HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 326, January 15, 1906S -y ,
1 7tl`
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah
C oun
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At'a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held In the Council Chamber in the •.r$i'x'',*.
' Oity Nsll, January the 15th, 1 n6l with President M*Broom 4'•" -
9 r presiding and upon call o ,
of the roll the following answered to their names, Ma Broom, Barnett, Dipple, Duvall
Herzog, Rill, Kattebjohn, Meyers, Oehlsohlaeger, UnMeter and w1111emeon,(11 )', ^'�•: ti').
on motion Lhe minutes of the previous meetings were adopted an read, .a••� '_ -
t• c
The Mayor rend his annual message for the year of 1906, On motion it was roes iTed.
- ,
filed and Ordered printed in the News Papers and printed in phamplet. form. ,! "• .
Bame read the amendnments to the Charter, of the second close City/e, that w's I'•-��
adopted Ey the second class City/s delig®tlona,.On motion it was received and
filed. -
� w tr �,'h• rho Mayor stated that the Telegraph and Telephone Company/e of the City were.,
ueeing the .City/e poles by stringing.wirea thereon indiscriminately, On motion
SLwas refs»d to the City Bo11a1Lor and the Joint Light and water Committee with
.�� ower to sat..
y i
Shme read a request from the Sherrill -Russell, lumber Co, in regard to eaemptlo
�• On motion it to received and filed,
Sema eLsLsd that Yr Herbst requested LHeL He be returned the payors In regard to
suit against the City, On motion the City Clerk was Instructed to return saidpop-
� re to him and retain copy of same
Some rsaA the following report of the stinking Pond Commission, to -wit:- t
.: Gentlemen:- - :� ..
Refering to the report of the Sinking
Pund Commission, made Dec. 30th, 1905, showing a total amuont of certificates for
deposit on file,. to be $13.537.12, and the allowance on they date of $4.000.00,`�'1','a'1-•�`>�-'
-' we beg to report that certificate 2t29 was Issued this day, for this amuont,
1 + making the total credit $17,537.12, dravlrg 4,d interest, on deposit at,Ehe Amer.
3' Scan German N*Liohal Bank, PaduoM, Rentuaky, to the credit ofthe 'Sinking Pund a 1'�,(,_
of the City od Paducah.
1 Rsspeatrully-submitted-
e, 1
Alex %Srkland,Auditor. t `�
S - D. A.I'elser, Mayor.
! J
On motion the above report of the Sinking Pund was received, filed,-concured-in
r �
,,, and ordered spread upon )he mimutea, .. +• I .
Same rsed,e aommunlonElon from the Board of Bdu*atlon ,1}i regardco-,School Toa on ,
! i ... r
motion it was received and filed.
r q rv�
On motion the request of'wm Minnick and *there In regard t'Qbredarltvto license "a S ,
refsred to the Joint License Committee
On motion of member.0ehleohlaeger It was,. adopted that.the City Treasurer be In-
J r 1
struotad that to not receive any Lioenae Money for Section # 42 and 14�'of the
license Ordinanoe,1umtill the JointOrdinanoe Committerreported back their ro-
oomendaLlon in regard to eanie �'.! _ ,.. , '<, i •
n /
MoosscCarroll wd. Jonklnb�offored lin �lisu of �L1uir f6rmer, Doi+d amen 'Masers `Sam
l,e224nq P 0 Sohfadt,) Tho .Illinois Surot�yl'Oomperq; of Chlaago,, On motion .Thet•I111«S' , ;F 1
L, 1,9''1•.
,',. I ..11'. ilii � '.1•J)
i� �•. ta- /•.x. )i ,r 4K.... .�~r '7., rind ;:'t1Yyl �ti^'i'Z': "�'.-. Y. .. pq T•. "/:'Y„-- - .
, r 3`
j Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,":_.._' 190'{'''' .
On motion of member Hill It .war adopted that the City Treasurer be instructed not oollsot I'
/e Ir
any licensee according to seotlon/a # 42 and 149, untill the City Solicitor and the'Jo1nt','
•�� % License and Ordlnanoe Committee/e: bring in an ordinance repealing enme.
Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Fixing Abd Regulating On Various Dubin sea, Cg111n
Occupations and Proffecelons In The City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion Said Ordlnanos was gl
on Its first passage upon call of the-robl by the following vote, Yeae, YoBroom, Rarnett,, I
Dipple, Duval, Herzog, Hill, KatterJohni Mayars, Oahloohlaeger, Vard4oter and Wi111omeon,(ll).
Same read ea Ordinance entitled an Ordinance P1z1n3 the Apportionment of the Publio_Funde of
T the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the year of 1906, On motion said Ordinance was given Ito
firstassn e u on call of the roll b the followin vote Yana HoOroom Barnett -DS Is ' {
.O / P g P NPP
p�Duval, ,
Herzog, tl111, KatrJohn, Yeyers�,0ehlechlaeger, VsN4eter an,l NS lllnmeon,(11),,'
1 /t
�.� Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original construction by the
/ t�
Grading and and Oreveling Of gow•±11 Street, From a Point StAintaresats Aahbrook Street
To Tree
LJ� o� VVV .. I
j I `,f/ West Line Of The Stst known all Hsyee Avenue Extended, In The City 01' Paducah, Kentucky, •'
V d -
On motion esid Ordinance on given Its first passage upon &all of the roll by the following's
- {{vote, Tess, M %room, Barnett, Dipole, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kattarjohn, Mayer&, Oshleohlaeper,
Vanllster.and Williamson, (11).. ,
Hams read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original constmotlon by
Orad Sng and Graveling Of Keyes Avenue Extended, lagers Same Intersects Howell Street, To
Bridge Street Or The Old Benton Road In The City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion cold Ord-' 1
Inman was given its first pasea go upon call of the roll by tho following, vote, Yams, {
McBroom, Barnett, Dipole, Duval., Herzog, [fill, Katterjohn, Mayers, Oshleohlaeger, Vanlletor„
• - end WlIliamaon, (11),
�A Bame read m .Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to prevent Lewd Woman Or Proetitutea Prom en
y,,II�.vJ-A,/ terlag Saloons end A11 Planta Or Rooms or Places Conneotad Therer.lth or Adjacent Thereto.. nd �.
P' r•/ ,.;��presctibing the Penalty therefor, Within The CIty.Of Padlucah Kentucky, On motiona .I'
note Surety ,Company was accepted in lieu thereof upon call of the roll by the following vote
Use, Ms Broom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Meyers, Oehleohlanger, '
VanMetsr and Williamson,(11)."
George A. Banker offered An lieu of twx former bondsman, gam I. Lovy end Oeorgo F, Broker,
The Illinois Surety Company of Chlongn, On motion the Ill Innis Surety Go. was Accepted In
lieu thereof, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Mc Broom, narnett, D3?plc, '
Duval, Herzog, Hill, Ketterjohn,Mayere, Oehlechleoger, Va"oter and Wi111nma6n,(11);, _
John 0. Banker offered on lieu of his former bondsmen, Bem I. Levy and George P. Backer,'
The Illinois Surety Company of Chicago, On motion the Illinois Surety Co, was accepted 1n
;.; _'rr r:
lieu thereof upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yoae, MCBroom, Barnett, Pippin,
a, Oehlaohlaegar, Van'4ater and Williamson, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Meyae. ' .
,�/f •�
On motion the request of The George H. Ooodman, Co, to transfer their Coffee House Llconee
4AA) XMember
from //115. South second street to 119, north second street, wall granted.
Oehlechlaeger read the allowanceesrof the Joint Finance Committee for the half month
of January 1906,
amounting to $12.766,31', On motion some was all upon sell of the roll
by the following vote Yeae, MaBT00m, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Herzog, Hill$ KetterJohn,Moyera,
Oehlechlaeger, VanMeter and WSlliemeon(.11). I'
On motion of member Hill It .war adopted that the City Treasurer be instructed not oollsot I'
/e Ir
any licensee according to seotlon/a # 42 and 149, untill the City Solicitor and the'Jo1nt','
•�� % License and Ordlnanoe Committee/e: bring in an ordinance repealing enme.
Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Fixing Abd Regulating On Various Dubin sea, Cg111n
Occupations and Proffecelons In The City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion Said Ordlnanos was gl
on Its first passage upon call of the-robl by the following vote, Yeae, YoBroom, Rarnett,, I
Dipple, Duval, Herzog, Hill, KatterJohni Mayars, Oahloohlaeger, Vard4oter and Wi111omeon,(ll).
Same read ea Ordinance entitled an Ordinance P1z1n3 the Apportionment of the Publio_Funde of
T the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the year of 1906, On motion said Ordinance was given Ito
firstassn e u on call of the roll b the followin vote Yana HoOroom Barnett -DS Is ' {
.O / P g P NPP
p�Duval, ,
Herzog, tl111, KatrJohn, Yeyers�,0ehlechlaeger, VsN4eter an,l NS lllnmeon,(11),,'
1 /t
�.� Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original construction by the
/ t�
Grading and and Oreveling Of gow•±11 Street, From a Point StAintaresats Aahbrook Street
To Tree
LJ� o� VVV .. I
j I `,f/ West Line Of The Stst known all Hsyee Avenue Extended, In The City 01' Paducah, Kentucky, •'
V d -
On motion esid Ordinance on given Its first passage upon &all of the roll by the following's
- {{vote, Tess, M %room, Barnett, Dipole, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kattarjohn, Mayer&, Oshleohlaeper,
Vanllster.and Williamson, (11).. ,
Hams read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original constmotlon by
Orad Sng and Graveling Of Keyes Avenue Extended, lagers Same Intersects Howell Street, To
Bridge Street Or The Old Benton Road In The City Of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion cold Ord-' 1
Inman was given its first pasea go upon call of the roll by tho following, vote, Yams, {
McBroom, Barnett, Dipole, Duval., Herzog, [fill, Katterjohn, Mayers, Oshleohlaeger, Vanlletor„
• - end WlIliamaon, (11),
�A Bame read m .Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to prevent Lewd Woman Or Proetitutea Prom en
y,,II�.vJ-A,/ terlag Saloons end A11 Planta Or Rooms or Places Conneotad Therer.lth or Adjacent Thereto.. nd �.
P' r•/ ,.;��presctibing the Penalty therefor, Within The CIty.Of Padlucah Kentucky, On motiona .I'
Council Proceedings: City of Paducah, .: _......:....`..:_.....:.. 1.90
�- --- `Ord1n&nan was glran its eeoond paeedge by title as the nnla had been evepandhR
upon call of the roll by the following vote,. Ynass Me Broom, Barnette Dipple,rDuvslr•--;.Ft:'�--:
y Herzog, Hills Katterjohns Meyers, Oehleahlaeger, VomM,ter and Williamson rJ(III
Same read an Orddnance entitled an Ordinance providing for th6 original oodetnvotip - h'
Of The Sidewalk,, Including:Ormitoid Curbs and gutters On Both Bides Of Jono
Street, Prom Y .. _..t_i.._.. ,.
9th To 10th Streets and PramlOth, To lith, Streets, In The CSL
Paduaah,Kentuoky, The Sidewalks To 9e Six Peet glide, and The Curbs and Gutters To a ✓ F7.�^
-,• Be What Is Comm oni�As•Combined Curb And Gutters's And All To Be Of granitold
,• Conatruaticn,.On motion said Ordinance was given its first passage upon call of the •f.. '
roll D the following ng vote, Yaass M,BSaOa, BarneLLs DSppLs Duvets Hersogs.BS11,
�Kattsrjohn, Moyers, Oehlechlaegart VanMetsr and Williamson,__
`•'1Nember Dehleohlaeger reed the report of the Oheit of. the Fire Department On motion'--,.�.r.'-
it was reoeired and filed, -
NLI"r Member Williamson reads request from property owners on Jon Tasking. the Paducsh�•.-`�'M'�'-�.'..I.:
�W,tar Company to ,stand their mains along said street, On motion
, �smb,,r Mayers rs!:d a request from H, N. Cunnlng1tam for over seeaemanL,Oo motion
t '
Lo rsferaJ to the, Board or Buparvisors., ,
^,,On motion the aoquestaoftPdMertens fn; double &easement on property on the Cairo
road was refered to the Auditor to refund "me iffound to be correct.
_ T
r Wmber Dipple read the following applications for Coffee House, Wholesale And.
„ _,.gallon and quart llgour licenses
we _ Bond ... _ Location ql. .. .
i - - Pr ad Pom►nn --- Joe,L..Priedman� Jnio W. Kleler, _ #1533 Broad Street +...
YChas Smiley -- }m,Noerber, P,J, Bergdoll,-"'" 1249 Kentucky Avenue
F, � ,~ ' EnglerL and Stryanir- John Younger and J. N, EnglerLp #119 south second aLraeL
J. i;elly---WAIHoerb err. and FLO,Bergdoll, "':
# 1501 south 4th, etrot ;f
,t; "�ab, Bloom and Company, I111nafe ..L»Ly Co. ��� #127N second ,treat
_ ...-.
' �f a,�� ,James Loftin-------Adolph Well and Lee Well, #1715 Meyers street H i
L '`-) Ou, J; Wolff };P; Honrber and P, J.Bergdoll #6th, and Finley etreeta i
H, Orr: and CO,r- _ IllinoisBu»ty Co, #1027, Broadway
vanev111e Brawl ng Co, I111,nois Surety Co. #10th, and Madison struts"
gam Whites, Illinois Surety Co.
.. Y # 9th, end Boyd struts }.
L Pe&sher. Co.andA, J,Bergdoll &Adolph Well, #129 90, second street
,Hlahola and Deboe, R L.Peacher & Sm I. iwvy, #9th, and Boyd ,trot,
i+ �, N. Livingston and Co, (Wholesale), Ben Wallle &'Jim Weill,, #121 Nv-Lots street-
treet- ,�lj
;Liv! ,ton end Lo.f 'quart)
... aP
n8 , gallon &� aTt Ben Weill■ &Jim Wollle $ L21 1st, strut ,i � •' ,
On motion the above licensee were, granted as their respective bonds were Voted upon ,
accepted separative and oollective upon-call of the roll by the following vote' i 4'
east No Broom, Barnett,; Dlpplos Duval, Herzog, Bills Katterjohn, Meyers, Oehloob,
1 ugsr, Vfta*ter and Willimsin,(11)
n motion the action q9f Aldormen was �oonow* d•.ins'in re
gnrd .to refunding to 6, W,
r:I.Yw,l'4'::L�J:±:7. r.._ •_yy,y -.. ..vra..u:ys4wsgryrn-r-.+u•. u.....ru.r-....,..- _�._��
IT 7
1 .
i:t M,! t � r Y t 7..ff 1 t � TH^ •� �, +,w +. M. t , ...
�:t n,---•i�.: ' ., } - " if ��.l.::t '. t.�.t ,�-x. 7 rr^""•;l'�'°'"r ey.?. ..:T . ...\ `:,�-..... ..... . . .. .
1 d �C ,; I •,'•r tt
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah - . ..., 190
Edwards =]5.00, paid in for a Coffee House licenser
,I - �_------ On Motion The Board'Adjourned.-----__—_-_--__-_- _
.:1•• 11mM.o GbaarEAn,s;"'.
.'city 0/ot1C
.:•:_-,t_ At dealled meeting of the Board of Couusilmon held in the Council Chamber in the City (fall
January the 16th, 19051 with Resident Ya Droom preeidin.g and upon cnll of the roll the.fol-
- - lowing answered to their neer MaBTOOm, Barnett, Dlpple, Duval, HOrzogHill, KatterJoHn,
" - - - -- Meyers, Oshlachlaeger, VenKeter anti FSlllmuon, (11),.
-- Wyor pro-tem, Starks read reason for call, to-wit ;-
__�. Gentlemen:-
--•- —.-•• - I have Called you togsthsr for the
tib f Purpose of ylving esoond paseage to the License Ordlnanoe I-or the year of 1906, also the
{ •d+ �epportlonment. Ordlnanos for the year of 1906. '
Member Hill reed an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, Mixing and Regulating, Licenses On 'AelIoulIa
., ., •'
Lines of Business, Calling, Occupations and Professions, On motion said Ordinance woe gluon Ste
'/ r
second passage by title as the rule had bean suspended upon call of the roll by the following
�vota, Yese, He groom, Barnett, DSppls,Duval, ilarzag, Hill, Katter,)ohn, ltnyere, Oehleohlenge r,.
_;t {VwWotsr and f111liameon, (11),
} /� ,- • 1 appartianmont of the
Sane read en Ordinance entitled an Ordimnao rlxlug thfKPublla Puha of t•Is City ot.Paduosh,
;Kentucky, by title an the rule had been suspended, On mntlon said Ordinance was given Its •'
-.`second passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Yobroom, Barnett, DSpple,
{Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter John, Meyers, Oehlechlaefer, UnMeter and Ni111amaon,(11). -
•---------------- On Motion The Board Adjourned ------- ----------------- —_ ,
I' D� �PpRonv�n Y 06
- _ _ Iha;do.E /loartl of LbuneGewa.
City Otet$
�r if
t w
. n E 1',. jr •, S 4.a +lbw M,.�,.'.' 1qr