HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 276, August 21, 1905Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. AUG 21:19(33 ..... ..... . ....... Cbuncal Proob qadhS AUG 21 1905., At a regular meeting of the IM&rd of Councilman,held In the+ t' ' I. ,., Connell I Chanber in thesity Nell to August with Yre�\Idsnt Ingram pro- aidlng,Upon call of the roll the fo red to their names,. llowl. lngr=,Agnow,Barmatt,oailman,ollaon.Xolb.ilartr,UoBroom Dahsahleage Robkopf,Riggleabe go —twelve.. r ' rl Taylor Mayor teed suit of Mar108 RIOttOn against the City of Paftoah,whloh was refliKedIIto the -city Soijoito It Novel areas, I d city 801101tor having bean Appointed an"'V Be I It. Jesse Zbe�llr. Alifled wa back tax oolleo%or# y the Be* peek T it Is ordered that ell flr ak�okm in the goaggsolon of Mr. X. a. ni �k for the year of 1904, Adopted. Treasurers/ Tax Boo &Is* the Oa Motion the Kotaou Nf. the mayor was conours&1m, in ligning the note In th#IP&dnp&h Book and Trust Co forregard to the Mayor' for the bmildingNt the new alty.80spital a & 00 a bin dug 1,1je _14t til ........ GI 7% 7: I VV ir eI -V J S y � , I x 4 I If- if Z 7 7� -'i�'•:.:ZI"e!'i�i`.l'� i :11.•�Ai.4:.-.. �"�1!rwY...... i ell �II Councll,...,.IlS 1ULroceedings, CitYofPeducah 190 . ... ...... :.::.ounc�I P -o�eedings _ At a reguier meeylna of the Board of Councilmen held in the Oounon Chamber In the • City Mall August the 21' I905, with President Ingram prodding and upon call of Lhe , roll the following answered ti their mores, Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, 011son, Kolb, McCarty, MaMBrom, Oehleahlseger,Rshkopf, Rlgleeborger and Taylor" 12,.. . The Mayor read suit against the city, from the Hog. courts tiled by Chas Klottens an - `•' / motin it was retered to the city Sonastor.. - -' me following motion was adopted, Be It reeieved moved whereas, Mr, James Campbell, l: rdA'ldgeCIY;been-wee -4 0 ir,wem- OITY SOLICITOR heveing been appointed, and qualified an 8sok Tex C0[r lector , It is ordered, that all the back tax books in the possession of Mr. g. H. r / Puryear, former City Solloltor, be turned over to Mr Campbell; and also It Is ordered { that the Tressurer/e tax book for the year'of I904, be also turned over to him, for I !` collection of ems, under the ordinance governlgg the back tax oollectlona, On motion the action of the Mayor was ooMoured Inregardto the note In the PvbkWt.T'7100�1 _,j��ir ✓ Bank and Trust CO, to pay the bill of 1Da, Karnea and CO, for the Now City Hospital, call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram, Agnew , Barnett, Oallman, i Bilsons kolb, McCarty, MaBrocat Oehlaahlaeger, Rahhopts Rigleeberger, and Taylor(I2),. l�upon On motion the coaccunioation in regard to the pavement around theCustom House ■ an resolved and filed:* and catered to the City Solicitor. The Mayor read a ommu mleatlon In regard to sending, Yeeers Alex Kirkland and My— S.A. FOWLER to Toledo; Ohio to attend the American League of Munlaipalitaea, on motion It was adopted,and the City to pay all expenses upon call of the roll by the following votes yeas, Bngrm, Agnew, Barnetty Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, MBBrom,. ' I Oehlechlaeger, Aehkopf, RSgleeborger and Taylor (I2), (/ Same reed a request from Yrs No E. Morgan In regard to building a wooden aide -wall / to a stable on the corner of 3' and nehington eta, on motion it was retered ;o the '!Ij''. joint Piro Committee,- / .Same read a request from the Board Of Public Works, In regard to cleanlmg up the City on notion -it was refered to the Sanitary Committee, 'I ' s ad s atlod in re d to lanl .Lh ell a and ask remleJ t m dbL_ Bin t w` B �- �-` �� Board o7-Publla.Soor earn read a request from property owners, On Goebel Ave, To drain same on motion It .wss retered to the Board Of Public Works, to gat the proper width of the street , i- Some,'steted that the City owned lots on Ellzibeth street and reoomended the sale of the Iota, on motion the Mayor was aurthorized to sell the loto and report back to the board for ratifications [[[[ E Same stated that he had Bold the property an Clay, Sts bets I0'and II• STs, to John •�'' Sinnott far $1,II0,00, an motion the action of the Mayor was ratified, upon call of the roil by the following vote, Yeas- Ingram, Agnew, Barnettm, Gellman, OS1oon,Kolb, . McCarty, Mo Broom, Oehlachlaeger, Rahkopt, Riglesbarger end Taylor.(I2). ,4 Sams stated that he hadewona is J.G. Brooke, �.H.3lghte, Dr.O.x, BroLhere ' ,. .or pr and A.E,Anapacher as members of the Board of Health, on motion his action wee ratifled, On motion the Board of Health was instructed to employ one more Sanitary Officer, for [a period of two months upon call of the roll Dy the following vote, Yeas, Ingram, Agnew, Gellman', 011eon, Kolb, Mo Carty, Mn Broom, Oehlaahlsager, Rehkopf, RSgleaDerger and Taylor,(IIQ Bare, Barnett (I). •, 'w( The Mayor reoomended that the City Physlcl an, be Burthorised to sign all Dille se O.K. . I' .that was presented for payment against the City Hospital fQW�t1►, on motion ems I was adopted, :. On motion, the allowances of the joint Finance Committee, for salaries, bills and ka, was .•'� allowed, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, galls man, Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, MOBraom, Oehlohlaegar� Rahko f, RigleeberRer and Taylar112), .I On motion the-aeeien-of-aha-0 the bill or the Paducah tMfg* Co, against the City Hostpltal, mounting top ¢7I3.2I. was allowed, upon call of the roll Dy the following vote, Yeas Ingram, AgSOp"�'lia'llman, OSlsan, Kolb, McCarty, Ya Broom, Oehlsohlaeger, Rehkopf, Rig- lesbarger and Taylor,(I2),. .. �A 11 Member, Aehkopf read an ordinmos entitled an ordinance to amond and re-onaot eeotfon 53'. of an ordinance entitled, 'An Ordinance fixing and regulatlnP licensee on various lines 0 business, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky' of callings, oocupaylons and profaeelons adopted b the Board of Councilmen on December p y� 7; 19e4, and by the Board of Alderman on December 9', I904. and approved by D, A. YSeeer, Mayor, and stteeted by Henery Bailey City Clark on December 130, 1904, On motion said Ordinance was given its second and final I ' yI f sH pasxage upon call of the roll by the following vote, yew, Ingram, Agnew, Barnl%tj r,;• r .`+ Council Proceedings, City of Paducah AUG 21105 ; 190 Gellman Gilson i• - .. .. p er , mgrem Kolb. McCarty, Nogroon,00hlschleager, Rehkopf, L � 1RSgleebergeT end Teylpr.'II2), r j'�_ /l Sams reed an the00dSlnos entitled an Ordinance providing for the orgiml can- ; on- S� 'r lotruction of the Sidewalks, Snoluding DurDe and gutters m Doth sides of4!�,•,.;,(.. !Jeftereon street, from the went curb line of`I4' and Jefterson'eLreste to QU IsseL curb line of IS' and Jefferson stasete, In the City. of Paducah Eentuoky�� .. - :;- "Leh Sidewalks to'be five feet wide and the curbs and gutter, to be what is ••-• ,� ID aamenI knoaaas• combined guttere and curbs• and all to be of grsaitoSA I - ..bona motion. on motion Said Ordinance was lven iuponba}}-et-eho-re}k-by-trhv-forrowtngrBYesa I ! ' 'its second end final passage upon call of the roil by followingwoLe •`'' +f" .-,Yeas, Ingram.Agnew, Barnett, Gallman,-Gilson, Ya Carty,.Yonroom, Oehlnahlasgq ,Z 4Rshkopf, RSgleabeiger and Ta$rlorv(I2), .i -^• 9 -Same reed sn Ordinance entLL}sd an Ordinance glveing to the general Coun- . Gi oil pf Paducah, Kentucky, the right to declare a quarantine,, and providing p 'tsoryh0i000eraemaYYmOpgdoom04ee-rega}si4saev-end-tie-saploymemhef San :for the.enforoemont of quarantine regulations, and the employment ofSanly r. It Officers and Inspectors. On motion said Ordinance was given Its first N 'r F. ? r- .passage upon call of the roll, by the.following vote, Yeas, Ingram ew, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, MoCartyp M,Broom, Oehleahlaeger, Rehkopf� jr •! r RI and Taylor,(I2). tt x t On owLioa the reoomendaLione of the License Inspector, was refared'to the CSy o r. Solicitor, License* Inspector and the Joint Ordinance Committee.. .On motion the Street Railway PrcnchleeMaintaining Rlectrlcty end Lha Pe Pranahlee Ordinances were held n7 up untill next meeting. F .ember Taylor read a request from property owners on Outhrle Ave,, on motion 'same was erfereA to the Board of Public Works. .- :• '1 ,�,� ee 'Y1 1 Y r „ r {The f6od a request from the Board;of Pollee and Piro Commleeionera to have ktw-more Zxtra.Police put on the Police Department, M•ae extra police! Oa r i motidn It was kjAelvedrflled and conaured-in. ' iF ( ,it!feWQ4j tn{lpa8gV2rWje80 eor'9iie�kt�dAm y Ir m6vime a `c: v . lO J' r ' IS' and Ijp' STS, on motion same was refered to the Paducah, Watre-Co. , �' w ;, t7. ,l a H \, Same read a request from Chas M. grear to transfer his lotn Oak Grove Cemetery, lot # 38 in block, C. to R. 0, Terrell, on motion his be- quest was granted.er Mr. James Campbell, Jr. offered as his bondmen an �city Sollaltor, James Campbell Sr, and W. P. BRADSHAW#, Jr, on motion , hl bondmen were accepted as they had been voted upon and accepted perato and collective, upon call of the roll by the following, vote, SuggrjngshhgpRgnmkQlOahimgap OdieBnyli,lb, McCarty, YOBroom. Dehlaoh BaIDeoffered ae hie bond as Delinquent Tex Collector the Title Baurenty ad - � r, ' .,and{'fruaL�Co, of Scranton Pe, on motion said bond was accepted, upon cell i{4 of *the roll by the following, vote, Yeas, Ingram, Agnew, Gallman, Gilson, t1 Kolb, McCarty, McBroom, Oehlaohleoger, Rehkopf, Riglesberger and Sajlor, (12)._ fire/ The matter In regard to putting gravel In the ally back of Shaltm 1@yx.+f't� tyr Bre/s was declared out of order by the President. - !� yr �Iti Member YaBroom'reported'that etagmLow' water wee Standing an Jefferson at abeyond Fountain Ave, also on Trimble at bet, On said y' ate, on motion ,ams y {„ was refered to the Board of Public Worke''and the Street Inspector, to aball .abate ams.gFounde . .. .. .. .. gams reported that the colored public buring'in Oak Grove Cemetery, was running short or space, on it was refered to the City BhgaOar to lay off g ground in the new Cemetery. ,on motion Tho erd Adjourned. S ..1905 w ` SEr'• 1905 R"077 -MEP ail r r { S r�. .. `^" A ..d OLrr� ,, t }ti r , ' I / r�r 1 t114' x, r4 �.i , il�r \�,r \i r riLt �t1�� {) '-,, •i. + �C r.. , .. " ,, f'n .!(y,,,h St �Y� 4.(Y' rJ'Ld •r. � t1 +,t i.t' Wr 'r .,. 1,, > y ,. r J M t �!}a. f , � i$e rr4 "+m Y%'iA\ LI •' a t/. , ,. f . f r i L Y ,J t ,r, ♦ _ , h1