HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 309, December 4, 1905,:. Y. v ,i-i •t t '.i �1) " Councll Proceedings. City of Paducah..':.....'::.:":::::.:.........:`_ ,-,. 190. . ngi Counc l;;` At a-regular menting of the Board of.Counollman held in the Council Chamber in'tho;Ctty ►*11- • �. Deoember'the 0th, 1905, with President InPram preelding and upon oell of the'roli:the fple .: �• lowing answered to their names, Inpran.VAII1, Barnett, Oallman, Oilson, Kolb,'Kattorjohn,' Nobroom, Oohlschlaeger, Rehkopf, Riglesberger and Taylor,(12), On mo Son the minutes of the y prevlmte meetlng were adopted an rend, '•!; On notion of member NCDroom 1t ma ordered the; tho office of sanitary Officers, be disoon- _ tined, On motion it was adopted that City Elrctrlclan Gilsdorpfat111 not na'City Eloctrlolan.unt111L V ' Ith. Polios and Fire Committee Look the. matter up and reported book to the general Council, in regard to re-appointing him City Electrician, upon cull of the roll by the following, vote t. ' Yeas, Ingnnm,14111, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson Kolb, Katter Jetn, mo0room, Oehlachlaegee, Rehkopf, ,. 121 gleeberger and Tnylor,l121.. .. On motion 1t was refered back to the ktoapital Board to advertise lm-LMnr'Mnl-for new bide for. the basement in the now Riverside tospital. Om motion it was adopted to pay ktondrleks Miller and Marble, the sum of 4,350,00, forservices rendered to the City, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram, N111, Barnett. t ,/ Oallman, Gilson, Kolb, Matter John, Oehlechlaegor, Rehkopf, Rlgleeberger and Taylor,(12). Jlv l / On motion It was adopted that the City pay to The Chalrlty Aesoeiatlon the sum of yW0,uu, per month , from the let, day of November, 1905, for flue con eecit ivr.:nonpha upon call of thele ' roll by the following vote, Yese, Ingram, kill, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, Ketterjohn, . Mo Broom, Oehlsohlaeger, Rrhkopf, Riglesberger an(1 Taylor,(12), ^ d1 On motion the request of Dr, Graves for compenestion during the Yellow Favor, spidemeck, was I'. refered to the Joint Finance Committee. The Mayor stated that the roof on the new Market kbuse was leaking, On motion It was refered to the Board of Public Works and If It was the fault of the Contractors for them to have- Yl C� 1 the roof repaired and the.Contractore to pay the cost of same. On motion th a action of the Aldermen wee conoured-1n, in regard to the request of the . 1IAyaock hoserylMill Company. fOn motion the report of the Paducah water Company, where-in they;. statecthat they have placed S 1 two Fire. Plugs on'Jefferson street between 14th, and 16th, street• was' reoelvid"and. filed-!.. ., ., /)4 � and ordered charged to the rental list. I' On notion the report o f City Electrician Oilsdorpf wus received and filed, nom' On motion the Comsmnloation from the NationABanks of the City in Regard to Taxation waq refered I to the Joint Plnu ncs Committee to Confer with the Banks and report back. L On notion the report of the Auditor and Treanurer for the month ending November the 30th, 1905, showing a cash balance on hand to be $105,307,95, On motion it was received and 'fl1eA, I' .. Member Oehlsohlaeger read the report of the Joint Finance Committee for salaries, bills for the month of November, 1903, amounting to l30,044,77,On motion same was allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram,kYll, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, Katter,lohn, MoBrooh, Oehlechleager, Rehkopf, RSglesberger and Taylor,(12), Y :110 .:.,•. � , ! Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.. ...........:...:............._....._.,_�:..?190 iP I "On��@@oLSa it wu opted o pay LL�he i�y C D of P uomh the. mum. of,.f100.00 _.___ ., per, uontft, � 1 motor Vie er off ant bs Snn n No Der s fir P B B ,, l9upon mall. of �'.:,:�.;-_�;: '17l7C roll'by the. fol wing ate;. Y s,Ingrem F1Y11, Bn`m\ettj' allmey, 011eoa.' Ro1D Ratt of YOBroam Oe eo �% EE ,' r R• pf. Rig Derger �On siotlom was ado od to pay the lSrm�\th,nt., oke,, Ylller Marble the sum of =3 .00, for ervlss■ rendered i 1 regard Lo th Injunction suit agains y y y . lv the City by the Lreet Car Compmy, on "I of th roll Dy Lhe following vote r .�, rias,'In om,L}lll, Bam t, Osllmm, O son. Kolb, Ka rjohn. mo Broom, -' Oehlsohlie r, AehkoPt, Big Darger. and ,(12), 1 On motion 3t was ordered that the City Issue to Mr Alonzo Elllott a new oheck-. •' ":. {� In le 1u. of s former .cheek, that Ur Elliott claims he fort, mounting toi90. C0 _ hen Mr Elliott glome security to the Mayor for arty loss to the City that may : _--t arise In regard LO the Issual of said oheok. 41 •.I •,i .n�, � YemDer'Aehkopf read an'Otd3nanoe entitled an Ordinance exampling the 8herr111- •I Russell, Lumber Company, rom Lhe paymentnof.T *art r he City oenPaduoaA. for IOC, •�'^9-i..•;' , • period of five poa�i tio8 .• years, .motto said Ordinance wne given re iits tit;4 ----�'�--' - ' passage upon mall of the roll by the following veto, Yue, Ingram, 1411, Barnett ' �Oallman, Oilson, Kolb, K*tterjohn, MOBroom, Oahlsehlseger, Rehkopf, Algleober{vr a n .• ' and Taylor, (12), <r Y 'Rami Ned an Ordlnenae•'sntltlad an Ordinance exempting The Psduoahj Box and lliU Basket Co an from themp y pnyment of Tsxu to the City Ot Pedueefi. for s periodof five'oonseoutive years, On motion sold Ordinanoo wiu given Sts first passage upon mall of Lhe roll by Lhe following voter•Yeae Ingram, \1311, Bamett, Oallmanl(A -,• Oilman, Ko1D,Ratterjohnr Oehlsohlasger. Rehkopf, RigluDerger and Taylor, (12), Same Mad an Ordlnanoe. , exempting the }1a Bu entitled mOrdlnanoe axe L rdy Buggy po�,any 1 Prom,the payment Of Taxu cta: the City of 'Pmduoah, for a period or five, Years,. , v V On motion said Ordinance Was given Its first r v,� Ntttl!!ll�rrr �Passage upon Dell of the roll Dy the � s lr �( q� I folllowing vole, Yess, Ingram, Vdil, Bsrnett,'�Osllmsn,'011aon, Kolb, MoRroom, —• :=fir^- Oehlmahleager, Rlgleeber and Taylor, (10); Bey* Katterjohn end Aehkopf.(2). motion the Lewd Woman Ordinance wee retered to the Burd of Aldermen . V r On motion Lhe reports of th'-Chios Of Police and City Pleotrioisn, OSLdorpt was ?�!.x7: rooeived' and !Sled. On motion the request Of VWnry aton* for salary, for being disabled while in the " 'employ of the City was retered to'the Board of.Publlo Works. On motion the ,requests of J,W.Dioke and P.R. and A.Langstaft, were retered to the y I •. �•' Board of gupervl more., embor .Oilson read an r. ...:. . y "'. .� applioation from Rama and Jenkins for a Cottee )!buselloenme ••'z -. at $ 918 south 8th# street., they offaNd as their bondsman .Adolph Well and P.O. r``{•{ Fy r .6•r]' . . . . +� 1 %-•�ohmldte'On motion. amid ltoo nsr"a granted L* and bond acoepted separate and oal-- r•;:'. gid"•(..., ,'; .. i eat upon mall of the roll Dy. the following voter Ysai'j Ingram V4II# BameLtj Gala, i`' - ,`. .,.,mea, Oilaori:, Kolb, Kett rjohn, MoBroomi OshleohLeger. Rahkapt, Alglaaberger am. , 3 1 _Paylor.(12) , r y read an epplloAlon from Tse Le"for a Coffao " e,- yki �wse lioeau ab # so asst 3 ,w i,.. _ Council Proceedings: City of Paducah,,..:....,:`..:"...:'.__!.:'.':..,.:,.'::.„.,:,,,,,,:..., 190 ZZ corner of 10th, and �Nusbands streets: he ,offered s . his bondam*n, Adolpf and Lee Well,. On -i� motion sold -11 cons* wee granted and bond acc*pted, separate and collectives upon call of the. . �;: ;• roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram .^111 Barnett Uallman , , , , R11eon, Kolb, KatterjoM ” Mc Broome' Osblaohlaeger, Rehkopf, Rigleabsrger and Taylor,(12). •. On motion the action of the Alderman was.concured-in, in regard to tuansfering to Lo0ls P. [o1D'Jr, lots # 9 and 100 In Oak Orove Cemetery. ^ On motion the action of the Couboll was conoused-In, in regard to transforing lot # 41 1n .. �L. block # 0, In Oak Grove Cemetery to Mrs A. Clark, On motion the deed to lot 1n Oag Grove Cemetery, lot # 8, in blook,#48 to Ogelvle and Walt era /r✓' was ratifyed. , On motion the dead to lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, lot#37 in block # 42, to W. H, Wi111sae Was 1hy ratifyed. qOn motion the Communloatlon of Gent and Elliott in ragard.to a City Dump at the foot of Clay' 1• / street was refered to the Joint Sanitary!'Oommittes. On motion the action of the Alderman was conoured-in, in regard to the request of Mrs Pots Rogers to have grads mads for sidewalks at the corner of 4th, and Elizabeth streets.' on motion tits notion of the Aldermen was concured-In In re nrd to the roe a , R 1 rail around the • corner of 2nd and Kentucky Ave. - /On motion the satlan of the Alderson was oondur*+' in, in regard to City F.1*otrlalan OSlsdarpl : inspecting all Fleotrioal wlreing of Skows in the Kentucky Theatre, MoBroom f On motion of member It was adopted that the Market Master keep all of the Spit -Toone 'in the Market cleaned.! motion City Solicitor Oempbsll was instructed to go ahead with the me1L of the City against East Tennessee Company, to compell maid Company to puroheas a Pranchiss, and ths.13:000.00, Money paid In to the City was refered to the Joint Finance Committee, upon call of the roll'Oy,; - the following vote, Yeas, Ingram, Hill, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb Oshlochlaeggr, Rehkopf,-Rigleeha' ger and Taylor,(10). Nays, Barnett and Katterjohn,(2), ' On motlonthe request of Chas !Reed in re gard to pavement in front of the Palmer House was r ` - *red to the City Solicitor, -__ ----------- __ On Motion THe Board AdJournied ------ --- »----- —__-__-- bey- Ufa'!-. 4'P ROPJ�,Y-BJP . 'IroWenl City Clerk. M1 ) XVe kiix�r ..,.a 1eµ5 '-♦ ! J C !t', h VfN Y f ) 1 �t .(� ♦ 1 5�.� .'t�,Y<.ry .; r'. :,y'�:' t�.: ._- .�• +.- e -:.:v w +•: A, i.ro ie ,:,t n.(s... ,.t"+