HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 289, October 2, 1905289
( Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, .. Of.T 05
_1 2- 19 190 '
= council Proceedings
'; -";p AL a regular meati '
. gu.. ng of the Board of Councilmen held in Lhe .Council in the City Rall OOLODar
'+t'0 the second, and upon antl of the roll the folowing answered to their name•, Ingram, 'Agnew, Barer-
- rapt, 0e1men, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, YOBroom, Rshkopf, Riglemberger and Tajlor,(11),
motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted agreed,
11 /{ ,Yr Sol Dryfue of the Commeroial Club asked Lha City to donate 1500,00 • to—wards buying a 511-
Servaoe set for the Gun Boat Paducah, *n Motion It was elfered to the Marcn.A. YInner,
'V T ..
President Davie of the Alderman Do ard, President Ingram of the Councilmen board and Yrs' j
L.B. Dubois of the Commercial Club to tn..a up the matter and report back,
The Mayor read • communication from the Board of Police and Piro Commissioners eokl
Its that ,Lhe'•
W or De aurthorlaed,to �
/ 1 P sign the peLLltlon for the Improvement of Jones street,. from ninth
To slaventh St for that portion of the property owened by the City, on motion yha" Wyor w&s�"I
�. aurthorlxed to sign came upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas Ingrsms Agnew,
nett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolbe YOCarty, YoBroom, Rehkopf, RSgla:�berRer and Taylor,(12).
Member Rigleaberper rear` the allowanose of the Joint Plnsnons for salalrls'e Dills and Etc;
: I I
�Amounting to 417,R04.72, On motion ems was allowed upon cellof the roll by the following
vote Yeas Ina -
gram, 1 , j gram, grew, Barnetts Gellman, Oilson, Kolb,ROCarty, YOOroom, Bahkopf, Riglae—
Derger and Taylnr,(12), s
On mntlon the bill of the Southern Bitulithlo Cos amounting,, to %98,00 for the Improvement of
I1 Kentucky Avenue was refered.to the Joint Finance Committee for an Indorsement,
'' n Bane roan the rapgrt of. Lha Auditor and Treasurer for the month ending September the 30th,
f lv
19050 showing A cash balance on hand to ha,1110.996.45, On motion it was reoeivod and tiled,
. On motion phe request o! the property ownora on Kentucky" froze first to ninth streat,in regard I
ito extending the time of the Contraotorn to finish names was received and tiled.
,The Mayor read a communication room the Board of Public Werke where—in they question e>V the valid:
`Sty of the Ordinance In regard to the improvement of J■TTnrnon streets from 2nd, street to ninth,j
''streets on motion came waa.rscelved and filed,
. t 1'a f a read a communication from the Board of Public Works, in regard to planning ■ rail Around I.
corner of 2nd,.an4 Kentucky, Ave, on motion it was refered back to the as Id Board, �' ISlIII
,c Sema road It 00mmuniestiem from the (bard of PublIo.WOrka in regard.to the request of property I
,. 0/',JI ',owners at�12Lh, and Salam Ave, for an aro light On motion the reoomnndnLlon of the Board was
D � �conoursd—in and the Communis■ylon was received and tiled. I,
'Sams re, A commuaatlon from John J. Blelah Wherein he states that the the Clock on the first is
4 /p' ;Babtlet�alto the Clock on the City Hnll building wee 1n need of painting of the dials and eto;
V _ t6n motion Yr B1eloh wee aurto let the contrnat to the loweel�lLyy bld-ler. I t
(V�. [On motion It wee refered to the City Engineer and thn Tward of Publle^ to investigate the coat L�
li ;of extending the present Sanitary Sewer district to include the High School and to secure ■
`•competent Engineer to help the City Engineer and report back. ha�
t / 1 Tha. Wn yor read aagreement tree'stis-fiad�l0i h8r-0os-��bEwJcetCmmpany,Y herein army ■grave to
`make a deed.to the City of Paducah for a strip of ground sixty feet (60) feet wide for street'
rposses from the present western to®Iris of Caldwell street to the right of way of the s .I
.t a Railroad Companies and wherein the Paducah Box and Batket, Company agrees to make ■ dead .L' '
City for a strip of ground sixty (60) fest in widths from the eastern line of their property:
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.::..__:
to on Intersection of Goebel Avenue or, the first alley south aOoebai Arefws, on
i f
motion ems was adopted and ordered racMad and !Sled upon call of the roll -by the
�' fll
oowing vote Yeae,Ingrm, Agnew, Harnett! Oallman, Gilson, Kolb,-YOCarty, Ya -1 +- > ,•
vY Broom,.Oak lee✓Hasger,. Rehkopf,. Rigleaberger and Taylor, (a). „--^.�} } L:i i '.•�"
On motion of member Taylor the Promoters of the Norse Show was granted the prlvels ,
els '
f ' /y'/'. i logo of collecting 611 11osngas, portioning to peddlers and aLo; during the s:�
Sbitlon, of ,raid show.
Member Rehkopf read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance makeing St a public offence
t j I s'y
for any one Lomeka or use a sea.), purporting to be the Corporate seal of the City r, f
rel I
L - Of Paducah, RanLuwky, except those Officers authorised to
do so under 8tate'gtatuy i
by Ordinance, and fixing the penalty SDersfcrP by title we the rule had been
•N. apended upon?call of the roll by the following, vote,. Yeeal Ingres, Agnew, Ber. �� k+
i IS ,r
t nett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, YOCartys, YOBroom, BaDkopf, Rlglesbergsr and Taylor
ane read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting to the Illinole Central Rail r--1
rad Company, Its successors or aeeigne, the right to build a spur track. on Harris
c son street, between eighth and ninth ttreeta, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, as
� y btwihh I .
end acrooe the Dame and the aidemlko thersoO hnd to - -e
t� 4 r operate trelne thereover t
rom Its railroad track, or extention thereof, into Lhs property or Mf facturing +
i ✓ t -.+Establishment of the Hardy Buggy Company, Its auccsemora or asaigne, on action
said Ordinance was
given 1Le second
° f (c H paeeege upon call of the roll by the following
pore, Yaer., Ingram, Agnew, Barneyt, Gellman, Oilson, Kolb, YOCarty, YOBroom, +
lehkopf, RSgleaDerger and 7al4oyy (11), , r{
41 Hans read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance creating and prodding for the sale
•1 ;f-& franehine or privilege to establish, maintain and operate a'atem Ferry bet
r-wieen the City of Paducah,endthe State of Illinois, On motion said
Ordinance was :..,`� i
+ `
.� given Ste uecond passage upon call of theroll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram
,� Agnow,.Barnett, Oalimen, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, McBroom, Rehkopf, Rigleaberger,
and Taylor. (11):-
Bame reed an Ordinance entitled' an Ordinance providing forwthe original canetruaeA
't .4IIan b Wei
I Y Br ng end graveling of Hays Avenue extended, where some intersects Sot
lr V
:ell street, to.Bridge�Strost or .Lhs old Bentoh Roar, In the City of Paducah, Kan-
i r,'Luoky On :notion ea3d Ordlnance'was given Its first passage upon 6a11,6f-the rolly
-by the fallowing rote,�Ysae,Ingrm,
w, -Barnett, Gellman, OSleon, Kolb, McCarty
*+ j'} °•`��j/,V,/B; me reWan Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the origlnwl comtruoY �J
W t on.,by grading an$-graysling 'of Sowell .street frome. point where 1L Intersects
I—*f i ..
(\ ,Aa brook Avenue,' to the west line of the street known as Heys Avenue extended In,,.t i
LyVI t� s'Olty of PWucaD, Kentucky, on motion said. Crdinmos. was given Sts second passe
I r
t^a+'kala upon'oallof, the roll by the following rote, Yaee, Ingrem, Agnew, Barnett,
l'Gallman.-Gilson, Kolb,. RoCartMaRrOOm Rehko f' R1
Y� r P , gleabsrger and Teylor, (11),' '
1 U
read ran Ordlnanoe a ntltlsdrang•an;Ordiasnoo providing for thq'aom-
r $ulsory oonneatloumlth Banita Sewers in tN ' }
+ t s- 1.9 , rYi present; Santry 7�& ar dictrlot n ,
Sn ,the CiLy oM Padudeh,z Kentucky, andpzovlding for penAlLy soatOodq, ,- - �,.•' V
jF f}
i `Mn9 4+ . n1�{+4 T+}rµ r -L r'�U! Y.eri4 1.1 , rr IT.f 5 ��.•� r
.. •14.e .. b'P.i mM• :dl(i sF1 t,, '.:'x..d,'�' vd.,11.,t`..4 •'^•�+hnt "hL,n W! ..r' ._I'�.K%.. i
f _
�P 6
{ �„.. ra 'r:,'�n li ♦4�•T., r`f t r r J ' ' ,.. "i
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.::..__:
to on Intersection of Goebel Avenue or, the first alley south aOoebai Arefws, on
i f
motion ems was adopted and ordered racMad and !Sled upon call of the roll -by the
�' fll
oowing vote Yeae,Ingrm, Agnew, Harnett! Oallman, Gilson, Kolb,-YOCarty, Ya -1 +- > ,•
vY Broom,.Oak lee✓Hasger,. Rehkopf,. Rigleaberger and Taylor, (a). „--^.�} } L:i i '.•�"
On motion of member Taylor the Promoters of the Norse Show was granted the prlvels ,
els '
f ' /y'/'. i logo of collecting 611 11osngas, portioning to peddlers and aLo; during the s:�
Sbitlon, of ,raid show.
Member Rehkopf read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance makeing St a public offence
t j I s'y
for any one Lomeka or use a sea.), purporting to be the Corporate seal of the City r, f
rel I
L - Of Paducah, RanLuwky, except those Officers authorised to
do so under 8tate'gtatuy i
by Ordinance, and fixing the penalty SDersfcrP by title we the rule had been
•N. apended upon?call of the roll by the following, vote,. Yeeal Ingres, Agnew, Ber. �� k+
i IS ,r
t nett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, YOCartys, YOBroom, BaDkopf, Rlglesbergsr and Taylor
ane read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting to the Illinole Central Rail r--1
rad Company, Its successors or aeeigne, the right to build a spur track. on Harris
c son street, between eighth and ninth ttreeta, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, as
� y btwihh I .
end acrooe the Dame and the aidemlko thersoO hnd to - -e
t� 4 r operate trelne thereover t
rom Its railroad track, or extention thereof, into Lhs property or Mf facturing +
i ✓ t -.+Establishment of the Hardy Buggy Company, Its auccsemora or asaigne, on action
said Ordinance was
given 1Le second
° f (c H paeeege upon call of the roll by the following
pore, Yaer., Ingram, Agnew, Barneyt, Gellman, Oilson, Kolb, YOCarty, YOBroom, +
lehkopf, RSgleaDerger and 7al4oyy (11), , r{
41 Hans read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance creating and prodding for the sale
•1 ;f-& franehine or privilege to establish, maintain and operate a'atem Ferry bet
r-wieen the City of Paducah,endthe State of Illinois, On motion said
Ordinance was :..,`� i
+ `
.� given Ste uecond passage upon call of theroll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram
,� Agnow,.Barnett, Oalimen, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, McBroom, Rehkopf, Rigleaberger,
and Taylor. (11):-
Bame reed an Ordinance entitled' an Ordinance providing forwthe original canetruaeA
't .4IIan b Wei
I Y Br ng end graveling of Hays Avenue extended, where some intersects Sot
lr V
:ell street, to.Bridge�Strost or .Lhs old Bentoh Roar, In the City of Paducah, Kan-
i r,'Luoky On :notion ea3d Ordlnance'was given Its first passage upon 6a11,6f-the rolly
-by the fallowing rote,�Ysae,Ingrm,
w, -Barnett, Gellman, OSleon, Kolb, McCarty
*+ j'} °•`��j/,V,/B; me reWan Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the origlnwl comtruoY �J
W t on.,by grading an$-graysling 'of Sowell .street frome. point where 1L Intersects
I—*f i ..
(\ ,Aa brook Avenue,' to the west line of the street known as Heys Avenue extended In,,.t i
LyVI t� s'Olty of PWucaD, Kentucky, on motion said. Crdinmos. was given Sts second passe
I r
t^a+'kala upon'oallof, the roll by the following rote, Yaee, Ingrem, Agnew, Barnett,
l'Gallman.-Gilson, Kolb,. RoCartMaRrOOm Rehko f' R1
Y� r P , gleabsrger and Teylor, (11),' '
1 U
read ran Ordlnanoe a ntltlsdrang•an;Ordiasnoo providing for thq'aom-
r $ulsory oonneatloumlth Banita Sewers in tN ' }
+ t s- 1.9 , rYi present; Santry 7�& ar dictrlot n ,
Sn ,the CiLy oM Padudeh,z Kentucky, andpzovlding for penAlLy soatOodq, ,- - �,.•' V
jF f}
i `Mn9 4+ . n1�{+4 T+}rµ r -L r'�U! Y.eri4 1.1 , rr IT.f 5 ��.•� r
.. •14.e .. b'P.i mM• :dl(i sF1 t,, '.:'x..d,'�' vd.,11.,t`..4 •'^•�+hnt "hL,n W! ..r' ._I'�.K%.. i
f _
�P 6
{ �„.. ra 'r:,'�n li ♦4�•T., r`f t r r J ' ' ,.. "i
tl H, - s�: •i' '. I.11T. /^ hJ•l Y'1 1V - i wne � ,
29 1
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,....: , .190
•Adopted by the Board of Councilmen March'6th, 1905, and Adopted by the Board of Alderson
March 23rd, 1905, and approved by D,a.Yeiser, Mayor, March 310t, 1905, and attested to by
by Henry Balley City Clark. On motion amid Ordinance was give♦ Its first pssenge upon o all
of the roll by Vis following vote, Yesaj Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, Oilson, Kolb, Mo�
Carty, MaBroom, Rehkopf, Rigleeberger and Taylor,(11). II.
/ Member RSgle obarger read s report from the Paducah, Rater.Co, wherein they state that they h#r11
placed five fire plugs on Bridge street from Clemons street to the sixth street Bridge e
/ on Kincaid @treat from Bridge strait two blocks west; on Jarret street one block east,On mot-
Ion It was received and tiled and ordered charged to the rental lest.
Same read a request from property owners on Jaffareon,strnst to extend the water mine bet-TV
14th and 16th, and on 15th, street between Jefi'ereon and Clay streets, On motion it was refnredc
to the hater Company,
,. .' Member MoCarty road the report of the Chief of the Fire Depertment, also the report of the
Chief of Polios for the month of September, 1905, On motion said reports ware received and '
:Same read the report of Electrician Giladorf for the month of September, 1905, On,motlon
it was received and filed, .
Member ,Gilson read an application from W.H2Orr for s Coffre House licenne at #1027, Broadway,
he offered as his Bondsmen Sam I. Davy and SIdnoy Web, On motion in.id license was granted I ,
�• and bond voted upon and aooapted separate and selective, upon call of 'the rollby the fol-
,• 1 �„/�
lowing vote, Yens Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Osllman, Gilson, Kolb, NoCsrty,MoBroom, Rehkopf,
_ Rigleeberger and Taylor,(11). ..
On motion the action of the Aldermen was concuredln, in regard to the City Solicitor to
doom up a contract with James Clark to turnieh the City with a garbage dump,
On motion the request• of W.P.Bredehmw and Mrs John Keithley for over nenvament on their
property wen refered to the Board of Supervisors. I'
Yv I. On motion the Board of Public Works wan instructed to do-tor notion en regard to lating the e
the contmot for the Improvement 00 Meyers street and Hays Ave. I,
/• (/ Member Rigleeberger read a dead to a lot In Gag Grove Cemetery to Ida Gish, lot No, 21 In
U. -
A� block No, 47 also a dead to alot In Oak Grove Cemetrery to Inox Underwood, On motion said dee
'• 1 .�� i deeds were rstifyed
t•d J Cn motion It wne refered to the Joint Cemetery Committee to.taks up the quantion of haveing
the contract lot to place head atones on graves in Oak Grove Cemetery, --
- On motion the action of the Board of Aldermen was ooncuredln, In regard to the request of
Barry and Henneberger,.to refund them 027,50, paid in to the City Trensurery, for Coal Dealer",
On motion )he request of M,H.Ingrm to have s drain pipe placed 70 foot rrom 6th, dean Clay Bt,
was refered to the Board of Public works.
dY Y
�1 /�V/ On motion tha action of the Aldermen was cohouredin, In regard to the City Enginnor moveing
' '!'14.j _the water Hydryant across the street, from the corner of 3rd, and Elisabeth •treat•, IIF
^ / ( On 'notion the action of the Aldermen was oohauiedin, 1n ssenrde to the Ordinance CommltL9e'to
J 1 I.
�bring In m Ordinance to make all old owulks over 6 feet wide uniformed.
JV a 4
W The City Clark Henry Bailey reported that It would cost the City ,a,1,40, a pisco.for the
i Autom1b11e/a license numbers, on motion it wan refered to the City Solicitor and the Joint
Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.. .... _..... .........:...:.......:.............::._ 790
i Ordinance Committee#,to
.bring In a report.,,.:
T Upon reoomendgtlon f City glneer Aas in an ewes' `'F !('}•' �' ` �
_ _11 gt instructed to have concrete::_,,,
1i pjl/ puY on_t a Sn erooe ion ofr r,nnd Adams street upon call of the roll by the r!,'i, �.� ,!• '''',
:.�followng vote, Yeas, Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Galimen, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, Mo-
+. - / -• Broom, Rshkopf, Rigleaberger and Tayloy,(11). -- ..�•. •--,.
on motion Lhe City Engin
nor was instructed to not the ourbing back 6 fest at the
corner of 4th, and Broad street, as Mr George Oehleohlaeger had agreed to donaoe�:
q dj that much of hie property atsaid corner for ateseL purpoeeeess. i�'•'
ember Agnew read a request from the Central Labor Union Body asking the City to
• lto grant to themprivileged' for a street Pair or Carnival during the May the7th, •
d including the 14th; ofmay, 1906, On motion a me wee received end filed and {
request granted upon call of the roll by the following, vote, Yase,Ingram, Agnew,'
�Barnett, Pnllman� Oilson, Kolb,-MOCsrL MOBr00m Rehko f Ri leeber
Yr, r P r B gar en/ Taylor
l c
�On motion of member Rigleebergor 0t was refered to the Joint POD31aImprovemont'
(t �Comm3ttee to get%ths cost of two more water HydryenteV 'Lo piece one at the aornor""c',P,�•'
r ,of 12thi and Burnett streets and the other at or near the corner of 17th, and
oadwsy and report beak." " •- ' _ 17
I Commiea00aers
-� (On m tlon'It was refered to the Board of Pollee and PireAwith power to not, to
.; _� r a _
Yurnish a. stable and feed for horse for Detectives Moore and Baker, on the •f t.
�C1ty Hall property,
�motlon of member Rekkopf it.was refered to the Joint Public Improvement. Com- ! '�
m3tWe•.anA the City Clerk to have a Cebinettplaced in the Clerks Office to Nig;.,;
'filetall papare purtalning to the Mayor and all Committees, `�••�•
Member Oallcian reported that the Hower at the Corner of 12th, and Burnett# street
I ,Y 3n bad oondition, On motion it was refored td"the City Sewer Inspector, + '
C,, fT x i •
he stltlon of Andrew Pe.Humberg, dedicating Harreban Boulevard or 15th, street +s)
<.:1mmning from Clay eLrseL.'to Jefferson strut# &eking permission to grade and'
aveI said .Roulevard'or street, and. construct concrete combined curbs and Butt' of
�•, ,!;,.�',•`�
'i n} and sid walks'on both sides of said Boulevard or street and the laying of storm
Later sewers along„the. line indicated.by the plat attached to said petition, wad • "�'. .,
.t prerentod to the general Counoil -by E.H.Puryear Attorney, and an motion of G:0
.r _ a
,V %' MoBroom said petition was received and !Sled and conoured In by the C�ouno�en
V- Said petition Is as follows LO -wit:= , `'•f' ,' `
If°4'Y To The Honorable Mayor, General Council and
iBoard of public Works of the City of Paduoahc.Kentuolq.
P ' i .':
.GenLDuent __..,. ': } trrf
The, undersigned es owners of tho,propsrty know ee *Urahnn Rub-Diviea \{ �
-Ion of Paducah, 'Kmtuaky,• hereby reapeotfally dedicate *to the City of Paduosk. 1'•' .` .
.1 Kentucky, Harahan Boullvard or 15th, stret, runnIng frog Clay etrrot'to Jeffetq-
' ..:. ..
•son strut, and wh0o4 has.formed_wfth
of: elghty(BO)feeL; upon the oonel4'-1.
., ,. ,
Oonthat-the; Clty-'Of Paduoah; Kontuoky, i. will permit me to'improve a►1d Harehea H
BoullverA or 15th, atroet,+by the grading end `graveling-of.eeme; ,the construo-
t }=.•,�`,1 � , On of r• onorote•� combiaod wrbs.a nd-'•guLLerb,, ;:end ;ooncbote eldnwelka oa DotD� , ;1 .
Council Proceedings; City of Paducah, 190
aides of Bald Boullvarq or 15th, street, from said Clay Sonnet to dnffere%n street, anr!'the
`! Fbuilding of Storm (later Samoa along the lines Indicated by plat hereto atteohed to'forthe
purpose of draining said property, a;plat showing the with.and location of.'the'Bald Harahai
Boulivard or 15th, street, and the line of storm water. Beware, Man hole" and Intakes. 1e
1 ... f..r:..
hers with filed with this petition and mads s part of Bane, Your petitioner to pay for the ,000n
.. � struotlon of said Harshen Boullvard or 15th, street, oombinaC gutters and curbs an d sldowalks
•and the Storm water Beware, the Cltyq to be of no expense in the complete original oonatruotlon
of said Boulivard or 15th, Street aforesaid, except at the intersection of streets, and only tw
combined curb and gutterr. and sidewalks. - -�
eBelelving tia a to be to the Interest of all portion
e .,.�• that thin Boulivard or 15th, street be accepted, arid eonatmated se aforesaid, I re.-peotfully''
ask your Honorable Body to accept said Harahan Boulivard or 15th, street and permit me to'impro
•'•r'` said Boullvard.and lay cold storm water sewers se aforesaid, the ease to be done under the supe
vinlon of the City Engineer", On motion of E,d, Gilson the dedication
Of Harahan Roullvard i
''�•'�' or 15th, street an shown or laid down plat filed with the petition of AndrewP..liumterg, 1n'
hereby accepted, and the said Andrew p,Hamberg of Chicago Illnols the owner of the Sub -Divi (
• '.,�,- cion known as the Herr.hrue ShD-Division of Paducah. Kentucky, 1s hereby aurthorizod.=C em- .�•
v ..' ..a
.. powered to improve said Nerehm Boulivard or 15th, street, from Clay streetto Jefferson street
'.i by the gradeing and grayling of ama, the building, of conbinedticurbs and gutters, ;and'eldewslke
on Doth olden of Harahan Boulivard or 15th, street, from Clay street to Jefferson etreet,thei
I; some to be done under the Supervision of the City Engineer, and to Do, paid for by the said
f Itnd h 1 b1 d Cu D d
Andrew P. umberg, except the Intereectlon o t e street n, a t an on y com no r e an
, �i•
Gutters and eldewalke, same was adoptedeupon call of the roll by tho followlnR vote, Ysan, . I'
Ingram, Agnow, Barnett, Oallmen, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, HeRroom, Rehkopf, Riglesberger and. 1,
On motion of E.H,A31son Andrew P,Hemberg of Chlongo,Illlnoie, the ov.ner of the ilerallan nub!
Division of Paducah, Kentucky, lu hereby mrthorlxed and empowered to construct storm water,!
sewers for the purpose of draining the %term water off of and out of Harahan gun-Divelon ands
all other property that may drain Into said Sub -Division, along the !less laid down the'plat
of said Bub -Division which in filed with the petition of the said I.idrew P,Humberg a11,.t4 I
P, Humberg, 180ttoohrW y the;.
be done end the exclusive cost of the said Andrew and no Seat
City of Paducah, for any part of said oonatrpotlon, and "11 of the work to be doneunder thei
supervision of the City Englnner, On motion name wan adopted upon call of the roll by the
-following vote Yeas Ingratut Agninuip Barnett Gellman OSlaon Kolb McCarty, Mo Rroomno
+• • -
kopf, Riglesberger and Taylor,(11),
On Motion the Hoard Adjourned .00T '1.11 1905
APPROViD77 ; i
ane OCT 16 1905 ii
r {