HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 315, December 30, 1905,rJ � ? 1-t V r ; :J»f •,'n r H^•-r�.R.... �-u-y.. . -
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,,-.,
.... . ........:... 190
---- --" Council Proceedings.
"Q •; -^~--;^ At.a'oalled meeting of the Board of Councilmen held In the Council Chamber I!n the City Hall
December, the 30th, 1905, and upon call of the roll yhr following answered to their name,
Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Gallman, Gilson, Kolb, Katterjohn, NOBroom, Oehinohlasger, Rehkopt,
.. '.-�''.'... .Riglesberger and Taylor,(12), .. �.
the Mayor read reason for cell, to -wit:-
I have called you to -gather for the purpose of sllow'
`T"_� Ing all olslmu against the City and flnlshing up all old business, before your term of of
_. flee expires,
The Mayor reed s communication� from the Board of Public works where4n they state that they
have offlclaly received the Street Improvements , on mouth third street, from third and Ksntuc
((NN//✓,,•/ 'I ky avenue to forth and Broad street, from the Oontr¢otorm Thom Hrldges' Hnnl On motion 1t ase
reosived, filed and oonoured-in, 1
Barns stated that he had appointed Masers Chas wallle, Harry Savage, E,w Bagby, Nrs.1L. N.Reek
and Nrx,A.R.Mayers, as Nembers•of the Board of Trustees Of the Co¢negis LibraryFuna
r• ' Same reed the report of the SinklnkaCommittee for the Year. -of L905,On motion It was weoeived
end filed. -. -
Nembergead the allowance of the point Finance for the Nohth ending December the'31st, 4905 '
mounting -to =21. 641.01, On motion ems was allowed upon cell mf the roll by the following
,•{ - vote, Yess, Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson,Kolb, Katter John, McBroom, Oehl sohlaeger
.... .,. .`•r -`,..'; .'Rehkopt, Rlglesberger and Taylor, (12).
Same reed the D311 of Orw,C.Orwse against the City for 4300.00, during'Lhe Yellow Pe in I••.
i/• the South, On motion said bill was allowed upon oral of the roll by the following Vote, Yearn'
Ingram, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, Katter, John,Oehlsohlaeger, Hehkopf, Rlgleeberger and Taylor,
(9), Nays Hill, Barnett and NoBroom,(3).
•�� �� Same- *ad the bill of the Piverelde Hospital amountingto about 6,150.00, On motion same was all
Ittt ^ �t1I
owed upon call of.the roll by the following vote.Yeae, Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Gellman i, allson,
..;: ov, ( Kolb,Katter John NcBroom, Oehlnahlaeger, Rehkopfs RigleabnrRer and Taylor,(12), _
.Same read the following to-wit:-
Hon:- D.A,Yelaer, Mayor.
)� (
Dear Sir:-
Plea as request tHs American German National Bank to request their oorrespondente
The mechanics National of New York to pay the interact on the City/m Bonds, due January the
first 1,906, and same will be allowed from the City/s revenue 1906, these coupons^being Pay -1
--able at that Bank in New York, On motion same vs adopted. ;?
Coes '
ncii Proceedings, City of Paducah .... I90
9 Mr George Lahnhard presented as his Bond as License Inspector the American,
Surety Company of New York,' On'motion said Bond me accepted upon call of the r
roll by the following vote, YseeN Ingran H111, Barnett, Oallman, Glleon, Kolb,,., •1;.•
Katterjohn, Oehleahlaegar, Rahkopf, YoBroomr 6 PS In sDer
ger and Taylor, (1?).
Yr.Y.W.Johneon offered as his Bond an City Weigher the Fidelity and Depoalb'Com-
b pony of Maryland, On motion said Bond .was ace
opted upon pall of the roll by the"!i ' �%�•�
'�(,`\') following vote, Tees, Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Gellman, 011sons Kolb, Katterjnhn,
,• Q ^/. YaBroom. Oehleohlaeger, Rshkopf, Rlglaaberger aiul Taylor, (1)2
. ?•
Or Rm Base offered es hie Bond The PidelltaM Deposit Co { �`•
J11 y P company of Maryland, an {
I�..! City Physicians On motion said Bond was accepted upon.call of the roll by'the
vote Yeas, Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson& Kolb, Katter7ohn, Yo Broom, +
Oehlsahlatger, Pehkopr, Rlglesberger and Taylor,(12),
l,Y I.YrArank Smedley offereA ae his Bondsman as Market Pester, Yr Mike Ieeman, Louis Y I +`
Kolb,Br and Chas Smith,'Cn motion Bald Bond was
accepted .c
p upon all of the roll L' 1—
y the following vote• Yeas, Ingram, H111, Barratt, Gallmen, Gilacnj Kolb, Kstar-
john., YOBroom, nehleahlaeger, Rahhkopl, R1glenDarger and Taylor/,'(12) 1.
Yr Poo ge Gardner offered as his Bondemen.as SewerInspector
A, On motion said Bond ae accepted upon I4-
VN`/,JV Ball of .the r1Lby the followlng. vote Ye, Ingram, Hlli,o. Barnett,.
Gallasn, t
011son, Kolb, Ratterjohn, Yo Broom, oehlsohl*e er Rshko ! Rl lesber r and
B r P r B ge '1! '
1 On motion the action �of the Alderman was ooacured-ins in regard to the Vater rates 1°a
Dong refered to the Joint Light and Vater. Committee.
t `` ,t ,( {___ _.
On Motion The. Board Ad�oumed.
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