HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 333, February 19, 1906' �] t 3 �� r � r: t-��.ti�.j %ys�-�a lti •r'rf zYh�•.�,y .iC�.. .,Y, , ,- . 333. Council Proceedings: City of Paducah ....... ......................... ..:.. .,...•.. '`°.:';..... 190 On moylon of Member. VanHeter, It rafnred to the Auditor and tt•e City Rsglnesr to .bring in a i/ report showing -for p ng where and how the money was spentlatreet Improvements, Sidewalks and Etas On � ` motion same ee adopted, --- ----On motion The Board Adjourned,— -------------------- l FEB i;;i 1906 1.% VIM FEC 19'1906` - c•,.e Q-i-Q.ta, „:.Icu,( Nen,'d n� wnn.Mm.a. " City Qiarxi - aunc Its to low At a regular meeting of the Board or Coumell held In the Council Chamber in the Ulty Hell. •� Peby, 19th, 1906, with President McBroom providing and upon call of thn roil the following' ,answered to their names, MaBroms Barnett, Dipples Duvall, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oehlschlaeger, VmYeter and Pillimeon,(1.2.), On notion the minutes of the previous meeting, were adopted as corrected. On motion the action of the. Aldermen was oonoured-1n, in regard to eztnnding the time of the :/"L•,�t`., Boadd of Supervisors. On motion of Member Ketterjohn 1% was rarared back to the Hoard of :upervisors to take up the question of reduceing• the assessments on the Cumberland end East Tennessee Telephone Cos I and the Tallephone Cc to pay the coat of aims. The aayor ru d a request from the.Paducah Tractional Cc anking the City to permit thalr_trouble wagon to go faster than the regulation 'epsod when a cell is put in for ems. On motion It vise / refered to the Joint 3e.11roed Committee and report Deck. i Sme reed s communlontlon from Nlrs Che1f flood in regard to a 2 otory bul ldSnd on the aorner�- and Broadway of melaen Ally,Ain n Dad conditions On motion 1t was refered to the Pira Cheif and the joint l; Piro Committee. 'Pfl Sam* read a communication from the Board or Public Forks In regard to repairing the street I'UI I ,nd ( roller, On motion.the Board of Pub11e were Instructed to have ems repaired and charge emei .,• (Y ..y� to the River -side Hospltal,account I, Same read a aomimmicatim in regard to boats carrying their frleght across the Fherfboats, On motion It was refered to the Board of Public Forks. / {j'Sme stated that the City and County should be oaperata from their Taze a and requested that its j)the Poesdents of each Board appoint a committee of three to, draft suitable resolutions to mend ' �to the Ligislaturs, President Ma Rroom.• ppolnted Members Vnnlleter, Burnett and Hill room trio • .�_ Board of Councilman. I. 1 ,Av game stated tHat Milk Dealers and others was complaining about the license charged to the deals /,Y�'r/1/) .•�. era that lives 1n the Country, On motion it was refered to the Joint Ordinance Committee to ! take the matter up with the Liwonae Inspector and 1tract him in regard to name, ! •I On motion It was TnYered to the Joint Sewer Coomltt hire m Civil Enginmer to assist !f U , Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. 190 . City Engineer Washington to furnioh plane and speeitlastions.andmap off the sewer district FROM 9th? street out. On motion SL was refered to the Joint Pub11e Improvement Committee to take up the matter _:. of heveing the Island Croak Bridge repel»d, and the Board of PuD1U Warks bring In: 77UU r, p y recomendstlone in regard to come. On motion the.requeat of Rickman and Schulte to transfer their Coffee House license arV to 701 Jackson street, was granted, .� 1,';3•' On motion the request of the Postsl.Tolegrap4tto paint their poles green was, grant / VLed,n motion Lhs petition Sh »gard to appointing two.DeaLives on tEe Folios Poroeso "raoelvud ehA filed. he Manager of the Brunswick, Blake Dillard Hall stated that he wee broke and that. He is willing to pays license for the months of .Januar and Febua . Y ry, On motion SLI' was adopyed that he pay for said months. Member Kolb reed the allowances of the Joint Finesse Committee, amounting to 1 $3.541.61, On motion same was allowed upon call of the roll by the following •1- '/ Yeang Mo Broomo Barnett,DiPPis, Duvall RereoBr Hilll Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, ;j! Oahleahlaeger, VanHater and William on,(12),' Beme preeanted.•the bill, of the printing Co, amounting to t91:85, On motion said bill wan allowed. •. ?`' : '' r; +; Member Hill rend on Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Prescribing and ReEvlating the s.' _ ,.�T- Number of Policemen and Pollee Officers On The Polio* Force in TTho City Of Pad- .)r••/ I ''r?.• uosh, Keniuoky, On motdon said Ordlnanoe was given its first passage upon call of the,roll by the follows vote Yeu MoBroomg Barnett D3 le Duvall Herzog, Hlll­," ,Vy Retterjohn KolbMe ere VanMeter and Williamson 11 Nae Oshlsohlsa, r (1)., �•, L . �., "• � Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original Done LrucLSM.'r.(: ...J• by Ornding and Graveling of 19th, street, from s point where same inLoreeoLe the ''�i: •` t.:. r y�`�� • • South property line of Washing street to P P Y B p•Snt where some Intersects Guthrie p Avenue, and Guthrie Avenue whore same intersects 19th, street to a point where v same intersects the Ma Saldroad in the Cit of Paducah Kentuc S'f r Y . Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance was given its fire-- passage upon call of the roll by the following vole, 1 '•, ) �. F. I r I Yaue, No Broom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Herzog, H1119 Ratter John, Kolb, Mayers, `Y ')�r.• Oehleohlasger, VMMeter end Will ismson,(12) 6. .. •, ':�• , I' ,Y • read'an Ordinan `e entitled an Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Ebtitled-Y Ord- VL inanat Fixing and Regulating License on Various line* of Business; Calling, Occupot �i;A _ z. :n�, tons and Protsesiona, .in .the City of Paducah, Rentuokt�, Adopted Dy the Board of v, Councilmen, January l6Lh, 1906. -.and Adopted January 19th, 1906 by the Board of Alda•,}J:., .. i `. i GY 'r 'Nt ermm,'ApprotoA. Dy O. B. Starke Mayor Pro -Tom January 20th 19060 and ALNeted Dy ri M X i alt, Henry �Ba11ey,,City Olerk,9oruae being sections 90, 91 and 149), On motion•eaid 1 tl t J i� I ? .,: •:lt�q�� n`ti+ Ordinahc`e %Aa given Its second passage by title as the rule had been suspended !��1 '%i upon, call of the. ,i•oll by the following as, vote, TeYeBroBarnett, DL n oM, ppU� I t r a �Duvsl, Herzog, Hill, Ksttorjohn, Kolb, Meyers, OeElsahleegar, Vnnl[et*r and William" �4p :. �/ Y son, (12) , S F {I: amber WS111amoon road c requ*nt from property owners 1n the neighborhood of 16th d ' ,4 ..a`V:Gr`+=- 4lit.:?:.P.vu�A4i:.au✓+,,.—•...�. �...--.:-�.. �.::.].�,:::t+.V::.:>."�'1.'.Y..:.a:.v.�.c.':v:..+::...�.� Wit Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.:.._. _...:. ",:.:........ ........ _..... 190' E ,Jolles.otreety On motion the Water Cc was instructed to extend their Maine along said, y � arrest.' i � _.. '.- �' :- ..; .,. -. '., f-, - On motion It was refered to the Joint pollee and Pira Committee to have the # 2:Pira Station, l "n, 7'—, 7'" extended to as to have the Piro Engine put'in same, t On motion It was AdOPted that P-rneldent Ma Broom, go'ito'Plankfort to fight the�Polloo,blll and`t work against same, upon call of the roll,by the following vote, Yeas,.Ma Broom, Barnett, Dippl',i • 's, Duval, Harcog, Hill., Kolb, Meyare,KatLer John, Oehloohlaeger,-Vanbleter and Williamson' r12r. i - On motion the resolution of Member Ketter John , was Adopted,'To-wit:= Whefe-ae. the City now owns, unflnislwd block plat books and Where-as, It is considered of great necessity that : r a. r said plat':booke be completed to date, now therefore be it r.. i Resolved:- that L,A.Wsehington, City.Enelnenr be }hrorlced-and Inntruated to.make the necessary arrangements with the McCracken County � n I abstraot and Title Co, to secure Information sufficient to oompleto said bloat: map or plat' v ryTf/' or, books from let, to 10th, street, and Monroe to Washinpton Streete, and to take euoh,other ;ae Y , k. - steps as are nessaaary to complete said plat books es ..Boon se possible, and make arrangem1.ent j and keep said plat books when an complete\ip to date and report Bush arrengements;to the; Usnir: al Council, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yean, MaHr00m, Barnetti Dippla,, .' Duval, Herzog, H111„ Katter John, Kolb, Mayers, OahlsohloaCar,,VanMeterand Wllllemson,r12r,-i On motion of member Duval Stw 4e adopted that all olty gob printlN g be refored to the Joint Pt r i Printlrg Committee before the amtraoy In let. ' .On motion the action of the' aldermen was oonourad-in, in regard the report of the City Aud=., Itor anct Olty Clerk in regard to Ordinance of the City of the second class. On motion of member Oehlschlaeger it was refered to the City Solicitor and thi73olnt Ordinai�e to bring In a report in regard to the sleglbliltyyof the offices of . City Physician, Sewer I Inspector and City Weigher. ! .:., On motion the.aetion of the Board of Aldermen was oonourad-in, In regard to re funding.to i D.M.Johnston and Co, A.V.Bauer, H,H.P,vans, 0.}',Bennett, Padgett and Co, Henry Oellman and Y CHas Smiley their L75.00, pctd for a Coffee ilouee.11 can::e. I� On motion the motion of the Aldermen wad oonournd-in, in regard to amending ivatlon 3076 : - of the Charter. On motion tha;rration of the Aldorm-in was ooncured-in, in regard to haveing.traine' stop at. '12th, and Trimble, and 11th, 'and Broadway,I':. On motion the action the Board of Aldermen wan conaur*d-in, in rngard to the Joint Printing 1{ /^// •' Con�alttba to have all OOdinsncae printed in phamplet form, from the year of1893,up to the 'l . :.V present time The President declared the motion out of order In regard to not haveing all Oddlnancon to In. elude publication. I .. ----'--_---------- On Motion The Board Ad Journed ------------------r-- cifJr oldf�.+ :4 2