HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 312, December 18, 190512 r`ja 1''r
y Council Proceedings, City of Paducah
. 190
.. _. 0®uncil Proc-eedms:: 7�17_ `�� ' 'At •regular meeting ofLhe Board of CouDailmen held -in tDe Counah Chamber ltl Lhe J
city Hall, December, the 18th,'19O5, and upon Call of the all the following ane ---11;, .
veered to their. names, Ingram, Hill, Barnett,. Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, Kotter,)ohn„�
y Oehlechleager, Rehkopf, Riglesberger, YCBroom, am Tsyloi,(12).
„ On notion the minutes of ,the previous meed -
'• ;. P ng, were adopted se read end corrected. �. ;i, �, •'•';•-. �
The Mayor read a communication from the Paducah water Co ”
apsny In regard to rates:!::
On motion SL was refered to the Board of Public works and Auditor KSrklandto +
take the matter up with the hater Company and report back is the General Council
N./. Game reed::a communication from 'the Board of Publio-works, where -1n they state— -�-�= -• .
that they have.expendsd $317.00, on LM Caldwell attest fill leading to the
Paducah, Bot and Hseket Company/e property, On motion it was resolved, !fled
7j•r,' ' and Oonoured-SM
�.� `, •.r
..'.The Yeyor read a communication from Citizens end property owners near Tyler in
�.µ oCrackan County, where -In they mete that they had employed, Taylor and Lucem, <J'.t i
'to bring suit sgainst'the City, for damages for overflows of water, On motion SL f'1
Rae refered to the City Engineer am Members Parley, Harnett. and Katterjohn,
.- power. o act, upon call of the toll by the following rote, Yeas, Ingram, Hill,
Y- p ` I -
X. r - Barnett,•Gollman, Glleon; Kolb, Katterjohn, YoBroom, Oehleohlaeger, Rehkopf, Rig-
lubergoranA Taylor,(12)�;
n 'Same raid a communication from BerMelmBro/s'of-Lou1ov11L Ry. where-Sn they -*-
k i n
jstate they had sent 1200 bushels of aoal'Lo ffia poor of the City, On moLlon'it
_ ` ..
was rseelred, and filed and Lhankeof the Board ektented to tD®, •'+fir"` '
Some read the report of A.Pranke the -sewer Inspector, On :'motion It wan'rsoel'
i � and flled,'and refered to OSLy'E]Iglnser. -r
5 r l ; .��
: Lr
On motion the following 'mhtion ase 'adopted, to -wit;-
'on motion of the'general Counail of the City of
a a Paducah, Kentucky, accepting the work done by Thom Bridges and Son In the impro
'.remenL'oL-third street Yrom Kentucky Avenue to Broad street, and Broad street
-' -1 from third street to fourth street, do socordCnoe with the plane and speolfloatles
C lr /�,/'1 r• and_oontraoy for gid,work, and that the -work otnThoei<Hrldgee sad Bon in the `' ''- -
l\" r
� Smprogmaat of south third street from Kentucky Avenue to Broad street aat'of
.. _
Broad street to.tourtfi muses, be accepted as done and completed in accordsgC�
with the lane
n ayi P , epeclfeaLfone and contract tor'':said work, subjeat.Lo the reoomen ' I.
? I�➢1�A {
r r{Q/ dation and seta of the Board of Public work( of ths.Clty relttive to the forf lot
+t'le-R 4r, -!.for, twenty -eis uW one half days del ay-ln L he completion of said work•-and'that
rFllry . L l� t .7 -.
F,`}r r 9rr Shs:nmtacaWe for work ae made wL'by the City'Ehglrieer against the property {" ,
J�=i�s owners wIIoee Pro
party abuts said st'redts be-oraer.d 3nto'tbn hande'ot amid oOm. y,
fih r 1 , tractors 'for'oolleotian.
0 motioa'it wee-refered
to the Joint Ho eplLml OoC®SLHe to sit8er rent tHs'•olq
f ' R t ,
A d ty Ho eplLel properly -0no
' jOm riotlna, It cps rsforsdto Lhe Joint Oemetery Committee to take up* the mot4or
.']'' .:.�:: •rwrt y.J J"r �_MJ�YHC; rr'-Yr.r -�'M v. n.S -.^�-
�! r
t Council Proceedings. -City of Paducah,
ti :..:.:..:..:::.:....'
of settling the the dispute betwssn lire Shanklin and Obes Smith in regard to a.lot in Oak
:. Cemetery, with power to act.
On motion the soLlon of the Aldermen In regard to aontlnueing CM Ottl oe of one Bnnitary.
OP."•vr"��,'(/'/ .Officer during the winter was reheated '
1 On motion the action of the Board of Aldermen was oonoured-in, in regar d to the Auditor
*4,_4refunding 11.50 to George wiser, for poll tax.
Yembe! oehlechlasger read the allowanoea or 'the Joint Pinions Committee, for salarlee for .'
the half month of December, 1905, mounting to $10.539.63, on motion same was allowed -upon
.. - call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas,'Ingrem, Hill, Barnett, Gallman, Uiloon, Kolb
L. .
-� Katter john, mo Broom, Oshlschlaeger, Rehkopf, Rlglesberger and Taylor,(12). i.
---- -• Same road the report of the Joint Pinan::e Committee where -in they state that they had agreed
to settle with the local Banks at seventy-five- per -cent of the computed Tax-bill/s, on the
assessment made by the State Board, on their 'personal property' and their real ':+tate bill/s
�o be settled seperativly, On motion erne wan adopted, +
Member Rehkopf road an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Exempt"the Sherrill- Russell/�llu.m'-.
bar Company from the Paymebt of Taxntlon for the period of five years, Om moa ion ui w,ien
lost upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yoga, Ingrm, Oehloohlaegorr, Rigloobarger
and Tsylor,(4)., Naya Hill, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, Katter,)ohn, NoBroom and Reh-
.Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Exempting the Hardy Buggy Company, from the
payment of Taxes to the City of Paduo ah, fora period of five consecutive years, on motion
id Ordinance was given its second passage upon call of the roll by the following, vote,. .
Yeas Ingram, Gallmon, Kolb, Oehlechlaeger, YcBroom, Rigleabe••ger and Taylor,(7)., Nays.
sill, Barnett, Gilson, CKstter joHn and Rsllkopf,(5).
' game read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance Exempting the PaduoeH, Box and Ba:iket Company.
a " from the payment of Taxes to the Cit of Paducah for s
P Ym Y , period of flue oonssoetive years, -
' Ir �✓� y �- On motion said was given Its second passage upon call of the roll by tris following vote,
Ysae,. Ingram, Hill, Barnett, Oallman, 011non, Kolb, Nonroom, Oehl sohleager and RSgla eb ergerl
(9)0 Naye, Katterjohn, Rehkopf and Taylor,(3),I
n i8me read m Ordinance entitled m Ordllnanoe granting to the Langstaff- Orme Manufacturing ('
Company on certain real estate in the City of Paducah, exemption from uun®Spal Taxation for
five tears, On motion said Ordinance wee refered to the point Ordinance Committee.
The following Resolution was introduced, to -wit; -.I
Council .
L{ " Be it resolved by the general of the City of Paducah, that
the East Tennessee Telephone Company are now doing business of the Clty,of Paducah, with out
license and with out authority of law, and be It further resolved:- �•
That the Board of Public Rorke,be and In hereby directed to leeue to the said East Tennessee
Telephone Company, m permits to use..the streets of Paducah. Kentucky, for any purpone-untill
1 //�� said Co•itpany shall first obtain a Franchise to do bualn as in said City, Paducah, Kentucky,.*j'
r / On motion said resolution was given its first passage_ upon sell of the roll by the following;
. .. voter Yeasr lngram, 11111, Gallmanr Gilsonr, Kolbr Katterjohng MaBroomq Oehleohlaefefr Rshko
Pf rl
RSgU sDerger and Taylor,(11). Nays Barnett,(1).
.. ?•��.,
On 'motion the rule was suspended aAd the above East Tennueea »solution was given Ste seoondE)`
ane.. v... T..,.-... u411. n.ii..n. n4i..... v...I
,• _ •Y._ 1, �1i
Council Proceedings. City of Paducah,: _ 790 .
Ratterjohn, No Broom, Dehleahlaeger, Rshkopf,. Riglesberger and Taylor,(ll�i
1 -r
President Ingram expreaeed histhamka to the Board far the kind and aourteoue, 4 3Y
I d i CrnLmanL ex-tended to Mix during his term as presiding offioar of said Board, do .I
'.1 ..
�- motion of, member NoBroom it-was wunemousley adopted.that the Board extend thankas
to preeidelit Ingram for aourtin■ extended them,
----------On Notion The Board Adjourned.
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