HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 330, February 5, 1906Council Proceedings. City of Paducah,._ '..:.:::.:..:_....;'790
v I AT A REGULAR YFETINO .OF THE Board of Council held In the Council Clamber in.the Cy
city Hall, Peby, the 5th, 1906, and upon call of the roll the following answered to
I their names, MaBroom, Barnett,
J DSppls, Duvall,' Y111. Kolb, Yeiers, Oehlechlaeger, V
N'" l
r•• VwWoter and Wi113smson,(I,Q).+
On motion the mlmntae of the previous, meetings were adopted as read.
king for a leno of absi,sh'e'..•The Mayor read a request from OSty Engineer Washington as
/ during the month of Pebu¢ry, 1906, On motion said re
quest was granted. (!"
�. Same presented the Apportionment Ordinance for the year of 1906,, also the Leveed
Woman Ordinance, with his signature aLLeohed. and also reado oommunlcAtlon to tha,:
Board where -in he states that SL does e:tactly moot hin views, as the Board had
• p,, .' ailed to ¢ppoitlon q eufflelent amount to meet. certain expenditures, in the np- h :•'� �)+,
portlnnmant and. requested that the deficiencies be drawn. on the contingent fund
.' "ti•_'_.,. y%
.. On motion .SL was received flied end. Concured-in. + �•r
Some reed s'oommunlcetion from the Consumers, Ia Co. where -in they'
P 9 ce StoraE Pw•
y I/� ;; agree .to sell to the City of'Paducah, Kentucky, Ice at cents per hundred,
' re I
V r pounds,. On motlron'SL was retered to the Joint Finance. Committee, with power to
"" ,.Y... r Act.
M ISame read the resignation of Mies Bird Edringt6n, as City Stenographer'and he had
s +
.1..I% y
F yffjjJ,✓/r Dppointed Yiee nerths Leming Inhereteed,' On motion his actionwas rntifysd..
4Same rend the iseivation o'f W, J,Oiledorpf, City Electrician of the City of .Pod-
nh, Kentucky, On motion St woo rn
celred filed andconcured-Sn,
'Sono read the report of W,J.OSlaoorpf in reFerd,to wire the City Rall Or motion SL
F-` Public Improvement
9o'If f ae refared to the JoinLhOrd}Rase-Committee. "r>5�'
t v Fame stated that he had appointed Yr P.O.Evertzto ecL as City E11ctr1cal Inspect
✓'+- I'
a. ..
t,'. •,.,list or .Lo succeed Mr OSladorpf untill further -action by.the general Council, On -motion
.I samew ps retlfyed...
n 7 FY �. ..
a Gama;reed a oomsmnlantlnn from JoM S. Bleeknr, where -in he states that he had ss
s3gnad end Lrunefnred to
the Paducah Light and Power Cnmpany allof his rights sS•
+ ^
Title. end Sntereet in to and that certain franchise which was sold to Me, by the
It '`'�/•' on:-'D,•A.Yieeer, Mayor of Paducah on the 7th, day of,0otober, 19059 On motion It
D g
4/,,f:,.•rae rafered'Lothe City Solicitor and The Joint Ordinance Committee.
?�emeraad•a communlcaLlon from the Peduaah Light �Powpr Compnyr, where -in ,�-IN
�; .I
state that Lhs.CO •+�V
ff e- Y ,. meanly nee acquired mElecLA In the
Clty of Paducah of
Pf7fndUash fifteen thousand (15.000)lighte end three hundred and Elft i
y (3500 kilowatts
r� r power,'On motion it xae ..
K'-') ( retered to Lhe City,Solicitor and,the Joint.Ordlnance
jv ?a+o(1 CommitteF. I /,
On otlon the Mayor' sad City-Bolioltoriweteyaurthorieed Lo.appsal the ease of -tho ar> Z/
city,age3nat Lsm Jones for soiling Whleka • t
rr. y on Sunday
., r -
' i 'Y On motion the oommunlaetion from the Board of PUDlie Norke,in re \ tl!
J I gard to shade trse� I t/Iy
to the public{ it Cnmmittes sr
If fy..
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z r • }� 'I •' 1
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ......:.:: .......,.
. 190"
' (' d✓`/��'�"TM Mayor presented a deed for a parcel of land Da1nR s part of Block No, )and g,• addition '11
/• ape In the City of Paducah, Cnom Norton B. Anderson Trustee of Irene B, floss, ,On motion the
City Clark was ordered to have the deed recorded,
game read a request from the Boarri. of Bupervleors to extend their time to Paby, the;10th,
to finish their work, On motion Bald request was granted,"
•t' On motion the communication from Rudolph gtrist In regard to a iew Suit against the City for
dmegee, was refered to Kombers, Barnett, parlay and Katterjohn. '
D.. 8sma read a report from the Paducah Water Ca,etat lcg that they hp%dna fire plug on Caldwell '
I`Btrnat at 13th, street and running went , 520 foot, On motion It woe received filed and' or-,
`dared charged to the rental list, -
" �On motion it was refered to the Clyy Fngineor, Board of Public works and the Sewer Committee
.a n'l. t/ Investl'
to ate and report back.
g P In regard to drainage rG 3rd and Madison `create •�'
On motion 1t was adopted that the City Solicitor be Instructed to bring oondemni.tlon sults rl;
Against lire I.orrotta Tully and Hr Austin Tindale to open an ally between 12th,.end'13th, etra t
and Jefferson and Monroe streets,
On mrtion it was refered to thn Joint Sewer Committee to take up the matter to extend the
latteral Sower At 10th and Jonas etrosto to the No 4 P1re Department
4 On motion the action of the Aldermen woe ooncured-in In regard to the request of the Coal Male
On motion the communication from (�V.VrlRht in -regard to City Dump was refered to the Joint '.
�V, Sanitary Commltwa. N.
�On �motlon It was refered to the Joint Finance Coq.,Sttoe with paw'er to cot to purahsre 2 dot
• r. r {photograph or the, Um Boat Paducah, from Riley an- Cook, /P/
V(On motion the recomandation of the Hoard of iupervinorn In regard wen roferad to the
1ty Auditor and City Treasurer.w•ith power•to act.
�On motion 1t wta refered to the Joint OrdInanas Commlttoo to bring, In an Ordihance to gravel ,
.)arrett street from Powell to Bridge ntreetn.
^'A✓, Member Dippla'road e. renorstranca againee B.II.1,uttrall at 17th and Tennessee atrnete On motion
it was received and flied. I
On motion it w. -s rolorad to the Joint Ordinance Committee to brine In an Ordlitance repealing
seetion #14, in the license Ordinance, "
)Member Kolb read the allow'ancas of the Joint Finance Committee for ealarlee, bills arxi F.to, mm
[I amionting to ,e,13. 291.92, Can Motion eme wan allowed upon call of the roll by the following �.
vote, Yeae, Monroom, Itarnstt, Dlpple, Duval, H111,Kolb, Mayers, Oehloohlaegor, VnnM@tar and
On motion the report of the Auditor and Treasurer for the month ending Jany, 31th, 1905, On
"-'• motion 1t was received and filed,
Member Bill read an Ordinance �"entitled r:n Ordlnmoe providing for LHa original oonatruotl on
by Rradeing and groveling of Hayes Avenue Extended, where eme Intersects Sowell street; or
the Old Denton road, 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky by title ae,tha rule";had ,been eusponded,f
1Ir / On motion said Ordlnarce was given Its second pannago upon call of the roll by the'following .l
vote, Yeas, Ma Broom, Barnott,PIppla, Duval, Hill, Kolb, Meyers, OehlechlaeRer, V"iter and 711
Same read anordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original construction by',th
e r
.:, w
Council Proceedings. City of Paducah . . ...... .
: . . .. .. .... . ........... .. .... .......
gwadir� and gr*sv*llftg of Sowell atreetv from, a point where It Intersects Ashbrooi
Avenue to the.weat line of the street known as Hayes Avenue Extended,.In the City,
-of Paducah, Kentucky, by title is the rule had been suspended, On motion said. -
Ordinance was.g Ivan its second passage upon sell of the roll by the following V: ti,
Yeaa,UoBroom, Harnett Dipple, Hill, Kolb, Duval, NeereOahlachlaeger, Vardiet
d Willimeon,(10). . ..........
'Le rear- an Ordinanas ontitlnd an Ordinance providing for the original construction
0r tho Sidewalks, Inclu ding Granitoid Curb$ and Cutters on both sides or Jones etre:
I street In the Oity of Paducah, Kontuckyp-from 9th, to loth atreetland from loth, to
11th, street*
the Sidewalks to be six feet widap-and tho curbs and Gutters t a
a b
what 1s oomsinnly known An "Combined Curb and Gutter" and all to be or Oranituid
onatruotiont by title as the rule had been suspend9do On motion said CrdInpL as
7 n was -.j".
Seven its second pamsage upon onll of the roll by the following vote., Yeas, M
Broom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Hill, Kolb, Mayers, Oshloohlaeger, Vardleter and
iilllanaon, flof ire::, r, 'Intl Lj.),:
Sams read an Ordinance entitled nn Ordinance fixing a ponality for
I - wW ono Skating J,
upon the Side qlka.in t,,e.Citj of Paducah, On motion said Drdimnee a rejected.
Same read an Ord I ztnvs entitled an OrdIrU%m0s emending an Ordinance-" An Ordinance
h,ing and regulating liasnaeo.on various lines of Business, Callings, Occupations
Id Professions in the City of Paducakq Kentucky- Adopted by the Board of Counal
deny, 16th, 1906, and Adoptad by the Board of Alderman Jany.19th, 19060 approv,id
O.B.Starka, Me
yor Pro -Tom, Jany 20th, 1906, and attested by Henry Bailey City Cl
ork L
motion said Ordinance was given Ito sGeOwl PaReago upon wall of the roll by thel
following vote, Yoav,MoBroom, Barnett, Dipple Duval, Kill, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlaah
eager, VanHoter and Willianson,(10).
'�Aii motion the report 'of the Chief of.Polive ror.the month ending Dant, 318%t wasX irrA;
reo*ived and filed.
On motion the application from Va RobAckon Jrifor-Assistpnt Electrical Inspector
.tooeived and, filed:
On motion It was refered to City W,111eer'Waahing to draw up 6 nOvIvinapt of*Oak
Grove' Cemetery
Joe Uattleon offered 8e hie bond as Sexton of Oak Grove
Cemetery the Title mA-
suranty and Tru at Company. of Scranton Pe. On notion said bond was ratifrod mid sow
aept6dp upon, call o'
VV f the roll by the following vote, Yeast Ma Broom, Barnett, Dipp
Duval, Hill, Kolb, Mayers, .0shIschlanger, Vangeter and W1111amaon,(10).
Member Williamson, read :& 0010mcation from t
h,!.Paducak water Co, where -in they state
that 'had Placed one f iro'plug.on '-Caldwell street,. beginning at 13thp.-straWan I
R9 west.520 ftQte.On
motion I its was -received and riled, and ordered charged to
whal rental liat..
Mombor-,HiIl,otf0rsd..tfin followingmojrion, That the . .... .....
Auditor and -City Clerk.be' asked'
If any"therobe, the Ordinwnco_'or-ordjuhcq@ rocresting thi following. o
iflass Bin**
City of the, secone aijea,,namele City Weigher, Sower, Inspect
Meet Inopeotori 'Adioptadj�-o.
'.3 , ,..j a n:it�:i.��?x ��.<.i �,SVti•!'i-1•vrl--ry-...A� ,r" n
. ,'I. •' 1
• ,13 I'
Council Proceedings: City of Paducah ,...... ...,190
�On moylon of Member VanNeter, it refered to the Auditor and t'I'e City Enginear to;bring In a
i/ p ng where and how the money was epan
TeOTL PROwit„treat improvements, Sidewalks end Et at On
� J/�1J ' .. _ I• r
notion same on adopted, _ _
�--- ---On Motion The Board Ad,Journed,-=-«--------------------- n i
FEB 1E.�
FEB 1-1906 1PP v� 906`
' a-e?s•s� n..11:.,d ncv,u of cwnvlue,a, . .
OitP Clor$1
AL a regular meeting of the Boned of Counell held in the Council Chamber -in the Ulty hall.
Peby, 19th, 19060 with President YeBroom prealding and upon call of Lho roil the following
answered to their nines, YaBTOOm, Barnett, Dlpple, Duvall, Herzog, Hills Kattar Jnhn, Kolb,
Mayers, Oehlechlaeger, Vankstar and Willi mnons(l:). ,
_ •��•� „ On motion the minutes of the previous meeting, were adopted as corrected.
''• On motion the action of the Aldermen wee ooncured-in, in regard to extending the time of the
•,,' .� ••
' •� Boapd of Supervisors.
V On notion of Member Katter,John It was refered book to the Hoard of :'upervleore to take up
1 (// the question of reduoeing the assessments on the Cumberland end East Tenneeees Telephone Co, I
j /,/ end the Tellephone Cc to pay the cost of Dime,
The :Iayor raid a request from the Paducah Tractional do anking the City to permit thelr.;Lrouble
{! (/j✓�1 wagon to go faster than the regulatlon'epeod when a call Is put in for ems. On motion !t. Me
refered to the Joint 3t.ilro&d Committee and report back. '
' V /,�• �
Some reed s communlaetlon from PSrs Cheif Wood In regard to a E story bu11d1nd on the oorner'l-
and Broadway
of Maiden Ally Ain a bad condition, On motion SL was reforod to the Fire Cheif and the ,Joint l;
Piro Committee.
Same read a comaaanicatlon from the Board of Public Worka in regard to repairing the street
{ roller, On motlon.the Board of PublIs were instructed to have some repaired and charge news,
to the River -side Hospital account
same read'a aow.ninlnntlon In regard to boats carrying their frleght across the Whartboate,
. on motion It was refered to the Board of Public Works, -
/ Sme stated that the City and County should be aeporate.from their Tnae a and requested that ttb
j11)the Peeadents of each Board appoint a commlttae of three to,dratt suitable resolutlona to send
jto the Llglslature, President Mc Broom,a ppolnted Members VarMeter, Barnett and hill fpm the
1I�Board of Councilmen.
v 8m0 stated tHat Milk Dealers and others was complaining about the license charged to the deals��
.ere that liven In the Country, On motion it was refered to the Joint Ordinance Committee to
take the matter up with the Liesnes Inspector and It at him 1n regard to same. � •�
:, On motion It was refered to the Joint Bower Committ hire an Civil Englnner to aselst