Menta per hundred, On motiohQ4t wuq redblved and filed. On motion St wee rafered to the Joint Judlai r wl..+tt ••}'`'t'••- i .. ryl power to 'sot to employ legal _ • : ; _ . help to'eeelenlet-City' So11oltor Campbell to_prene.Ute the Case against the East, V.Tonnoaaea Co. yMambo* Hill read -an Ordinance 'entitled an Ordinanoa•PLzIng the Levy Or Rate .Of Taxi i �at'Ton On Property, In• The, City Of Paducah Por-ne Year Of 1906,'And .'The Rete Of 'y '1 ThW Poll Tax 'With' The'Purpoee• Of ':Said Levy Thereunder Defined,' On motion said Ordla , Whoa irae given Ste first-'peueage upon "all of the roll' by' thi�following-vote, r t• l s Yeee„ Ho Broom, Ralnett, Duval; Hbrzog 'Rill; Moore and m "Rlllieon,(7)a Maya'.KsL i , Lerjohn,�Kolb,Oehleohlnegar and Vead(oter,(4) =a.read an- Orsinmoe entitled in Ordlnenaai Eae t t ` //` . mp ing No■w Manufactur, ing Entor�,; am .' Council Proceedings.City of Paducah...:::._...:':....._..._..._...._`... ; ri,..,. Ata roglular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held On the Council -Chamber In . City Hall, March the 5th; 1906, and upon call of the .roll. the following answered ewersA •.•-=-.i.-�_ to their? mea,' McBroom,.Rsrnett,.Duvall,Heraog, HSll,. Ksttsrjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehleohleager, Vnn'Ieter and WSllimeon, (11). .. --,� �• The Mayor reed a petition from Dubois Kolb ,end nd others .. Co,. protesting against. �'•)r✓/,, IR.E.L.Mosholl being-gronteE, a Coffea,Houce it 426 Broadway, On motion it pe racals ad and filed ... ,: ., _` •'.,..;. t On motion the roqueet of the,Board of Underwriters In regard.to.Appolnting m : i'4- r tom: p •Y 0 ysletrloal Inspector and the application of. David . Breabraugher war, received .and filed d :.. 14ame raeA a 4mmuniaetlan,fron .the Bontd of-Pubi1 , 1n regard �to the .6th„oL, Ialand Y' Creek Bridge costing the City about � 600.00, to repair ams, On motlon..tha Board :����•; �, �;� <•t.., llI �4 of PUDl1o, Works .were Snetru lLed to have ams repaired .upon of the roll by .the -following vote, Yeas, NoBroom, Barnett, 11uvn1, Herzog, H3110 ReLterJbhn, Kolb, Meyer/ Oehln:.411nager and VnnVetar, (10), Nays, i1111medn, action of Las Board of regard to the re On motion LM ?. ). � quant of R. L. Teta, 1 On motion The Joint Street Committee and The Board of P4D11a Works and OSLy. Eng near :•it:; •.'I' ' were Instructed to have Bnumers'?.t°1 tepnlrad.upon all of Lhe roll by the following .s�'t �'.• .'j / rota, Yese,:M 'Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayors;,Oohl- jf,'"` r .e klsager, .VanMbter and Williamson , (11),I)r ha Mayor -stated that :he wee against Lhe'Oity 'farmSng'out75 Elva of the City's A1,rd' llghtn, to -the Peduoei, Light, nrl Pn Mr Co, stated his reseone therefor _.: .. •,. ., , .... '....t.. '` Member Kolb read the report of the Treasurer and A&.Itor for ths:month ending Paby,. ., the 25th, 1906, On motion'ebme was reesived and filed: .. .. .. .. '' • �. •-'Uma reed the lnllowanooe �of the Jo1nt.Plnmaa OomnitLea,rmounLin to. 26960.91, :.for'- '' ?`•,i .-- :• striae, D111e and at*,- for the month .of. Peby; 1906, -On motion. sera .wee allowed '•'�� ,- ¢y ::.L . . vpon osll'of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, M'Broom, Barnett, Duval,,Ren t nEr 'To^: 1i111;.Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers,"•Oohlsohlaegerj VsnMoter.md-Willimson,(11): (Y Boma read tho'raport of the Joint Finnnos recomending the tai rate of the City be A Seed at *1.65 Menta per hundred, On motiohQ4t wuq redblved and filed. On motion St wee rafered to the Joint Judlai r wl..+tt ••}'`'t'••- i .. ryl power to 'sot to employ legal _ • : ; _ . help to'eeelenlet-City' So11oltor Campbell to_prene.Ute the Case against the East, V.Tonnoaaea Co. yMambo* Hill read -an Ordinance 'entitled an Ordinanoa•PLzIng the Levy Or Rate .Of Taxi i �at'Ton On Property, In• The, City Of Paducah Por-ne Year Of 1906,'And .'The Rete Of 'y '1 ThW Poll Tax 'With' The'Purpoee• Of ':Said Levy Thereunder Defined,' On motion said Ordla , Whoa irae given Ste first-'peueage upon "all of the roll' by' thi�following-vote, r t• l s Yeee„ Ho Broom, Ralnett, Duval; Hbrzog 'Rill; Moore and m "Rlllieon,(7)a Maya'.KsL i , Lerjohn,�Kolb,Oehleohlnegar and Vead(oter,(4) =a.read an- Orsinmoe entitled in Ordlnenaai Eae t t ` //` . mp ing No■w Manufactur, ing Entor�,; am I ll,y ..1 :� Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.,., -..-,,:!..T ........... 190 I' -- 11. ------- — t. ///1/�r' O �prisn BataDliahad In The city of Paducahs Kentucky, Prom The Payment Of Ad -Valorem Tax To The V City Of,Paducah, Per a Period Of Five Ye are, On motion said Ordinance was given its first Pte• :r I en e upon. call of the roll D the following ( 8 p y ng rote, Yese, MYDtoom, Barnett, Dural, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohns Kolb, May arms Oshlschla ger, VanYeter and wlllimson,(11), / Some read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Creating and Providing for the bele of a Franchise i Or Priveleg* To Establish, Maintain and Operate a Stem Perry between the City of Paducah, '1 ^ and the State of Illonoie On motion said Ordinance n given Its Bret / , p g peeecy,* upon call of I , 4 J the roll by the folbowing vote, Yeas, Mo Broom, Aernobt, Duvals Herzog, Hill,Katter,)ohns Kolb,i- � r /�/ 1 Meyers, Mhleohlaagers VanHetse and w1111emeon,1111. �..` Same read s resolution to use the Block Map System 1n the City of Paduoah,'by title an the .I f .f rule had been suspended, On motion said resolution was F.Ivveenits w•bnd adoption upon cell of, p�1q�✓j/i11/,� I. the loll by the following vota,Yeae, Yo6roon, Barnett .Herzog, H111, KaLtnrJoM,, Kolb, Meyers, Oetleahlaagars V"Moter and lllllimeon, 01), _ Same rand en Ordinance entitlert an Ord i:•nee Prescribing and regulating the number of Pollowen ' I . and Pollee Officers on the Pollee Force 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by title an the rule •-. had been suspended, On Motion Bald Ordinance 1µn given Its neoond passage upon dhll of the .� Oroll by the following vote, Yaae, YoBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, H111s Kstter,loM,Kelbs I j 1 Mayoras OshlechlaeRej VanMeter and Williamson, (11). {I Sw e read an Ordinande sr.tltled an OTdinrnCO Providing for the original oonetruotion,�by .` n grading and .graveling of 19th, etrar.t, from s point where ems Sntaresetn the mouth property -.I linear washing street Share a point ems Sntsrn*ote Guthrie Avenue, and Guthrie Avenua�whatal.n rams intersects 19th, street to s point #here same interne ota the Mayfield Roads in the City i of Paducah, Kentucky, by title as the rule hadbnrn suspended, On motion said OrdlnenCn_ els Sven Its second passage upon Dell of the roll 0 Lhe following vote Yese YBDroom Harnett' ` B P C P y' R s. s s on Dural, Herzog, Hill, Kattarjohn'Kolb, Mayers, Oahlachlaegers VanMeter and N1111mnon,(11), Sn ee read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance mending an Ordlnanoet- v An Ordinance Fixing ! y►' And Regulating License On Various Linea of Duainesa, Calling, Occupations and Proteeelone, .; In the City of Paducah,'-- Adopted by the Board or Councilmen January the 16th, 1906, nv'A Adopted by the Aoatd or Aldermen Janes try 19th, 1906, Al.proved by O. R, Starke, Mayor Protea, i. January 20th, 1906, and Atte.ited by Henry Bailey City Clerk, ( same being section l' 85 of � .1. f. C4 license OrdlnanCe for the year of 1906r ), On motion said OrdinaO `a vas given its !loot passage upon 6%11 of the roll by -the following votn, Yese, N %room, Barnett, Duval, Hartogs Hills KatterJohns Kolb, Meyeris, Oahladhlreger, VanMeter and w111imuons(11). .✓ � fi. !.. Sam* read the following Revolution?To-wit:- ) Resolved-- That the;O*neral. Council of'I ({h the City.of Paduonh,Ky, elected to serve during the year or 1906- will net renew any Coffee License which • ires on ha 30th of June 1 06 to an portion- firm or Cb expires y , 9 , y p rporotlon who during 6 month prior.to that time 1u•.d boon granted a license of this kind or had been proven guilty Oor donvlctad for violating: anyofthe: provisions of raid 11 `ane* or permitted r!' Miolatad-Dy,OletikAedowdawpldyeela or any Ordlnanoea of the City of Paducah, nollin force orj 1 tj hereafter passed and adopted regulating the sale of Splttlous, Vinous and Ynit LSgapras On h • motion the above reeolutoen 'pa given its first adoption upon cell of the roll by the folio} ! ing vote, Yese, M,%rooms Barns". Duval, Hills Herzog, Katter John,Kolb, Mayers, Oehleo'hliager, .J o. 'c ^ Council'Proceedings, City of Paducah,.-.*-:......: 1 •'-' ;VanNgter and WSlllanson, (11); I ... ... Same read the fdllowing Raaolution-To-wit;- t• i ' - Whereas, 11 1s doomed more expedient i=-7 '," •^; that the Ordinanie presented Loathe general Council; ehall.be passed upon or draft947hrough the Instructions of the Ordinance Commlttea of the General... .,Council: And, Whereas, it Is .the opinion of,the Gonar".1 Council yhet,umneo'lseery �;t`y^.• . ;.Annoyance. and trouble will be obviated thereby,. Be IL Resolved, ThatallOrdinan'!e presented to the General Coundil, wuepL Sn�j^ ' uses of extreme emergency, shall be presented after such Ordinance has been —%.t %✓' refored to or drafted under the super vision of the Joinl-Ordinanos Committee _ ,••? ;"-F-, i 5:and in no .other py,.On motion said resolution was given its first ndoptlon. `11 upon `ill of ,the, roll b ' J y the .tnllowinr; vote, .Yeas, .M'Brcom, Barnett..:Duval, .. _ Harzng, Hlll,Knlbt Meyers,. 0ehlechlaeger,.,VanMeter, and; WSlli"son,(10); pays, -•= �,-- 1 0' .. _ ape On motion the Light and Power Ordlnan'b refored back_ to the Bdard of Aldermen �rOn motion, of Member Icilliam"on the Paducah Water Cc was instructed. to extend the! , I, rt1 �Hld water mains, on Broadway from 24th,, street to 25th, street, ' 0� CJ III p"yw On motion ofsame the Pnducsh Water Co was instructed to extend their water mains Y n gamoton Ave, from 12th, to 13th, street, _ 'On motion the mutter of Smprrvaing'Lhe Piro Station at the corner of 4th, and Eliza `ath "etre e, was refored to the J .. /•.dry'/u�F�s�'1':._„ -•rn ,rr, co .:� ...- _/J Committee. 7 .: �. -... 'i,.. .. Ifr',fi roar c � Ihrv^i^':Idrr of-, •' e..yi,t� /: u.n• , . non 11 0000 'ry 40 11: ember Barnett read an npplim,bion from The Jake Biederman Distillery Co, for • 7� ,Ooffee House license at 115 and 117 south s000nd•etresti they offered as their 7 of i bond, Henry Biederman and B. J. Prlester, On motion said 11 'anae was granted and �`AA•JI, bond accepted D upon X11 of the roll by the following voto, Yeaa, McBroom, Barnet$ I � } M'�• Dyvalf Herzog, Hill' K&ttarJohn, Kolb, Meyero, Oshlsohlaeger; Vandeter and W11 x bane »qd an nPPllcetion from the Jake Biederman Distillery Cc to Wholesale Bee" r if " a at 115 and 117 south, sword etrset,., they offered as their bona Henry Biederman r, fl r� • rU.•, and B,J.Prlastar,.On motion said lioense wan granted Ad bond accepted upon .. +•_ call of Lhe roll by Lha following vote, Yeas, MoBroom, Barnett, Duffel, Herzog, �Hil1,�Kstterjohn, Ko1b,,Moyera,Oehloohlseger, VamMeter and Williameon,(11), \�� .:.r .. Same read an application from Clarenoo Caper for a Coffee. House license a! lOLh, .t r s and,Husband■ streets, he•offsrsd •w his.bond the Illinois Surety Co of Ohioago, On motion said license was grantedeand,bond accepted upon 111 of the roll b the "following' vote,Yeas'MoBroom,:BarneLL,•Duvel,'Hersog, H111, KaLtarjohn-- Vii`•'"- •_.Kolb LMeare ager, V �anMeter., and W1111 smear Y z Oehleohint r ,till). •` ,-. I" y:_ Sarna resden eppllcation\ N,0 Yoder for a Coffeu. Roues 1.1aanu -st•lOth, end Morton rt `uw4y�_•,+.„�, 1 �, .ori„ a f7 :r i� i :71.'? '.. i., eL P.. '. :'r1`i '•\ 1.*.., rf,�+i4'uc1'}.:W+hiY2.::W+,�:+dr• L.a..r•,.ti �l'�A;a�.• "kZY'+[l�+Jw+WnKariesw ,�..sr +way.. .. G I .... .. t- yn S. 7n r d:. tI 1 •'-' ;VanNgter and WSlllanson, (11); I ... ... Same read the fdllowing Raaolution-To-wit;- t• i ' - Whereas, 11 1s doomed more expedient i=-7 '," •^; that the Ordinanie presented Loathe general Council; ehall.be passed upon or draft947hrough the Instructions of the Ordinance Commlttea of the General... .,Council: And, Whereas, it Is .the opinion of,the Gonar".1 Council yhet,umneo'lseery �;t`y^.• . ;.Annoyance. and trouble will be obviated thereby,. Be IL Resolved, ThatallOrdinan'!e presented to the General Coundil, wuepL Sn�j^ ' uses of extreme emergency, shall be presented after such Ordinance has been —%.t %✓' refored to or drafted under the super vision of the Joinl-Ordinanos Committee _ ,••? ;"-F-, i 5:and in no .other py,.On motion said resolution was given its first ndoptlon. `11 upon `ill of ,the, roll b ' J y the .tnllowinr; vote, .Yeas, .M'Brcom, Barnett..:Duval, .. _ Harzng, Hlll,Knlbt Meyers,. 0ehlechlaeger,.,VanMeter, and; WSlli"son,(10); pays, -•= �,-- 1 0' .. _ ape On motion the Light and Power Ordlnan'b refored back_ to the Bdard of Aldermen �rOn motion, of Member Icilliam"on the Paducah Water Cc was instructed. to extend the! , I, rt1 �Hld water mains, on Broadway from 24th,, street to 25th, street, ' 0� CJ III p"yw On motion ofsame the Pnducsh Water Co was instructed to extend their water mains Y n gamoton Ave, from 12th, to 13th, street, _ 'On motion the mutter of Smprrvaing'Lhe Piro Station at the corner of 4th, and Eliza `ath "etre e, was refored to the J .. /•.dry'/u�F�s�'1':._„ -•rn ,rr, co .:� ...- _/J Committee. 7 .: �. -... 'i,.. .. Ifr',fi roar c � Ihrv^i^':Idrr of-, •' e..yi,t� /: u.n• , . non 11 0000 'ry 40 11: ember Barnett read an npplim,bion from The Jake Biederman Distillery Co, for • 7� ,Ooffee House license at 115 and 117 south s000nd•etresti they offered as their 7 of i bond, Henry Biederman and B. J. Prlester, On motion said 11 'anae was granted and �`AA•JI, bond accepted D upon X11 of the roll by the following voto, Yeaa, McBroom, Barnet$ I � } M'�• Dyvalf Herzog, Hill' K&ttarJohn, Kolb, Meyero, Oshlsohlaeger; Vandeter and W11 x bane »qd an nPPllcetion from the Jake Biederman Distillery Cc to Wholesale Bee" r if " a at 115 and 117 south, sword etrset,., they offered as their bona Henry Biederman r, fl r� • rU.•, and B,J.Prlastar,.On motion said lioense wan granted Ad bond accepted upon .. +•_ call of Lhe roll by Lha following vote, Yeas, MoBroom, Barnett, Duffel, Herzog, �Hil1,�Kstterjohn, Ko1b,,Moyera,Oehloohlseger, VamMeter and Williameon,(11), \�� .:.r .. Same read an application from Clarenoo Caper for a Coffee. House license a! lOLh, .t r s and,Husband■ streets, he•offsrsd •w his.bond the Illinois Surety Co of Ohioago, On motion said license was grantedeand,bond accepted upon 111 of the roll b the "following' vote,Yeas'MoBroom,:BarneLL,•Duvel,'Hersog, H111, KaLtarjohn-- Vii`•'"- •_.Kolb LMeare ager, V �anMeter., and W1111 smear Y z Oehleohint r ,till). •` ,-. I" y:_ Sarna resden eppllcation\ N,0 Yoder for a Coffeu. Roues 1.1aanu -st•lOth, end Morton rt `uw4y�_•,+.„�, 1 �, .ori„ a f7 :r i� i :71.'? '.. i., eL P.. '. :'r1`i '•\ 1.*.., rf,�+i4'uc1'}.:W+hiY2.::W+,�:+dr• L.a..r•,.ti �l'�A;a�.• "kZY'+[l�+Jw+WnKariesw ,�..sr +way.. .. G I .... .. >,fj T. 339 F Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,';, ....... ......... ........ ... . /90 'struts he offered an his bond the Illinois Surety.Co ot,.Chloago,On motion ,said 11L:ensewea _ granted and bond accepted upon cell of the roll by the following vote, Yese,.McBroom,Duvol, Barnett, MrzoP., Hill, KstterJohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oahlechleeger, Va"eter and Williamson ((11)', Sema read a request from property camera and others protesting sl'alnat,a saloon at' 426 Broad- way on motion it was received and filed. i'. Same rest' rn application from R,E.L.Monhell for s Coffee House lioenee.at'#426 Broadway,. On•I +•'•• 'motion said license was rejected upon cull of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Katter- � ,John, Meyers, Oehlaahlrageri VanMetor and W1111amnon,(5), Naya, MoBroo>p, Burnett, Dgval, Herzog, Hill, and Kolb,(6): " Esme read a request from O.E,Blacknall to move his Corfu House from 202 suotH, 9tH, street, to 204 south 9th, 0n motion hie request was granted, -..I Same read , request from S,Starks asking the Board to accept the Illinois Surety Co�of y --y ,�`•{.= Chicago in lieu of his former bondman, S.I.Levy as Coffee Hofaa Keeper, On motion the a' , `O ••- request was granted end .bond accepted uon dell of the roll by the following vote, Yeac, Ma- � Broom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter John, Kalb, Meyers, Oehlechlaegee, VanMeter and •: y .. L , .•;I-•, .On motion 7[C.Hoerber was nocapted in lieu of p.J.11argdoll as bondsman for Jae J. Ma Aughan an Coffee House keepers upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yana, McRroom,Rarnett',- •. `(Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter John, Kolb, Meyer-, Oehlnchleeger, VaMleter and Wlllimeon,(11), ! 1On motion P.C.Hoerbor was sooepted 1n lieu of p,J,Bergdoll an bondsman for Lee S.Robartnoq' �f a as Coffee House keeper, upon call of the roll by the foll•,wing vote,Yesu, Mo Broom,'' Barnett, fI Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlechleager, Vandeter and.Wllli mron,(11); j - On motion P.C.Hoerber via accepted in lieu of P.J.Rorgdoll as bondsman for R.L.Peecher an. f, /O Coffee Rouen keeper, upon `sell of the roll.Dy the fallowing vote,Yean, MaDroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter John,. Kolb, Meyers, Oehlechlaeger, VanMeter and Willlaneon,(11). pt' motion the Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, was accepted in lieu of Sam I. Levy as bond ' I I' for Nichols and_neboe as Coffee Nuuse keepers, upon call if the roll by the following vote,' ..-. Yeas, ItaBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlechlaeger,Hill, VanUeterl .i - rand Williamson, (11); motion P,C,Hoerbor was econpted In lieu of Y.J.Bargdoll an bondsman ror, p,D,Rodfue as Car - Fee .House keeper, upon call of the roll by the following vote,Teae, Mo Broom, Barnett, Juval, ��/ / ` Herzog, H111.,Ketter,JoHn, Kolb, Meyers,.0ehlsuhlaeger, Vanmeter and Willinamon,(11).• ! motion N.C.Hoerber was accepted in lieu of P.J.R,!rgdoll as bondman( for Oso H.Andrect as ! ((P"' Coffee House keeper, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yana., MoBroom, Barnett, Duval: .;�IY Hsrtog, H111,. Katterjohn, Oahlechlaeger, Meyers, VanMoter and Wi111mmnon,(11), •+j mot lon,P.C.Hoerbor gyres accepted In lieu of P.J.Bargdoll as bondsman for Alex StorrU ae� QQQ � Coffee douse keeper, upon `ell of'. the roll by the follovring,Vote,Year, McBroom, Barnett,. Duv61, Herzog, Hlll� Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oehleahlaeger, Vanllstai sr.d Wllllamnon,(11),." 'n 'r YV.J motion P,C, HosrDer wee accepted In lieu of N,J, Bergdoll an bondman [or E. W. Derry as Car- r House keeper, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, MaBroom, Barnett, Duvslj�.'' Herzog, Hill, Kattar John, Kolb, Meyers, Oshkachlaeger, Vanlleter and Williamson, (11).. i" 11 •� On motion P,C.Hoerur was accepted In lieu of P.J,Bergdoll an bondsman for Oeo )If f. Coffee House keeper, upon call or the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ma Broom,Bsrnette;.:pu,a '. .• `J � . y ,.. ,,. .'iii �.,t :. ..}��'G . !Vi Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ....... ..... ......... 190 • - VanUater and Nllliamson,(110., stn motion P.C.Hosrber was accepted in lieu of P.J.Bergdoll as bondman fo! J.D.Orar street as Coffee House keeper, upon toll of the roll by the following votes'*' a , • i, • M'Broom Barnett Duvolq Herzog,gill Ketter ohm KolbYe ere Oehleohlae er : 'i; ��L ' 1 .', Verd(eter eM NSlllemeon, (11). � � On motion P,C.Hoerber •rsa accepted in lieu of P.J.Bergdoll as bondman for J.J.Inly se Coffee H6ued keeper,_ upon wall of the roll by the following vote, Team, Mb- <•;!...Broom,, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kstterjohns Kolb, Meyers, OehlsahlaegerrI VwWoter and Williameon,(11).' Member Dural offered the following Resolution, To -wit:- -- Be it resolved that the , .Paducah Traotiont Company be permitted po drive their emergency wagon se feet se - -,-- - they wish to go, in going to make' repairs of brakes in wires, provided -that they •.!;`w,;-"'r�ring s gong while going, On motion said resolution was given its first WopLion s "+ pan `all of the roll by the following voter Tess, MOBr00m, Barnett, Duval, Her- j ` Zog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlechleeger, VanMeter and Williamson,(I.1 An motlon the motion of the Aldermen was bnoured-ln in regard to a deed to a lot w in Oak Grove Cemetery to W;M.McKewen. �I rOn motion the action of the aldermen was oonoured-in, Sn regard to the request of re M.D,Kelly for deed to her lot in Oak Grove Cemetery. _ '_Y"1� r'•_ e City Clerk reported that the County Clerk had returned the deed of Irene B. He Cry YI �eso to the City for o perail of lend on Caldwell street Dat Nen eighth and ninth . i l' ✓ 91 - ;.'.!'bLr0ataI on motion it We refered to the City Solicitor. r ^ motlon the motion of the Alderman was concured-Sn, in regard to the Board of i. F :, •,�. ,-,... Supervisors reoonvoning and Linke up the matter of meeeement of the Feet Tennessee �: t•+'.� - .I. Company and said Company pay cost of'same. ?'t { r On motion it wins refered to the Oity Solicitor the matter of hmveing all of the •'' „• '*'� ' "-.-'':: v City Ordinances and resolutions printed in' h P P empl0t form,. from the year of 1993, i np to the preent,•time. Y • 'Y N I Jl� h Qn notion the City Solicitor was instructed to bring quit against all delinquent ,5 payers.i; t (. ,r Y rn., f .,-. r .. •r t p motlon the ,Chief of 961100 was Instructed to Infords the aMove-on' Ordlnands �/ If I . n motion of member VenMetsr It was adopted that all feed-ntudf, Coal�.ye�M'J�etc: / Dought•foi`• the City be weighed upon the City's scales wLth-out eztrwtnd th0 Jo1L t I•_, I ' 5 i i y PSnsnos Committee not allow, any b111s untill same ohs 1 be-gomplled 14th. 1 af . (�jy+. On moil on of wane it was refered' to the Joist Railroad to request Lhi LC.Rai lro•d . - s I-6ompany to put. all oars on -their -line Lsht was ordered by the City tor•bott feed �. stuff and oto: be delivered on First street so an' to b0'welghed an the City's" } ule motion the'requiat'of •the property owners 'in Mechanicsburg 1n r0gard to'cpaa ing�• •• I- k`� (•rA/ >`rah Ally from Clemente to Meyers mtroot. 's refored to the Board of Public Works t V ) nit t3%• fi; r7� +It"7•r . +,! t. i. •':'' �� ws..,# -� g f 'T ti +.,+ r . } - I t �LIl.•L(3{4W.w+.•""•+L...i•i.LL'••+L%r"rL•.:u.:(iiLr'S+::�v..dal.•.L:tnYet�+w..++...+.ru� -- ... u � •;'E:i4y:d�^'.' n .+„ k'~is .. ."; is '+.r}j1. •f-�y rs f'/ rt.�`c�..�. � '^,.;'t9-r^•yr..,. 2,,:.r �. .... ;,r_ �I .. ,y,;. ..� •. ., Coy.%. .' . nctl Proceedings; City of Paducahr'::.::::,-'';;:;:- 190 ,.1 -• '1'';'.J- On -motion of member 11111meon lit •ae.'refered to the Joint P1nan`e Committee to bring in an Crdlnmdw ooearing all teama working in the City, - • ::. --.� -.-.. ----Cn Motion The Board R'P, 101906 MAR 101906 ' • �� `. Pruidplt L'ourd c,� . '- GSnlnnllmrla . 1 u. Y L 1 t Y L I , it fi :.i l .Y I • � t t , i '\ , ♦ Iv 1 r \ ( I 1 r fl YT. !r i Y 1 1 ✓/I 1 1 R ��,� t. 1! �i( � 7f 1 }• 1.-l,yfAa P'7)ril'�r' 1 Ifi }.. 1.1 i a, 'cU/. .. .. ...... - rt.. .. .!_.x ��... %-il. ......�}r, _`..1J b.. ...a14'dl+Ai:la.•.ioP-� �•aw,<r. rl.,.nir 11. ..