HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 279, August 29, 1905' ��,u.S� 7 r).(�+..r'`;., r'�tq. a.i T^,_o¢j.irr^Twr•a .
Council Proceedings,AUG 281905 190
City of Paducah, ._ ...... "
Council kl�roceeclincrc
•-•'�• 1t • sell meeting of the Board of 00un011men held in the Doun oil Chamber in the city Hall -
M-eM-0lq-HO" August the 28. 1905, with President Ingrah prealding and upon 0911 of the
roll the following answers o e namss, Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, 0n1101041, Gilson,.Kolb,
. Mwarty, Ma Broom, Oehlsahlsaberger and Taylor, ii�j,91I).
T'beMayor read reason for the call,, to -wit,
I have called you to gether for the purpose or giving eesoon passage of an Ordlnano* permitting
•- ' the General Council to establish a quarantine at any time they may elect to do so,91e0 to con-
.•�i alder and pave Ordinances, ordering Selo of-P*aw*heese- Street Car Pr nchise and Elestris
Light and Power Franchise, and sot on repd•,t of the Board of. Health,
.On action the Board of Health was 90shorlssd to employ Scavengers to *14 man �the CSLy,, st the
City/a expense, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yesa, Ingre-56l.�ttl�i.bllman, Kolb, Yo
g Broom, Osblsoblaeger, Rehkopf, Rlgleaberger and Taylor,(9). Nays, Barnett,ii).
Member 011son came In.
Member Rehkopf read an Ordlnauce entitled an Ordlnano* giving to the General Council of
Paduoah, Kentuoky, the right to declare a Quarantine regulations, am the employment of
Sanitary Officers and Inspectors. On motion cold Ordinance was given its second passage upon
cell of the roll by the following vote, Yeau, Ingrm, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb,
Yo Broom, Oehlehhlaeger, Rehkopf, RSgleoberger and Taylor, (IL).
� ✓
Same read Ordinance, to provide for the sake of Pranchlae privilege forfurnishing
,-•, '/� Elsatrlalt ALight and Heat power, within the City of Paduca'1`i. Kentucky, Oh dotlon.esld,
.Ordinance was given Ito first paeo,-go upon call of the roll by the following tote, Tess,
/ Ingrm, Agnew, Barnett, Gallman, 011son, Kolb, YcBroom, Oehlsohlaeger, Rshkopf, Rigleabsrger
ccr.T L and Taylor, (II).
Dame read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing tar the sale of Pranahlae and Pr1v1-
leges for the purpose of, erecting, operating and maintaining an Elatriot Street Railway,
In the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on motoln said Ordinance was given its first passage upon
call of the roll by the following vote, Yoas, Ingrm, Agnovq Barnett, Gellman Gilson, Kolb,
M*Broom, Oehlschlaeger, Rehkopf, RSglesberger and Taylor,(II),
ON Motion The, Board Adjourned, '
SEPX- 1905 SEP'1905
fr.,i.lss7 Lord CwedLwna
1ty CION -
council Proce�ns
*!,w W meeting of the BoarO of CoUnollmen held in the Councl n the City Hnll August the
•�; F 290, 1904, with President Ingrm presiding and upon call of the roll thno following an
w answered to their' names, Ingram, Barnett, Gellman, 011son, Kolb, YoBrom, Oehlachlaeyer,'
Rlglesberger and Taylor, (I0).
The Mayor rend reason for call, to -wit:
I'have called you to ether for the purpose of ivi
• Y K p rp giving second peaasgs to Ordinances granting.
!1'}_ Street Car' Pranobl+u and Electric Light and Power Franuhiae,
Sign, D.A. Yelesr, Mayor -
{� Membor Rehkopf read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for the axle of Pranchles or'
privilege for furnishing Electrlaty for Light, Hest and Power, within the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance was given its second passage upon call of the roll by the
following vote, Yesa, Ingram, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, YoBroom, Oehlechlaegar, Rshkopf,
R1 esberger, and Taylor, (I0). '
�Jr I Same read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for teh sale of Pranchiee'and pr1v11egfo
PP for the purpose of *rooting, operating end main taming an Electric Street Railway, In the
City of Peduosh, Kentuoky, On notion said Ordinance was given its second passage upon call of "
*haasgeBVBgeahapte}Beg}mgN*rsY-ImdaTayadrew{}B+roe*tv-Gs}}many-G4}sear-Ks}Br-Y*Rroewf-G*hi s-�
the roll by the following vote, Yens, Ingrm, Barnett Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, YaBr00m Cattle -
Is r, Rohkopf, RSgleoberger and Taylor, (I0),
, t►PP 04F7D SLP 1905
Oity CAenk . ,z.�0