HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 302, November 8, 1905Oyu Y ry
Council Proceedings,' City ofPaducah .7166 �O /90i 190
At held in the Council in thity e Cr'r
- , Noll November, the 6th, 1905, and in tha:abeanee of President Ingram thr: CSty Clerk
t o rorular meeting of the Board o1
:..1 .x.....t'.. e..2..
.Celled the Board to Order, and upon cell of the roll the
following enewei•ed to thoir
Agnew, Barnett, Ballmam, 011eonKolb, McCarty, Oahlachleager, Rahkopf, `Rig-
•i•• 'lsebereor and Tsylor,(10),
'On Mollion-of member Gilson it :qs adpptsd that the Board ad Jovmq to moot next x
+,Z••;ir Fsdmeedey night November the 8th, 19051 at seven thirty oolock p.p. 1 ;•;t�f �..
NOV 90 105 NOV 20 1905 ` ',
0BY 01er4r s'
k C'���fl� �
'unci r
r ._ +,....... At an ad,)oumned meeting of the Board of Counallmon, .held in the Council, Chamber in
Tho CSty Nall November the Hth, 1905, With President Ingram presiding and inion call 1'0
of tho roll the
following answered to their nemae
r^ r Ingram, .Agn %Y Barnett, Oallman,
Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, Me Broom, Oehlschlaeger, Rohkopf, Rlglesborger and Taylor;(12)• %t",
' r a a=
On'Hotlon the minutes of the previous meetings Llys adopted se read, i l
)n'motion the request of the Asrcanthaler Cc Fqe rofore'd to the City Solicltorand •.
4 r•
> � �oint Ordinance Committee.' � �� � � .:>,
;n motion the aommunlmtlno from Phe board of Pulli Works in regard to shadestreea eMd hitching horses yo same was refired Lo the Joint Public Improvement Coumrlttoejr1t ..An motion the Mayorywgs authorised to purchase from MrS.Smilis Morrow 1H feet and
Snohen .of ground adjoining Lot No, 16 in Bleak No, B in sdd1t1L1on E, f
t ronting on -
+sT 4th, street ad Joining the -sold aforesaid lot,inches and'running back 346 feet and 6 "•""''
t f I-
to 5th, etrnot, for the sum of = 150,00 cash, upon -oell of the -roll by Lha follows ng - 1'
4 ,, ipte"'Yese, Ingram,nBarnett,+0allman, Oilron, Kolb, McCarty, MORroom� Oahlsohlaeger
Aahkopfi Riglseberger and .Taylor, (12),
r 0 Motion The action of the Board of Aldermen wqa c6cured-in, !n regard allowing
PPenk Smedley ffiseum Of15�,50r as Daak salary as eeeietent Jelborr during the year
f 1905, upon call of the roll by the following veto 'lsea In
r,. gram, Agnew, Barnett, 0 'r `I •'
f i ellmen, OS1eon,Ko1b,_ MOCarty� `MOBroom; :Oehleclrleegerr, Rahkopf�Riglsebergsr and - +-,..•
1 (fV t,
,-�+ Me0 •+,I 1n MoLinn Lhe Auditor and City Clerk Fpn instructed to Snvlte the am Boat' Paducah /
;0 visit the City. + .T t,. •_..., _ li :'' � 1 (�
f,,• ^('/'
On motion it W" rotorod
to the ,joint' Finan a�CommStLeo'Fith power to .eat to`tsks up i,�
'Lir 1•.. - 11
' !•�",,�'
6. he' matter of paying Lhe,oxpeneos of,the, Ohio Vd1U •I
y mprovament Association from
1VV l 1
r N` aducah to'Csiro,somotimo`noxt.'spring i
,.� f nI �C, r , 1•t i f �. -
µ.�'.i.�1:; IS:K <.' �' '�, 1S i'•i� itt. v,l t .•:f ,, _ ; .
. a ,
I4 C
' 411' •+'i. � ••, _
xn r: a . rlf , 1 t .� l'' Y T •-, .,t f ' fa:. .,
' .. +(T^�.f i't^ r1M .+Y,.r ^r -f• vl •m+!•nrw� _ ...
Council -Proceedings, CityOf;Paducah, _.. 190 .
ha Payor raportpd Chet, he had ml seed pissed or some one had taken the Bows11 street improve-
- ,,,/� Iwent Ordinnnoe from, Hays 'Avenue - to Ashoraft Avenue that the City Clerk had. turned over to him'•
Yy� �for elpieLure a1 and presented the copy of a me for flsrt passage on motion It nae, Adopted
Beme reed all Ordinance entitled an Ordinnncs providing for the OrlRinel construction by �
graAeiMg and groveling of Sowell street from the intersection of Haye Avenue, extended to the
'east property line of Ashcroft Avenue in the 0ity of Paducah Kentucky, On motion said Ord- "
•Inane was given its first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote,.Yeaa, Ingram
(Agnew, Barnett, Oallman, Oilson, Kolb, McCarty, MOBr00m, Oehleohlaeger, Rahkopf, RSRlesberRer �•
//�•a/nd Taylor,(12),
1•)'•,•,f/////Q) r11' motion the Board of Public Works were instructed to have the Street Inspector ht•ie a-
//161 1 ,6 YV plonk walk built from Mayen AVG, over to the school building 1n flan hanl c aberg. '
/- On motion the report of the Joint Finance Cormlttos for balerloa and bills amountlnR. to
J/ X14.860.68, for the month of October •pe allowed upon call c^ the roll by tho folow7ng vote,
Yens, Ingram, Agnew, Barnott, Oallman, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, Ma Broom, Oehl Bahl negor, Rohk opR
Rlgleaberper and Taylor,(12),
- On motion the bill of the F.11lott-RS cher Type (]miter Co, Amount]np,. to 8175,00, for a,Type
for the City Clerks office wan allowed upon on11 of the roll by the following vote, Yone,
'-� Ingram,. Agnew, Barnett, Cellman, OS1eon,.Kolb, McCarty, mvBroom, Oehleohlpoger, Rahkopf, 811;1
! ,YJlllrrr I
l/1^ leeberRer.and Taylor,(12), -
0n motion s;Re Treasurere and Audltorfr report ,for the moi.th ending October the 31st, ohowlng i
a cash balonee on hand93.361.67
to be !, On motlnn soma was received and filed,
On mntion the reoomendnticn of the City Soliolinr in regard -to refundinR.-tn.6 SCaldwall-,th
�/�/i• f sum. of'thirty odd, dollars for the•.1/2 of dant yearn taxes Vr" referd:to*the- Joint Finance .•I
•' ((, j { Commlttne•wlth power to act, upon call -of the roll by the following vote Yone, Ingram, Agnalf,�
Barbett, Oallman, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, SCBroom, Oehlaohlne;er, R.nhkopf, Rigleebnrper and
-• I Taylor,(12), ••
' Mombor Rahkopf read a regUOLt from from the Citizens of Paducah in regard to an-largeng the Fle
atria Light Plant on motion It ane refored to the Board of Public works to inventigite tho
cost and report back to the Con erel Council.
U� / On motion Sy was refered to Members Rigleaberear, Taylor and Kolb to take up the question
V / .Z " of Bottling thw Street Car Motormans strike with the Street Car Company, '1
Member Rahkopf Read an Ordinance entitled an Ordlnn,n:e rogulating the Public Wnye in'the Cliyl•,,
,✓O IIi
of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion na3d Ord ]none sxea Riven its second pasnage upon •call of%ths ,•,j
,a roll by the following vote, Yesa, Ingram, AgA.ow„j3ornott nallnan, Gilwon, Knlb, McCarty, �-
V Broom, Oehl schlaeger,' Rohkol•f, Piglesberpor and Taylor, (12). �•
�4I Same read au Ore;inance entitled an Ordinance Anending an 91-dlnrmas Entitled -'An Ordlnanr:a
/�/ relating to Automdbllas and other Meter Vehlolen, and rnrulatlnp their, use.and speed, In yhe
V � 1 City of Paducah, Kentucky, Adopted by the Board of Councilmen Auryat the 7th, 1905,•and �
Adopted by the Board of Alderman Aupvet the 21st, 1n05, and Approve(] by D,A,Ynleor Mayor
August the 29th,1905, And attested by Hebry Bnlley, City Clerk, On motion said Ordlnc�nce
was given Its second pareage upon call, of the, roll by the following.vote, Yens, Inprnm,
. Afmow, Ba -nett, Gallman, Oilson, Kolb, Mc Carty,, AcBroom, Oehleahlaeger,. Fehkopf, Rigla ebnrger.';:
rod Taylor,(12),
{ Same read an Ordinenea entitled an Ordinance providing for the onnneotion, and
,attachment of Grease traps to all waste water pipes coMeated with, Hotels, Ree—
i T �
,` / ,• tovranLe, Boarding Huasesr Cntse, Feting Huoese std Saloons In hewer dl strlot �t :• �.
r,_ ...
- ,No, 1, In the City of PaduoeII, On motion Bold Ordinance was given Its first .
�.... pasenge upon call of the roil by the followinP vote, Yess, Ingram, Agnew, Barnett' ..
Gallmm,,Glleon, Kolb, MOCartyr.MoBroom, Oehlechlaeger,.Rehkopf, RSglasberRer n71d
Be read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to 'exempt the Paducah Box and Bankat ,i
9 Y .
'Company from the ppymenL of municipal Terse, On motion said Ordinance wee,glven �,-r•
'Its first passage upon call of. the roll by the following votes Yeas, In(•rem,
OD ARnewr Barnettr Gallment Gilson# Xolbq Ya CartYr MoBroomo OehlechleaBerr, Rahko fr
\v Rigleeberger and Tsylor,(12). '4'.•: ;;�-
Same read an Ordlname entitled an Ordinance to exempt the Sherrill Russell.
Lumber Company from the payment of Municipal Taxes, On motion 3L wce #stared bt.e •;',•�;::� ;. ;
beck to the City Solicitor for on opinion,3n rneard to came.
.Sme tend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to exempt the Hardy RuRgy Co:�etty,
from the payment of Municipal Taxer, On motion said Ordinance was I:iven Its f1raL • -::'i•,'1;', �;
1 passage upon cell of the roll by the fb11ow1nf vote, Yoaa, Ingrm, AEfisw, Bnrnayt-
Gellman, nlleon# Kolb, YeCnrLy, MOBroom# Oehleehlaegar# Rehkopf, Rigleeberger, r;,�%:•;.. lY"
13 'T .!'•Cl!
-11 -
and +sylor, (12)., '•:-4; K't;.,—t"',. , '...
Rams rand an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to extend the City Weighers Office., i
9 1iJ1 td,re`*M two yearn, inetead.of one year,'.on motion amid Ordinance wqs lost upon
Ve '.,\NII Doll of the roll Dy,ths following vote,' Yean, Gilson cid Rshkopf,(2), Nays
V Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Gallman, Kolb, MoCartyt Monroon,'0ohlachlesger# RSglac— '� <F;Y^f..'• .
Derger and Taylort(10). ..
• '' s.;r
On motion the request of the property owners on Elitibeth between 6th, and 7th,
atrests to have the Paducah, Vats Co, to extend their water maine, /Ise refornda �,ft �?•T -
•to'ths Paduash# Nater Co..ry
' "
On motion of Mambo
Or r •Gilson it was.Adopted that the Mayor be added to the Joint
BuDlio Improvement Committeermd�instrucLed to have the neoseea repairs to ths•��'••'+-�'�
O. rY p ; r�i. ..
� 01Ly Nell fixed at once,
{ On motion it w4s:refervdoto1Member/e Teylorq R3gleaberger and Kolb to Lake the na
r,t matter up with the Street Car Car. to settlo the.Street Car Motor—men,. strike. L
r t.i
On mot'foe the =sport of LLs'Ch1ef of Pol3oaj Chief of the Pira Department and +-!.v
City EleotrloSm •Oiledorf,, for the Month Endlnd,. Oat# the 31st; wee received and i�y - r� •_
1 4
filed, ; e
r+� - r••''' Mamb a r. 011eonhHead: An' hppl10atIon from Nichol#. and Deboo for a coffec houa0 licsn
.. .i
_ es of the garner of ninth end. Boyd streets, they offered aaLhe3r Dond mangy Bm •••.�;�.--
t. I:.Lovy and R.L.Peacher,!On.motion said license wss granted as their bond had b.;
m -
l been rated uponend•'eooepted,-seporato-and collective'upon' call ofythe roll by
r•t, �,'f 1 �t
the following vote, Yeas'! Ingrm,Agnew# Barnette Gdllsian Gilson Rolbj McCarty,
' ✓ ' 1s.
McHroom,.Oshlachlsegerl:Rehkopf�'Aiglsebergar and Teylor�(12),• -- '
/ h ,
�' n.t•.R# �kil.hkra , ¢, , �:�' .tT,�� .', � .i... n'J1 1 1 � 'n)'' �, '
r • 4}
Same read a request froa-A.B,Terrell ,to have his gallon and quart llgoure lloeno* trenefered.
from #121 north 5th, street to 11417 Jefferson @treat, On motion hie roquset R ngranted.
�On motion the request of Nl ae Nellie Gardner to refund to her 61.50 for poll teY;•pntdfor
•' � !
Alex Ventreen* wan or`•ored paid when ohs presented the said poll tax racelpt, �'fl
IOn notion the request of Pat fmly to refund him $5.55, was refored'to the City Auditor and
O� •. if said claim w}a correct to refund same.
! / Or motlon the request of W,P,Emsry was refered to the City Auditor, In rerard to do,:ble see
ment of property, on 8th, street, between, Harris and Boyd Ste,
On motion the request of J,L,Potter in regard to over pnsosment. was refered to 1..W has rd ate
On motion the.request of J.P,Kolb to to rofund him ^9,32, for over oaeeemont•on hin property ..
1 n the Jarrett addition was refered to the Auditor, and if correct to refund arms, _
lAbor Rlgleabarger read a request from J.P..Perguson asking the general Cannell to transfer .
In lot 1n Oak Grove Cemetery, lot NO3 1n block No 410 to Yrs Y,E,Ooodman, On motion the
aqua nt was granted,
9 . sam a read a request from Id%,to transfer hur lot In Oak Grove Comet••ry the east half -of' the
Ph half to CIE, and Lillian Hauser, on motion her request wys granted..�,_:
On motion the request of T.C.Uillor wqa rofere-' to the City Engikeer and Roleif Committee. •'!
j`ember APnaw reported that brick was being hauled Snnthe Street Inspectors Yard in the Carta
f the City/a, on motion it wan refered to the Joint Pinnanoe Committee
for Investigation.
Member Taylor raportad that a ba,;'hola was In street neer Baumera on motion it no e. refered to
the street Inspector.
Or. motion the request of Otis Overstreet to rnfund him $2p, 04, for license was granted,
♦ fin mot ion 'the request of Barry and 1lsnneDargar to refund them $27,50, for license wqa grantad.�
N /
n motion it was r1f8red to the Paducah Water Company to extend their mains on Jnfteraon St I.
rom 14th, street to 16th, street and on 15th, street, from Jefferson to Clay street..
oOn motion the Woodward Avenue Or7lnanod wsp referod back to the Joint Ordinenoe Oormlttee,,-.'I
n motion the W ty,So11oltor and the City Clark were eurthorized to purchare blank honks to
�` urnlah the proper offioen, of the C1ty�to fila all the Ordinanoeen that hes baeri pseeod Ly
Ao/ the General Counoll,
IOn Motion the action of.tha Board ot'Aldermen vaa concured in, Snmrd
.ra .
C to the nettlamenL of
Bud Dal* gainat the City for demagen,
fn motion the action of the Board of Alderman was oonoured 1n, In revard to roettlement o!
r McMayere suit against the City, upon call of the roll by the follovAng vote, Ysae, Ingram,
Agnaw$ Barnett, 0ellman, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, M Broom, OehlsoRlnager, Rehkopf, RS,%lenbarger
I n end Ay or,
• On Motion The Board Adjourned. ,
rm IVUY YU IyU3 lip� �D NOV 20 1905
' 1,1