HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 284, September 18, 1905' Council Proceedings, City of"Paducah ,.,,,, SEF 1 ..... , 190 Is r Council m '{' ' AL a regular meeting of the Board of CounOIIMon held In the Council Chamber is Lha'Oity Hall 8eptemDar IBth, 1905, .with PreeSd0 t Ingram presiding end upon t" tjp+ ti ,cell of the roll the following answered to their names, Ingram, Agnew, BnrnaLt, ■ Onllmnn�'OSlsan, Kolb, YcCerty, Yo Broom, Oehlechlaeger, Rehkopf, RSglosborger std On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted se readw •` IIS` I . W '"•/ On motion of -member Taylor the notion of the Board was reconsidered In regard to V 4 refusing the the request of the Board of Bvb110 works to extend the time.of Lhe *, i � -• bkcontractors, for the improvement 'of Rdntucky,ays and Jefferson, Ste tOn motion SL was wefered to the Board of Public works to have the pond or Creek ' Air 11 s �'_:w i • t .. �drained out on weal Broadway beyond Fountain Ave. t 111 The Mayor rand n.propoeltion from Se B.Caldwell,Sr, and yhe Peduoeh, Box and �nYy`1 T 1 1BeaksIt Co, wherein S,B.Culdwoll n Y grate to make n deed to the City or IInJ1 I1for s stip of ground efrty(60) feat in widhh,,Lo be used for street purposes''. ,' Ifrom the present western termimm of Caldwell street to the right of way or _ ' (yy 19I9Gnidweii the Railroad Comparttes also the Box end Basket Co .. - mp!v4. agree oto' ieeke fm L deed to the City for a strip of ground eixty(60) feet'wlde Sfrw#d■R width 7 pDAginning nt 's point on their pastern line and extending through thedr property - x to their Western line, On motion SL wne refered to the Board 'o f Public -Works �4 , and the Joint Street Oomm3ttee9 with power to act, upon call of the roDl by LDe ,' 0 r� Owing rota. Yeae, I ngrem, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, OSleon, Kolb, McCarty toll y LoOroom, Oehlechlneger, Rehkopf, 'RSgLeDarger and Tdylor,(I2), S! iMt Oil- / In bootion L Illinole' 0 Li+a1 Raklrke4 �CA� as Sna Lod o oe'n � �'�. 4LtiY � �� � Pis , �a nl a4.Feho 1 putt mo(Q Lead etkIpLtt_WOek on akd.. ably SL'%ate. 1tFSOn motion the roquest Of the Anhauaer Bush.Brewing Cc for over easement was • �, �' t 11 refered to the Board of Superviso. k Y rsJ 4`f som*. reed d oommunlcation from the cityYEngineer in regard to the Sewer inspectwy t4 ;ottp motion it wan rotarod to the BJo1nL .Ordinance Committee to Drill 1n an Ordinance. : i1{1{1{ l.i`s, ( `,+aP governing enme one .reed n communication.from the Board of Public Works in regard to the culverts thpj^ `..�`n os-1Ewe11 street wherein the Illinois Central Railroad Company agrees to pay / V ` "•x$300 co towards the'improvement of same, On motion enure was adopted and the Board a`��.tl. - t' pV -^ ,o f Publlc. Works wee, lnetmoted Lo proceed with the work, .upon call of the roll by ! . Tj , `I,?he following vote, Tene,'Ingram�.Agnew�':BemoLt, Osilmen, Oilson,Rolb, YoCarty, yi 'q� + , oBroom, Oehleohlaeger, Rehkopf� RSgleeDerger and (II ) •Rsyn Taylor (I) n, '+On motion the request 'Of the PSrff% Belt �Churah was reoelved and fiUd t 9 - 4 fr•' Same rend the following reeolution,to-wilt- ••_ _ n ((( REAIMLI SAND AE90LVTIOH ratifying the Bale of loto bOlonfing to the Oity of Paducah, on Olay Street between 1t I_\\VYlif if { ; +' Tonth aril Eleventh treats, in oa3d OSLy, by LI a Un to , i +.r. John Sinnott - , I ' Y Of P'�du0ah ib the olinor of:the fol -1.I'„ " t- 7•N1O:RZAS. tho Cit y i t ♦ t ,... i - }((ty /F ;A i i aF 1 i;. lowing doeOrlbed rcalt on}atotown City loto'in said City,i r l T!'.vnaxiely, � _ .,J _.. �tiy. I _ ,r 'i, 1' !t_...•_ ' � 1 c I t WM1 i,. , ! ,a ' til,., 14•'4 i {. ..�k r;;J � �:J�i' :oj ..�, • .; Y r SEP 18 1905 council Proceedings City of Paducah, .._... :........... ._ . 190 �rn0 ,:1 county Court, In Commincionor'n deed book iln. ::, Page 154, i AHD WHEREAS the Wald City hon no n6ed of or uno for '.! 1 sold lots, and It In denlrable that the Dame Shell be nolA, - r and the money the sale brings be oovered into the Treasury of t110 Oity, mid WHFREA9 on the 7th and 10th days of Augunt,'1909, ' -- •'+?i:i . . �,,;... " Sartain stops Were taken y . - ' 1, ... _._:.: =.-.-., .',.. .3..:� Dy the�'OentrOl Oounoll of na1A 01ty, ,.'.looking to the Sale of cold lots find nu 1 it , . PPonedly nuthorizlry5 , '.the Mayor of the City ce sell anile, and WHEREAS the Rayer, Forder said .olPPoead authority, � ir'.'oontrnoted to eell the lots to one Su•. John CSrmott for Eleven Hultdred and Ten DollArm (01110.00). wldoh Dole Woe, on l .the Plot end ^4th days of Atotnt, 1905, attemPtod to be on 'fro firmed ; by the General Council of an1A City but no deed has , , an Yat boon node to the Durohoeer,. and,, WIIER8A9 doubt has Arleen tin tai the regularity and, � -..—. velldlty of Said ProeeedlN; n, willnold sola, And Whereas, It 1 �PP9nxa flan thO 1nopeotion of the r000rd In the offloo of the ,': 1 �Poupty :Aourt Clerk .that tho deed nforeenld, ureter nhlah they ' Heglnnhnlgg a�yye Point OO feet from ^the Inter- : section of Roo ' .. .,. ,.._ uoG'�L$ _ ..: , 0 set arA IbePitol Street, non ,. •Clay aLroat fronting on HOePILnl (Olay) Street 300 feet. running Went from the beginning Point; thenoe .' ' r11112.1119,•�(1`�, r11112.1119 beck towardn the 00 tar of the blook 100 feet •1' ,Ji ;- - to An alley, ^G 1/8 feet n1dn; the nate being lots ','+, ,);• •!' ^i 1 7Y� a' _; NOD, IR and 13 on the mnP. of'He^ry LlldurD' accord '01 '' _: ;?�;"•"' . 1".: •. Addition to the ty s' Pnduoah, on P310 in tL•10 1.10- .':j,•',' .'• ;`. .111..•. Crackao County Clerk n offioe, whiah nnid City hn1An I' ;' by virtue of a dood from Sarah 111111ngton 0, and hor hunbaM, *hoe. J. Millington, by John P. 7.elner, as 1 '�•'"' ••''n' ,. Master Cowlnnloner Of th6 ROOraoken Court of COrnmon' Plean, In the notlon- in equity Ill cold 001Frt of tho y' ' ' •' City of Peduoah vs, Said two nilllngtonn; nhlah doOQ 'I•' •i '.'�, -''.i I1 in dated the Ilnt dny-of Ootober, 1806, nrnl in ro-- I, j`' oordod In the offtoe of the Clerk of Ho' k-• 1 '� �rn0 ,:1 county Court, In Commincionor'n deed book iln. ::, Page 154, i AHD WHEREAS the Wald City hon no n6ed of or uno for '.! 1 sold lots, and It In denlrable that the Dame Shell be nolA, - r and the money the sale brings be oovered into the Treasury of t110 Oity, mid WHFREA9 on the 7th and 10th days of Augunt,'1909, ' -- •'+?i:i . . �,,;... " Sartain stops Were taken y . - ' 1, ... _._:.: =.-.-., .',.. .3..:� Dy the�'OentrOl Oounoll of na1A 01ty, ,.'.looking to the Sale of cold lots find nu 1 it , . PPonedly nuthorizlry5 , '.the Mayor of the City ce sell anile, and WHEREAS the Rayer, Forder said .olPPoead authority, � ir'.'oontrnoted to eell the lots to one Su•. John CSrmott for Eleven Hultdred and Ten DollArm (01110.00). wldoh Dole Woe, on l .the Plot end ^4th days of Atotnt, 1905, attemPtod to be on 'fro firmed ; by the General Council of an1A City but no deed has , , an Yat boon node to the Durohoeer,. and,, WIIER8A9 doubt has Arleen tin tai the regularity and, � -..—. velldlty of Said ProeeedlN; n, willnold sola, And Whereas, It 1 �PP9nxa flan thO 1nopeotion of the r000rd In the offloo of the ,': 1 �Poupty :Aourt Clerk .that tho deed nforeenld, ureter nhlah they ,4 9 LYo he de sold Ota, oontalns An arronaoun doonriptlon of saki r, ., �� �j' '.;• WHEREAS the. Oenernl Oounoll In now fi111y Informed e0 to the Iodation, denoription and vnlue of oaln. Into, and ,Ji ;- i. •' ''�� (t66m 1,01 Apo irablethat the sale no effeo_tad'tiy the llnyor ,Niall ...�.,s �.., .•.. stand aA made by him, • 1 ::i,,• ,. NOW, in order to oorreot any rrrore In nnid former :proceedings in the general Council, looking towards and i Ing said sale, and In order to remove ell doubts on to the �°"Y.' I, validity of Hold sale, and In order to correct tho error In the decoription of Sold Property, bn SL now J.I DRSOLVF.D by the OFMF.RAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ,•� H, '. ,,; r; PADUCAH; that the notion of the 02HERAL COUNCIL heretofore in ,.l4 4/_thin matter, Authorizing tho Mayor to sell nnid into, and t11e •_1 I, p,4`)?:fit,,. .. sale ofneid foto by the Heyer to the said 11r. John Sinnott, At the Prioo of Eleven Rundrod and Ton Dollars (81110,00),' B•d -4% , the forays' ratlrioatlmi of nnid anis by the OF -NERAL OOVNOIL, -• 'y".. Q.- p • ; r r ,, ,�R De, end they each and all ore hereby rmpeotivoly oPProveQ, 1~ 0�j.IT: Yl,; '��•' •�I,. and ratified aid thoNa or in here Inntnlatod n +�� DY '�� .i-' r ri .' "1:;1 i.; ,''y'.7 dlrooted ibr and on behalf of tIJY.OSt o ;. ) , Y f Prtduoah, to convey 1 J J 4 r -.i , J .said Into to the lurohnaer, John SSnnott,.by dead of GENF04lL r A '1 • J J• Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.: .....::...........:.`....:...:;..:.:.....;,:'...,190 . .. ' WARRANTY by the City Of Paducah, 171 whish deed he will correct " the error in the description of the property, so that the da- N� 'ir�� soription in the deed given to the said John.Sinnott lacy be a'•qt ,7p correct description of onld lots.' On notion same was adopted upon call of the roll, by the following vote, 7ese, F� Infirm, Agnew, Bennett, Gallmm, Gilson, Kolb, YnCarty, Ysbrom, OshleChlaeger� 6' (-pRahkopf, R1E1seberger and Taylor,(I2), .On motion the rile, was Suspended and the above resolution was given its eecon4l + ' adoption upon call of the roll by the following vote, Year, Ingrm, Agnew, Bar­. nett. Oallman, Gilson, Kolb, YoCartyp YUBrOomp oshlschleeger, Rehkopf, RSglss-T / Berger and Taylor, (I2), and the Mayor Aurthorised'Lo sign th-e dsaO'when the City Solloitor indorses said deed as oorreoL, upon 0911 of the roll by the y• ''Gilson, fl- lowing vote} Yana, Ingram, m,Agnew, BerneLL, Gellman Kolb] YoCartyf "`•1)�!1. • ; )YaBroom, Oshloohlaegar,'Rehkopf Alglesberger and Tcylor,(I2),. E �On motion the communication from,&Psle in regard to his property on Jefferooa •';:. •'•> .... q(a �gt, was re Oel ved sac filed. On motion the Illinois Central Central Railroad Company "a Instructed to pleas , all coal for School purposes on second street between Jackson and Ohio Streets, - ih4•.-- ,' �upon,oall of the roll by the followin vote, Teas, Infirm, Agnewq BareteLt, Osl1- ,•-.-��a•`:�� -;• , man, Gilson, Kolb, Youctx, HeBroa ;YL iU ba)tlhAgbil,. PgwevA , atads> ". ..;' Q,1�.i,a#,rsnp, Hays, 900arty, OehleohlseFer, Rehkopf, Rigleeber er and Taylor,'(Y�) '� + The Ynyor reoomened that Yr E. H.. Purysar be employed to proaeoute the case of , `I + �• the City against the, Anhauser Bush Brewing Aaaooiation, on motion it wee'overed i.-.+ .,•. �I . 'y �' �•,:'. ` to the Joint Pinnmoe Committee with power to Act.' upon call of the roll by the ` I Aire Rowing vote, Yeast Ingrm, Agnew Barnett,. Gallmanp Gilron, Kolb, McCarty,- f YaBroom, Oehlechlaegsr, Rehzopf,Riglesberger and Taylor,(I2), I. i r` ✓ '` resident Roble of the Board of Public Works reed a request from the Board of.pu 'Publ10 Works, City Enginosr and Contractors to extend the time of the COMraotos ) for street improvement on Ky.' Ave from. ^ta ninth, at and on Jeffereon at,, {• IuV� W fifrom' second to ninth, at, also Ky, AveTo_ J�affersonq eta, ees eesr on sixth, Sea._. ea .!seventh and ninth eta, on motion said roqueet was rejeONd upon.oall of the roll ! :� �by the following vote, YSSa, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, Kolb, Oehlechleager and 'Rg �= Riglesberger,es -(6)r BaYe:. Ingrm, O1180% YOOSrty,,.YaBrom,.Rehkopf, and t "' •I , )/-�TglorrfA2)v- .i6)... `' .}.. ,: ..- :. •+ ,. j.J n motion the request of Yre 8hanklln in regard to'n'lot in Oak Grove lot //403- + J(� 1 + 'in n block fY4gwasrefered to,the Joint Cemetery CommiLLeS, VVV/On motion it, was refered Lo.the }Bo°b}8}ilRdoi%OQJJ t�i098;injIn m ordineQ� ..to eYLmd'.LLi present Piro limiLa, ' •�, ,. � - � t) On motion the action of the, Aldermen waa *effected in regard to baveing the.wster- ',Hydriant at the Corner of Third and Clark ata, removed amond the corner on Olo_Y at, upon call; of theroll,-by the following vote,: Yeas,Kolb, McCarty and Rohkopf f i .. .Mayo, Infirm,. Agnew , Barnett, Gellman, Gil eon, YaBram, Oehlsohlseger, k �; r RS eeber 1 g1 ger and T ay Di,-Fit-"(9)r ii+'.: 1i ,.> ,�sl.l.j...i �i� ° ��r.:(:� +,1,w. ,l c., '�t._ ftia, �k,1 :.,. ti+qs `•..,. � [}:+ I .. ' ,. .. � I.I{. .i � r 1 �_. � r.}..'. )YtitY K is t•;^ IA 2'3 i Council Proceedings, City of Paducah 190 __: ; .:_::.:;. _ .., ;'Member' Oahlsohlaegot:red the, allowanoae of the Joint Pinance mounting to,.'j7,74S,32, IrI •1, on motion ams wan allomod upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Ingrm,Agnew,'0'L Barnett, Gellman, 01180n, MoCsrtyj MOBroom, Kolb, Oehloohleager, Rehkopt, Rigleobergor and I t Taylor, (I2), / f. a ' ' Menber Rehkopf read an Ordinance for they Improvement Elizabeth by title se the rule had be suspended, at this puncture Member McCarty road a remonatramoe against said Ordinance, on i motion the petIblon was received and file*ha •Ordinance was placed upon Its final passage J` :end was lost upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yese, Barnett, Kolb and RlgleeDorger'' 'I(3)9 Mays Ingram, Agnew, Gellman, Oilaon, McCarty, MOBr00m, OShleahlaegor,.Rehkopf and Taylor,(9). iSme read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance makeing it a public offence for any to make or..' n use s Seal purporting to be the Corporate Seal of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, except those ' 1 Officare mrthorlxed-to do sounder the @tate Statuten, or by Ordiuenae, and fixing the penalty therefor, on motion said Ordinance was given Its first passage upon Call of the,roll by the;• following vote, Yeas, Ingrm, Agnew$ Barnett, Oal.lman, Oileon, Kolbj McCarty, MaBroom,. 00M ! laeger, Rehkopf, Rigleebarger and Taylor,(I2), .. - Sams road an Ordinance �antltlnA an Ordinance grentSnP, to the I111naie Central. AsilrondCom-s; j II . pony, its suooseeore or ossigns,. the right to build a spur track on Harrison guest, betwa an � Eighth and Ninth Streets, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and across the ems and the aide-�' walks thereon, and.to operate trains thereover from Its railroad track, or extention thereof,l•' W into the property or manufacturing establishment of the Hardy Bugy Compmy, its successors ' N,( or. seslgns. On notion Maid ordinanoe.was given its !fret passage upon call of the roll by* the following vojree, TeaB, IMgrm, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, 011eon, Kolb, Mo Carty, MBBr00m, / Oehlmohlaager, Rehkopf, Rigleebarger and Taylor, (I2)', Sams rad an ordinance entltled'an Ordlnsnog providing [or the original construction Dy q G n/ grading and graveling of 19th Btreet, from a point where it Intersect@ the Broadway Road to �l a point' where 19th street Intersect with Guthrie Avenue, and for the original oonetruotlon I of Guthrie Avenue .by grding�and graveling, from a point where same Intersects 19th Strest .I I to a point where eme 3ntereeote the Mayfield rod, in the City of Pduosh,�Kentuoky,-_ On ,•I j notion said ordinance, was referred book to the Joint Street Committee.' a i Same red an ordinance entitled 'An Ordlnmoe cresting and providing for the Bale of •-•,_I..� franchise or privilege to establish, maintain and operate a steam ferry between the city.of,, Paducah and the State of Illinois. On motion said ordinance was given Its first passage,. : u on osll• of the roll by the following votes, Yeas: Ingram, Agnew,Barnett, Oallman, 011sonji.;,- Ro1D, McCarty, Ohelaolaeger, Rahkopf, Rigleebarger and Taylor, -(11), Mays, Mo Broom, (1), On motion of member Taylor the communication from the John Arta �wr.e refered to the Joint :7''I.3 .. Street Committee, •� N Member Rigleebarger red s request a-segwest from property owners on noth 12th, arul pe].m Ave asking to have the oter Maine extended on said streets, on motion 1t was refered to the .I i t j Pduoahs water Co. Also from property owners on futhrie Ave, eme action. 1.'I Bans red a communication from the Paducah, Water Co, wherein they state that they have,plaosd' t e1 ght fire plugs on Trimble street from 16th, street to 24th, etrsotsn motion the eaois was,:j, i I V/ dlt 'charged orderthe Rental list. 17 Council Proceedings. City of Paducah.: .....:.......:....:...._...........::.._..'•'. Member Gilson read an application for a coffee house license tropo end �;t�- i mD ip ;Stewart at #1501.south 3rd, street, they offered as their bond the Pidelity: ) Kell 1U� .end Deponit Compagy of Maryland, On motion license was was granted and their bond accepted upon call of the roll by the following vote,Yeae, Ingrsm,Agnois, >e ', �.1 Harnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolbf YoCerLy, NoBroom, Oehlechleeger, Rehkopf, t Rigleaberger and Taylor,(12), , 4 ; I _t .YY • fl Hems read a request from Harrison and Loving to remove their.00ffee house li—` sense from #928 Husbands street to the corner of 10th{ and Husbands etreet,"On r ! M motion said request was granted.. Game 'rand s request from Bradley Hro% to rotund the m $25.00 paid in for ori, ' �' � r i' a �( �• Coal end Ns ad Dealers license, on motion It was ordered refunded Lo. them. It; t 1 o- jt I(I-t�tOmDer YnBroom reed's aommunioeSion'from James Clark in regard to furnishing ether City a boat to dump garbage, On motion it was rerared to the City Solicitor `Eo __ _ _ f ` draw up soontract with him. - - I Y ? [ Oallman raed.a request from Y,H,Sredlsy end .Ghee T.'Rlnkls, in regard to'avr C C i f 10 nese®ant on their..groperty, Oh. motion it was refered to the Board of Bupsr - 1t I y tivi Dore. tti i•'"' t ";Sams read a requeet..fram residents on 12th, at and Salem Ave# go have an Arc ° t f 111 ••&fight pleaed thereon,. On motion it was aefared --to the Board of Public Works.-. 01 R." C Y�-. Vl� •,.', li 6em sad s request.from the Butchers in regard to most pettdlm a. on motlon It was roosivod and filed. SrKr� i Bean sed a request fromJ. R.Yoove.in regardto over ssesenonE, On motion St -was f k C E I y Metered toLhe Hoard o! Sryervisora. �. i" Member R1 leeber er rend a request + B g quest from Bd.Yadleon to transfer hie ,lot �Sm Oak t� , Grove Cemetery.Lo Yrs Wm.Sherrer :and Yrs Zola K t, Sang, The north half to Mrs Wm•� Q(/ Shatter and the,south half to ]h•s Zola -Klug, :On motion said requsst'wes granted �+1 i t YI �n motion of member Taylor it -was refered to the Board of Publio works to openl- iF`; he gutters: on the corner of 2nd, and Yonroomw Ste. mamDer.Kolb it was refered.to.the Board,ot Public Works to,have an roe111 around the corner of, second and Ky Ave, on the sidewalk, r„ �,['f• �On motion of member,YoBroom It was refsred.to Li�e'Oity Solicitor to s complete ` ✓r. r r - Lr sad to;rthr, school property in YsohanlanDurg:a� return some to"the school Board'. '0 t' .On motion creams it woe refered to.thO Board of Public Works to report In regard 0 }o improvaing Hsrrison,stre!t.by paveing.and,guttering from Sth,.st, to'•13th, and (1 fjj . ' • N r I. lth, at, bet, Yedleoa and Yonre! On motion phW board adjourned. "OCT 2- 1905 i ; t '' AMO z OUT2- �Py/[$�or.. P'�t/� fr 4{.. r,i v� �•4 'Vliy �_qi0;' : rrvr.d..ea.w ./ � ^ r - ` 1 � o-1 ri}�+� �Zc `I°Y 1 w r.f# r•^:r '+i J.1 1.11..5\' 1 ' { `� '+ ' a , c ..°.,f, �� T �t �•tt 4 1 ' < r f i {,? t, ,y tlJ> 1 t + 711 M1 r r 1 H 1, 1�`11�t'4iw'' 4 1�f.—rt r l l r, t 1 i rr I t I I A eit-1 '1•r. ail e i t4^ t, f 1 A(. 1 IY ! 15 r I Iw. 1 f >• 4.. IlA1 rtl :x,4.1, r•MI {` 4a �,. 4�t `t `It L } 0 •`.1J.'r l�,✓ elan r tr t IL Lt I#^. . , i}n Nfr ` w } t ,? n �: IIr4F txy-1. Q1 F.+`Jr�\Y !� a f 4s iyQ t 4r- tilt i I r .flflr 1 +�1Tkl S•T \ ♦ I f) I i 1 JTi`A`,� i1i- I, 1. 1t�;.7,.1L41{rt'�eft°Y.r:ry ., •ht}a4,n �l.,tti_i�".yt. Rf.Tv ..,:.r ?.1. Si 4. .. it �` r`'t ..� ... r-..re....n..r t r ti r r ti h h 1 Y � � i, 5 •h..•