HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 317, January 2, 1906."%.�n ro Cocincil Proceedings;• City of Paducah.. _,....... 190 ::.. s I, i; Cemetery, Meyers Willismeon and Vantloter. Prinying, Herzog, Hill and Duval, _Zi..y,,. Enrollment, Duval, Vantletsr and Herzog. Judlolaryr.Bsrnett, Meyers and Williamson• �, - ,,.•a ) On motion the notion aa► al}yae"f the PrealAantl was, poncured-In. 1 Board J / The Meyer recd the report of the Hospital�Whd'ra-in they stats that they had carded the':';' /�'p.�y contract to J.W.Lockwood for ".00 to repair the Basement in the Riverside HoaFltal, on.,i_ nd 9 a thrciz d to sopa same i.motion 0He action of the Board was ooncund-Sn, o9ilQrkat 'bSr�Fys� and p1!ana adopted,.upon,! "+ I,call of the roll by the followinP.,vote, Yeaa� tic8room, Barnett, OSpple, Dural Herzog; H111' M 11 4 ....Council ,-,..- - _- At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen hold In the Council Chamber In the City ,Half ._ December the first and in the of a President the Clark called the Board.to order so stated that It was now In order to elect a president of the Board. .... .,._. On motion Members Mobrooa and Kolb ware put in nomination for president 01' 'the Board and - -- upon pole of the vote or the first ballot oast Member MoBrcom received Votes of Barnett,. - Dippla, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter�ohn, Kolb, Oehlschlaeger, VanMeter and Williamson, (10), I, f and Kolb received the votes of Mo Broom and Meyors,(2), the Clerk ceolared Member Maklroom elsb J ! ted to the office an president, and upon same takning his seat he thanked the Membern:for •.the honors conrernd upon him. On Motion the Board adjourned to most rt 7.30, January the 2nd, 1906. ' l ; • 1J AN' 1: '1906 (i'.'} 906. �nraovmD ,%(, ' .. i•,.a:Jew. Uwo-d o/Caunollmaw' 1 Oily Olorx i counc�l Procc�dmn s r•- I; `r�, _Th At an adjourned meets j ng of the Board of CouDcllman hold in the Council Chamber in the 01 t " �"••��Lr Hell January the 2nd, 1906, with Prenldent Ma Broom prenidine and upon call of the rollthe ?�; ''• � '.following answered to their names Mo Broom Barnett Pi leDuval llarzogp Hill Katterjo M,' _ i Kolb, Mayors Oshlaoh]►ager, VsnMeter and 111111emeon, (12), .'•4, On motion the minutos of the previous mseting were adopted an read, Prenldent, McRroom announced the following, committee -man, to -wit, ,: • .fes Blnanes, Kolb Van" •G4ahlAJhl&e5*r and Varr-rn-�: ��. /• /(L'/V/'r. iis. .' ; �.-==7 ••..', �Y:---. Street Vanueter, Kattar John ipple, arul O , • �' ' - �•=, - A, :,�r•±�<'�'' Lightand hater, Williamson, Barnett and Kettarjohn: - - - Public Improvment, Barnett,'DSppls and Kolb, -' Fire and Police Oehlechlae er Moyers aM Herzog.' ' r 8 r Y B.' License, DSpple, Barnett and Duval. -, i. v1'• Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone, Duval, Herzog aM Hill. .. •• ' - , '- •,l','i Hospital, Sewer and Sanitary,Katterjohn,'Ailliamson r-nd Oehlsohleager. �i ...'r Relief • Mayers 11111 and Kolb • �` s I, i; Cemetery, Meyers Willismeon and Vantloter. Prinying, Herzog, Hill and Duval, _Zi..y,,. Enrollment, Duval, Vantletsr and Herzog. Judlolaryr.Bsrnett, Meyers and Williamson• �, - ,,.•a ) On motion the notion aa► al}yae"f the PrealAantl was, poncured-In. 1 Board J / The Meyer recd the report of the Hospital�Whd'ra-in they stats that they had carded the':';' /�'p.�y contract to J.W.Lockwood for ".00 to repair the Basement in the Riverside HoaFltal, on.,i_ nd 9 a thrciz d to sopa same i.motion 0He action of the Board was ooncund-Sn, o9ilQrkat 'bSr�Fys� and p1!ana adopted,.upon,! "+ I,call of the roll by the followinP.,vote, Yeaa� tic8room, Barnett, OSpple, Dural Herzog; H111' M 11 4 Council Proceedings, City ofPaducah ........ :.:.:...._.......... ........... '_......... ... ... _ 190 rVH. its µY Ketterjohn, Kolb, ,Meyers, Oahloehlaeger,. Vanyoter, and Wi111amaons(12). _ I� On motion the action of the Board ofAldermen was Concured-in, in regard to allowing�e " Lhi sum of $60,009 for salaries for the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Cmunll- on thn date of December the 30th, 1905, �• Jude Senders offersd as his bondsmen as Jud `�•```. JHe of Lha City Police Court, Jamas A. Aucb1' l S. B.Caldwell 'and John 0. Rinkliff, On notion his bond was acted upon and accepted - 8 / @operate and collective upon 0e11(:of.the roll b 4 . ) ' 7 the follaw keg vote, yeast McBroom,, Barnett, DSpple, Duval, Herzog, Hills KetterjoHn," Kolb, Meyers, Oehlalchlaeger,'. lanMeter and Willinmmon,(12), ' :. On motion the action of the Mayor In appointing Masora E.O. Boone, R.O.Caldwell and I R. E.Ashbrook, as members of the Board of Supervisors for the year of 1906; was can- ;. Y Y ,cured -Iii. f/ the City Clerk Henry Bailey read the Credentials of the Illinois Surety Companld/ 4. •',� Where-in they state that they have appointed MrS.Bartlett Karr an their Agent in the l /6Hto of Kentucky, On motion it wee received and tiled. /S1ame read the gredentlala of the American Surety Company of New Yorks where -In .they e they have appointed Mr Chas Jenn1 g y �'•-':. ' D Of .,state that thhvngs s■ their agent in the CSL of Pedu- ,• _, f cabs to eaecute'.thobbond of Mr George IAhnhard ae License Inspector, 0n motion it 6oslved and filed, . r �sme read the Crcdentials'of The Title Geuranty and Trust,Company �of Scranton; Ps, �-, ,.,�.---•..i 1 ''. l�V a Where -in they state that they have appolntod Messrs E.O:Boonr and P.C.Roons, es their Agents for McCracken County and the City of Paduo►h,.-On motion it wee rea eiv-�-�:; Sri �d and, f] led, Member Hill read'm Y :• Ordinance entitled ep 'Ordinsnae to prevent Lewd Women or Prostitutes from entering Saloons and all places or roams connected, therewith or adjacent thoreto and proscribing penalties therefor, within the City of Ped- , tit} i' � .,�%;::"_ •. uoah, Kentuakys On motion said Ordinance �wea gluon its Oiret passage upon call < ,.• �:/ of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, MaBroom, Barnett, nipple, Duva1,,Herzog, _ i ..Hills Katterjohn, Kolb,. Mayoras 04h1eahlaeger, VanVater and Williamson, (12), Member Oshlsahlaaor read the report of the Auditor and Treasurer for the mor*h. J F E " r S' 'r t tti 1 t ending December Lhe-31st,: 1905 showing a aAsh balfin0e on hand to be $81.776 Bar + rh IN S _ '. ' On motion it wee received and filed. } f tJ Member Dlpple read Lhe following applicaLlone for Saloon, Wholesale TSgnor and <�4 _ Oallon.and Quart dealers liaenu,,, Names ( Location-.Bonamm - I,Paducah Dlstillerie Co x'103, So, 2nd, Street.. I111nois Sure tyco of Chia ago r Chris Borger., 7th, and Ohio Streets --Adolphnil and Lea Well Dumains and Cc ( 11th, and Burnett. Sta--- Adolph Well and Iwo well l ( ' Y . t1t.•� + (Pell and 81von ,700:Trimble'street Illinois Surety Co. of Chicago '•c. I I L. L: gelaon ,'407'Suuth 3rd` atraot----- s J.W.Orr and P.0.8aEmld4 f� .. .•: :•t- '� •' Friedman,,Xloler !, CO(Wholesalej, 13014"..2d ---Illinois Surety Co, of 'Chicago: - a.(Whet ealo) 11 M" 2W etraet Illinois Buret Oo P 3 r �' Y r Of Ohioa90 p J o` 0. 1, Gouncli'Proceedings; City of Paducah* ::....:............::.:'.:. ...:.:.. 190 ' • O.W.Rodtus - _ _ 230 Xy Avenue ..Illinois Surety Co, Of Chlosgo _ 'Loving and Morton,1132 80 10th , ,_, „ _ •,. Jake Biederman A J.O.Rlnkllff .Eberly Harden & Co 105 eotitll ltd, serest J.0.11inkllff h Wm Hoerber, James Ward • - Jake Balderston 0 k R Co 30 5.8outh 7th, street Henry BledermankB.J.Preloter "•;�;; ,�;, HugH Doyle 4tH & Ky Avenue J.O.Rlnkliff & Jno Sinnott 9 1 `•^`i?'.`'•` Prlldman,Klelvr,&Co,(Oeliona, (4art)# 130 N!'•2iddetrsat --I111note Surety 0o, of Chicago - „�,,�.. :;, � • J.W.Siterrell 107 No 4th, street Illinois urety -0o of .Chloago ` .•-John L.C.Les 9th, and Washington Illinoie Surety Do of Chicago' Elfod 125 south 2ul, street Sharman Phillips 109 So 4th, street Illinoie Surety. Oo, of L'hloaRo , •k _ .-:iib :j -r H.A. Douglas 825 soutH 3rd, street P,J.Bergdoll & Ms Hoerber Oso, He Goodman & Co, South Second St, .. Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago f ,' t�[fi .-• George A.'Baaker 833 Caldwell street Sam I Levy & O,P,Bsaker .. ' 'J.G.Rinkliff south 3rd street W.C.Ssandford .- 1o6 nouth 3rd, street & Jno Sinn,,tt. M.D.Campbell, 7th,.& Tennessee Sts,., Adolf Nall & Lee Nall' _ - 1•rjp.•. -J. D,Oreretreet -'• 8th, &Boyd streets A, J. Aargdoll h 1h lioerbet • y �i. -•�•'. S.B.Oott 119 4th, street Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago' Frank Lavin 1001 Burnett street• •Joe L. Friedman & Jno N. Kleler Pidellty h '»posit Cc of Maryland •'' •' `r'�• _ ChU% Stlenhaurer 126 south 2d, St , Henry Kamelleter k Louie Kolb, Sr.. C-.E.Alscknall:''.'204 mouth 9th, street Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago I: . - 1;. , " _ '' '_'.'i'• B.N. Allon 105 8-Wa y -- Illinois Surety On, of Chicago Oscar Danker 1044 A -Way Illinoie Surety Co of Chicago , R.E,Moshell and Co. Palmer ikmse 4 Jos 'L. Frled"n & Jno W, Kieler tea •.',�'.-.: ' Rlokman At Schultte 1814 Bridge street. J.G.Rlnkliff & Jno Sinnott -' g.0. carter 301 south 7th attest J.O.Rlnkllff & Jno Sinnott P.D.Rodtuss 5th, & Jackson street@ A,J,Dergdotl & Rm Hoerber ++..:._ ��''•„�;' - Theo Paters 1040 B -Way Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago 1l'j. ... N.Y. Mitchell 10th, & Burnett .. Illinoie Surety Co o f Chicago Schulte & Rickman •, 1001 So 10th mttemt J,n.Rlnklifr & Jno :;Snnott •• '°bt -•- 9:M.Parklnswiand Bra 1201 south 8th street Illinoie caret Cc of Chic& o E.W.nerry. - 737 NO 8th, street J,O.Rlokl3ff k P,J,Rergdoll +. -'-'"•-' H.T.Gallmm 735 NO 10th, street P, J, Bnrgdoll & Nm Hoerber _ Dan Galvin ' 5th, and Norton streets Illinoie Surety Cc of Chicago .Eberly Harden & Co 105 eotitll ltd, serest J.0.11inkllff h Wm Hoerber, James Ward .'•; �. 1100 south lith street ., "•;�;; ,�;, HugH Doyle 4tH & Ky Avenue J.O.Rlnkliff & Jno Sinnott 9 1 `•^`i?'.`'•` J.J,MaAughm 12th and Jones streets F.J. HarP.doll & Wm Hoarber „�,,�.. :;, � • J.W.Siterrell 107 No 4th, street Illinois urety -0o of .Chloago ` .•-John h. ��, Elfod 125 south 2ul, street Jno G..Backer 1201 south 9th, street -` Sam I. Levy & O.F.Backet' - •k _ .-:iib :j -r H.A. Douglas 825 soutH 3rd, street P,J.Bergdoll & Ms Hoerber f ,' t�[fi .-• George A.'Baaker 833 Caldwell street Sam I Levy & O,P,Bsaker .. ' 'J.G.Rinkliff south 3rd street W.C.Ssandford .- 1o6 nouth 3rd, street & Jno Sinn,,tt. A,Dankery Jr,'&'Bro 426 NO 12 street Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago _ - 1•rjp.•. -J. D,Oreretreet -'• 8th, &Boyd streets A, J. Aargdoll h 1h lioerbet -'-'"•-' H.T.Gallmm 735 NO 10th, street P, J, Bnrgdoll & Nm Hoerber _ fi ,' '{:i, •,'; .Eberly Harden & Co 105 eotitll ltd, serest J.0.11inkllff h Wm Hoerber, James Ward .'•; �. 1100 south lith street ., "•;�;; ,�;, HugH Doyle 4tH & Ky Avenue J.O.Rlnkliff & Jno Sinnott 9 1 -''! I.� `f'• John Moore 704 Adams street Jet. L. Friedman & Jno.W. Klelar. „�,,�.. :;, � • J.W.Siterrell 107 No 4th, street Illinois urety -0o of .Chloago ` .•-John h. ��, Elfod 125 south 2ul, street . •k _ .-:iib :j -r H.A. Douglas 825 soutH 3rd, street P,J.Bergdoll & Ms Hoerber f A.T, Aohanan, 125 B- Nny Jos L. Friedman & Jno W.Kisler t•y�y��'t'' L. B. Rngon � 'J.G.Rinkliff south 3rd street W.C.Ssandford .- 1o6 nouth 3rd, street & Jno Sinn,,tt. _ -J. D,Oreretreet -'• 8th, &Boyd streets A, J. Aargdoll h 1h lioerbet • y �i. '-Dye A Stewart Frank Lavin 1001 Burnett street• •Joe L. Friedman & Jno N. Kleler Pidellty h '»posit Cc of Maryland C-.E.Alscknall:''.'204 mouth 9th, street Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago I: . - 1;. , L.A.Logomaraino- ltd & B-wsy Illinoie Surety Co of Chic -ago Oscar Danker 1044 A -Way Illinoie Surety Co of Chicago , tea •.',�'.-.: ' Rlokman At Schultte 1814 Bridge street. J.G.Rlnkliff & Jno Sinnott -' P.D.Rodtuss 5th, & Jackson street@ A,J,Dergdotl & Rm Hoerber ��''•„�;' - Theo Paters 1040 B -Way Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago , Schulte & Rickman •, 1001 So 10th mttemt J,n.Rlnklifr & Jno :;Snnott E.W.nerry. - 737 NO 8th, street J,O.Rlokl3ff k P,J,Rergdoll +. ,.+ ,• a,; •- Murray & Nethon '�', 115 N2 4th street Illinoie Surety On of Ohioago ,4 v -•+"'tet; }'. '^�- James Ward .'•; �. 1100 south lith street ., Illinois hunty Co of Chloago 9 1 - .•-John Elfod 125 south 2ul, street A. D, Carroll & P, q, Sohmldtt I• f t•y�y��'t'' L. B. Rngon � '--`li,:,.•111 south 3rd street Illinoie Surety Co of ChlonF,o •'� ° - • y �i. '-Dye A Stewart 1501 south 3rd, street Pidellty h '»posit Cc of Maryland �., _ _Sam Stnrke 120 mouth 2nd, street'`___ Y. Yorke 8 P.Kirchoff1+ George Andrecht 400He 12th street J. J, La11Y _.._ 831 Trimble street __ ` • P, J. Rergdoll A llm Noe. -Dar. f • ,; y,•.;: ,l, Henry Kuaelietiir_ 3rd, tr Adama Street �• 9th tr Ky Avenue n .. .. -�, t'. ;Jake Biederman tr Pa 0.8chmldtt Chas Danker 901 Washington _ ngton street Illinois Surety Co of Chicago '`'. u t •e 4 Y , 1735 .Ysyare street ""'—', " 1 t Jam$s Bulger _ 1615 south 4th, strut Pidelity tr Deposit Co or Yarrlsal-, t_ •' Lee Hite . :....._. 10tH tr Husbands Street• -. Illinois Surety Co. of Chloago ^Y J.6.Potter 637 Campbell eLrsat . .. ' .: Y �.. -.107 south 4th, eLrsat '' Illinois Surety Co of Chloago i- Council Proceedings, City oiPaducah,....,_.... ................_.'..___: '190 Lee S. Robartacn 119 Sway P.J.Bargdoll tr Rb Hoerber: _., ........_ I111no1e suety Co of Chicago } t vi ' .. --. _ _Sam Stnrke 120 mouth 2nd, street'`___ Y. Yorke 8 P.Kirchoff1+ George Andrecht 400He 12th street J. J, La11Y _.._ 831 Trimble street __ ` • P, J. Rergdoll A llm Noe. -Dar. • ,; y,•.;: ,l, Henry Kuaelietiir_ 3rd, tr Adama Street �• 9th tr Ky Avenue Louis Kolb tr Christ"Stianhausr -�, t'. ;Jake Biederman tr Pa 0.8chmldtt Chas Danker 901 Washington _ ngton street Illinois Surety Co of Chicago '`'. u t A. Parkins 1735 .Ysyare street ""'—', J.O.Rlnkliff tr Jho Sinnott r. Jam$s Bulger _ 1615 south 4th, strut Pidelity tr Deposit Co or Yarrlsal-, t_ •' Lee Hite . :....._. 10tH tr Husbands Street• -. Illinois Surety Co. of Chloago ^Y J.6.Potter 637 Campbell eLrsat . .. ' .: Y �.. -.107 south 4th, eLrsat '' Illinois Surety Co of Chloago i- Adolph Wall tr P.O.Sehmidtt ?)" Lee S. Robartacn 119 Sway P.J.Bargdoll tr Rb Hoerber: W.Edwards .117 south 3rd, street - I111no1e suety Co of Chicago } t vi ' .. --. r , ^•,� `� r Took Lowe ... . 1047 Washington St Illinois Surety Co of Chicago . ;1 .Iaeman Bros 22) t• euoth 3rd, street ' t<� } ).w .'r . � rJ ' tr Oo - 13thtr Clay , ay ntreats � I110ne1■ Surety Co of Ghlvago ... Y.Ieaman h P. O. SoWdtt . ' _. T.Clark12th, tr Plourno YIllinois iwell O. B.lfillowJ212 ,.,.., Ky Avenue 1. :.. Adolph Well tr iwo well tr Bons (Quart License) 113 N• 2nd, street Illinois Surety Ca of Chicago"'' ,.. •, Y, _ D. Y. JoMoon tr 00 •_ 13th, 6 claystreets .... Illinois Surety'Co of Chicago - 301 south 3rd, street .. _.. Illinois Surety Cc of'ORieago - 4'f. ,,•N. B. Terrell (Quart Llosnaa) Jefrareon St 4tr5 J.T.Qlarlee'Onion Depot p '•- Jam L. Prledman tr Jno Kieler r Oscar Kahn tr Deo Bernhard •:< Anheuser Sash Brow Aae, 1021 Ja!leroon 8L. ►. - .:. Prank Wagoner '110 soutR 2hd, strut 'Jos L. Priedman tr Jno WI Kieler PSdellty tr Deposit Coot Ya lard 1'y - 825 waeh3 on SL � C.E,Dallem tr P,O.Sohspdt0 - J.L. Prlodetan ?--;, •� �' `'�" illokio tr Hurt 1113 soutH 2nd, street •Illinnla BunLy Car -of CHioago +.:y...',•~ �_ • _ 936 N 10tH atreat Adolph Wail tr awe 11e11 George Andrecht 400He 12th street - F.J.Bergdoll a lie Hoorbor }"•"" ' • ,; y,•.;: ,l, Henry Kuaelietiir_ 3rd, tr Adama Street �• Louis Kolb tr Christ"Stianhausr -�, t'. •,,, _ Chas Danker 901 Washington _ ngton street Illinois Surety Co of Chicago '`'. 'r r• r•-? -:_ Nelson tr 8sers - _ 933 south 3M, street' Illinoia Surety Cc of Ch3tiago Jam$s Bulger _ 1615 south 4th, strut Pidelity tr Deposit Co or Yarrlsal-, t_ •' •' ! J.6.Potter 637 Campbell eLrsat :.. •, nt Adolph Wall tr P.O.Sehmidtt ?)" r -.,..I W.Edwards .117 south 3rd, street - I111no1e suety Co of Chicago } t vi ' Carroll A Jenkins 200KY Avenue r , ^•,� `� .: .. ... Ley Levy-tr P. 0.8ahmldtL' . ;1 A Jenkins �718naouth 8th street r �adgett Illonols Suety Cc to Chicago ' t<� } tr Oo - 13thtr Clay , ay ntreats � I110ne1■ Surety Co of Ghlvago ' ....• v . ' _. T.Clark12th, tr Plourno YIllinois iwell .. Surety Cc of Chicago tr Bons (Quart License) 113 N• 2nd, street Illinois Surety Ca of Chicago"'' '',";�';"- •, Nanderaon Brawl ng Co 22g south 2w oLrut L.L.Ndeon tr P.O.Sohmldtt 4'f. ,,•N. B. Terrell (Quart Llosnaa) Jefrareon St 4tr5 J.B.Terrell tr E.O,Terrall ' r Prank.Pehr Brew Co 309 mouth 2nd, ,mtreeL Oscar Kahn tr Deo Bernhard J. N Anheuser Sash Brow Aae, 1021 Ja!leroon 8L. PSdellty tr Deposit Coot Ya lard 1'y •tir, .. -.. rayfues well tr,00 (Quart Libense) 115 He 2nd , J.L. Prlodetan ?--;, •� �' `'�" ,eytuas wa11,A Co(Nholeeale) 115 N' 2nd, 8t J.L. Prindmen tr J P KS +.:y...',•~ �_ alar moylon said Lloeneii were granted as_their bond hid been voted upon separate td Sol 1ut1ve upon .. Cali WOO roll by the following vola jus, yoBroon, Barnett 7 - DSpple, Duvall Herzog, Hill" Katter,)oHn, Kolb, Ysyare, Oehlsahlugor, YWIeLar, 1'~. �d.N3111anaon,(12):' - -j) .. ams road. anaPPlloatSon from d. Y. Bradley for a Coffee•Houee Llaanse at 114 Ay, Ave"„,"ter-., e•orrered as•-hio'bondamen C, E.Dallsm'and P, G; rtg; . . , 8ohm3dt%, .On Motion Said'lloense was anted-; as ;hl s'Doademm had D ion' voted. upon •and iosepted •iaper�N anAroolleotite i m call of'tha roll by,Lho to11ow1ng`dote"Ysse �r, •. t, ( Jl Vy err ;� tt r.BerpNL, UHeek9"inizer3oMo, Kolb, ti t i • L ,4 ,[' Council,Proceedings. City of Paducah:.--..., :......:.' _... 190 . • Mayors, Oahlsohlaegar, VanMeter and Willlamsom,(8),,Nsya MoBroom Dipple, Duval, and H111,(4). {{{{ • ', �Saae read an aPplloation from Alan 8torris for a Coffee House license at 121 Ky Avenue, he offered an hie bondsman P.J.Hergdoll and WmHoorber, OJ motion maid license was granted a■ his ' bondsman has been voted upon and accepted separate and collective upon call of the roll by the following vote Yesal Barnett; Herzog,Hill, KatterJoHn, Kolb, Mayers Oahleohleeger, Venuater, and 111111amson,(9).. Heys, MBBToom, Dipple and Duval,(3). . _Sana read an application from Abe Marooffeky for a Ooffes House license at 134 south 2nd, St, �ha offered as his bond the Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, On motion said bond was rvoted dpon ' i ;•° ,', and aaaeptap.npon call of the roll bp the following vote, Yoga, Barnett, Dipple, Herzog,Illlll •' ' '' '`KetterJohn, Knlb, Meyers, Oohlmohlaegor, Vanllster and Willimeon,(10), Nays, Ma Broom, irul tY'rDuval,(2). F=•.sir ', Same read en application from Ed Pierson for a Coffno House Lloonse at 701 Tri mDle ~treat he offered as hie bond the Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, on Mellon said license was granted and 1� ' bond accepted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yaas, Barnett, Dipple,' Herzog, Hill gatterjolln, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlaohlager,VanMeter, and Williamson, 1101, Hays YoBroom and - _. Duval. (2). . - .• ;• .. ,.. ,�`�'•'j;' t 8me'riad an application from John Ward for a Coffee House license at 132 Ky Ave a, On'motlo - said 1laanwowaa granted and Done accepted upon call of the roll by the following vote. Ysas � .� Barnett, Dipple, Herzog, Hill, Katter John, Kolb, Meyers, Oshlsohla ori Vanhater end Williamson (10), Nays Ya Broom and Duval,(2). . . Bane real an'applioatlon from E.V.Bauer for a Coffee House license at 9th, and W&ahington St, he offered as his, bondsman Christ LSabel and 'Sm Tdebol, On !dotlon said llcenne was granted bond voted upon and accepted separate and collective upon call of the roll by the following, vote Yaas, Yeas, Barnett, Dipple Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katter JoHn, Kolb, Mayerej Oahleohlaegert _ _.•.,ii Vanllofer and Williamson, (11), Hays MBBrom,(I). for a Cnffes License' .-• •ri;v �- Some read an application from O.W.Bennett^at 1240 Clay etroet, he offered ae hie Dond tM".�•.r - •%'!Y -p4 Illinois Surety Co of Chicago, On motion maid license was granted and bond accepted upon call!. i,+ of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Herzog, 11111, Katter John, Kolb.' • -� �`"�"- Meyers, Oehlachlaegar, VsnMeter and W1111mson,(11), Nay& YcBroom,(1), - i•� 8mm read an a 11cution from Thee Tho pp meson for n Coffee License At 120 Ky, Avenue, he otersdn' as his bond thi'Illlnoie :Lrety Cc of Chicago, On motion said licehes was granted and bond . cecmpted upon call o' the roll Dy'the following vote, Tess, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Herzog, . ` Ei•;'." Hill„ Katter John, Kolb,Yeyars, oehlechlaeger, V"ster and Willimmson,(11), Nays, Mc Broomm , , ' - -•"II .,'Bass rend an application from P,E.OartwriBht he ofl'erod an him bands -en N.J.Berh'doll and •h----�_- Hosrber, On moyion avid license was granted as his bond had been voted upon and accepted' �Wa ';y^• separate and collective upon call of the roll by -the following vote, Yoga? Barnett, Dipple, r�'?!Herzog, Hill, Katter,lohn,' Kolb, Meyers, Oahlschlaegar, VanMetsr and Willimaon,(10), Naya'MBBroa „(.. •ice• �snd Duval,(2). j . `Hams read an application from WSntrq and Patterson torn Cottee gouge llbanaa at 124 Ky, Ave J. -•. _ r_ they offered as their bond the Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, On notion Bald license was ylrm i� ;. ,, "�•�.� ,tad as their bond had been voted upon and accepted separate and collective upon call of the, ',.'I "" •" roll by the following voto,Yeaa, . Barnett, Dipple, Herzog,KstterJolin, Kolb.Meysre, Oshlecnlneger, . i i ' Council Proceedings,' City of Paducah. ;•_.._ ISO ^•'��` Vat,Maater and willismeom,(9), Nays MBBroom, Duval and Hill, (3) Some read an application for a Coffee House license from J.w.Collier, he offered �x i 1 •' � � �,� ,�. as his bondsmen Joseph It. Friedman and John V. Kielgr,, On moyloq Bald license was ',•!t:r��i', granted as hie bond had been voted upon and apeoptedseparate and collective a; upon call of the roll by the following vote, Tush YoBroom, Barnett, Sipple; J (j.r; 'Duval, Herzog, N311, RBLterjaHn, Kolb, Ysyers, OehleohUeger,. Ven1[eNr and wll-.�• liamson, (12). 1 8ame read an application from_Jamee, McNulty for a Coffee House 1loenee at 100 a. 'B-Way, he offered as hia,bond the Illinois .Surety Co, of Chicago, On motion rlf;..t said lieshae was granted as his bond had been voted upon nM accepted upon Ij of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Barneyt, Sipple, Duval, Herzog, Hill, )1': {1! ; Katterjohn, Kolb#Keyere, Oehlsohlaeger, Vanmeter and •Slliamsom, (11), Keys Yo !!1j � r• tt \ f,lJr a A�r, ±Same read a,prateefrirom Lhe'propHlty-ownera and residents In the neighborhood,'! -r ^- `.b ' of 17th, and Tennessee streets, asking the Council dot, tofor Brant • license a , ,:. ., •. I .. ' .. , saloon at {/1704, Tennessee street, On motion SL "a received and filed. Sams read anapplication from F.Y.Mstlook for s'Cntfse Houea license at 1704 Torino ote street, On motion said license 1('s rejected upon call of the roll'by' .�•t ^'�;';. the following vote, Yeee, Kong, Kays, M0Sre0m, Barnett, Dipplr, Duval, Herzog, •f Hill", Katter-John, Kolb, .Meyers, Oshlsohlaeger,_Vanlletvr and willlameo .Y ~• On motion Mr Matlooke money was ordered refunded. .10 On Motion of Member Katterjohn It wpm at that It be refered to the mayor and the joint Public ;Improvement CoaltLer to look into the. matltir of having 111 �.an other, story put upon the City Ball and. report ,book. a h . f / t '-------On Motionjourned. -`. %t� • •, The Bo..rd. lid 1 ° �\' � P+ 1;1.19 r;•' idfJ.lE�J-/-//Y'i7n'� ). �q /'ra.IdW Bead of cesmeaqgo,t \ sz > R5 Cq- 7. V. r v J if1 / ,f - 4 • 4 w '•�I1t .1415 ...i at !. f rZ ! 1 , , � :r �',�ftt al�FlSl`. 1. + Y+ x �'{Ii i ..�i�' t17r S 1}. -✓-\. tt ` } C,l j( / F' j5 Jl 1. .rt I + .';rev ",lLd,' J•.R.ai ^. ` .�.axe.:_:.t�:+:.s�c+.xe,.....w,.:........�. ....-.�--.�....�.. .. »._. —•-. ' 1 ,l!